app/views/heart/dashboards/default.html.haml in heart-0.0.1.pre vs app/views/heart/dashboards/default.html.haml in heart-0.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,32 +1,23 @@
- %fieldset
- %legend
- All Metrics
- .span-22.last
- #overlay.black_overlay
- #loadingGif.overlay_content.fancy
- Loading...
- #description_div.span-20.suffix-1.prefix-1.fancy
- = render 'graph_options'
- #flot.span-22.yspan-10
- = render 'annotation'
- #flotlegend.span-21.light-contrast
- .span-21.prefix-1.last
- = form_tag(dashboards_path, :id => 'heartform', :autocomplete => 'off') do
- = hidden_field_tag 'dashboard_id', @dashboard ? : 0, {:id => 'dashboard_id'}
- = render 'heart_form', :metrics => @metrics
- Custom Description (255 char)
- %br
- = form_tag(dashboards_path) do
- = hidden_field 'annotation', 'fulldate'
- = hidden_field_tag 'dashboard_id', @dashboard ? : 0
- = text_area 'custom', 'description', :cols => 75, :rows => 3, :onchange => "HEART.description()"
- Link to this:
- <input type="text" id="linkto" value="" style="width:400px" class="whisper" onfocus=""/>
- %br
- %br
- %br
- %br
+ .span-22.last
+ #overlay.black_overlay
+ #loadingGif.overlay_content.fancy
+ Loading...
+ #description_div.span-12.suffix-1.prefix-1
+ #description_div_form.span-12.suffix-1.prefix-1.hidden
+ = form_tag(dashboards_path) do
+ = hidden_field 'annotation', 'fulldate'
+ = hidden_field_tag 'dashboard_id', @dashboard ? : 0
+ = text_field 'custom', 'description', :onchange => "HEART.description()"
+ = render 'graph_options'
+ #flot.span-22.yspan-10
+ = render 'annotation'
+ #flotlegend_wrapper.span-13.light-contrast
+ #flotlegend
+ .flotlegend_note.fancy
+ Choose a metric from below and hit the graph button.
+ .span-21.prefix-1.last
+ = form_tag(dashboards_path, :id => 'heartform', :autocomplete => 'off') do
+ = hidden_field_tag 'dashboard_id', @dashboard ? : 0, {:id => 'dashboard_id'}
+ = render 'heart_form', :metrics => @metrics
\ No newline at end of file