in hanami-router-2.0.0.alpha6 vs in hanami-router-2.0.0.beta1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,49 +1,77 @@
# Hanami::Router
Rack compatible HTTP router for Ruby
+## v2.0.0.beta1 - 2022-07-20
+### Added
+- [Marc Busqué] Introduced `Hanami::Router::Formatter::CSV` for CSV inspection of the routes
+### Fixed
+- [Marc Busqué] Routes inspection: Don't print empty line after the definition of a `get` route
+- [Marc Busqué] Routes inspection: Print `<controller>.<action>` instead of `(proc)`
+- [Marc Busqué] Routes inspection: Print `(block)` instead of `NilClass` when inspecting a route block
## v2.0.0.alpha6 - 2022-02-10
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Official support for MRI 3.1
- [Luca Guidi] Parse non-GET request body and make it available in Rack env under the `router.params` key. For JSON requests, please use `Hanami:::Middleware::JsonParser`
### Changed
- [Luca Guidi] Drop support for Ruby: MRI 2.6, and 2.7.
## v2.0.0.alpha5 - 2021-05-04
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Hanami::Router#to_inspect` which returns a string blob with all the routes formatted for human readability
## v2.0.0.alpha4 - 2021-01-16
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Official support for MRI 3.0
- [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Hanami::Middleware::BodyParser::Parser` as superclass for body parsers
- [Paweł Świątkowski] Added `not_found:` option to `Hanami::Router#initialize` to customize HTTP 404 status
## v2.0.0.alpha3 - 2020-05-20
### Fixed
- [Luca Guidi] `Hanami::Router#initialize` do not yield block if not given
- [Luca Guidi] Ensure to not accidentally cache response headers for HTTP 404 and 405
- [Luca Guidi] Ensure scoped root to not be added as trailing slash
## v2.0.0.alpha2 - 2020-02-19
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Block syntax. Routes definition accept a block which returning value is the body of the Rack response.
- [Luca Guidi] Added `resolver:` option to `Hanami::Router#initialize` to provide your own strategy to load endpoints.
### Changed
- [Luca Guidi] Removed `Hanami::Router#resource` and `#resources`.
- [Luca Guidi] Removed loading of routes endpoints.
- [Luca Guidi] Removed `inflector:` from `Hanami::Router#initialize`
- [Luca Guidi] Removed `scheme:`, `host:`, `port:` from `Hanami::Router#initialize`, use `base_url:` instead.
## v2.0.0.alpha1 - 2019-01-30
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Introduce `Hanami::Router#scope` to support single routing tier for Hanami
- [Semyon Pupkov] Added `inflector:` option for `Hanami::Router#initialize` based on `dry-inflector`
### Changed
- [Luca Guidi] Drop support for Ruby: MRI 2.3, and 2.4.
- [Luca Guidi] Renamed `Hanami::Router#namespace` => `#prefix`
- [Gustavo Caso] Remove body cleanup for `HEAD` requests
- [Semyon Pupkov] Remove the ability to force SSL (`force_ssl:` option for `Hanami::Router#initialize`)
- [Gustavo Caso] Remove router body parsers (`parsers:` option for `Hanami::Router#initialize`)
@@ -51,29 +79,38 @@
- [Luca Guidi] Router is frozen after initialization
- [Luca Guidi] All the code base respects the frozen string pragma
- [Luca Guidi] `Hanami::Router#initialize` requires `configuration:` option if routes endpoints are `Hanami::Action` subclasses
## v1.3.2 - 2019-02-13
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby: MRI 2.7
- [Luca Guidi] Support `rack` 2.1
## v1.3.1 - 2019-01-18
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby: MRI 2.6
- [Luca Guidi] Support `bundler` 2.0+
## v1.3.0 - 2018-10-24
### Fixed
- [Tim Riley] Skip attempting to parse unknown types in `Hanami::Middleware::BodyParser`
## v1.3.0.beta1 - 2018-08-08
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Official support for JRuby
- [Gustavo Caso] Introduce `Hanami::Middleware::BodyParser` Rack middleware to parse payload of non-GET HTTP requests.
### Deprecated
- [Alfonso Uceda] Deprecate ` true)`. Use webserver (eg. Nginx), Rack middleware (eg. `rack-ssl`), or another strategy to force HTTPS connection.
- [Gustavo Caso] Deprecate ` [:json])`. Use `Hanami::Middleware::BodyParser` instead.
## v1.2.0 - 2018-04-11
@@ -84,166 +121,219 @@
## v1.2.0.beta2 - 2018-03-23
## v1.2.0.beta1 - 2018-02-28
## v1.1.1 - 2018-02-27
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby: MRI 2.5
### Fixed
- [malin-as] Ensure `Hanami::Router` to properly respond to `unlink`
## v1.1.0 - 2017-10-25
## v1.1.0.rc1 - 2017-10-16
### Added
- [Sergey Fedorov] Allow Rack applications to be mounted inside a namespace. (`namespace "api" { mount V1::App, at: "/v1" }`)
## v1.1.0.beta3 - 2017-10-04
## v1.1.0.beta2 - 2017-10-03
## v1.1.0.beta1 - 2017-08-11
## v1.0.1 - 2017-07-10
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Introduce new introspection methods (`#redirect?` and `#redirection_path`) for recognized routes (see `Hanami::Router#recognize`)
### Fixed
- [Luca Guidi] Ensure `Hanami::Router#redirect` to be compatible with `#recognize`
## v1.0.0 - 2017-04-06
## v1.0.0.rc1 - 2017-03-31
## v1.0.0.beta3 - 2017-03-17
## v1.0.0.beta2 - 2017-03-02
### Fixed
- [Valentyn Ostakh] Deep symbolize params from parsed body
- [Luca Guidi] `Hanami::Router#recognize` must return a non-routeable object when the endpoint cannot be resolved
## v1.0.0.beta1 - 2017-02-14
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby: MRI 2.4
- [Jakub Pavlík] Added `:as` option for RESTful resources (eg. `resources :psi, controller: 'dogs', as: 'dogs'`)
### Changed
- [Pascal Betz] Make compatible with Rack 2.0 only
## v0.8.1 - 2016-11-18
### Fixed
- [Luca Guidi] Ensure JSON body parser to not eval untrusted input
## v0.8.0 - 2016-11-15
### Added
- [Kyle Chong] Referenced params from body parses in Rack env via `router.parsed_body`
### Fixed
- [Luca Guidi & Lucas Hosseini] Ensure params from routes take precedence over params from body parsing
- [Luca Guidi] Ensure inspector to respect path prefix of mouted apps
### Changed
- [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby: MRI 2.3+ and JRuby
## v0.7.0 - 2016-07-22
### Added
- [Sean Collins] Introduced `Hanami::Router#root`. Example: `root to: 'home#index'`, equivalent to `get '/', to: 'home#index', as: :root`.
- [Nicola Racco] Allow to mount Rack applications at a specific host. Example: `mount Blog, host: 'blog'`, which will be hit for `GET`
- [Luca Guidi] Support `multi_json` gem as backend for JSON body parser. If `multi_json` is present in the gem bundle, it will be used, otherwise it will fallback to Ruby's `JSON`.
- [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Hanami::Routing::RecognizedRoute#path` in order to allow a better introspection
### Fixed
- [Andrew De Ponte] Make routes inspection to work when non-Hanami apps are mounted
- [Andrew De Ponte] Ensure to set the right `SCRIPT_NAME` in Rack env for mounted Hanami apps
- [Luca Guidi] Fix `NoMethodError` when `Hanami::Router#recognize` is invoked with a Rack env or a route name or a path that can't be recognized
### Changed
– [Luca Guidi] Drop support for Ruby 2.0 and 2.1. Official support for JRuby
## v0.6.2 - 2016-02-05
### Fixed
- [Anton Davydov] Fix double leading slash for Capybara's `current_path`
## v0.6.1 - 2016-01-27
### Fixed
- [Luca Guidi] Fix body parsers for non Hash requests
## v0.6.0 - 2016-01-22
### Changed
- [Luca Guidi] Renamed the project
## v0.5.1 - 2016-01-19
- [Anton Davydov] Print stacked lines for routes inspection
## v0.5.0 - 2016-01-12
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Added `Lotus::Router#recognize` as a testing facility. Example `router.recognize('/') # => associated route`
- [Luca Guidi] Added `Lotus::Router.define` in order to wrap routes definitions in `config/routes.rb` when `Lotus::Router` is used outside of Lotus projects
- [David Strauß] Make `Lotus::Routing::Parsing::JsonParser` compatible with `application/vnd.api+json` MIME Type
- [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Improved exception messages for `Lotus::Router#path` and `#url`
### Fixed
- [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Ensure `Lotus::Router#path` and `#url` to generate correct URL for mounted applications
- [Vladislav Zarakovsky] Ensure Force SSL mode to respect Rack SPEC
### Changed
- [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] A failure for body parsers raises a `Lotus::Routing::Parsing::BodyParsingError` exception
- [Karim Tarek] Introduced `Lotus::Router::Error` and let all the framework exceptions to inherit from it.
## v0.4.3 - 2015-09-30
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Official support for JRuby 9k+
## v0.4.2 - 2015-07-10
### Fixed
- [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Ensure mounted applications to not repeat their prefix (eg `/admin/admin`)
- [Thiago Felippe] Ensure router inspector properly prints routes with repeated entries (eg `/admin/dashboard/admin`)
## v0.4.1 - 2015-06-23
### Added
- [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Force SSL (eg ` true`).
- [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Allow router to accept a `:prefix` option, in order to generate prefixed routes.
## v0.4.0 - 2015-05-15
### Added
- [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Nested RESTful resource(s)
### Changed
- [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] RESTful resource(s) have a correct pluralization/singularization for variables and named routes (eg. `/books/:id` is now `:book` instead of `:books`)
## v0.3.0 - 2015-03-23
## v0.2.1 - 2015-01-30
### Added
- [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Lotus::Action compat: invoke `.call` if defined, otherwise fall back to `#call`.
## v0.2.0 - 2014-12-23
### Added
- [Luca Guidi & Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Introduced routes inspector for CLI
- [Luca Guidi & Janko Marohnić] Introduced body parser for JSON
- [Luca Guidi] Introduced request body parsers: they parse body and turn into params.
- [Fred Wu] Introduced Router#define
### Fixed
- [Luca Guidi] Fix for member/collection actions in RESTful resource(s): allow to take actions with a leading slash.
- [Janko Marohnić] Fix for nested namespaces and RESTful resource(s) under namespace. They were generating wrong route names.
- [Luca Guidi] Made InvalidRouteException to inherit from StandardError so it can be catched from anonymous `rescue` clause
- [Luca Guidi] Fix RESTful resource(s) to respect :only/:except options
### Changed
- [Luca Guidi] Aligned naming conventions with Lotus::Controller: no more BooksController::Index. Use Books::Index instead.
- [Luca Guidi] Removed `:prefix` option for routes. Use `#namespace` blocks instead.
- [Janko Marohnić] Make 301 the default redirect status
## v0.1.1 - 2014-06-23
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Introduced Lotus::Router#mount
- [Luca Guidi] Let specify a pattern for Lotus::Routing::EndpointResolver
- [Luca Guidi] Make Lotus::Routing::Endpoint::EndpointNotFound to inherit from StandardError, instead of Exception. This make it compatible with Rack::ShowExceptions.
## v0.1.0 - 2014-01-23
### Added
- [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby 2.1
- [Luca Guidi] Added support for OPTIONS HTTP verb
- [Luca Guidi] Added Lotus::Routing::EndpointNotFound when a lazy endpoint can't be found
- [Luca Guidi] Make action separator customizable via Lotus::Router options.
- [Luca Guidi] Catch http_router exceptions and re-raise them with names under Lotus::Routing. This helps to have a stable public API.