lib/hanami/routes.rb in hanami-2.0.0.beta2 vs lib/hanami/routes.rb in hanami-2.0.0.beta3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "hanami/slice/router"
module Hanami
# App routes
# Users are expected to inherit from this class to define their app
# routes.
@@ -12,40 +14,65 @@
# require "hanami/routes"
# module MyApp
# class Routes < Hanami::Routes
- # define do
- # root to: ""
- # end
+ # root to: ""
# end
# end
- # See {Hanami::Slice::Router} for the syntax allowed within the
- # `define` block.
+ # See {Hanami::Slice::Router} for the syntax allowed within the `define` block.
# @see Hanami::Slice::Router
# @since 2.0.0
class Routes
- # Defines app routes
- #
- # @yield DSL syntax to define app routes executed in the context
- # of {Hanami::Slice::Router}
- #
- # @return [Proc]
- def self.define(&block)
- @_routes = block
- end
# @api private
def self.routes
- @_routes || raise(<<~MSG)
- Routes need to be defined before being able to fetch them. E.g.,
- define do
- slice :main, at: "/" do
- root to: ""
+ @routes ||= build_routes
+ end
+ class << self
+ # @api private
+ def build_routes(definitions = self.definitions)
+ return if definitions.empty?
+ proc do
+ definitions.each do |(name, args, kwargs, block)|
+ if block
+ public_send(name, *args, **kwargs, &block)
+ else
+ public_send(name, *args, **kwargs)
+ end
+ end
+ # @api private
+ def definitions
+ @definitions ||= []
+ end
+ private
+ # @api private
+ def supported_methods
+ @supported_methods ||= Slice::Router.public_instance_methods
+ end
+ # @api private
+ def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = false)
+ supported_methods.include?(name) || super
+ end
+ # Capture all method calls that are supported by the router DSL
+ # so that it can be evaluated lazily during configuration/boot
+ # process
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def method_missing(name, *args, **kwargs, &block)
+ return super unless respond_to?(name)
+ definitions << [name, args, kwargs, block]
+ self
+ end