app/views/headmin/table/_actions.html.erb in headmin-0.2.5 vs app/views/headmin/table/_actions.html.erb in headmin-0.2.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,26 +1,52 @@
+ # headmin/table/actions
+ #
+ # The form action url is dynamically set when switching between actions.
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ # Basic version
+ # <%= render 'headmin/table/actions' do %#>
+ # <%= render 'headmin/table/actions/delete', url: destroy_admin_pages_path %#>
+ # <% end %#>
+ selection_count = content_for(:collection_total_count).to_i || 0
<% content_for :table_actions do %>
- <th class="h-table-actions d-none" data-controller="table-actions" data-table-target="actions">
- <form data-table-actions-target="form" method="post">
- <%= hidden_field_tag :_method, :post, 'data-table-actions-target': 'method' %>
- <%= hidden_field_tag :authenticity_token, form_authenticity_token %>
+ <th class="h-table-actions d-none" data-controller="table-actions" data-table-actions-target="wrapper" data-table-target="actions">
+ <%= form_with data: { 'table-actions-target': 'form' } do |form| %>
+ <%= form.hidden_field :authenticity_token, value: form_authenticity_token %>
+ <%= form.hidden_field :_method, value: 'POST', 'data-table-actions-target': 'method' %>
+ <%= query_parameter_fields(form) %>
- <template data-table-target="idFieldTemplate">
- <%= hidden_field_tag('ids[]', 'ID', multiple: true, id: 'ids_ID') %>
+ <template data-table-actions-target="idInputTemplate">
+ <%= form.hidden_field :ids, value: 'ID', multiple: true, 'data-table-actions-target': 'id' %>
<div class="row g-1">
<div class="col-6 col-sm-auto">
- <select class="form-select me-1" data-table-actions-target="select" data-action="change->table-actions#update">
- <option disabled selected="selected"><%= t('.selection') %></option>
- <%= yield if block_given? %>
- </select>
+ <div class="d-flex align-items-center gap-3">
+ <label class="text-nowrap"
+ data-table-actions-target="counter"
+ data-total-count="<%= selection_count %>"
+ data-items-zero="<%= t('.items_html', count: 0) %>"
+ data-items-one="<%= t('.items_html', count: 1) %>"
+ data-items-other="<%= t('.items_html', count: 2) %>"
+ >
+ <%= t('.items_html', count: selection_count) %>
+ </label>
+ <select class="form-select me-1" data-table-actions-target="select" data-action="change->table-actions#update">
+ <option disabled selected="selected"><%= t('.selection') %></option>
+ <%= yield if block_given? %>
+ </select>
+ </div>
<div class="col-6 col-sm-auto">
<button class="btn h-btn-outline-light w-100" type="submit" data-table-actions-target="button" disabled>
<%= t('.apply') %>
- </form>
+ <% end %>
<% end %>
\ No newline at end of file