lib/hqmf-parser/2.0/document.rb in health-data-standards-3.6.1 vs lib/hqmf-parser/2.0/document.rb in health-data-standards-3.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,280 +1,304 @@
module HQMF2
# Class representing an HQMF document
class Document
+ include HQMF2::Utilities, HQMF2::DocumentUtilities
+ NAMESPACES = { 'cda' => 'urn:hl7-org:v3',
+ 'xsi' => '',
+ 'qdm' => 'urn:hhs-qdm:hqmf-r2-extensions:v1' }
- include HQMF2::Utilities
- NAMESPACES = {'cda' => 'urn:hl7-org:v3', 'xsi' => ''}
+ attr_reader :measure_period, :id, :hqmf_set_id, :hqmf_version_number, :populations, :attributes,
+ :source_data_criteria
- attr_reader :measure_period, :id, :hqmf_set_id, :hqmf_version_number, :populations, :attributes, :source_data_criteria
- # Create a new HQMF2::Document instance by parsing at file at the supplied path
- # @param [String] path the path to the HQMF document
- def initialize(hqmf_contents)
- @doc = @entry = Document.parse(hqmf_contents)
- @id = attr_val('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:id/@extension')
- @hqmf_set_id = attr_val('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:setId/@extension')
- @hqmf_version_number = attr_val('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:versionNumber/@value').to_i
- measure_period_def = @doc.at_xpath('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:controlVariable/cda:measurePeriod/cda:value', NAMESPACES)
- if measure_period_def
- @measure_period =
- end
- # Extract measure attributes
- @attributes = @doc.xpath('/cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:subjectOf/cda:measureAttribute', NAMESPACES).collect do |attribute|
- id = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:id/@root', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
- code = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code/@code', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
- name = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code/cda:displayName/@value', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
- value = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@value', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
+ # Create a new HQMF2::Document instance by parsing the given HQMF contents
+ # @param [String] containing the HQMF contents to be parsed
+ def initialize(hqmf_contents, use_default_measure_period = true)
+ setup_default_values(hqmf_contents, use_default_measure_period)
- id_obj = nil
- if attribute.at_xpath('./cda:id', NAMESPACES)
- id_obj ='./cda:id/@xsi:type', NAMESPACES).try(:value), id, attribute.at_xpath('./cda:id/@extension', NAMESPACES).try(:value))
- end
+ extract_criteria
- code_obj = nil;
- if attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code', NAMESPACES)
- nullFlavor = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code/@nullFlavor', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
- oText = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code/cda:originalText', NAMESPACES) ? attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code/cda:originalText/@value', NAMESPACES).try(:value) : nil
- code_obj ='./cda:code/@xsi:type', NAMESPACES).try(:value) || 'CD',
- attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code/@codeSystem', NAMESPACES).try(:value),
- code,
- attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code/@valueSet', NAMESPACES).try(:value),
- name,
- nullFlavor,
- oText)
- # Mapping for nil values to align with 1.0 parsing
- if code == nil
- code = nullFlavor
- end
- if name == nil
- name = oText
- end
- end
- value_obj = nil
- if attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value', NAMESPACES)
- type = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@xsi:type', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
- case type
- when 'II'
- value_obj =, attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@root', NAMESPACES).try(:value), attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@extension', NAMESPACES).try(:value))
- if value == nil
- value = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@extension', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
- end
- when 'ED'
- value_obj =, value, attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@mediaType', NAMESPACES).try(:value))
- when 'CD'
- value_obj ='CD', attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@codeSystem', NAMESPACES).try(:value), attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@code', NAMESPACES).try(:value), attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@valueSet', NAMESPACES).try(:value), attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/cda:displayName/@value', NAMESPACES).try(:value))
- else
- value_obj = value.present? ?, value) :
- end
- end
- # Handle the cms_id
- if name == "eMeasure Identifier"
- @cms_id = "CMS#{value}v#{@hqmf_version_number}"
- end
-, code, value, nil, name, id_obj, code_obj, value_obj)
- end
- # Extract the data criteria
- @data_criteria = []
- @source_data_criteria = []
- @doc.xpath('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:component/cda:dataCriteriaSection/cda:entry', NAMESPACES).each do |entry|
- criteria =
- if criteria.is_source_data_criteria
- @source_data_criteria << criteria
- else
- @data_criteria << criteria
- end
- end
# Extract the population criteria and population collections
- @populations = []
- @population_criteria = []
- population_counters = {}
- ids_by_hqmf_id = {}
- @doc.xpath('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:component/cda:populationCriteriaSection', NAMESPACES).each_with_index do |population_def, population_index|
- population = {}
+ pop_helper =, @doc, self, @id_generator, @reference_ids)
+ @populations, @population_criteria = pop_helper.extract_populations_and_criteria
- stratifier_id_def = population_def.at_xpath('cda:templateId/cda:item[@root="'+HQMF::Document::STRATIFIED_POPULATION_TEMPLATE_ID+'"]/@controlInformationRoot', NAMESPACES)
- population['stratification'] = stratifier_id_def.value if stratifier_id_def
- {
- HQMF::PopulationCriteria::IPP => 'initialPopulationCriteria',
- HQMF::PopulationCriteria::DENOM => 'denominatorCriteria',
- HQMF::PopulationCriteria::NUMER => 'numeratorCriteria',
- HQMF::PopulationCriteria::DENEXCEP => 'denominatorExceptionCriteria',
- HQMF::PopulationCriteria::DENEX => 'denominatorExclusionCriteria',
- HQMF::PopulationCriteria::STRAT => 'stratifierCriteria',
- HQMF::PopulationCriteria::MSRPOPL => 'measurePopulationCriteria'
- }.each_pair do |criteria_id, criteria_element_name|
- criteria_def = population_def.at_xpath("cda:component[cda:#{criteria_element_name}]", NAMESPACES)
- if criteria_def
- criteria =, self)
- # check to see if we have an identical population criteria.
- # this can happen since the hqmf 2.0 will export a DENOM, NUMER, etc for each population, even if identical.
- # if we have identical, just re-use it rather than creating DENOM_1, NUMER_1, etc.
- identical = {|pc| pc.to_model.base_json.to_json == criteria.to_model.base_json.to_json}
- if (identical.empty?)
- # this section constructs a human readable id. The first IPP will be IPP, the second will be IPP_1, etc. This allows the populations to be
- # more readable. The alternative would be to have the hqmf ids in the populations, which would work, but is difficult to read the populations.
- if ids_by_hqmf_id["#{criteria.hqmf_id}-#{population['stratification']}"]
- criteria.create_human_readable_id(ids_by_hqmf_id[criteria.hqmf_id])
- else
- if population_counters[criteria_id]
- population_counters[criteria_id] += 1
- criteria.create_human_readable_id("#{criteria_id}_#{population_counters[criteria_id]}")
- else
- population_counters[criteria_id] = 0
- criteria.create_human_readable_id(criteria_id)
- end
- ids_by_hqmf_id["#{criteria.hqmf_id}-#{population['stratification']}"] =
- end
- @population_criteria << criteria
- population[criteria_id] =
- else
- population[criteria_id] =
- end
- end
- end
- id_def = population_def.at_xpath('cda:id/@extension', NAMESPACES)
- population['id'] = id_def ? id_def.value : "Population#{population_index}"
- title_def = population_def.at_xpath('cda:title/@value', NAMESPACES)
- population['title'] = title_def ? title_def.value : "Population #{population_index}"
- observation_section = @doc.xpath('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:component/cda:measureObservationsSection', NAMESPACES)
- if !observation_section.empty?
- population['OBSERV'] = 'OBSERV'
- end
- @populations << population
+ # Remove any data criteria from the main data criteria list that already has an equivalent member
+ # and no references to it. The goal of this is to remove any data criteria that should not
+ # be purely a source.
+ @data_criteria.reject! do |dc|
+ criteria_covered_by_criteria?(dc)
- #look for observation data in separate section but create a population for it if it exists
- observation_section = @doc.xpath('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:component/cda:measureObservationsSection', NAMESPACES)
- if !observation_section.empty?
- observation_section.xpath("cda:definition",NAMESPACES).each do |criteria_def|
- criteria_id = "OBSERV"
- population = {}
- criteria =, self)
- criteria.type="OBSERV"
- # this section constructs a human readable id. The first IPP will be IPP, the second will be IPP_1, etc. This allows the populations to be
- # more readable. The alternative would be to have the hqmf ids in the populations, which would work, but is difficult to read the populations.
- if ids_by_hqmf_id["#{criteria.hqmf_id}"]
- criteria.create_human_readable_id(ids_by_hqmf_id[criteria.hqmf_id])
- else
- if population_counters[criteria_id]
- population_counters[criteria_id] += 1
- criteria.create_human_readable_id("#{criteria_id}_#{population_counters[criteria_id]}")
- else
- population_counters[criteria_id] = 0
- criteria.create_human_readable_id(criteria_id)
- end
- ids_by_hqmf_id["#{criteria.hqmf_id}"] =
- end
- @population_criteria << criteria
- population[criteria_id] =
- @populations << population
- end
- end
# Get the title of the measure
# @return [String] the title
def title
@doc.at_xpath('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:title/@value', NAMESPACES).inner_text
# Get the description of the measure
# @return [String] the description
def description
description = @doc.at_xpath('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:text/@value', NAMESPACES)
- description==nil ? '' : description.inner_text
+ description.nil? ? '' : description.inner_text
# Get all the population criteria defined by the measure
# @return [Array] an array of HQMF2::PopulationCriteria
def all_population_criteria
# Get a specific population criteria by id.
# @param [String] id the population identifier
# @return [HQMF2::PopulationCriteria] the matching criteria, raises an Exception if not found
def population_criteria(id)
find(@population_criteria, :id, id)
# Get all the data criteria defined by the measure
# @return [Array] an array of HQMF2::DataCriteria describing the data elements used by the measure
def all_data_criteria
# Get a specific data criteria by id.
# @param [String] id the data criteria identifier
# @return [HQMF2::DataCriteria] the matching data criteria, raises an Exception if not found
def data_criteria(id)
find(@data_criteria, :id, id)
- # Parse an XML document from the supplied contents
+ # Adds data criteria to the Document's criteria list
+ # needed so data criteria can be added to a document from other objects
+ def add_data_criteria(dc)
+ @data_criteria << dc
+ end
+ # Finds a data criteria by it's local variable name
+ def find_criteria_by_lvn(local_variable_name)
+ find(@data_criteria, :local_variable_name, local_variable_name)
+ end
+ # Get ids of data criteria directly referenced by others
+ # @return [Array] an array of ids of directly referenced data criteria
+ def all_reference_ids
+ @reference_ids
+ end
+ # Adds id of a data criteria to the list of reference ids
+ def add_reference_id(id)
+ @reference_ids << id
+ end
+ # Parse an XML document from the supplied contents
# @return [Nokogiri::XML::Document]
def self.parse(hqmf_contents)
- doc = hqmf_contents.kind_of?(Nokogiri::XML::Document) ? hqmf_contents : Nokogiri::XML(hqmf_contents)
+ doc = hqmf_contents.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Document) ? hqmf_contents : Nokogiri::XML(hqmf_contents)
doc.root.add_namespace_definition('cda', 'urn:hl7-org:v3')
+ # Generates this classes hqmf-model equivalent
def to_model
+ dcs = all_data_criteria.collect(&:to_model)
+ pcs = all_population_criteria.collect(&:to_model)
+ sdc = source_data_criteria.collect(&:to_model)
+, @id, @hqmf_set_id, @hqmf_version_number, @cms_id,
+ title, description, pcs, dcs, sdc,
+ @attributes, @measure_period, @populations)
+ end
- dcs = all_data_criteria.collect {|dc| dc.to_model}
- pcs = all_population_criteria.collect {|pc| pc.to_model}
- sdc = source_data_criteria.collect{|dc| dc.to_model}
- dcs = update_data_criteria(dcs, sdc)
-, id, hqmf_set_id, hqmf_version_number, @cms_id, title, description, pcs, dcs, sdc, attributes, measure_period.to_model, populations)
+ # Finds an element within the collection given that has an instance variable or method of "attribute" with a value
+ # of "value"
+ def find(collection, attribute, value)
+ collection.find { |e| e.send(attribute) == value }
- # Update the data criteria to handle variables properly
- def update_data_criteria(data_criteria, source_data_criteria)
- # step through each criteria and look for groupers (type derived) with one child
- do |criteria|
- if criteria.type == "derived".to_sym && criteria.children_criteria.length == 1
- source_data_criteria.each do |source_criteria|
- if source_criteria.title == criteria.children_criteria[0]
- criteria.children_criteria = source_criteria.children_criteria
- #if criteria.is_same_type?(source_criteria)
- criteria.update_copy( source_criteria.hard_status, source_criteria.title, source_criteria.description,
- source_criteria.derivation_operator, source_criteria.definition )#, occur_letter )
- end
- end
- end
- criteria
- end
+ private
+ # Handles setup of the base values of the document, defined here as ones that are either
+ # obtained from the xml directly or with limited parsing
+ def setup_default_values(hqmf_contents, use_default_measure_period)
+ @id_generator =
+ @doc = @entry = Document.parse(hqmf_contents)
+ @id = attr_val('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:id/@extension') ||
+ attr_val('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:id/@root').upcase
+ @hqmf_set_id = attr_val('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:setId/@extension') ||
+ attr_val('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:setId/@root').upcase
+ @hqmf_version_number = attr_val('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:versionNumber/@value')
+ # TODO: -- figure out if this is the correct thing to do -- probably not, but is
+ # necessary to get the bonnie comparison to work. Currently
+ # defaulting measure period to a period of 1 year from 2012 to 2013 this is overriden during
+ # calculation with correct year information . Need to investigate parsing mp from meaures.
+ @measure_period = extract_measure_period_or_default(use_default_measure_period)
+ # Extract measure attributes
+ # TODO: Review
+ @attributes = @doc.xpath('/cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:subjectOf/cda:measureAttribute', NAMESPACES)
+ .collect do |attribute|
+ read_attribute(attribute)
+ end
+ @data_criteria = []
+ @source_data_criteria = []
+ @data_criteria_references = {}
+ @occurrences_map = {}
+ # Used to keep track of referenced data criteria ids
+ @reference_ids = []
+ # Extracts a measure period from the document or returns the default measure period
+ # (if the default value is set to true).
+ def extract_measure_period_or_default(default)
+ if default
+ mp_low ='TS', nil, '201201010000', nil, nil, nil)
+ mp_high ='TS', nil, '201212312359', nil, nil, nil)
+ mp_width ='PQ', 'a', '1', nil, nil, nil)
+, mp_high, mp_width)
+ else
+ measure_period_def = @doc.at_xpath('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:controlVariable/cda:measurePeriod/cda:value',
+ if measure_period_def
+ end
+ end
+ # Handles parsing the attributes of the document
+ def read_attribute(attribute)
+ id = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:id/@root', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
+ code = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code/@code', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
+ name = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code/cda:displayName/@value', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
+ value = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@value', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
+ id_obj = nil
+ if attribute.at_xpath('./cda:id', NAMESPACES)
+ id_obj ='./cda:id/@xsi:type', NAMESPACES).try(:value),
+ id,
+ attribute.at_xpath('./cda:id/@extension', NAMESPACES).try(:value))
+ end
+ code_obj = nil
+ if attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code', NAMESPACES)
+ code_obj, null_flavor, o_text = handle_attribute_code(attribute, code, name)
+ # Mapping for nil values to align with 1.0 parsing
+ code = null_flavor if code.nil?
+ name = o_text if name.nil?
+ end
+ value_obj = nil
+ value_obj = handle_attribute_value(attribute, value) if attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value', NAMESPACES)
+ # Handle the cms_id
+ @cms_id = "CMS#{value}v#{@hqmf_version_number.to_i}" if name.include? 'eMeasure Identifier'
+, code, value, nil, name, id_obj, code_obj, value_obj)
+ end
+ # Extracts the code used by a particular attribute
+ def handle_attribute_code(attribute, code, name)
+ null_flavor = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code/@nullFlavor', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
+ o_text = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code/cda:originalText/@value', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
+ code_obj ='./cda:code/@xsi:type', NAMESPACES).try(:value) || 'CD',
+ attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code/@codeSystem', NAMESPACES).try(:value),
+ code,
+ attribute.at_xpath('./cda:code/@valueSet', NAMESPACES).try(:value),
+ name,
+ null_flavor,
+ o_text)
+ [code_obj, null_flavor, o_text]
+ end
+ # Extracts the value used by a particular attribute
+ def handle_attribute_value(attribute, value)
+ type = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@xsi:type', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
+ case type
+ when 'II'
+ if value.nil?
+ value = attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@extension', NAMESPACES).try(:value)
+ end
+ attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@root', NAMESPACES).try(:value),
+ attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@extension', NAMESPACES).try(:value))
+ when 'ED'
+, value, attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@mediaType', NAMESPACES).try(:value))
+ when 'CD'
+ attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@codeSystem', NAMESPACES).try(:value),
+ attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@code', NAMESPACES).try(:value),
+ attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/@valueSet', NAMESPACES).try(:value),
+ attribute.at_xpath('./cda:value/cda:displayName/@value', NAMESPACES).try(:value))
+ else
+ value.present? ?, value) :
+ end
+ end
+ def extract_criteria
+ # Extract the data criteria
+ extracted_criteria = []
+ @doc.xpath('cda:QualityMeasureDocument/cda:component/cda:dataCriteriaSection/cda:entry', NAMESPACES)
+ .each do |entry|
+ extracted_criteria << entry
+ end
+ # Extract the source data criteria from data criteria
+ @source_data_criteria, collapsed_source_data_criteria = SourceDataCriteriaHelper.get_source_data_criteria_list(
+ extracted_criteria, @data_criteria_references, @occurrences_map)
+ extracted_criteria.each do |entry|
+ criteria =, @data_criteria_references, @occurrences_map)
+ handle_data_criteria(criteria, collapsed_source_data_criteria)
+ @data_criteria << criteria
+ end
+ end
+ def handle_data_criteria(criteria, collapsed_source_data_criteria)
+ # Sometimes there are multiple criteria with the same ID, even though they're different; in the HQMF
+ # criteria refer to parent criteria via outboundRelationship, using an extension (aka ID) and a root;
+ # we use just the extension to follow the reference, and build the lookup hash using that; since they
+ # can repeat, we wind up overwriting some content. This becomes important when we want, for example,
+ # the code_list_id and we overwrite the parent with the code_list_id with a child with the same ID
+ # without the code_list_id. As a temporary approach, we only overwrite a data criteria reference if
+ # it doesn't have a code_list_id. As a longer term approach we may want to use the root for lookups.
+ if criteria && (@data_criteria_references[].try(:code_list_id).nil?)
+ @data_criteria_references[] = criteria
+ end
+ if collapsed_source_data_criteria.key?(
+ candidate = find(all_data_criteria, :id, collapsed_source_data_criteria[])
+ # derived criteria should not be collapsed... they do not have enough info to be collapsed and may cross into the wrong criteria
+ # only add the collapsed as a source for derived if it is stripped of any temporal references, fields, etc. to make sure we don't cross into an incorrect source
+ if ((criteria.definition != 'derived') || (!candidate.nil? && SourceDataCriteriaHelper.already_stripped?(candidate)))
+ criteria.instance_variable_set(:@source_data_criteria, collapsed_source_data_criteria[])
+ end
+ end
+ handle_variable(criteria, collapsed_source_data_criteria) if criteria.variable
+ handle_specific_source_data_criteria_reference(criteria)
+ @reference_ids.concat(criteria.children_criteria)
+ if criteria.temporal_references
+ criteria.temporal_references.each do |tr|
+ @reference_ids << if != HQMF::Document::MEASURE_PERIOD_ID
+ end
+ end
+ end
- private
- def find(collection, attribute, value)
- collection.find {|e| e.send(attribute)==value}
+ # For specific occurrence data criteria, make sure the source data criteria reference points
+ # to the correct source data criteria.
+ def handle_specific_source_data_criteria_reference(criteria)
+ original_sdc = find(@source_data_criteria, :id, criteria.source_data_criteria)
+ updated_sdc = find(@source_data_criteria, :id,
+ if !updated_sdc.nil? && !criteria.specific_occurrence.nil? && (original_sdc.nil? || original_sdc.specific_occurrence.nil?)
+ criteria.instance_variable_set(:@source_data_criteria,
+ end
+ return if original_sdc.nil?
+ if (criteria.specific_occurrence && !original_sdc.specific_occurrence)
+ original_sdc.instance_variable_set(:@specific_occurrence, criteria.specific_occurrence)
+ original_sdc.instance_variable_set(:@specific_occurrence_const, criteria.specific_occurrence_const)
+ original_sdc.instance_variable_set(:@code_list_id, criteria.code_list_id)
+ end