spec/groupdocs/api/helpers/rest_helper_spec.rb in groupdocs-2.2.0 vs spec/groupdocs/api/helpers/rest_helper_spec.rb in groupdocs-2.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,161 +1,161 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe GroupDocs::Api::Helpers::REST do
- subject do
- GroupDocs::Api::Request.new(:method => :GET)
- end
- describe 'DEFAULT_HEADERS' do
- subject { described_class::DEFAULT_HEADERS }
- it 'includes "Accept: application/json"' do
- subject.should include(:accept => 'application/json')
- end
- it 'includes "Content-length: 0"' do
- subject.should include(:content_length => 0)
- end
- it 'includes Groupdocs-Referrer with SDK version' do
- subject.should include(:groupdocs_referrer => "ruby/#{GroupDocs::VERSION}")
- end
- end
- describe '#prepare_request' do
- it 'merges default headers with passed' do
- subject.options[:headers] = { :keep_alive => 300 }
- merged_headers = described_class::DEFAULT_HEADERS.merge(:keep_alive => 300)
- lambda do
- subject.send(:prepare_request)
- end.should change { subject.options[:headers] }.to(merged_headers)
- end
- it 'uses default headers when not passed' do
- lambda do
- subject.send(:prepare_request)
- end.should change { subject.options[:headers] }.to(described_class::DEFAULT_HEADERS)
- end
- it 'downcases HTTP method' do
- lambda do
- subject.send(:prepare_request)
- end.should change { subject.options[:method] }.to(:get)
- end
- it 'converts HTTP method to symbol' do
- subject.options[:method] = 'GET'
- lambda do
- subject.send(:prepare_request)
- end.should change { subject.options[:method] }.to(:get)
- end
- it 'coverts request body to JSON' do
- subject.options[:method] = :POST
- subject.options[:request_body] = { :body => 'test' }
- lambda do
- subject.send(:prepare_request)
- end.should change { subject.options[:request_body] }.to('{"body":"test"}')
- end
- it 'does not convert request body to JSON if payload is file' do
- file = Object::File.new(__FILE__, 'rb')
- subject.options[:method] = :POST
- subject.options[:request_body] = file
- subject.send(:prepare_request)
- subject.options[:request_body].should == file
- end
- it 'calculates and sets Content-length' do
- subject.options[:method] = :POST
- subject.options[:headers] = {}
- subject.options[:request_body] = { :body => 'test' }
- lambda do
- subject.send(:prepare_request)
- end.should change { subject.options[:headers][:content_length] }.to(15)
- end
- it 'sets Content-Type header if necessary' do
- subject.options[:method] = :POST
- subject.options[:headers] = {}
- subject.options[:request_body] = { :body => 'test' }
- lambda do
- subject.send(:prepare_request)
- end.should change { subject.options[:headers][:content_type] }.to('application/json')
- end
- it 'allows sending payload as plain text' do
- subject.options[:method] = :POST
- subject.options[:request_body] = 'test'
- subject.options[:plain] = true
- subject.send(:prepare_request)
- subject.options[:request_body].should == 'test'
- subject.options[:headers][:content_type].should_not == 'application/json'
- end
- end
- describe '#send_request' do
- %w(GET DOWNLOAD POST PUT DELETE).each do |method|
- it "sends HTTP #{method} request" do
- mock_api_server('{"status": "Ok"}')
- method = method.downcase.to_sym
- subject.options[:method] = method
- subject.options[:path] = '/folders'
- subject.options[:headers] = {}
- subject.send(:send_request)
- end
- end
- it 'raises error if incorrect method has been passed' do
- subject.options[:method] = :TEST
- lambda { subject.send(:send_request) }.should raise_error(GroupDocs::UnsupportedMethodError)
- end
- it 'saves response' do
- mock_api_server('{"status": "Ok"}')
- subject.options[:method] = :get
- subject.options[:path] = '/folders'
- subject.options[:headers] = {}
- lambda do
- subject.send(:send_request)
- end.should change(subject, :response).to('{"status": "Ok"}')
- end
- end
- describe '#parse_response' do
- it 'does not parse body if request method was DOWNLOAD' do
- subject.options[:method] = :download
- JSON.should_not_receive(:parse)
- lambda do
- subject.send(:parse_response)
- end.should_not change(subject, :response)
- end
- it 'returns JSON result key value' do
- mock_response('{"status": "Ok", "result": { "entities": [] }}')
- parsed_json = { :status => 'Ok', :result => { :entities => [] } }
- JSON.should_receive(:parse).with(subject.response, :symbolize_names => true).and_return(parsed_json)
- subject.send(:parse_response).should == { :entities => [] }
- end
- it 'raises error if response status is not "Ok"' do
- unparsed_json = '{"status": "Failed", "error_message": "The source path is not found."}'
- parsed_json = { :status => "Failed", :error_message => "The source path is not found." }
- mock_response(unparsed_json)
- subject.should_receive(:raise_bad_request_error).with(parsed_json)
- subject.send(:parse_response)
- end
- end
- describe '#raise_bad_request_error' do
- let(:json) do
- { :status => 'Failed', :error_message => 'The source path is not found.' }
- end
- it 'raises error with message from response' do
- lambda do
- subject.send(:raise_bad_request_error, json)
- end.should raise_error(GroupDocs::BadResponseError, 'The source path is not found.')
- end
- end
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe GroupDocs::Api::Helpers::REST do
+ subject do
+ GroupDocs::Api::Request.new(:method => :GET)
+ end
+ describe 'DEFAULT_HEADERS' do
+ subject { described_class::DEFAULT_HEADERS }
+ it 'includes "Accept: application/json"' do
+ subject.should include(:accept => 'application/json')
+ end
+ it 'includes "Content-length: 0"' do
+ subject.should include(:content_length => 0)
+ end
+ it 'includes Groupdocs-Referrer with SDK version' do
+ subject.should include(:groupdocs_referrer => "ruby/#{GroupDocs::VERSION}")
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#prepare_request' do
+ it 'merges default headers with passed' do
+ subject.options[:headers] = { :keep_alive => 300 }
+ merged_headers = described_class::DEFAULT_HEADERS.merge(:keep_alive => 300)
+ lambda do
+ subject.send(:prepare_request)
+ end.should change { subject.options[:headers] }.to(merged_headers)
+ end
+ it 'uses default headers when not passed' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.send(:prepare_request)
+ end.should change { subject.options[:headers] }.to(described_class::DEFAULT_HEADERS)
+ end
+ it 'downcases HTTP method' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.send(:prepare_request)
+ end.should change { subject.options[:method] }.to(:get)
+ end
+ it 'converts HTTP method to symbol' do
+ subject.options[:method] = 'GET'
+ lambda do
+ subject.send(:prepare_request)
+ end.should change { subject.options[:method] }.to(:get)
+ end
+ it 'coverts request body to JSON' do
+ subject.options[:method] = :POST
+ subject.options[:request_body] = { :body => 'test' }
+ lambda do
+ subject.send(:prepare_request)
+ end.should change { subject.options[:request_body] }.to('{"body":"test"}')
+ end
+ it 'does not convert request body to JSON if payload is file' do
+ file = Object::File.new(__FILE__, 'rb')
+ subject.options[:method] = :POST
+ subject.options[:request_body] = file
+ subject.send(:prepare_request)
+ subject.options[:request_body].should == file
+ end
+ it 'calculates and sets Content-length' do
+ subject.options[:method] = :POST
+ subject.options[:headers] = {}
+ subject.options[:request_body] = { :body => 'test' }
+ lambda do
+ subject.send(:prepare_request)
+ end.should change { subject.options[:headers][:content_length] }.to(15)
+ end
+ it 'sets Content-Type header if necessary' do
+ subject.options[:method] = :POST
+ subject.options[:headers] = {}
+ subject.options[:request_body] = { :body => 'test' }
+ lambda do
+ subject.send(:prepare_request)
+ end.should change { subject.options[:headers][:content_type] }.to('application/json')
+ end
+ it 'allows sending payload as plain text' do
+ subject.options[:method] = :POST
+ subject.options[:request_body] = 'test'
+ subject.options[:plain] = true
+ subject.send(:prepare_request)
+ subject.options[:request_body].should == 'test'
+ subject.options[:headers][:content_type].should_not == 'application/json'
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#send_request' do
+ %w(GET DOWNLOAD POST PUT DELETE).each do |method|
+ it "sends HTTP #{method} request" do
+ mock_api_server('{"status": "Ok"}')
+ method = method.downcase.to_sym
+ subject.options[:method] = method
+ subject.options[:path] = '/folders'
+ subject.options[:headers] = {}
+ subject.send(:send_request)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'raises error if incorrect method has been passed' do
+ subject.options[:method] = :TEST
+ lambda { subject.send(:send_request) }.should raise_error(GroupDocs::UnsupportedMethodError)
+ end
+ it 'saves response' do
+ mock_api_server('{"status": "Ok"}')
+ subject.options[:method] = :get
+ subject.options[:path] = '/folders'
+ subject.options[:headers] = {}
+ lambda do
+ subject.send(:send_request)
+ end.should change(subject, :response).to('{"status": "Ok"}')
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#parse_response' do
+ it 'does not parse body if request method was DOWNLOAD' do
+ subject.options[:method] = :download
+ JSON.should_not_receive(:parse)
+ lambda do
+ subject.send(:parse_response)
+ end.should_not change(subject, :response)
+ end
+ it 'returns JSON result key value' do
+ mock_response('{"status": "Ok", "result": { "entities": [] }}')
+ parsed_json = { :status => 'Ok', :result => { :entities => [] } }
+ JSON.should_receive(:parse).with(subject.response, :symbolize_names => true).and_return(parsed_json)
+ subject.send(:parse_response).should == { :entities => [] }
+ end
+ it 'raises error if response status is not "Ok"' do
+ unparsed_json = '{"status": "Failed", "error_message": "The source path is not found."}'
+ parsed_json = { :status => "Failed", :error_message => "The source path is not found." }
+ mock_response(unparsed_json)
+ subject.should_receive(:raise_bad_request_error).with(parsed_json)
+ subject.send(:parse_response)
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#raise_bad_request_error' do
+ let(:json) do
+ { :status => 'Failed', :error_message => 'The source path is not found.' }
+ end
+ it 'raises error with message from response' do
+ lambda do
+ subject.send(:raise_bad_request_error, json)
+ end.should raise_error(GroupDocs::BadResponseError, 'The source path is not found.')
+ end
+ end