bin/x86-macos/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto in grpc-tools-1.28.0 vs bin/x86-macos/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto in grpc-tools-1.30.0.pre1
- old
+ new
@@ -127,10 +127,11 @@
message ExtensionRangeOptions {
// The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
// Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
extensions 1000 to max;
// Describes a field within a message.
@@ -210,10 +211,33 @@
// will be used. Otherwise, it's deduced from the field's name by converting
// it to camelCase.
optional string json_name = 10;
optional FieldOptions options = 8;
+ // If true, this is a proto3 "optional". When a proto3 field is optional, it
+ // tracks presence regardless of field type.
+ //
+ // When proto3_optional is true, this field must be belong to a oneof to
+ // signal to old proto3 clients that presence is tracked for this field. This
+ // oneof is known as a "synthetic" oneof, and this field must be its sole
+ // member (each proto3 optional field gets its own synthetic oneof). Synthetic
+ // oneofs exist in the descriptor only, and do not generate any API. Synthetic
+ // oneofs must be ordered after all "real" oneofs.
+ //
+ // For message fields, proto3_optional doesn't create any semantic change,
+ // since non-repeated message fields always track presence. However it still
+ // indicates the semantic detail of whether the user wrote "optional" or not.
+ // This can be useful for round-tripping the .proto file. For consistency we
+ // give message fields a synthetic oneof also, even though it is not required
+ // to track presence. This is especially important because the parser can't
+ // tell if a field is a message or an enum, so it must always create a
+ // synthetic oneof.
+ //
+ // Proto2 optional fields do not set this flag, because they already indicate
+ // optional with `LABEL_OPTIONAL`.
+ optional bool proto3_optional = 17;
// Describes a oneof.
message OneofDescriptorProto {
optional string name = 1;
@@ -391,10 +415,10 @@
// least, this is a formalization for deprecating files.
optional bool deprecated = 23 [default = false];
// Enables the use of arenas for the proto messages in this file. This applies
// only to generated classes for C++.
- optional bool cc_enable_arenas = 31 [default = false];
+ optional bool cc_enable_arenas = 31 [default = true];
// Sets the objective c class prefix which is prepended to all objective c
// generated classes from this .proto. There is no default.
optional string objc_class_prefix = 36;