config/initializers/devise.rb in hackathon_manager-0.2.0 vs config/initializers/devise.rb in hackathon_manager-0.3.0

- old
+ new

@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@ # config.request_keys = [] # Configure which authentication keys should be case-insensitive. # These keys will be downcased upon creating or modifying a user and when used # to authenticate or find a user. Default is :email. - config.case_insensitive_keys = [ :email ] + config.case_insensitive_keys = [:email] # Configure which authentication keys should have whitespace stripped. # These keys will have whitespace before and after removed upon creating or # modifying a user and when used to authenticate or find a user. Default is :email. - config.strip_whitespace_keys = [ :email ] + config.strip_whitespace_keys = [:email] # Tell if authentication through request.params is enabled. True by default. # It can be set to an array that will enable params authentication only for the # given strategies, for example, `config.params_authenticatable = [:database]` will # enable it only for database (email + password) authentication.