lib/hanami/controller/configuration.rb in hanami-controller-1.3.3 vs lib/hanami/controller/configuration.rb in hanami-controller-2.0.0.alpha1
- old
+ new
@@ -42,143 +42,41 @@
'application/octet-stream' => :all,
'*/*' => :all,
'text/html' => :html
- # Return a copy of the configuration of the framework instance associated
- # with the given class.
- #
- # When multiple instances of Hanami::Controller are used in the same
- # application, we want to make sure that a controller or an action will
- # receive the expected configuration.
- #
- # @param base [Class, Module] a controller or an action
- #
- # @return [Hanami::Controller::Configuration] the configuration associated
- # to the given class.
- #
- # @since 0.2.0
- # @api private
- #
- # @example Direct usage of the framework
- # require 'hanami/controller'
- #
- # class Show
- # include Hanami::Action
- # end
- #
- # Hanami::Controller::Configuration.for(Show)
- # # => will duplicate from Hanami::Controller
- #
- # @example Multiple instances of the framework
- # require 'hanami/controller'
- #
- # module MyApp
- # Controller = Hanami::Controller.duplicate(self)
- #
- # module Controllers::Dashboard
- # class Index
- # include MyApp::Action
- #
- # def call(params)
- # # ...
- # end
- # end
- # end
- # end
- #
- # class Show
- # include Hanami::Action
- # end
- #
- # Hanami::Controller::Configuration.for(Show)
- # # => will duplicate from Hanami::Controller
- #
- # Hanami::Controller::Configuration.for(MyApp::Controllers::Dashboard)
- # # => will duplicate from MyApp::Controller
- def self.for(base)
- namespace = Utils::String.namespace(
- framework = Utils::Class.load("#{namespace}::Controller") || Utils::Class.load!('Hanami::Controller')
- framework.configuration.duplicate
- end
# Initialize a configuration instance
# @return [Hanami::Controller::Configuration] a new configuration's
# instance
# @since 0.2.0
- def initialize
- reset!
+ def initialize(&blk)
+ @handled_exceptions = {}
+ @formats = DEFAULT_FORMATS.dup
+ @mime_types = nil
+ @default_request_format = nil
+ @default_response_format = nil
+ @default_charset = nil
+ @default_headers = {}
+ @cookies = {}
+ @root_directory =
+ @public_directory = root_directory.join(DEFAULT_PUBLIC_DIRECTORY).to_s
+ instance_eval(&blk) unless blk.nil?
+ freeze
- # @attr_writer handle_exceptions [TrueClass,FalseClass] Handle exceptions
- # with an HTTP status or leave them uncaught
- #
- # @since 0.2.0
- #
- # @return void
- #
- # @see Hanami::Controller::Configuration#handle_exceptions
- attr_writer :handle_exceptions
- # Handle exceptions with an HTTP status or let them uncaught
- #
- # If this value is set to `true`, the configured exceptions will return
- # the specified HTTP status, the rest of them with `500`.
- #
- # If this value is set to `false`, the exceptions won't be caught.
- #
- # This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
- # an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
- # called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
- #
- # @overload handle_exceptions(value)
- # Sets the given value
- # @param value [TrueClass, FalseClass] true or false, default to true
- #
- # @overload handle_exceptions
- # Gets the value
- # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- #
- # @since 0.2.0
- #
- # @see Hanami::Controller::Configuration#handle_exception
- # @see Hanami::Controller#configure
- # @see Hanami::Action::Throwable
- # @see
- #
- # @example Getting the value
- # require 'hanami/controller'
- #
- # Hanami::Controller.configuration.handle_exceptions # => true
- #
- # @example Setting the value
- # require 'hanami/controller'
- #
- # Hanami::Controller.configure do
- # handle_exceptions false
- # end
- def handle_exceptions(value = nil)
- if value.nil?
- @handle_exceptions
- else
- @handle_exceptions = value
- end
- end
# Specify how to handle an exception with an HTTP status
# Raised exceptions will return the configured HTTP status, only if
# `handled_exceptions` is set on `true`.
# @param exception [Hash] the exception class must be the key and the HTTP
# status the value
# @since 0.2.0
- # @see Hanami::Controller::Configuration#handle_exceptions
# @see Hanami::Controller#configure
# @see Hanami::Action::Throwable
# @example
# require 'hanami/controller'
@@ -186,184 +84,12 @@
# Hanami::Controller.configure do
# handle_exception ArgumentError => 400
# end
def handle_exception(exception)
- _sort_handled_exceptions!
- # Return a callable handler for the given exception
- #
- # @param exception [Exception] an exception
- #
- # @since 0.3.0
- # @api private
- #
- # @see Hanami::Controller::Configuration#handle_exception
- def exception_handler(exception)
- exception_handler_for(exception) || DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE
- end
- # Check if the given exception is handled.
- #
- # @param exception [Exception] an exception
- #
- # @since 0.3.2
- # @api private
- #
- # @see Hanami::Controller::Configuration#handle_exception
- def handled_exception?(exception)
- handled_exceptions &&
- !exception_handler_for(exception).nil?
- end
- # Finds configured handler for given exception, or nil if not found.
- #
- # @param exception [Exception] an exception
- #
- # @since 1.0.0
- # @api private
- #
- # @see Hanami::Controller::Configuration#handle_exception
- def exception_handler_for(exception)
- @handled_exceptions.each do |exception_class, handler|
- return handler if exception.kind_of?(exception_class)
- end
- nil
- end
- # Specify which is the default action module to be included when we use
- # the `Hanami::Controller.action` method.
- #
- # This setting is useful when we use multiple instances of the framework
- # in the same process, so we want to ensure that the actions will include
- # `MyApp::Action`, rather than `AnotherApp::Action`.
- #
- # If not set, the default value is `Hanami::Action`
- #
- # This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
- # an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
- # called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
- #
- # @overload action_module(value)
- # Sets the given value
- # @param value [Module] the module to be included in all the actions
- #
- # @overload action_module
- # Gets the value
- # @return [Module]
- #
- # @since 0.2.0
- #
- # @see Hanami::Controller::Dsl#action
- # @see Hanami::Controller#duplicate
- #
- # @example Getting the value
- # require 'hanami/controller'
- #
- # Hanami::Controller.configuration.action_module # => Hanami::Action
- #
- # @example Setting the value
- # require 'hanami/controller'
- #
- # module MyAction
- # end
- #
- # Hanami::Controller.configure do
- # action_module MyAction
- # end
- #
- # module Dashboard
- # # It includes MyAction, instead of Hanami::Action
- # class Index
- # include MyAction
- #
- # def call(params)
- # # ...
- # end
- # end
- # end
- #
- # @example Duplicated framework
- # require 'hanami/controller'
- #
- # module MyApp
- # Controller = Hanami::Controller.duplicate(self)
- #
- # module Controllers::Dashboard
- # include MyApp::Controller
- #
- # # It includes MyApp::Action, instead of Hanami::Action
- # class Index
- # include MyApp::Action
- #
- # def call(params)
- # # ...
- # end
- # end
- # end
- # end
- def action_module(value = nil)
- if value.nil?
- @action_module
- else
- @action_module = value
- end
- end
- # Configure the logic to be executed when Hanami::Action is included
- # This is useful to DRY code by having a single place where to configure
- # shared behaviors like authentication, sessions, cookies etc.
- #
- # This method can be called multiple times.
- #
- # @param blk [Proc] the code block
- #
- # @return [void]
- #
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if called without passing a block
- #
- # @since 0.3.0
- #
- # @see Hanami::Controller.configure
- # @see Hanami::Controller.duplicate
- #
- # @example Configure shared logic.
- # require 'hanami/controller'
- #
- # Hanami::Controller.configure do
- # prepare do
- # include Hanami::Action::Session
- # include MyAuthentication
- # use SomeMiddleWare
- #
- # before { authenticate! }
- # end
- # end
- #
- # module Dashboard
- # class Index
- # # When Hanami::Action is included, it will:
- # # * Include `Hanami::Action::Session` and `MyAuthentication`
- # # * Configure to use `SomeMiddleWare`
- # # * Configure a `before` callback that triggers `#authenticate!`
- # include Hanami::Action
- #
- # def call(params)
- # # ...
- # end
- # end
- # end
- def prepare(&blk)
- if block_given?
- @modules.push(blk)
- else
- raise'Please provide a block')
- end
- end
# Register a format
# @param hash [Hash] the symbol format must be the key and the mime type
# string must be the value of the hash
@@ -416,156 +142,77 @@
# action.format # => :custom
def format(hash)
symbol, mime_type = *Utils::Kernel.Array(hash)
@formats[Utils::Kernel.String(mime_type)] = Utils::Kernel.Symbol(symbol)
- @mime_types = nil
# Return the configured format's MIME types
# @since 0.8.0
# @api private
# @see Hanami::Controller::Configuration#format
- # @see Hanami::Action::Mime::MIME_TYPES
def mime_types
- @mime_types ||= begin
- ((@formats.keys - DEFAULT_FORMATS.keys) +
- Hanami::Action::Mime::MIME_TYPES.values).freeze
- end
+ # FIXME: this isn't efficient. speed it up!
+ ((@formats.keys - DEFAULT_FORMATS.keys) +
+ Hanami::Action::Mime::TYPES.values).freeze
- # Restrict the MIME types set only to the given set
- #
- # @param mime_types [Array] the set of MIME types
- #
- # @since 1.0.0
- # @api private
- #
- # @see Hanami::Action::Mime::ClassMethods#accept
- def restrict_mime_types!(mime_types)
- @mime_types = self.mime_types & mime_types
- end
# Set a format as default fallback for all the requests without a strict
# requirement for the mime type.
# The given format must be coercible to a symbol, and be a valid mime type
# alias. If it isn't, at the runtime the framework will raise a
# `Hanami::Controller::UnknownFormatError`.
# By default this value is nil.
- # This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
- # an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
- # called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
- #
- # @overload default_request_format(format)
- # Sets the given value
- # @param format [#to_sym] the symbol format
- # @raise [TypeError] if it cannot be coerced to a symbol
- #
- # @overload default_request_format
- # Gets the value
- # @return [Symbol,nil]
- #
# @since 0.5.0
# @see Hanami::Action::Mime
- # @example Getting the value
- # require 'hanami/controller'
- #
- # Hanami::Controller.configuration.default_request_format # => nil
- #
- # @example Setting the value
- # require 'hanami/controller'
- #
- # Hanami::Controller.configure do
- # default_request_format :html
- # end
- def default_request_format(format = nil)
- if format
- @default_request_format = Utils::Kernel.Symbol(format)
- else
- @default_request_format
- end
+ # FIXME: new API docs
+ def default_request_format=(value)
+ @default_request_format = Utils::Kernel.Symbol(value) unless value.nil?
+ attr_reader :default_request_format
# Set a format to be used for all responses regardless of the request type.
# The given format must be coercible to a symbol, and be a valid mime type
# alias. If it isn't, at the runtime the framework will raise a
# `Hanami::Controller::UnknownFormatError`.
# By default this value is nil.
- # This is part of a DSL, for this reason when this method is called with
- # an argument, it will set the corresponding instance variable. When
- # called without, it will return the already set value, or the default.
- #
- # @overload default_response_format(format)
- # Sets the given value
- # @param format [#to_sym] the symbol format
- # @raise [TypeError] if it cannot be coerced to a symbol
- #
- # @overload default_response_format
- # Gets the value
- # @return [Symbol,nil]
- #
# @since 0.5.0
# @see Hanami::Action::Mime
- # @example Getting the value
- # require 'hanami/controller'
- #
- # Hanami::Controller.configuration.default_response_format # => nil
- #
- # @example Setting the value
- # require 'hanami/controller'
- #
- # Hanami::Controller.configure do
- # default_response_format :json
- # end
- def default_response_format(format = nil)
- if format
- @default_response_format = Utils::Kernel.Symbol(format)
- else
- @default_response_format
- end
+ # FIXME: new API docs
+ def default_response_format=(value)
+ @default_response_format = Utils::Kernel.Symbol(value) unless value.nil?
+ attr_reader :default_response_format
# Set a charset as default fallback for all the requests without a strict
# requirement for the charset.
# By default this value is nil.
# @since 0.3.0
# @see Hanami::Action::Mime
- # @example Getting the value
- # require 'hanami/controller'
- #
- # Hanami::Controller.configuration.default_charset # => nil
- #
- # @example Setting the value
- # require 'hanami/controller'
- #
- # Hanami::Controller.configure do
- # default_charset 'koi8-r'
- # end
- def default_charset(charset = nil)
- if charset
- @default_charset = charset
- else
- @default_charset
- end
- end
+ # FIXME: new API docs
+ attr_accessor :default_charset
+ attr_reader :default_headers
# Set default headers for all responses
# By default this value is an empty hash.
# @since 0.4.0
@@ -576,25 +223,23 @@
# Hanami::Controller.configuration.default_headers # => {}
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami/controller'
- # Hanami::Controller.configure do
- # default_headers({
+ # do |config|
+ # config.default_headers = {
# 'X-Frame-Options' => 'DENY'
- # })
+ # }
# end
- def default_headers(headers = nil)
- if headers
- @default_headers.merge!(
- headers.reject {|_,v| v.nil? }
- )
- else
- @default_headers
- end
+ def default_headers=(headers)
+ @default_headers.merge!(
+ headers.reject { |_, v| v.nil? }
+ )
+ attr_reader :cookies
# Set default cookies options for all responses
# By default this value is an empty hash.
# @since 0.4.0
@@ -605,26 +250,22 @@
# Hanami::Controller.configuration.cookies # => {}
# @example Setting the value
# require 'hanami/controller'
- # Hanami::Controller.configure do
- # cookies({
+ # do |config|
+ # config.cookies = {
# domain: '',
# path: '/controller',
# secure: true,
# httponly: true
- # })
+ # }
# end
- def cookies(options = nil)
- if options
- @cookies.merge!(
- options.reject { |_, v| v.nil? }
- )
- else
- @cookies
- end
+ def cookies=(options)
+ @cookies.merge!(
+ options.reject { |_, v| v.nil? }
+ )
# Returns a format for the given mime type
# @param mime_type [#to_s,#to_str] A mime type
@@ -653,111 +294,15 @@
# @api private
# @since 1.0.0
attr_reader :root_directory
- def public_directory(value = nil)
- if value.nil?
- @public_directory
- else
- @public_directory = root_directory.join(value).to_s
- end
+ # FIXME: API docs
+ def public_directory=(value)
+ @public_directory = root_directory.join(value).to_s
- # Duplicate by copying the settings in a new instance.
- #
- # @return [Hanami::Controller::Configuration] a copy of the configuration
- #
- # @since 0.2.0
- # @api private
- def duplicate
- do |c|
- c.handle_exceptions = handle_exceptions
- c.handled_exceptions = handled_exceptions.dup
- c.action_module = action_module
- c.modules = modules.dup
- c.formats = formats.dup
- c.default_request_format = default_request_format
- c.default_response_format = default_response_format
- c.default_charset = default_charset
- c.default_headers = default_headers.dup
- c.public_directory = public_directory
- c.cookies = cookies.dup
- end
- end
- # Return included modules
- #
- # @return [Array<Proc>] array of included blocks
- #
- # @since 0.2.0
- # @api private
- #
- # @see Hanami::Controller::Configuration#prepare
- attr_reader :modules
- # Reset all the values to the defaults
- #
- # @since 0.2.0
- # @api private
- def reset!
- @handle_exceptions = true
- @handled_exceptions = {}
- @modules = []
- @formats = DEFAULT_FORMATS.dup
- @mime_types = nil
- @default_request_format = nil
- @default_response_format = nil
- @default_charset = nil
- @default_headers = {}
- @cookies = {}
- @root_directory =
- @public_directory = root_directory.join(DEFAULT_PUBLIC_DIRECTORY).to_s
- @action_module = ::Hanami::Action
- end
- # Copy the configuration for the given action
- #
- # @param base [Class] the target action
- #
- # @return void
- #
- # @since 0.3.0
- # @api private
- #
- # @see Hanami::Controller::Configurable.included
- def copy!(base)
- modules.each do |mod|
- base.class_eval(&mod)
- end
- end
- # Load the framework
- #
- # @since 0.3.0
- # @api private
- def load!
- freeze
- end
- protected
- # @since 0.5.0
- # @api private
- def _sort_handled_exceptions!
- @handled_exceptions = Hash[
- @handled_exceptions.sort{|(ex1,_),(ex2,_)| ex1.ancestors.include?(ex2) ? -1 : 1 }
- ]
- end
- attr_accessor :handled_exceptions
- attr_accessor :formats
- attr_writer :action_module
- attr_writer :modules
- attr_writer :default_request_format
- attr_writer :default_response_format
- attr_writer :default_charset
- attr_writer :default_headers
- attr_writer :cookies
- attr_writer :public_directory
+ attr_reader :public_directory
+ attr_reader :handled_exceptions