app/views/manage/dashboard/index.html.haml in hackathon_manager-0.10.1 vs app/views/manage/dashboard/index.html.haml in hackathon_manager-0.10.2
- old
+ new
@@ -49,22 +49,24 @@
= pie_chart user_distribution_data_manage_dashboard_index_path, colors: [grey, blue, orange]
%h5.dashboard-container-title Application Distribution
= pie_chart application_distribution_data_manage_dashboard_index_path, colors: [colors[:pending], colors[:accepted], colors[:waitlisted], colors[:denied], colors[:late_waitlist], colors[:rsvp_confirmed], colors[:rsvp_denied]]
- .col
- %h5.dashboard-container-title Schools (Confirmed)
- %ul
- = bar_chart schools_confirmed_data_manage_dashboard_index_path, height: "600px", stacked: true, colors: [blue, orange]
+- if Questionnaire.where(acc_status: 'rsvp_confirmed').count > 0
+ .row
+ .col
+ %h5.dashboard-container-title Schools (Confirmed)
+ %ul
+ = bar_chart schools_confirmed_data_manage_dashboard_index_path, height: "600px", stacked: true, colors: [blue, orange]
- .col
- %h5.dashboard-container-title Schools (Applied)
- %ul
- = bar_chart schools_applied_data_manage_dashboard_index_path, height: "600px", stacked: true, colors: [colors[:rsvp_confirmed], colors[:accepted], colors[:waitlist], colors[:late_waitlist], colors[:rsvp_denied], colors[:denied], colors[:pending]], library: { legend: { enabled: false } }
- - if School.where("questionnaire_count >= 1 AND questionnaire_count < 5").count > 0
- %p
- %button.btn.btn-light{ onclick: "$('#least-applied-schools').toggle()" }= "List schools with < 5 applicants"
- %ul#least-applied-schools{ style: "display: none" }
- - School.where("questionnaire_count >= 1 AND questionnaire_count < 5").select([:name, :questionnaire_count]).order("questionnaire_count DESC").each do |school|
- %li= "#{school.questionnaire_count} - #{}"
+- if Questionnaire.count > 0
+ .row
+ .col
+ %h5.dashboard-container-title Schools (Applied)
+ %ul
+ = bar_chart schools_applied_data_manage_dashboard_index_path, height: "600px", stacked: true, colors: [colors[:rsvp_confirmed], colors[:accepted], colors[:waitlist], colors[:late_waitlist], colors[:rsvp_denied], colors[:denied], colors[:pending]], library: { legend: { enabled: false } }
+ - if School.where("questionnaire_count >= 5").count > 0 && School.where("questionnaire_count < 5").count > 0
+ %p
+ %button.btn.btn-light{ onclick: "$('#least-applied-schools').toggle()" }= "List schools with < 5 applicants"
+ %ul#least-applied-schools{ style: "display: none" }
+ - School.where("questionnaire_count >= 1 AND questionnaire_count < 5").select([:name, :questionnaire_count]).order("questionnaire_count DESC").each do |school|
+ %li= "#{school.questionnaire_count} - #{}"