example/config.ru in happy-0.1.0.pre25 vs example/config.ru in happy-0.1.0.pre27
- old
+ new
@@ -5,10 +5,12 @@
require 'happy'
require 'happy/extras/action_controller'
require 'happy/extras/resource_controller'
+require 'haml'
# Controllers are the core building blocks of Happy applications.
# They're also just Rack apps, so in any Happy app, you will
# declare at least a "root" controller class and run that through Rack.
class TestApp < Happy::Controller
@@ -22,10 +24,12 @@
# Usually, you'd use the #path method to specify code to be executed if
# a certain path was requested; in this app, we're using a custom #example
# method, that does the same thing but also records the example in a hash
# so we can generated a "table of contents" in index.erb.
+ set :views, File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/views")
def route
example 'Returning just a string' do
"I'm just a string!"
@@ -118,10 +122,19 @@
example 'ResourceController' do
run ResourceTest
+ example "Block Helpers" do
+ on('erb') { render 'block_helpers.erb' }
+ on('haml') { render 'block_helpers.haml' }
+ end
render 'index.erb'
+ end
+ def blockquotify(&blk)
+ concat_output html_tag(:blockquote) { capture_template_block(&blk) }
def examples; @examples ||= {}; end
def example(name, path_name = nil, &blk)