in guard-rails-0.6.1 vs in guard-rails-0.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -35,9 +35,10 @@
* `:daemon` runs the server as a daemon, without any output to the terminal that started `guard` (**default `false`**)
* `:debugger` enable the debugger in server. Requires ruby-debug gem. (**default `false`**)
* `:environment` is the server environment (**default `development`**)
* `:force_run` kills any process that's holding the listen port before attempting to (re)start Rails (**default `false`**)
* `:pid_file` specify your pid\_file (**default `tmp/pids/[RAILS_ENV].pid`**)
+* `:host` is where the server is hosted (**default `localhost`**)
* `:port` is the server port number (**default `3000`**)
* `:root` lets you specify the Rails root, i.e. for using guard-rails to run a dummy app within an engine (try `:root => '/spec/dummy'`).
* `:server` the webserver engine to use (**try `:server => :thin`**)
* `:start_on_start` will start the server when starting Guard (**default `true`**)
* `:timeout` waits when restarting the Rails server, in seconds (**default `30`**).