lib/grumlin/request_error_factory.rb in grumlin-0.22.1 vs lib/grumlin/request_error_factory.rb in grumlin-0.22.2
- old
+ new
@@ -16,15 +16,23 @@
# Neptune presumably returns message as a JSON string of format
# {"detailedMessage":"",
# "requestId":"UUID",
# "code":"ConcurrentModificationException"}
- # Currencly we simply search for substings to identify the exact error
+ # Currently we simply search for substrings to identify the exact error
# TODO: parse json and use `code` instead
VERTEX_ALREADY_EXISTS = "Vertex with id already exists:"
EDGE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "Edge with id already exists:"
CONCURRENT_VERTEX_INSERT_FAILED = "Failed to complete Insert operation for a Vertex due to conflicting concurrent"
+ "Failed to complete Insert operation for a VertexProperty due to conflicting concurrent"
+ "Failed to complete Insert operation for a EdgeProperty due to conflicting concurrent"
CONCURRENT_EDGE_INSERT_FAILED = "Failed to complete Insert operation for an Edge due to conflicting concurrent"
CONCURRENCT_MODIFICATION_FAILED = "Failed to complete operation due to conflicting concurrent"
class << self
def build(request, response)
@@ -47,12 +55,18 @@
def already_exists_error(status)
return VertexAlreadyExistsError if status[:message]&.include?(VERTEX_ALREADY_EXISTS)
return EdgeAlreadyExistsError if status[:message]&.include?(EDGE_ALREADY_EXISTS)
- def concurrent_modification_error(status)
+ def concurrent_modification_error(status) # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity
return ConcurrentVertexInsertFailedError if status[:message]&.include?(CONCURRENT_VERTEX_INSERT_FAILED)
+ if status[:message]&.include?(CONCURRENT_VERTEX_PROPERTY_INSERT_FAILED)
+ return ConcurrentVertexPropertyInsertFailedError
+ end
return ConcurrentEdgeInsertFailedError if status[:message]&.include?(CONCURRENT_EDGE_INSERT_FAILED)
+ if status[:message]&.include?(CONCURRENT_EDGE_PROPERTY_INSERT_FAILED)
+ return ConcurrentEdgePropertyInsertFailedError
+ end
return ConcurrentModificationError if status[:message]&.include?(CONCURRENCT_MODIFICATION_FAILED)