templates/cat1/r5/_measures.cat1.erb in health-data-standards-4.1.0 vs templates/cat1/r5/_measures.cat1.erb in health-data-standards-4.2.0

- old
+ new

@@ -56,38 +56,38 @@ <setId root="<%= measure.hqmf_set_id %>"/> <!-- This is the sequential eMeasure Version number --> <versionNumber value="<%= measure.hqmf_version_number %>"/> </externalDocument> </reference> - </organizer> - + <% # Only want the epxected values when running from Bonnie if patient.respond_to?('expected_values_for_qrda_export') -%> - <component> + <% # # Going to assume that any expected_value > 0 is a TRUE # # As per HL7 CDA R2:QRDA I, R1, STU Release 3.1, US Realm, Vol. 2 —Templates and Supporting Material # # Set negationInd="false" to assert true (that the criteria are met by the included data). Set negationInd="true" to assert false (that the criteria are not met by the included data). # # QRDA expects IPOP instead of IPP. qrda_expected_values = patient.expected_values_for_qrda_export(measure) qrda_expected_values.each do |qev| -%> + <component> <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN" negationInd="<%= qev[:expected_value] == '0' ? 'true' : 'false' %>"> <code code="ASSERTION" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4"/> <value xsi:type="CD" code="<%= qev[:code] == 'IPP' ? 'IPOP' : qev[:code] %>" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4" - codeSystemName="ActCode" - displayName="<%= qev[:display_name] %>"/> + codeSystemName="ActCode"/> <!-- Explicit reference to the eMeasure population (because some eMeasures have multiple Numerators, etc --> <reference typeCode="REFR"> <externalObservation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN"> <id root="<%= qev[:hqmf_id] %>"/> </externalObservation> </reference> </observation> + </component> <% end -%> - </component> <% end -%> + </organizer> </entry> <% end -%> </section> </component>