lib/groupdocs/questionnaire.rb in groupdocs-2.2.0 vs lib/groupdocs/questionnaire.rb in groupdocs-2.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,530 +1,530 @@
-module GroupDocs
- class Questionnaire < Api::Entity
- require 'groupdocs/questionnaire/collector'
- require 'groupdocs/questionnaire/execution'
- require 'groupdocs/questionnaire/page'
- require 'groupdocs/questionnaire/question'
- require 'groupdocs/questionnaire/collector_style'
- include Api::Helpers::Status
- #
- # Returns an array of all questionnaires.
- #
- # @param [Hash] options Hash of options
- # @option options [Symbol] :status Filter questionnaires by status
- # @option options [Integer] :page_number Page to start with
- # @option options [Integer] :page_size How many items to list
- # @option options [String] :orderBy Order by column (optional)
- # @option options [Bool] :isAscending Order by ascending or descending (optional)
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @return [Array<GroupDocs::Questionnaire>]
- #
- def self.all!(options = {}, access = {})
- if options[:status]
- # TODO find better way to parse status
- options[:status] = new.send(:parse_status, options[:status])
- end
- api = do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :GET
- request[:path] = '/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires'
- end
- api.add_params(options)
- json = api.execute!
- json[:questionnaires].map do |questionnaire|
- new(questionnaire)
- end
- end
- #
- # Returns questionnaire by identifier.
- #
- # @param [Integer] id
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @return [GroupDocs::Questionnaire, nil]
- #
- def self.get!(id, access = {})
- json = do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :GET
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{id}"
- end.execute!
- new(json[:questionnaire])
- rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound
- nil
- end
- # @attr [Integer] id
- attr_accessor :id
- # @attr [String] guid
- attr_accessor :guid
- # @attr [String] name
- attr_accessor :name
- # @attr [Symbol] status
- attr_accessor :status
- # @attr [String] descr
- attr_accessor :descr
- # @attr [Array<GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page>] pages
- attr_accessor :pages
- # @attr [Integer] resolved_executions
- attr_accessor :resolved_executions
- # @attr [Integer] assigned_questions
- attr_accessor :assigned_questions
- # @attr [Integer] total_questions
- attr_accessor :total_questions
- # @attr [Integer] modified
- attr_accessor :modified
- # @attr [Integer] expires
- attr_accessor :expires
- # @attr [Array<String>] document_ids
- attr_accessor :document_ids
- # added in release 1.5.8
- #
- # @attr [Array<String>] formats
- attr_accessor :formats
- # @attr [String] folder
- attr_accessor :folder
- # @attr [String] emails
- attr_accessor :emails
- # @attr [String] output_format
- attr_accessor :output_format
- # @attr [Boolean] open_on_completion
- attr_accessor :open_on_completion
- # @attr [Integer] allowed_operations
- attr_accessor :allowed_operations
- # added in release 1.6.0
- # @attr [Integer] totalCount
- attr_accessor :totalCount
- # Human-readable accessors
- alias_accessor :description, :descr
- # added in release 1.6.0
- alias_accessor :total_count, :totalCount
- #
- # Converts each page to GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page object.
- #
- # @param [Array<GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page, Hash>] pages
- #
- def pages=(pages)
- if pages
- @pages = do |page|
- if page.is_a?(GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page)
- page
- else
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # Converts status to human-readable format.
- #
- # @return [Symbol]
- #
- def status
- parse_status(@status)
- end
- #
- # Adds page to questionnaire.
- #
- # @param [GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page] page
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if page is not GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page object
- #
- def add_page(page)
- page.is_a?(GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Page should be GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page object, received: #{page.inspect}"
- @pages ||=
- @pages << page
- end
- #
- # Creates questionnaire.
- #
- # @example
- #
- # questionnaire =
- # pages =
- # questions =
- # answer =
- # questions.answers = [answer]
- # conditions =
- # questions.conditions = [conditions]
- # pages.questions = [questions]
- # questionnaire.pages = [pages]
- # questionnaire.create!
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def create!(access = {})
- json = do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :POST
- request[:path] = '/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires'
- request[:request_body] = to_hash
- end.execute!
- = json[:questionnaire_id]
- self.guid = json[:questionnaire_guid]
- = json[:adjusted_name]
- end
- #
- # Updates questionnaire.
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def update!(access = {})
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :PUT
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{id}"
- request[:request_body] = to_hash
- end.execute!
- end
- #
- # Removes questionnaire.
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def remove!(access = {})
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :DELETE
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{id}"
- end.execute!
- # TODO: fix this in API -
- rescue RestClient::BadRequest
- nil
- end
- #
- # Returns array of datasources for questionnaire.
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @return [Array<GroupDocs::DataSource>]
- #
- def datasources!(access = {})
- json = do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :GET
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{id}/datasources"
- end.execute!
- json[:datasources].map do |datasource|
- end
- end
- #
- # Returns an array of questionnaire executions.
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @return [Array<GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Execution>]
- #
- def executions!(access = {})
- json = do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :GET
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{guid}/executions"
- end.execute!
- json[:executions].map do |execution|
- end
- end
- #
- # Changed in release 1.5.8
- #
- #
- # Returns an array of questionnaire collectors.
- #
- #
- # @param [Hash] options Options
- # @option options [String] :orderBy Order by column (required)
- # @option options [Boolean] :isAsc Order by ascending or descending (required)
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @return [Array<GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Collector>]
- #
- def collectors!(options = {}, access = {})
- api = do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :GET
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{guid}/collectors"
- end
- api.add_params(options)
- json = api.execute!
- json[:collectors].map do |collector|
- collector.merge!(:questionnaire => self)
- end
- end
- #
- # Returns questionnaire metadata.
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @return [GroupDocs::Questionnaire]
- #
- def metadata!(access = {})
- json = do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :GET
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{guid}/metadata"
- end.execute!
- end
- #
- # Updates questionnaire metadata.
- #
- # @example
- # questionnaire = GroupDocs::Questionnaire.get!(1)
- # metadata = questionnaire.metadata!
- # = 'New questionnaire name'
- # questionnaire.update_metadata! metadata
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if metadata is not GroupDocs::Questionnaire
- #
- def update_metadata!(metadata, access = {})
- metadata.is_a?(GroupDocs::Questionnaire) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Metadata should be GroupDocs::Questionnaire object, received: #{metadata.inspect}"
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :PUT
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{guid}/metadata"
- request[:request_body] = metadata.to_hash
- end.execute!
- end
- #
- # Returns an array of document fields for questionnaire.
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @return [Array<GroupDocs::Document::Field>]
- #
- def fields!(access = {})
- api = do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :GET
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{guid}/fields"
- end
- api.add_params(:include_geometry => true)
- json = api.execute!
- json[:fields].map do |field|
- end
- end
- #
- # Changed in release 1.5.8
- #
- # Copy file to given path.
- #
- # @param [String] path (required)
- # @param [String] mode Mode (optional)
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @option options [String] name
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @return [Array] Templates
- #
- def copy_to_templates!(path, mode, options = {}, access = {})
- options[:name] ||= name
- path = prepare_path("#{path}/#{options[:name]}")
- api = do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :PUT
- request[:headers] = { :'Groupdocs-Copy' => id }
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/files/#{path}"
- end
- api.add_params(:mode => mode)
- json = api.execute!
- json[:templates]
- end
- #
- # Added in release 1.5.8
- #
- # Get associated document by questionnaire
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def get_document!(access = {})
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :GET
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{id}/document"
- end.execute!
- end
- #
- # Added in release 1.5.8
- #
- # Returns an array of questionnaires by name.
- #
- # @param [Hash] options Hash of options
- # @option options [String] :name Questionnaire name
- # @option options [Symbol] :status Filter questionnaires by status
- # @option options [Integer] :page_number Page to start with
- # @option options [Integer] :page_size How many items to list
- # @option options [String] :orderBy Order by column (optional)
- # @option options [Bool] :isAscending Order by ascending or descending (optional)
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @return [Array<GroupDocs::Questionnaire>]
- #
- def self.get_by_name!(options = {}, access = {})
- if options[:status]
- # TODO find better way to parse status
- options[:status] = new.send(:parse_status, options[:status])
- end
- api = do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :GET
- request[:path] = '/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/filter'
- end
- api.add_params(options)
- json = api.execute!
- json[:questionnaires].map do |questionnaire|
- new(questionnaire)
- end
- end
- #
- # Added in release 1.5.8
- #
- # Delete list of questionnaires by GUIDs.
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option guids [Array<String>] List of Questionnaires Guid
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def delete_list!(guids, access = {})
- api = do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :DELETE
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/list"
- request[:request_body] = guids
- end
- api.execute!
- end
- #
- # Added in release 1.5.8
- #
- # Removes questionnaire collector.
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option collectors [Array<String>] List of Collectors Guid
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def delete_collectors_list!(collectors, access = {})
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :DELETE
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/collectors/list"
- request[:request_body] = collectors
- end.execute!
- end
- #
- # Added in release 1.5.8
- #
- # Removes questionnaire execution.
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option executions [Array<String>] List of Executions Guid
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def delete_executions_list!(executions, access = {})
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :DELETE
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/executions/list"
- request[:request_body] = executions
- end.execute!
- end
- #
- # Added in release 1.5.8
- #
- # Delete list of datasource fields.
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option datasource [Array<String>] List of Datasources Guid
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def delete_datasources_list!(datasources, access = {})
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :DELETE
- request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}datasources/list"
- request[:request_body] = datasources
- end.execute!
- end
- end # Questionnaire
-end # GroupDocs
+module GroupDocs
+ class Questionnaire < Api::Entity
+ require 'groupdocs/questionnaire/collector'
+ require 'groupdocs/questionnaire/execution'
+ require 'groupdocs/questionnaire/page'
+ require 'groupdocs/questionnaire/question'
+ require 'groupdocs/questionnaire/collector_style'
+ include Api::Helpers::Status
+ #
+ # Returns an array of all questionnaires.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] options Hash of options
+ # @option options [Symbol] :status Filter questionnaires by status
+ # @option options [Integer] :page_number Page to start with
+ # @option options [Integer] :page_size How many items to list
+ # @option options [String] :orderBy Order by column (optional)
+ # @option options [Bool] :isAscending Order by ascending or descending (optional)
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @return [Array<GroupDocs::Questionnaire>]
+ #
+ def self.all!(options = {}, access = {})
+ if options[:status]
+ # TODO find better way to parse status
+ options[:status] = new.send(:parse_status, options[:status])
+ end
+ api = do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :GET
+ request[:path] = '/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires'
+ end
+ api.add_params(options)
+ json = api.execute!
+ json[:questionnaires].map do |questionnaire|
+ new(questionnaire)
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Returns questionnaire by identifier.
+ #
+ # @param [Integer] id
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @return [GroupDocs::Questionnaire, nil]
+ #
+ def self.get!(id, access = {})
+ json = do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :GET
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{id}"
+ end.execute!
+ new(json[:questionnaire])
+ rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound
+ nil
+ end
+ # @attr [Integer] id
+ attr_accessor :id
+ # @attr [String] guid
+ attr_accessor :guid
+ # @attr [String] name
+ attr_accessor :name
+ # @attr [Symbol] status
+ attr_accessor :status
+ # @attr [String] descr
+ attr_accessor :descr
+ # @attr [Array<GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page>] pages
+ attr_accessor :pages
+ # @attr [Integer] resolved_executions
+ attr_accessor :resolved_executions
+ # @attr [Integer] assigned_questions
+ attr_accessor :assigned_questions
+ # @attr [Integer] total_questions
+ attr_accessor :total_questions
+ # @attr [Integer] modified
+ attr_accessor :modified
+ # @attr [Integer] expires
+ attr_accessor :expires
+ # @attr [Array<String>] document_ids
+ attr_accessor :document_ids
+ # added in release 1.5.8
+ #
+ # @attr [Array<String>] formats
+ attr_accessor :formats
+ # @attr [String] folder
+ attr_accessor :folder
+ # @attr [String] emails
+ attr_accessor :emails
+ # @attr [String] output_format
+ attr_accessor :output_format
+ # @attr [Boolean] open_on_completion
+ attr_accessor :open_on_completion
+ # @attr [Integer] allowed_operations
+ attr_accessor :allowed_operations
+ # added in release 1.6.0
+ # @attr [Integer] totalCount
+ attr_accessor :totalCount
+ # Human-readable accessors
+ alias_accessor :description, :descr
+ # added in release 1.6.0
+ alias_accessor :total_count, :totalCount
+ #
+ # Converts each page to GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page object.
+ #
+ # @param [Array<GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page, Hash>] pages
+ #
+ def pages=(pages)
+ if pages
+ @pages = do |page|
+ if page.is_a?(GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page)
+ page
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Converts status to human-readable format.
+ #
+ # @return [Symbol]
+ #
+ def status
+ parse_status(@status)
+ end
+ #
+ # Adds page to questionnaire.
+ #
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page] page
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if page is not GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page object
+ #
+ def add_page(page)
+ page.is_a?(GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Page should be GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Page object, received: #{page.inspect}"
+ @pages ||=
+ @pages << page
+ end
+ #
+ # Creates questionnaire.
+ #
+ # @example
+ #
+ # questionnaire =
+ # pages =
+ # questions =
+ # answer =
+ # questions.answers = [answer]
+ # conditions =
+ # questions.conditions = [conditions]
+ # pages.questions = [questions]
+ # questionnaire.pages = [pages]
+ # questionnaire.create!
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def create!(access = {})
+ json = do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :POST
+ request[:path] = '/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires'
+ request[:request_body] = to_hash
+ end.execute!
+ = json[:questionnaire_id]
+ self.guid = json[:questionnaire_guid]
+ = json[:adjusted_name]
+ end
+ #
+ # Updates questionnaire.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def update!(access = {})
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :PUT
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{id}"
+ request[:request_body] = to_hash
+ end.execute!
+ end
+ #
+ # Removes questionnaire.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def remove!(access = {})
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :DELETE
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{id}"
+ end.execute!
+ # TODO: fix this in API -
+ rescue RestClient::BadRequest
+ nil
+ end
+ #
+ # Returns array of datasources for questionnaire.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @return [Array<GroupDocs::DataSource>]
+ #
+ def datasources!(access = {})
+ json = do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :GET
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{id}/datasources"
+ end.execute!
+ json[:datasources].map do |datasource|
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Returns an array of questionnaire executions.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @return [Array<GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Execution>]
+ #
+ def executions!(access = {})
+ json = do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :GET
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{guid}/executions"
+ end.execute!
+ json[:executions].map do |execution|
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Changed in release 1.5.8
+ #
+ #
+ # Returns an array of questionnaire collectors.
+ #
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] options Options
+ # @option options [String] :orderBy Order by column (required)
+ # @option options [Boolean] :isAsc Order by ascending or descending (required)
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @return [Array<GroupDocs::Questionnaire::Collector>]
+ #
+ def collectors!(options = {}, access = {})
+ api = do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :GET
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{guid}/collectors"
+ end
+ api.add_params(options)
+ json = api.execute!
+ json[:collectors].map do |collector|
+ collector.merge!(:questionnaire => self)
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Returns questionnaire metadata.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @return [GroupDocs::Questionnaire]
+ #
+ def metadata!(access = {})
+ json = do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :GET
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{guid}/metadata"
+ end.execute!
+ end
+ #
+ # Updates questionnaire metadata.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # questionnaire = GroupDocs::Questionnaire.get!(1)
+ # metadata = questionnaire.metadata!
+ # = 'New questionnaire name'
+ # questionnaire.update_metadata! metadata
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if metadata is not GroupDocs::Questionnaire
+ #
+ def update_metadata!(metadata, access = {})
+ metadata.is_a?(GroupDocs::Questionnaire) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Metadata should be GroupDocs::Questionnaire object, received: #{metadata.inspect}"
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :PUT
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{guid}/metadata"
+ request[:request_body] = metadata.to_hash
+ end.execute!
+ end
+ #
+ # Returns an array of document fields for questionnaire.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @return [Array<GroupDocs::Document::Field>]
+ #
+ def fields!(access = {})
+ api = do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :GET
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{guid}/fields"
+ end
+ api.add_params(:include_geometry => true)
+ json = api.execute!
+ json[:fields].map do |field|
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Changed in release 1.5.8
+ #
+ # Copy file to given path.
+ #
+ # @param [String] path (required)
+ # @param [String] mode Mode (optional)
+ # @param [Hash] options
+ # @option options [String] name
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @return [Array] Templates
+ #
+ def copy_to_templates!(path, mode, options = {}, access = {})
+ options[:name] ||= name
+ path = prepare_path("#{path}/#{options[:name]}")
+ api = do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :PUT
+ request[:headers] = { :'Groupdocs-Copy' => id }
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/files/#{path}"
+ end
+ api.add_params(:mode => mode)
+ json = api.execute!
+ json[:templates]
+ end
+ #
+ # Added in release 1.5.8
+ #
+ # Get associated document by questionnaire
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def get_document!(access = {})
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :GET
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/#{id}/document"
+ end.execute!
+ end
+ #
+ # Added in release 1.5.8
+ #
+ # Returns an array of questionnaires by name.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] options Hash of options
+ # @option options [String] :name Questionnaire name
+ # @option options [Symbol] :status Filter questionnaires by status
+ # @option options [Integer] :page_number Page to start with
+ # @option options [Integer] :page_size How many items to list
+ # @option options [String] :orderBy Order by column (optional)
+ # @option options [Bool] :isAscending Order by ascending or descending (optional)
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @return [Array<GroupDocs::Questionnaire>]
+ #
+ def self.get_by_name!(options = {}, access = {})
+ if options[:status]
+ # TODO find better way to parse status
+ options[:status] = new.send(:parse_status, options[:status])
+ end
+ api = do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :GET
+ request[:path] = '/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/filter'
+ end
+ api.add_params(options)
+ json = api.execute!
+ json[:questionnaires].map do |questionnaire|
+ new(questionnaire)
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Added in release 1.5.8
+ #
+ # Delete list of questionnaires by GUIDs.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option guids [Array<String>] List of Questionnaires Guid
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def delete_list!(guids, access = {})
+ api = do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :DELETE
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/list"
+ request[:request_body] = guids
+ end
+ api.execute!
+ end
+ #
+ # Added in release 1.5.8
+ #
+ # Removes questionnaire collector.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option collectors [Array<String>] List of Collectors Guid
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def delete_collectors_list!(collectors, access = {})
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :DELETE
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/collectors/list"
+ request[:request_body] = collectors
+ end.execute!
+ end
+ #
+ # Added in release 1.5.8
+ #
+ # Removes questionnaire execution.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option executions [Array<String>] List of Executions Guid
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def delete_executions_list!(executions, access = {})
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :DELETE
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}/questionnaires/executions/list"
+ request[:request_body] = executions
+ end.execute!
+ end
+ #
+ # Added in release 1.5.8
+ #
+ # Delete list of datasource fields.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option datasource [Array<String>] List of Datasources Guid
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def delete_datasources_list!(datasources, access = {})
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :DELETE
+ request[:path] = "/merge/{{client_id}}datasources/list"
+ request[:request_body] = datasources
+ end.execute!
+ end
+ end # Questionnaire
+end # GroupDocs