lib/groupdocs/signature/shared/field_methods.rb in groupdocs-2.2.0 vs lib/groupdocs/signature/shared/field_methods.rb in groupdocs-2.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,354 +1,354 @@
-module GroupDocs
- class Signature
- #
- # Envelope and template entities share the same set of field methods.
- #
- # @see GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope
- # @see GroupDocs::Signature::Form
- # @see GroupDocs::Signature::Template
- #
- module FieldMethods
- #
- # Changed in release 1.5.8
- #
- # Returns an array of fields for document and recipient.
- #
- # @example Get fields from template
- # template = GroupDocs::Signature::Template.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # document = template.documents!.first
- # recipient = template.recipients!.first
- # template.fields! document, recipient
- #
- # @example Get fields from envelope
- # envelope = GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # document = envelope.documents!.first
- # recipient = envelope.recipients!.first
- # envelope.fields! document, recipient
- #
- # @param [GroupDocs::Document] document
- # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient] recipient
- # @param [String] field_guid Field GUID
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @option options [Boolean] :public Defaults to false
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if document is not GroupDocs::Document
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient
- #
- def fields!(document, recipient, options = {}, access = {})
- document.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Document should be GroupDocs::Document object, received: #{document.inspect}"
- recipient.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Recipient should be GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object, received: #{recipient.inspect}"
- client_id = client_id(options[:public])
- api = do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :GET
- request[:path] = "/signature/#{client_id}/#{class_name.pluralize}/#{id}/fields"
- end
- api.add_params(:document => document.file.guid, :recipient =>, :field => options[:field] )
- json = api.execute!
- json[:fields].map do |field|
- end
- end
- #
- # Adds field for document and recipient.
- #
- # @example Add field to template
- # template = GroupDocs::Signature::Template.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # field = GroupDocs::Signature::Field.get!.detect { |f| f.type == :signature }
- # field.location = { location_x: 0.1, location_y: 0.1, page: 1 }
- # = "Signer"
- # document = template.documents!.first
- # recipient = template.recipients!.first
- # template.add_field! field, document, recipient
- #
- # @example Add field to envelope
- # envelope = GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # field = GroupDocs::Signature::Field.get!.detect { |f| f.type == :signature }
- # = "Signer"
- # field.location = { location_x: 0.1, location_y: 0.1, page: 1 }
- # document = envelope.documents!.first
- # recipient = envelope.recipients!.first
- # envelope.add_field! field, document, recipient
- #
- # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field] field
- # @param [GroupDocs::Document] document
- # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient] recipient
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @option options [Boolean] :force_new_field Set to true to force new field create
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if field is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if document is not GroupDocs::Document
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if field does not specify location
- #
- def add_field!(field, document, recipient, opts = {}, access = {})
- field.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Field should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field object, received: #{field.inspect}"
- document.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Document should be GroupDocs::Document object, received: #{document.inspect}"
- recipient.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Recipient should be GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object, received: #{recipient.inspect}"
- field.location or raise ArgumentError,
- "You have to specify field location, received: #{field.location.inspect}"
- opts[:force_new_field] = true if opts[:force_new_field].nil?
- payload = field.to_hash # field itself
- payload.merge!(field.location.to_hash) # location should added in plain view (i.e. not "location": {...})
- payload.merge!(:forceNewField => opts[:force_new_field]) # create new field flag
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :POST
- request[:path] = "/signature/{{client_id}}/#{class_name.pluralize}/#{id}/documents/#{document.file.guid}/recipient/#{}/field/#{}"
- request[:request_body] = payload
- end.execute!
- end
- #
- # Modifies document field.
- #
- # @example Modify template field
- # template = GroupDocs::Signature::Template.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # document = template.documents!.first
- # recipient = template.recipients!.first
- # field = template.fields!(document, recipient).first
- # = "Field"
- # template.modify_field! field, document
- #
- # @example Modify envelope field
- # envelope = GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # document = envelope.documents!.first
- # recipient = envelope.recipients!.first
- # field = envelope.fields!(document, recipient).first
- # = "Field"
- # envelope.modify_field! field, document
- #
- # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field] field
- # @param [GroupDocs::Document] document
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if field is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if document is not GroupDocs::Document
- #
- def modify_field!(field, document, recipient, access = {})
- field.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Field should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field object, received: #{field.inspect}"
- document.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Document should be GroupDocs::Document object, received: #{document.inspect}"
- recipient.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Recipient should be GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object, received: #{recipient.inspect}"
- # prepare payload
- payload = field.to_hash # field itself
- payload.delete(:locations) # remove locations array
- payload.merge!(field.locations.first.to_hash) # location should added in plain view (i.e. not "locations": [{...}])
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :PUT
- request[:path] = "/signature/{{client_id}}/#{class_name.pluralize}/#{id}/documents/#{document.file.guid}/recipientGuid/#{}field/#{}"
- request[:request_body] = payload
- end.execute!
- end
- #
- # Assigns document field to new recipient.
- #
- # @example Assign template field
- # template = GroupDocs::Signature::Template.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # document = template.documents!.first
- # recipient_one = template.recipients![0]
- # recipient_two = template.recipients![1]
- # field = template.fields!(document, recipient).first
- # template.assign_field! field, document, recipient_one, recipient_two
- #
- # @example Assign envelope field
- # envelope = GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # document = envelope.documents!.first
- # recipient_one = envelope.recipients![0]
- # recipient_two = envelope.recipients![1]
- # field = envelope.fields!(document, recipient).first
- # envelope.assign_field! field, document, recipient_one, recipient_two
- #
- # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field] field
- # @param [GroupDocs::Document] document
- # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient] assign_from
- # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient] assign_to
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if field is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if document is not GroupDocs::Document
- #
- def assign_field!(field, document, assign_from, assign_to, access = {})
- field.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Field should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field object, received: #{field.inspect}"
- document.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Document should be GroupDocs::Document object, received: #{document.inspect}"
- assign_from.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Assign from should be GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object, received: #{assign_from.inspect}"
- assign_to.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Assign to should be GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object, received: #{assign_to.inspect}"
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :POST
- request[:path] = "/signature/{{client_id}}/#{class_name.pluralize}/#{id}/documents/#{document.file.guid}/field/#{}"
- request[:request_body] = { :currentRecipientId =>, :newRecipientId => }
- end.execute!
- end
- #
- # Deletes field.
- #
- # @example Delete field from template
- # template = GroupDocs::Signature::Template.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # document = template.documents!.first
- # recipient = template.recipients!.first
- # field = template.fields!(document, recipient).first
- # template.delete_field! field
- #
- # @example Delete field from envelope
- # envelope = GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # document = envelope.documents!.first
- # recipient = envelope.recipients!.first
- # field = envelope.fields!(document, recipient).first
- # envelope.delete_field! field
- #
- # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field] field
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if field is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field
- #
- def delete_field!(field, access = {})
- field.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Field should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field object, received: #{field.inspect}"
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :DELETE
- request[:path] = "/signature/{{client_id}}/#{class_name.pluralize}/#{id}/fields/#{}"
- end.execute!
- end
- #
- # Modifies field location.
- #
- # @example Modify field location in template
- # template = GroupDocs::Signature::Template.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # document = template.documents!.first
- # recipient = template.recipients!.first
- # field = template.fields!(document, recipient).first
- # location = field.locations.first
- # location.x = 0.123
- # location.y = 0.123
- # = 2
- # template.modify_field_location! location, field, document, recipient
- #
- # @example Modify field location in envelope
- # envelope = GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # document = envelope.documents!.first
- # recipient = envelope.recipients!.first
- # field = envelope.fields!(document, recipient).first
- # location = field.locations.first
- # location.x = 0.123
- # location.y = 0.123
- # = 2
- # envelope.modify_field_location! location, field, document, recipient
- #
- # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location] location
- # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field] field
- # @param [GroupDocs::Document] document
- # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient] recipient
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if location is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if field is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if document is not GroupDocs::Document
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient
- #
- def modify_field_location!(location, field, document, recipient, access = {})
- location.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Location should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location object, received: #{location.inspect}"
- field.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Field should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field object, received: #{field.inspect}"
- document.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Document should be GroupDocs::Document object, received: #{document.inspect}"
- recipient.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Recipient should be GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object, received: #{recipient.inspect}"
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :PUT
- request[:path] = "/signature/{{client_id}}/#{class_name.pluralize}/#{id}/documents/#{document.file.guid}/recipient/#{}/fields/#{}/locations/#{}"
- request[:request_body] = location.to_hash
- end.execute!
- end
- #
- # Deletes field location.
- #
- # @example Delete field location in template
- # template = GroupDocs::Signature::Template.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # document = template.documents!.first
- # recipient = template.recipients!.first
- # field = template.fields!(document, recipient).first
- # location = field.locations.first
- # template.delete_field_location! location, field
- #
- # @example Delete field location in envelope
- # envelope = GroupDocs::Signature::Envelop.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # document = envelope.documents!.first
- # recipient = envelope.recipients!.first
- # field = envelope.fields!(document, recipient).first
- # location = field.locations.first
- # envelope.delete_field_location! location, field
- #
- # @example Delete field location in form
- # form = GroupDocs::Signature::Form.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
- # document = form.documents!.first
- # field = form.fields!(document).first
- # location = field.locations.first
- # form.delete_field_location! location, field
- #
- # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location] location
- # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field] field
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if location is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if field is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field
- #
- def delete_field_location!(location, field, access = {})
- location.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Location should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location object, received: #{location.inspect}"
- field.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Field should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field object, received: #{field.inspect}"
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :DELETE
- request[:path] = "/signature/{{client_id}}/#{class_name.pluralize}/#{id}/fields/#{}/locations/#{}"
- end.execute!
- end
- end # FieldMethods
- end # Signature
-end # GroupDocs
+module GroupDocs
+ class Signature
+ #
+ # Envelope and template entities share the same set of field methods.
+ #
+ # @see GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope
+ # @see GroupDocs::Signature::Form
+ # @see GroupDocs::Signature::Template
+ #
+ module FieldMethods
+ #
+ # Changed in release 1.5.8
+ #
+ # Returns an array of fields for document and recipient.
+ #
+ # @example Get fields from template
+ # template = GroupDocs::Signature::Template.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # document = template.documents!.first
+ # recipient = template.recipients!.first
+ # template.fields! document, recipient
+ #
+ # @example Get fields from envelope
+ # envelope = GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # document = envelope.documents!.first
+ # recipient = envelope.recipients!.first
+ # envelope.fields! document, recipient
+ #
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Document] document
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient] recipient
+ # @param [String] field_guid Field GUID
+ # @param [Hash] options
+ # @option options [Boolean] :public Defaults to false
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if document is not GroupDocs::Document
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient
+ #
+ def fields!(document, recipient, options = {}, access = {})
+ document.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Document should be GroupDocs::Document object, received: #{document.inspect}"
+ recipient.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Recipient should be GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object, received: #{recipient.inspect}"
+ client_id = client_id(options[:public])
+ api = do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :GET
+ request[:path] = "/signature/#{client_id}/#{class_name.pluralize}/#{id}/fields"
+ end
+ api.add_params(:document => document.file.guid, :recipient =>, :field => options[:field] )
+ json = api.execute!
+ json[:fields].map do |field|
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Adds field for document and recipient.
+ #
+ # @example Add field to template
+ # template = GroupDocs::Signature::Template.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # field = GroupDocs::Signature::Field.get!.detect { |f| f.type == :signature }
+ # field.location = { location_x: 0.1, location_y: 0.1, page: 1 }
+ # = "Signer"
+ # document = template.documents!.first
+ # recipient = template.recipients!.first
+ # template.add_field! field, document, recipient
+ #
+ # @example Add field to envelope
+ # envelope = GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # field = GroupDocs::Signature::Field.get!.detect { |f| f.type == :signature }
+ # = "Signer"
+ # field.location = { location_x: 0.1, location_y: 0.1, page: 1 }
+ # document = envelope.documents!.first
+ # recipient = envelope.recipients!.first
+ # envelope.add_field! field, document, recipient
+ #
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field] field
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Document] document
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient] recipient
+ # @param [Hash] options
+ # @option options [Boolean] :force_new_field Set to true to force new field create
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if field is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if document is not GroupDocs::Document
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if field does not specify location
+ #
+ def add_field!(field, document, recipient, opts = {}, access = {})
+ field.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Field should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field object, received: #{field.inspect}"
+ document.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Document should be GroupDocs::Document object, received: #{document.inspect}"
+ recipient.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Recipient should be GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object, received: #{recipient.inspect}"
+ field.location or raise ArgumentError,
+ "You have to specify field location, received: #{field.location.inspect}"
+ opts[:force_new_field] = true if opts[:force_new_field].nil?
+ payload = field.to_hash # field itself
+ payload.merge!(field.location.to_hash) # location should added in plain view (i.e. not "location": {...})
+ payload.merge!(:forceNewField => opts[:force_new_field]) # create new field flag
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :POST
+ request[:path] = "/signature/{{client_id}}/#{class_name.pluralize}/#{id}/documents/#{document.file.guid}/recipient/#{}/field/#{}"
+ request[:request_body] = payload
+ end.execute!
+ end
+ #
+ # Modifies document field.
+ #
+ # @example Modify template field
+ # template = GroupDocs::Signature::Template.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # document = template.documents!.first
+ # recipient = template.recipients!.first
+ # field = template.fields!(document, recipient).first
+ # = "Field"
+ # template.modify_field! field, document
+ #
+ # @example Modify envelope field
+ # envelope = GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # document = envelope.documents!.first
+ # recipient = envelope.recipients!.first
+ # field = envelope.fields!(document, recipient).first
+ # = "Field"
+ # envelope.modify_field! field, document
+ #
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field] field
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Document] document
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if field is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if document is not GroupDocs::Document
+ #
+ def modify_field!(field, document, recipient, access = {})
+ field.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Field should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field object, received: #{field.inspect}"
+ document.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Document should be GroupDocs::Document object, received: #{document.inspect}"
+ recipient.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Recipient should be GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object, received: #{recipient.inspect}"
+ # prepare payload
+ payload = field.to_hash # field itself
+ payload.delete(:locations) # remove locations array
+ payload.merge!(field.locations.first.to_hash) # location should added in plain view (i.e. not "locations": [{...}])
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :PUT
+ request[:path] = "/signature/{{client_id}}/#{class_name.pluralize}/#{id}/documents/#{document.file.guid}/recipientGuid/#{}field/#{}"
+ request[:request_body] = payload
+ end.execute!
+ end
+ #
+ # Assigns document field to new recipient.
+ #
+ # @example Assign template field
+ # template = GroupDocs::Signature::Template.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # document = template.documents!.first
+ # recipient_one = template.recipients![0]
+ # recipient_two = template.recipients![1]
+ # field = template.fields!(document, recipient).first
+ # template.assign_field! field, document, recipient_one, recipient_two
+ #
+ # @example Assign envelope field
+ # envelope = GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # document = envelope.documents!.first
+ # recipient_one = envelope.recipients![0]
+ # recipient_two = envelope.recipients![1]
+ # field = envelope.fields!(document, recipient).first
+ # envelope.assign_field! field, document, recipient_one, recipient_two
+ #
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field] field
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Document] document
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient] assign_from
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient] assign_to
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if field is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if document is not GroupDocs::Document
+ #
+ def assign_field!(field, document, assign_from, assign_to, access = {})
+ field.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Field should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field object, received: #{field.inspect}"
+ document.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Document should be GroupDocs::Document object, received: #{document.inspect}"
+ assign_from.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Assign from should be GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object, received: #{assign_from.inspect}"
+ assign_to.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Assign to should be GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object, received: #{assign_to.inspect}"
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :POST
+ request[:path] = "/signature/{{client_id}}/#{class_name.pluralize}/#{id}/documents/#{document.file.guid}/field/#{}"
+ request[:request_body] = { :currentRecipientId =>, :newRecipientId => }
+ end.execute!
+ end
+ #
+ # Deletes field.
+ #
+ # @example Delete field from template
+ # template = GroupDocs::Signature::Template.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # document = template.documents!.first
+ # recipient = template.recipients!.first
+ # field = template.fields!(document, recipient).first
+ # template.delete_field! field
+ #
+ # @example Delete field from envelope
+ # envelope = GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # document = envelope.documents!.first
+ # recipient = envelope.recipients!.first
+ # field = envelope.fields!(document, recipient).first
+ # envelope.delete_field! field
+ #
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field] field
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if field is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field
+ #
+ def delete_field!(field, access = {})
+ field.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Field should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field object, received: #{field.inspect}"
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :DELETE
+ request[:path] = "/signature/{{client_id}}/#{class_name.pluralize}/#{id}/fields/#{}"
+ end.execute!
+ end
+ #
+ # Modifies field location.
+ #
+ # @example Modify field location in template
+ # template = GroupDocs::Signature::Template.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # document = template.documents!.first
+ # recipient = template.recipients!.first
+ # field = template.fields!(document, recipient).first
+ # location = field.locations.first
+ # location.x = 0.123
+ # location.y = 0.123
+ # = 2
+ # template.modify_field_location! location, field, document, recipient
+ #
+ # @example Modify field location in envelope
+ # envelope = GroupDocs::Signature::Envelope.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # document = envelope.documents!.first
+ # recipient = envelope.recipients!.first
+ # field = envelope.fields!(document, recipient).first
+ # location = field.locations.first
+ # location.x = 0.123
+ # location.y = 0.123
+ # = 2
+ # envelope.modify_field_location! location, field, document, recipient
+ #
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location] location
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field] field
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Document] document
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient] recipient
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if location is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if field is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if document is not GroupDocs::Document
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if recipient is not GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient
+ #
+ def modify_field_location!(location, field, document, recipient, access = {})
+ location.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Location should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location object, received: #{location.inspect}"
+ field.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Field should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field object, received: #{field.inspect}"
+ document.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Document should be GroupDocs::Document object, received: #{document.inspect}"
+ recipient.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Recipient should be GroupDocs::Signature::Recipient object, received: #{recipient.inspect}"
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :PUT
+ request[:path] = "/signature/{{client_id}}/#{class_name.pluralize}/#{id}/documents/#{document.file.guid}/recipient/#{}/fields/#{}/locations/#{}"
+ request[:request_body] = location.to_hash
+ end.execute!
+ end
+ #
+ # Deletes field location.
+ #
+ # @example Delete field location in template
+ # template = GroupDocs::Signature::Template.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # document = template.documents!.first
+ # recipient = template.recipients!.first
+ # field = template.fields!(document, recipient).first
+ # location = field.locations.first
+ # template.delete_field_location! location, field
+ #
+ # @example Delete field location in envelope
+ # envelope = GroupDocs::Signature::Envelop.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # document = envelope.documents!.first
+ # recipient = envelope.recipients!.first
+ # field = envelope.fields!(document, recipient).first
+ # location = field.locations.first
+ # envelope.delete_field_location! location, field
+ #
+ # @example Delete field location in form
+ # form = GroupDocs::Signature::Form.get!("g94h5g84hj9g4gf23i40j")
+ # document = form.documents!.first
+ # field = form.fields!(document).first
+ # location = field.locations.first
+ # form.delete_field_location! location, field
+ #
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location] location
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Signature::Field] field
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if location is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if field is not GroupDocs::Signature::Field
+ #
+ def delete_field_location!(location, field, access = {})
+ location.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Location should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field::Location object, received: #{location.inspect}"
+ field.is_a?(GroupDocs::Signature::Field) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Field should be GroupDocs::Signature::Field object, received: #{field.inspect}"
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :DELETE
+ request[:path] = "/signature/{{client_id}}/#{class_name.pluralize}/#{id}/fields/#{}/locations/#{}"
+ end.execute!
+ end
+ end # FieldMethods
+ end # Signature
+end # GroupDocs