spec/groupdocs/signature/envelope_spec.rb in groupdocs-2.2.0 vs spec/groupdocs/signature/envelope_spec.rb in groupdocs-2.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,384 +1,384 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope do
- it_behaves_like GroupDocs::Api::Entity
- include_examples GroupDocs::Signature::DocumentMethods
- include_examples GroupDocs::Signature::EntityFields
- include_examples GroupDocs::Signature::EntityMethods
- include_examples GroupDocs::Signature::FieldMethods
- include_examples GroupDocs::Signature::RecipientMethods
- include_examples GroupDocs::Signature::ResourceMethods
- describe '.all!' do
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server(load_json('envelopes_all'))
- end
- it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
- lambda do
- described_class.all!({}, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
- end.should_not raise_error()
- end
- it 'allows passing options' do
- lambda { described_class.all!(:page => 1, :count => 3) }.should_not raise_error()
- end
- it 'returns array of GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope objects' do
- envelopes = described_class.all!
- envelopes.should be_an(Array)
- envelopes.each do |envelope|
- envelope.should be_a(GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope)
- end
- end
- end
- describe '.for_me!' do
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server(load_json('envelopes_all'))
- end
- it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
- lambda do
- described_class.for_me!({}, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
- end.should_not raise_error()
- end
- it 'allows passing options' do
- lambda { described_class.for_me!(:page => 1, :count => 3) }.should_not raise_error()
- end
- it 'returns array of GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope objects' do
- envelopes = described_class.for_me!
- envelopes.should be_an(Array)
- envelopes.each do |envelope|
- envelope.should be_a(GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope)
- end
- end
- end
- it { should have_accessor(:creationDateTime) }
- it { should have_accessor(:status) }
- it { should have_accessor(:statusDateTime) }
- it { should have_accessor(:envelopeExpireTime) }
- it { should have_accessor(:isDemo) }
- it { should have_accessor(:status) }
- it { should alias_accessor(:creation_date_time, :creationDateTime) }
- it { should alias_accessor(:status_date_time, :statusDateTime) }
- it { should alias_accessor(:envelope_expire_time, :envelopeExpireTime) }
- it { should alias_accessor(:is_demo, :isDemo) }
- describe '#status' do
- it 'converts status to human-readable format' do
- subject.status = 1
- subject.status.should == :in_progress
- end
- end
- describe '#add_recipient!' do
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server(load_json('envelope_recipient_add'))
- end
- let(:recipient) do
- GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient.new
- end
- it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
- lambda do
- subject.add_recipient!(recipient, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
- end.should_not raise_error()
- end
- it 'raises error if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object' do
- lambda { subject.add_recipient!('Recipient') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- end
- describe '#modify_recipient!' do
- let(:recipient) do
- GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient.new
- end
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server('{ "status": "Ok", "result": {}}')
- end
- it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
- lambda do
- subject.modify_recipient!(recipient, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
- end.should_not raise_error()
- end
- it 'raises error if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object' do
- lambda { subject.modify_recipient!('Recipient') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- end
- describe '#delegate_recipient!' do
- let(:old) { GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient.new }
- let(:new) { GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient.new }
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server('{ "status": "Ok", "result": {}}')
- end
- it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
- lambda do
- subject.delegate_recipient!(old, new, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
- end.should_not raise_error()
- end
- it 'raises error if old recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object' do
- lambda { subject.delegate_recipient!('Recipient', new) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it 'raises error if new recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object' do
- lambda { subject.delegate_recipient!(old, 'Recipient') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- end
- describe '#fill_field!' do
- let(:field) { GroupDocs::Signature::Field.new(:location => { :location_x => 0.1, :page => 1 }) }
- let(:document) { GroupDocs::Document.new(:file => GroupDocs::Storage::File.new) }
- let(:recipient) { GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient.new }
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server(load_json('signature_field_add'))
- end
- it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
- lambda do
- subject.fill_field!('test', field, document, recipient, {}, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
- end.should_not raise_error()
- end
- it 'can be public' do
- lambda { subject.fill_field!('test', field, document, recipient, :public => true) }.should_not raise_error()
- end
- it 'raises error if field is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field object' do
- lambda { subject.fill_field!('test', 'Field', document, recipient) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it 'raises error if document is not GroupDocs::Document object' do
- lambda { subject.fill_field!('test', field, 'Document', recipient) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it 'raises error if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object' do
- lambda { subject.fill_field!('test', field, document, 'Recipient') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it 'returns filled field' do
- subject.fill_field!('test', field, document, recipient).should be_a(GroupDocs::Signature::Field)
- end
- it 'uses signature identifier if field is :signature and GroupDocs::Signature is passed' do
- api = double(GroupDocs::Api::Request)
- api.stub(:execute! => { :field => {} })
- GroupDocs::Api::Request.stub(:new => api)
- signature = GroupDocs::Signature.new(:id => '123')
- api.should_receive(:add_params).with(:signatureId => '123')
- field.field_type = :signature
- subject.fill_field!(signature, field, document, recipient)
- end
- it 'converts boolean value to required string if field is :checkbox' do
- api = double(GroupDocs::Api::Request)
- options = {}
- api.stub(:execute! => { :field => {} })
- api.stub(:options => { :request_body => nil })
- GroupDocs::Api::Request.stub(:new => api)
- field.field_type = :checkbox
- subject.fill_field!(true, field, document, recipient)
- api.options[:request_body].should == 'on'
- end
- end
- describe '#sign!' do
- let(:recipient) { GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient.new }
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server('{ "status": "Ok", "result": {}}')
- end
- it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
- lambda do
- subject.sign!(recipient, {}, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
- end.should_not raise_error()
- end
- it 'raises error if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object' do
- lambda { subject.sign!('Recipient') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- end
- describe '#decline!' do
- let(:recipient) { GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient.new }
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server('{ "status": "Ok", "result": {}}')
- end
- it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
- lambda do
- subject.decline!(recipient, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
- end.should_not raise_error()
- end
- it 'raises error if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object' do
- lambda { subject.decline!('Recipient') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- end
- describe '#signed_documents!' do
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server(File.read('spec/support/files/resume.pdf'))
- subject.name = 'envelope'
- end
- let(:path) { Dir.tmpdir }
- it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
- lambda do
- subject.signed_documents!(path, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
- end.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it 'returns saved file path' do
- subject.stub(:documents! => [1])
- subject.signed_documents!(path).should == "#{path}/#{subject.name}.pdf"
- end
- context 'no documents' do
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server(File.read('spec/support/files/envelope.zip'))
- end
- it 'downloads ZIP file' do
- file = double('file')
- subject.stub(:documents! => [])
- Object::File.should_receive(:open).with("#{path}/#{subject.name}.zip", 'wb').and_yield(file)
- file.should_receive(:write).with(File.read('spec/support/files/envelope.zip'))
- subject.signed_documents!(path)
- end
- end
- context 'single document' do
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server(File.read('spec/support/files/resume.pdf'))
- end
- it 'downloads PDF file' do
- file = double('file')
- subject.stub(:documents! => [1])
- Object::File.should_receive(:open).with("#{path}/#{subject.name}.pdf", 'wb').and_yield(file)
- file.should_receive(:write).with(File.read('spec/support/files/resume.pdf'))
- subject.signed_documents!(path)
- end
- end
- context 'multiple documents' do
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server(File.read('spec/support/files/envelope.zip'))
- end
- it 'downloads ZIP file' do
- file = double('file')
- subject.stub(:documents! => [1, 2])
- Object::File.should_receive(:open).with("#{path}/#{subject.name}.zip", 'wb').and_yield(file)
- file.should_receive(:write).with(File.read('spec/support/files/envelope.zip'))
- subject.signed_documents!(path)
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#signed_document!' do
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server(File.read('spec/support/files/resume.pdf'))
- subject.name = 'envelope'
- end
- let(:path) { Dir.tmpdir }
- let(:document) { GroupDocs::Document.new(:file => GroupDocs::Storage::File.new) }
- it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
- lambda do
- subject.signed_document!(document, path, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
- end.should_not raise_error()
- end
- it 'returns saved file path' do
- subject.signed_document!(document, path).should == "#{path}/#{subject.name}.pdf"
- end
- it 'downloads PDF file' do
- file = double('file')
- Object::File.should_receive(:open).with("#{path}/#{subject.name}.pdf", 'wb').and_yield(file)
- file.should_receive(:write).with(File.read('spec/support/files/resume.pdf'))
- subject.signed_document!(document, path)
- end
- end
- describe '#logs!' do
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server(load_json('envelope_logs'))
- end
- it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
- lambda do
- subject.logs!(:client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
- end.should_not raise_error()
- end
- it 'returns array of GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope::Log objects' do
- logs = subject.logs!
- logs.should be_an(Array)
- logs.each do |log|
- log.should be_a(GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope::Log)
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#send!' do
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server('{ "status": "Ok", "result": {}}')
- end
- it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
- lambda do
- subject.send!(nil, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
- end.should_not raise_error()
- end
- it 'accepts webhook callback URL and sends it as plain text' do
- subject.send! 'http://mywebsite.com'
- end
- end
- describe '#archive!' do
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server('{ "status": "Ok", "result": {}}')
- end
- it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
- lambda do
- subject.archive!(:client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
- end.should_not raise_error()
- end
- end
- describe '#restart!' do
- before(:each) do
- mock_api_server('{ "status": "Ok", "result": {}}')
- end
- it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
- lambda do
- subject.restart!(:client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
- end.should_not raise_error()
- end
- end
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope do
+ it_behaves_like GroupDocs::Api::Entity
+ include_examples GroupDocs::Signature::DocumentMethods
+ include_examples GroupDocs::Signature::EntityFields
+ include_examples GroupDocs::Signature::EntityMethods
+ include_examples GroupDocs::Signature::FieldMethods
+ include_examples GroupDocs::Signature::RecipientMethods
+ include_examples GroupDocs::Signature::ResourceMethods
+ describe '.all!' do
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server(load_json('envelopes_all'))
+ end
+ it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
+ lambda do
+ described_class.all!({}, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
+ end.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ it 'allows passing options' do
+ lambda { described_class.all!(:page => 1, :count => 3) }.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ it 'returns array of GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope objects' do
+ envelopes = described_class.all!
+ envelopes.should be_an(Array)
+ envelopes.each do |envelope|
+ envelope.should be_a(GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.for_me!' do
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server(load_json('envelopes_all'))
+ end
+ it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
+ lambda do
+ described_class.for_me!({}, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
+ end.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ it 'allows passing options' do
+ lambda { described_class.for_me!(:page => 1, :count => 3) }.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ it 'returns array of GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope objects' do
+ envelopes = described_class.for_me!
+ envelopes.should be_an(Array)
+ envelopes.each do |envelope|
+ envelope.should be_a(GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it { should have_accessor(:creationDateTime) }
+ it { should have_accessor(:status) }
+ it { should have_accessor(:statusDateTime) }
+ it { should have_accessor(:envelopeExpireTime) }
+ it { should have_accessor(:isDemo) }
+ it { should have_accessor(:status) }
+ it { should alias_accessor(:creation_date_time, :creationDateTime) }
+ it { should alias_accessor(:status_date_time, :statusDateTime) }
+ it { should alias_accessor(:envelope_expire_time, :envelopeExpireTime) }
+ it { should alias_accessor(:is_demo, :isDemo) }
+ describe '#status' do
+ it 'converts status to human-readable format' do
+ subject.status = 1
+ subject.status.should == :in_progress
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#add_recipient!' do
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server(load_json('envelope_recipient_add'))
+ end
+ let(:recipient) do
+ GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient.new
+ end
+ it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.add_recipient!(recipient, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
+ end.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ it 'raises error if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object' do
+ lambda { subject.add_recipient!('Recipient') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#modify_recipient!' do
+ let(:recipient) do
+ GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient.new
+ end
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server('{ "status": "Ok", "result": {}}')
+ end
+ it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.modify_recipient!(recipient, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
+ end.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ it 'raises error if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object' do
+ lambda { subject.modify_recipient!('Recipient') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#delegate_recipient!' do
+ let(:old) { GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient.new }
+ let(:new) { GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient.new }
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server('{ "status": "Ok", "result": {}}')
+ end
+ it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.delegate_recipient!(old, new, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
+ end.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ it 'raises error if old recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object' do
+ lambda { subject.delegate_recipient!('Recipient', new) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it 'raises error if new recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object' do
+ lambda { subject.delegate_recipient!(old, 'Recipient') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#fill_field!' do
+ let(:field) { GroupDocs::Signature::Field.new(:location => { :location_x => 0.1, :page => 1 }) }
+ let(:document) { GroupDocs::Document.new(:file => GroupDocs::Storage::File.new) }
+ let(:recipient) { GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient.new }
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server(load_json('signature_field_add'))
+ end
+ it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.fill_field!('test', field, document, recipient, {}, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
+ end.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ it 'can be public' do
+ lambda { subject.fill_field!('test', field, document, recipient, :public => true) }.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ it 'raises error if field is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field object' do
+ lambda { subject.fill_field!('test', 'Field', document, recipient) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it 'raises error if document is not GroupDocs::Document object' do
+ lambda { subject.fill_field!('test', field, 'Document', recipient) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it 'raises error if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object' do
+ lambda { subject.fill_field!('test', field, document, 'Recipient') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it 'returns filled field' do
+ subject.fill_field!('test', field, document, recipient).should be_a(GroupDocs::Signature::Field)
+ end
+ it 'uses signature identifier if field is :signature and GroupDocs::Signature is passed' do
+ api = double(GroupDocs::Api::Request)
+ api.stub(:execute! => { :field => {} })
+ GroupDocs::Api::Request.stub(:new => api)
+ signature = GroupDocs::Signature.new(:id => '123')
+ api.should_receive(:add_params).with(:signatureId => '123')
+ field.field_type = :signature
+ subject.fill_field!(signature, field, document, recipient)
+ end
+ it 'converts boolean value to required string if field is :checkbox' do
+ api = double(GroupDocs::Api::Request)
+ options = {}
+ api.stub(:execute! => { :field => {} })
+ api.stub(:options => { :request_body => nil })
+ GroupDocs::Api::Request.stub(:new => api)
+ field.field_type = :checkbox
+ subject.fill_field!(true, field, document, recipient)
+ api.options[:request_body].should == 'on'
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#sign!' do
+ let(:recipient) { GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient.new }
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server('{ "status": "Ok", "result": {}}')
+ end
+ it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.sign!(recipient, {}, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
+ end.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ it 'raises error if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object' do
+ lambda { subject.sign!('Recipient') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#decline!' do
+ let(:recipient) { GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient.new }
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server('{ "status": "Ok", "result": {}}')
+ end
+ it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.decline!(recipient, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
+ end.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ it 'raises error if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object' do
+ lambda { subject.decline!('Recipient') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#signed_documents!' do
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server(File.read('spec/support/files/resume.pdf'))
+ subject.name = 'envelope'
+ end
+ let(:path) { Dir.tmpdir }
+ it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.signed_documents!(path, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
+ end.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it 'returns saved file path' do
+ subject.stub(:documents! => [1])
+ subject.signed_documents!(path).should == "#{path}/#{subject.name}.pdf"
+ end
+ context 'no documents' do
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server(File.read('spec/support/files/envelope.zip'))
+ end
+ it 'downloads ZIP file' do
+ file = double('file')
+ subject.stub(:documents! => [])
+ Object::File.should_receive(:open).with("#{path}/#{subject.name}.zip", 'wb').and_yield(file)
+ file.should_receive(:write).with(File.read('spec/support/files/envelope.zip'))
+ subject.signed_documents!(path)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'single document' do
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server(File.read('spec/support/files/resume.pdf'))
+ end
+ it 'downloads PDF file' do
+ file = double('file')
+ subject.stub(:documents! => [1])
+ Object::File.should_receive(:open).with("#{path}/#{subject.name}.pdf", 'wb').and_yield(file)
+ file.should_receive(:write).with(File.read('spec/support/files/resume.pdf'))
+ subject.signed_documents!(path)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'multiple documents' do
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server(File.read('spec/support/files/envelope.zip'))
+ end
+ it 'downloads ZIP file' do
+ file = double('file')
+ subject.stub(:documents! => [1, 2])
+ Object::File.should_receive(:open).with("#{path}/#{subject.name}.zip", 'wb').and_yield(file)
+ file.should_receive(:write).with(File.read('spec/support/files/envelope.zip'))
+ subject.signed_documents!(path)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#signed_document!' do
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server(File.read('spec/support/files/resume.pdf'))
+ subject.name = 'envelope'
+ end
+ let(:path) { Dir.tmpdir }
+ let(:document) { GroupDocs::Document.new(:file => GroupDocs::Storage::File.new) }
+ it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.signed_document!(document, path, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
+ end.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ it 'returns saved file path' do
+ subject.signed_document!(document, path).should == "#{path}/#{subject.name}.pdf"
+ end
+ it 'downloads PDF file' do
+ file = double('file')
+ Object::File.should_receive(:open).with("#{path}/#{subject.name}.pdf", 'wb').and_yield(file)
+ file.should_receive(:write).with(File.read('spec/support/files/resume.pdf'))
+ subject.signed_document!(document, path)
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#logs!' do
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server(load_json('envelope_logs'))
+ end
+ it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.logs!(:client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
+ end.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ it 'returns array of GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope::Log objects' do
+ logs = subject.logs!
+ logs.should be_an(Array)
+ logs.each do |log|
+ log.should be_a(GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope::Log)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#send!' do
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server('{ "status": "Ok", "result": {}}')
+ end
+ it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.send!(nil, :client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
+ end.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ it 'accepts webhook callback URL and sends it as plain text' do
+ subject.send! 'http://mywebsite.com'
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#archive!' do
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server('{ "status": "Ok", "result": {}}')
+ end
+ it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.archive!(:client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
+ end.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#restart!' do
+ before(:each) do
+ mock_api_server('{ "status": "Ok", "result": {}}')
+ end
+ it 'accepts access credentials hash' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.restart!(:client_id => 'client_id', :private_key => 'private_key')
+ end.should_not raise_error()
+ end
+ end