lib/healthcare_phony/address.rb in healthcare_phony-0.4.1 vs lib/healthcare_phony/address.rb in healthcare_phony-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
# country - Allows specification of the Address country. Is blank by default.
# address_type - Allows specification of the Address type.
# address_type_data_file - YAML file containing address types to randomly choose from if different options than
# those that come with gem are desired.
# See {address_type.yml}[]
- def initialize(**init_args)
+ def initialize(init_args = {})
@set_blank = !init_args[:blank].nil? && Helper.random_with_blank('X', init_args[:blank]) == ''
@state = init_args[:state]
@country = init_args[:country]
@address_type_data_file = init_args[:address_type_data_file]
@address_type = init_args[:address_type]