app/views/manage/questionnaires/_form.html.haml in hackathon_manager-0.6.2 vs app/views/manage/questionnaires/_form.html.haml in hackathon_manager-0.6.3
- old
+ new
@@ -2,29 +2,30 @@
= simple_form_for @questionnaire, url: url_for(action: @questionnaire.new_record? ? "create" : "update", controller: "questionnaires"), html: { "data-validate" => "form" } do |f|
- if f.error_notification.present?
= f.error_notification
- .form-inputs
- %fieldset
- - if @questionnaire&.user&.provider == 'mlh'
- %legend Provided by My MLH
- %br
- = f.input :first_name, placeholder: "Joe", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }, label: "First Name", autofocus: true
- = f.input :last_name, placeholder: "Smith", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }, label: "Last Name"
- = f.input :email, placeholder: "", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence email", value: @questionnaire.user.try(:email) }, required: true
- = f.input :phone, placeholder: "(123) 456-7890", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
- = f.input :date_of_birth, start_year: - 18, end_year: - 90, order: [:month, :day, :year], input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
+ %fieldset
+ - if @questionnaire&.user&.provider == 'mlh'
+ %legend Provided by My MLH
+ %br
+ = f.input :first_name, placeholder: "Joe", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }, label: "First Name", autofocus: true
+ = f.input :last_name, placeholder: "Smith", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }, label: "Last Name"
+ = f.input :email, placeholder: "", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence email", value: @questionnaire.user.try(:email) }, required: true
+ = f.input :phone, placeholder: "(123) 456-7890", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
+ = f.input :date_of_birth, start_year: - 18, end_year: - 90, order: [:month, :day, :year], input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
- = f.input :school_id, as: :school_selection, placeholder: "My University", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
- = f.input :level_of_study, placeholder: "University (Undergraduate)", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
- = f.input :major, placeholder: "Major", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
- = f.input :shirt_size, as: :select, collection: Questionnaire::POSSIBLE_SHIRT_SIZES, include_blank: "(select one...)", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
- = f.input :gender, placeholder: "Female, Male, Non-Binary, Prefer not to say, other", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
- = f.input :dietary_restrictions, placeholder: "Allergies, medical assistance, etc. (optional)", label: "Health Restrictions"
- = f.input :special_needs, placeholder: "Any special needs or requests (optional)", label: "Special needs"
+ = f.input :school_id, as: :school_selection, placeholder: "My University", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
+ = f.input :level_of_study, placeholder: "University (Undergraduate)", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
+ = f.input :major, placeholder: "Major", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
+ = f.input :shirt_size, as: :select, collection: Questionnaire::POSSIBLE_SHIRT_SIZES, include_blank: "(select one...)", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
+ = f.input :gender, placeholder: "Female, Male, Non-Binary, Prefer not to say, other", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
+ = f.input :dietary_restrictions, placeholder: "Allergies, medical assistance, etc. (optional)", label: "Health Restrictions"
+ = f.input :special_needs, placeholder: "Any special needs or requests (optional)", label: "Special needs"
+ %br
- if HackathonManager.field_enabled?(:why_attend)
= f.input :why_attend, label: "Why #{Rails.configuration.hackathon['name']}?", placeholder: "In a sentence or two, why would you like to attend #{Rails.configuration.hackathon['name']}?", input_html: { rows: 3, maxlength: 280 }
@@ -34,26 +35,43 @@
= f.input :resume, as: :deletable_attachment, hint: "Must be under 2MB", input_html: { "data-validate" => "file-max-size file-content-type", "data-validate-file-max-size" => "2097152", "data-validate-file-content-type" => "application/pdf" }, label: "Resume (PDF)"
= f.input :portfolio_url, label: "Portfolio Link", placeholder:""
= f.input :vcs_url, label: "GitHub/BitBucket", placeholder:""
+ = f.input :can_share_info, as: :formatted_boolean, label: "Share resume with employers?"
+ %hr
- travel_state = !@questionnaire.new_record? && @questionnaire.travel_not_from_school
= f.input :travel_not_from_school, as: :formatted_boolean, label: "I will not be traveling from my school"
= f.input :travel_location, input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence", disabled: !travel_state }, wrapper_html: { style: travel_state ? "" : "display: none" }, label: "Travel Location"
- = f.input :can_share_info, as: :formatted_boolean, label: "Share resume with employers?"
= f.input :riding_bus, as: :formatted_boolean, label: "Riding Bus", disabled: !@questionnaire.eligible_for_a_bus?
= f.input :is_bus_captain, as: :formatted_boolean, label: "Is Bus Captain", disabled: !@questionnaire.eligible_for_a_bus?
- if !@questionnaire.eligible_for_a_bus?
%p (school not eligible for bus)
- %p
- %small
- Please read the
- = link_to asset_url(Rails.configuration.hackathon['agreement_pdf_asset']), target: '_blank' do
- #{Rails.configuration.hackathon['name']} Agreement
- %span.fa.fa-external-link.icon-space-l-half
- = f.input :agreement_accepted, as: :formatted_boolean, label: "I accept the #{Rails.configuration.hackathon['name']} Agreement", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
+ %hr
+ .form-inputs
+ .supporting-text
+ Please read the
+ = link_to asset_url(Rails.configuration.hackathon['agreement_pdf_asset']), target: '_blank' do
+ #{Rails.configuration.hackathon['name']} Agreement
+ %span.fa.fa-external-link.icon-space-l-half
+ = f.input :agreement_accepted, as: :formatted_boolean, label: "I accept the #{Rails.configuration.hackathon['name']} agreement.", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
+ .supporting-text
+ Please read the
+ %a{ href:"", target: "_blank" }
+ MLH Code of Conduct
+ %span.fa.fa-external-link.icon-space-l-half
+ = f.input :code_of_conduct_accepted, as: :formatted_boolean, label: "I accept the MLH Code of Conduct.", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
+ .supporting-text
+ I agree to the terms of both the
+ <a href="" target="_blank">MLH Contest Terms</a> and Conditions and the
+ <a href="" target="_blank">MLH Privacy Policy</a>. Please note that you may receive pre and post-event informational e-mails and occasional messages about hackathons from MLH as per the MLH Privacy Policy.
+ = f.input :data_sharing_accepted, as: :formatted_boolean, label: "I accept the MLH policies.", input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }
= f.button :submit, value: ( @questionnaire.new_record? ? 'Create' : 'Save' )