spec/gush/workflow_spec.rb in gush-3.0.0 vs spec/gush/workflow_spec.rb in gush-4.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -13,23 +13,75 @@
expect_any_instance_of(klass).to receive(:configure).with("arg1", "arg2")
klass.new("arg1", "arg2")
- end
- describe "#status" do
- context "when failed" do
- it "returns :failed" do
- flow = TestWorkflow.create
- flow.find_job("Prepare").fail!
- flow.persist!
- expect(flow.reload.status).to eq(:failed)
+ it "passes constructor keyword arguments to the method" do
+ klass = Class.new(Gush::Workflow) do
+ def configure(*args, **kwargs)
+ run FetchFirstJob
+ run PersistFirstJob, after: FetchFirstJob
+ end
+ expect_any_instance_of(klass).to receive(:configure).with("arg1", "arg2", arg3: 123)
+ klass.new("arg1", "arg2", arg3: 123)
+ it "accepts globals" do
+ flow = TestWorkflow.new(globals: { global1: 'foo' })
+ expect(flow.globals[:global1]).to eq('foo')
+ end
+ it "accepts internal_state" do
+ flow = TestWorkflow.new
+ internal_state = {
+ id: flow.id,
+ jobs: flow.jobs,
+ dependencies: flow.dependencies,
+ persisted: true,
+ stopped: true
+ }
+ flow_copy = TestWorkflow.new(internal_state: internal_state)
+ expect(flow_copy.id).to eq(flow.id)
+ expect(flow_copy.jobs).to eq(flow.jobs)
+ expect(flow_copy.dependencies).to eq(flow.dependencies)
+ expect(flow_copy.persisted).to eq(true)
+ expect(flow_copy.stopped).to eq(true)
+ end
+ it "does not call #configure if needs_setup is false" do
+ INTERNAL_SETUP_SPY = double('configure spy')
+ klass = Class.new(Gush::Workflow) do
+ def configure(*args)
+ INTERNAL_SETUP_SPY.some_method
+ end
+ end
+ expect(INTERNAL_SETUP_SPY).not_to receive(:some_method)
+ flow = TestWorkflow.new(internal_state: { needs_setup: false })
+ end
+ describe "#find" do
+ it "fiends a workflow by id" do
+ expect(Gush::Workflow.find(subject.id).id).to eq(subject.id)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#page" do
+ it "returns a page of registered workflows" do
+ flow = TestWorkflow.create
+ expect(Gush::Workflow.page.map(&:id)).to eq([flow.id])
+ end
+ end
describe "#save" do
context "workflow not persisted" do
it "sets persisted to true" do
flow = TestWorkflow.new
@@ -79,31 +131,73 @@
subject.stopped = true
expect{ subject.mark_as_started }.to change{subject.stopped?}.from(true).to(false)
+ describe "#status" do
+ context "when failed" do
+ it "returns :failed" do
+ flow = TestWorkflow.create
+ flow.find_job("Prepare").fail!
+ flow.persist!
+ expect(flow.reload.status).to eq(:failed)
+ end
+ end
+ it "returns failed" do
+ subject.find_job('Prepare').fail!
+ expect(subject.status).to eq(:failed)
+ end
+ it "returns running" do
+ subject.find_job('Prepare').start!
+ expect(subject.status).to eq(:running)
+ end
+ it "returns finished" do
+ subject.jobs.each {|n| n.finish! }
+ expect(subject.status).to eq(:finished)
+ end
+ it "returns stopped" do
+ subject.stopped = true
+ expect(subject.status).to eq(:stopped)
+ end
+ it "returns pending" do
+ expect(subject.status).to eq(:pending)
+ end
+ end
describe "#to_json" do
it "returns correct hash" do
klass = Class.new(Gush::Workflow) do
def configure(*args)
run FetchFirstJob
run PersistFirstJob, after: FetchFirstJob
- result = JSON.parse(klass.create("arg1", "arg2").to_json)
+ result = JSON.parse(klass.create("arg1", "arg2", arg3: 123).to_json)
expected = {
"id" => an_instance_of(String),
"name" => klass.to_s,
"klass" => klass.to_s,
- "status" => "running",
+ "job_klasses" => ["FetchFirstJob", "PersistFirstJob"],
+ "status" => "pending",
"total" => 2,
"finished" => 0,
"started_at" => nil,
"finished_at" => nil,
"stopped" => false,
- "arguments" => ["arg1", "arg2"]
+ "dependencies" => [{
+ "from" => "FetchFirstJob",
+ "to" => job_with_id("PersistFirstJob")
+ }],
+ "arguments" => ["arg1", "arg2"],
+ "kwargs" => {"arg3" => 123},
+ "globals" => {}
expect(result).to match(expected)
@@ -116,17 +210,24 @@
describe "#run" do
it "allows passing additional params to the job" do
flow = Gush::Workflow.new
flow.run(Gush::Job, params: { something: 1 })
- expect(flow.jobs.first.params).to eq ({ something: 1 })
+ expect(flow.jobs.first.params).to eq({ something: 1 })
+ it "merges globals with params and passes them to the job, with job param taking precedence" do
+ flow = Gush::Workflow.new(globals: { something: 2, global1: 123 })
+ flow.run(Gush::Job, params: { something: 1 })
+ flow.save
+ expect(flow.jobs.first.params).to eq({ something: 1, global1: 123 })
+ end
it "allows passing wait param to the job" do
flow = Gush::Workflow.new
flow.run(Gush::Job, wait: 5.seconds)
- expect(flow.jobs.first.wait).to eq (5.seconds)
+ expect(flow.jobs.first.wait).to eq(5.seconds)
context "when graph is empty" do
it "adds new job with the given class as a node" do
flow = Gush::Workflow.new