Rakefile in gruff-0.1.1 vs Rakefile in gruff-0.1.2

- old
+ new

@@ -26,18 +26,26 @@ rm FileList['test/output/*.png'] rm_rf 'pkg' rm_rf 'doc' end +desc "Copy documentation to topfunky.com" +task :rdoc_deploy => [:rdoc] do + dirs = %w{doc} + onserver = "topfunky@topfunky.com:/home/topfunky/topfunky.com/clients/rails/gruff" + dirs.each do | dir| + `rsync -avz -e ssh "#{`pwd`.chomp}/#{dir}" "#{onserver}" --exclude ".svn"` + end +end + # Run the unit tests Rake::TestTask.new { |t| t.libs << "test" t.pattern = 'test/*_test.rb' t.verbose = true } - # Genereate the RDoc documentation Rake::RDocTask.new { |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'doc' rdoc.title = "Gruff -- Beautiful graphs" # rdoc.options << '--line-numbers --inline-source --main README --accessor adv_attr_accessor=M' @@ -195,5 +203,7 @@ first_file = false end end end + +