templates/blank/Gumdrop in gumdrop-1.0.3 vs templates/blank/Gumdrop in gumdrop-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
Gumdrop.configure do|config|
# You can add whatever custom config options you'd like:
- # config.site_title= "My Site"
- # config.site_tagline= "My home on thar intarwebs!"
- # config.site_author= "Me"
- # config.site_url= "http://www.mysite.com"
+ # config.site= {
+ # title: 'My Site',
+ # tagline: 'My home on thar intarwebs!',
+ # author: 'Me',
+ # url: 'http://www.mysite.com'
+ # }
# config.redirects= [
# { from:"old-path.html", to:"new-path.html" }
# ]
@@ -35,18 +37,16 @@
# methods `Gumdrop.ignore(*paths)` and `Gumdrop.blacklist(*paths)`
# config.ignore= %w(**/.DS_Store .git* .git/**/* .svn/**/* **/.sass-cache/**/* Gumdrop)
# config.blacklist= []
# Optional, if you want to use the example 'sync' command below.
+ # config.remote= {
+ # host: 'example-server.com',
+ # user: 'example-username',
+ # path: '~/example-server.com'
+ # }
- # You can call config.set and pass a hash, if you prefer that format:
- # config.set({
- # server: 'example-server.com',
- # server_user: 'example-username',
- # server_path: '~/example-server.com'
- # })
# Ignored files are not read from the source_dir into memory.
# Use file glob pattern:
# Gumdrop.ignore "**/ignore.me"
@@ -179,25 +179,26 @@
# Add your own commands to the gumdrop command line interface (for this site)!
# For more, see: https://github.com/wycats/thor/wiki
# Gumdrop.cli do
-# desc 'sync', "Syncs with public server using rsync (if configured)"
-# method_option :build, :aliases => '-b', :desc => 'Build content before syncing'
-# method_option :dry_run, :aliases => '-d', :desc => 'Dry run'
-# def sync
-# Gumdrop.site.build if options[:build]
-# config= Gumdrop.site.config
-# output= Gumdrop.site.output_path
-# dry_run= options[:dry_run] ? 'n' : ''
-# unless config.server.nil? or config.server == 'example-server.com'
-# cmd= "rsync -avz#{ dry_run } --delete #{ output } #{ config.server_user }@#{ config.server }:#{ config.server_path }"
-# say "Running:\n#{ cmd }\n"
-# system(cmd)
-# else
-# say "To use this command, please configure your server info in the Gumdrop file!"
-# end
-# end
+ # desc 'sync', "Syncs with public server using rsync (if configured)"
+ # method_option :build, :aliases => '-b', :desc => 'Build content before syncing'
+ # method_option :dry_run, :aliases => '-d', :desc => 'Dry run'
+ # def sync
+ # config= Gumdrop.site.config
+ # output= Gumdrop.site.output_path
+ # remote= config.remote
+ # dry_run= options[:dry_run] ? 'n' : ''
+ # unless remote.nil? or remote.host.nil? or remote.host == 'example-server.com'
+ # Gumdrop.build if options[:build]
+ # cmd= "rsync -avz#{ dry_run } --delete #{ output } #{ remote.user }@#{ remote.host }:#{ remote.path }"
+ # say "Running:\n#{ cmd }\n"
+ # system(cmd)
+ # else
+ # say "To use this command, please configure your server info in the Gumdrop file!"
+ # end
+ # end
# desc 'watch', "Watches the filesystem and recompiles whenever a source file changes."
# method_option :quiet, default:false, aliases:'-q', type: :boolean
# def watch
# require 'listen'