lib/groupdocs/document/annotation.rb in groupdocs-2.2.0 vs lib/groupdocs/document/annotation.rb in groupdocs-2.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,421 +1,421 @@
-module GroupDocs
- class Document::Annotation < Api::Entity
- require 'groupdocs/document/annotation/reply'
- require 'groupdocs/document/annotation/reviewer'
- require 'groupdocs/document/annotation/marker'
- include Api::Helpers::AccessMode
- #AnnotationType = { Text: 0, Area: 1, Point: 2, TextStrikeout: 3, Polyline: 4, TextField: 5, Watermark: 6, TextReplacement: 7, Arrow: 8, TextRedaction 9, ResourceRedaction 10, TextUnderline 11, Distance 12, All 13 }
- # updated in release 1.7.0
- TYPES = %w(Text Area Point TextStrikeout Polyline TextField Watermark TextReplacement Arrow TextRedaction ResourceRedaction ResourceRedaction TextUnderline Distance All)
- # @attr [GroupDocs::Document] document
- attr_accessor :document
- # @attr [Integer] id
- attr_accessor :id
- # @attr [String] guid
- attr_accessor :guid
- # @attr [String] sessionGuid
- attr_accessor :sessionGuid
- # @attr [String] documentGuid
- attr_accessor :documentGuid
- # @attr [String] creatorGuid
- attr_accessor :creatorGuid
- # @attr [String] replyGuid
- attr_accessor :replyGuid
- # @attr [Time] createdOn
- attr_accessor :createdOn
- # @attr [Symbol] type
- attr_accessor :type
- # @attr [Symbol] access
- attr_accessor :access
- # @attr [GroupDocs::Document::Rectangle] box
- attr_accessor :box
- # @attr [Array<GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply>] replies
- attr_accessor :replies
- # @attr [Hash] annotationPosition
- attr_accessor :annotationPosition
- #@attr [Double] AnnotationSizeInfo
- attr_accessor :width
- attr_accessor :height
- #@attr [String]TextFieldInfo
- attr_accessor :fieldText
- attr_accessor :fontFamily
- attr_accessor :fontSize
- #@attr [String]Font Color
- attr_accessor :fontColor
- #added in release 1.5.8
- #@attr [Int] pageNumber
- attr_accessor :pageNumber
- #@attr [Long] serverTime
- attr_accessor :serverTime
- #attr [Array]
- #added in release 1.7.0
- #@attr [Int] penColor
- attr_accessor :penColor
- #@attr [Int] penWidth
- attr_accessor :penWidth
- #@attr [Int] penStyle
- attr_accessor :penStyle
- #@attr [Int] creatorName
- attr_accessor :creatorName
- #@attr [Int] creatorEmail
- attr_accessor :creatorEmail
- #@attr [Long] penColor
- attr_accessor :layerId
- #@attr [Int] penWidth
- attr_accessor :backgroundColor
- #added in release 2.0.0
- #@attr [String] text
- attr_accessor :text
- # Compatibility with response JSON
- alias_method :annotationGuid=, :guid=
- # Human-readable accessors
- alias_accessor :session_guid, :sessionGuid
- alias_accessor :document_guid, :documentGuid
- alias_accessor :creator_guid, :creatorGuid
- alias_accessor :reply_guid, :replyGuid
- alias_accessor :created_on, :createdOn
- alias_accessor :annotation_position, :annotationPosition
- #added in release 1.5.8
- alias_accessor :page_number, :pageNumber
- alias_accessor :server_time, :serverTime
- #added in release 1.7.0
- alias_accessor :pen_color, :penColor
- alias_accessor :pen_width, :penWidth
- alias_accessor :pen_style, :penStyle
- alias_accessor :creator_name, :creatorName
- alias_accessor :creator_email, :creatorEmail
- alias_accessor :layer_id, :layerId
- alias_accessor :background_color, :backgroundColor
- #
- # Creates new GroupDocs::Document::Annotation.
- #
- # @raise [ArgumentError] If document is not passed or is not an instance of GroupDocs::Document
- #
- def initialize(options = {}, &blk)
- super(options, &blk)
- document.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document) or raise ArgumentError,
- "You have to pass GroupDocs::Document object: #{document.inspect}."
- end
- #
- # Updates type with machine-readable format.
- #
- # @param [Symbol] type
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if type is unknown
- #
- def type=(type)
- if type.is_a?(Symbol)
- type = type.to_s.camelize
- TYPES.include?(type) or raise ArgumentError, "Unknown type: #{type.inspect}"
- end
- @type = type
- end
- #
- # Returns type in human-readable format.
- #
- # @return [Symbol]
- #
- def type
- @type.underscore.to_sym
- end
- #
- # Converts access mode to machine-readable format.
- #
- # @param [Symbol] mode
- #
- def access=(mode)
- @access = (mode.is_a?(Symbol) ? parse_access_mode(mode) : mode)
- end
- #
- # Converts access mode to human-readable format.
- #
- # @return [Symbol]
- #
- def access
- parse_access_mode(@access)
- end
- #
- # Converts timestamp which is return by API server to Time object.
- #
- # @return [Time]
- #
- def created_on
- / 1000)
- end
- #
- # Coverts passed hash to GroupDocs::Document::Rectangle object.
- #
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @return [GroupDocs::Document::Rectangle]
- #
- def box=(options)
- @box =
- end
- #
- # Converts each reply to GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply object.
- #
- # @param [Array<GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply, Hash>] replies
- #
- def replies=(replies)
- if replies
- @replies = do |reply|
- if reply.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply)
- reply
- else
- reply.merge!(:annotation => self)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # Adds reply to annotation.
- #
- # @param [GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply] reply
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if reply is not GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply object
- #
- def add_reply(reply)
- reply.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Reply should be GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply object, received: #{reply.inspect}"
- @replies ||=
- @replies << reply
- end
- #
- # Creates new annotation.
- #
- # @example
- # document = GroupDocs::Storage::Folder.list!.first.to_document
- # annotation = document)
- # annotation.create!
- #
- # @param [Hash] info Annotation info
- # @option info [Array] :box
- # @option info [Array] :annotationPosition
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def create!(info, access = {})
- json = do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :POST
- request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/files/#{document.file.guid}/annotations"
- request[:request_body] = info
- end.execute!
- json.each do |field, value|
- send(:"#{field}=", value) if respond_to?(:"#{field}=")
- end
- end
- #
- # Removes annotation.
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def remove!(access = {})
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :DELETE
- request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/annotations/#{guid}"
- end.execute!
- end
- #
- # added in release 1.6.0
- #
- # @example
- # document = GroupDocs::Storage::Folder.list!.first.to_document
- # annotation = document)
- # annotation.remove_annotations!
- #
- # Removes all annotations from document.
- #
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def remove_annotations!(access = {})
- json = do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :DELETE
- request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/files/#{document.file.guid}/annotations"
- end.execute!
- json[:delete_annotation_results]
- end
- #
- # Return an array of replies..
- #
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @option options [Time] :after
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- # @return [Array<GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply>]
- #
- # @raise [ArgumentError] If :after option is passed but it's not an instance of Time
- #
- def replies!(options = {}, access = {})
- Document::Annotation::Reply.get!(self, options, access)
- end
- #
- # Moves annotation to given coordinates.
- #
- # @param [Integer, Float] x
- # @param [Integer, Float] y
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def move!(x, y, access = {})
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :PUT
- request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/annotations/#{guid}/position"
- request[:request_body] = { :x => x, :y => y }
- end.execute!
- self.annotation_position = { :x => x, :y => y }
- end
- #
- # Changed in release 1.5.8
- #
- # Moves annotation marker to given coordinates.
- #
- # @param [GroupDocs::Annotation::Marker] marker Marker position
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def move_marker!(marker, access = {})
- marker.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::MarkerPosition) or raise ArgumentError,
- "Marker should be GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::MarkerPosition object, received: #{marker.inspect}"
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :PUT
- request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/annotations/#{guid}/markerPosition"
- request[:request_body] = marker
- end.execute!
- if box && page_number
- box.x = marker.position[:x]
- box.y = marker.position[:y]
- page_number =
- else
- = { :x => marker.position[:x], :y => marker.position[:y] }
- self.page_number =
- end
- end
- #
- # Sets access mode.
- #
- # @param [Symbol] mode
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def set_access!(mode, access = {})
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :PUT
- request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/annotations/#{guid}/annotationAccess"
- request[:request_body] = %w(public private).index(mode.to_s)
- end.execute!
- self.access = mode
- end
- #
- # Resize annotation.
- #
- # @param [Integer, Float] x
- # @param [Integer, Float] y
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def resize!(x, y, access = {})
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :PUT
- request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/annotations/#{guid}/size"
- request[:request_body] = { :width => x, :height => y }
- end.execute!
- = { :width => x, :height => y }
- end
- #
- # Save Text Of Text Field.
- #
- # @param [String] fieldText
- # @param [String] fontFamily
- # @param [Integer, Float] fontSize
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def text_info!(fieldText, fontFamily, fontSize, access = {})
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :PUT
- request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/annotations/#{guid}/size"
- request[:request_body] = { :fieldText => fieldText, :fontFamily => fontFamily, :fontSize => fontSize }
- end.execute!
- self.fieldText = fieldText
- self.fontFamily = fontFamily
- self.fontSize = fontSize
- end
- #
- # Save Text Of Text Color.
- #
- # @param [Integer, Float] fontColor
- # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
- # @option access [String] :client_id
- # @option access [String] :private_key
- #
- def text_color!(font_color, access = {})
- do |request|
- request[:access] = access
- request[:method] = :PUT
- request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/annotations/#{guid}/size"
- request[:request_body] = { :fontColor => font_color }
- end.execute!
- self.fontColor = font_color
- end
- end # Document::Annotation
-end # GroupDocs
+module GroupDocs
+ class Document::Annotation < Api::Entity
+ require 'groupdocs/document/annotation/reply'
+ require 'groupdocs/document/annotation/reviewer'
+ require 'groupdocs/document/annotation/marker'
+ include Api::Helpers::AccessMode
+ #AnnotationType = { Text: 0, Area: 1, Point: 2, TextStrikeout: 3, Polyline: 4, TextField: 5, Watermark: 6, TextReplacement: 7, Arrow: 8, TextRedaction 9, ResourceRedaction 10, TextUnderline 11, Distance 12, All 13 }
+ # updated in release 1.7.0
+ TYPES = %w(Text Area Point TextStrikeout Polyline TextField Watermark TextReplacement Arrow TextRedaction ResourceRedaction ResourceRedaction TextUnderline Distance All)
+ # @attr [GroupDocs::Document] document
+ attr_accessor :document
+ # @attr [Integer] id
+ attr_accessor :id
+ # @attr [String] guid
+ attr_accessor :guid
+ # @attr [String] sessionGuid
+ attr_accessor :sessionGuid
+ # @attr [String] documentGuid
+ attr_accessor :documentGuid
+ # @attr [String] creatorGuid
+ attr_accessor :creatorGuid
+ # @attr [String] replyGuid
+ attr_accessor :replyGuid
+ # @attr [Time] createdOn
+ attr_accessor :createdOn
+ # @attr [Symbol] type
+ attr_accessor :type
+ # @attr [Symbol] access
+ attr_accessor :access
+ # @attr [GroupDocs::Document::Rectangle] box
+ attr_accessor :box
+ # @attr [Array<GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply>] replies
+ attr_accessor :replies
+ # @attr [Hash] annotationPosition
+ attr_accessor :annotationPosition
+ #@attr [Double] AnnotationSizeInfo
+ attr_accessor :width
+ attr_accessor :height
+ #@attr [String]TextFieldInfo
+ attr_accessor :fieldText
+ attr_accessor :fontFamily
+ attr_accessor :fontSize
+ #@attr [String]Font Color
+ attr_accessor :fontColor
+ #added in release 1.5.8
+ #@attr [Int] pageNumber
+ attr_accessor :pageNumber
+ #@attr [Long] serverTime
+ attr_accessor :serverTime
+ #attr [Array]
+ #added in release 1.7.0
+ #@attr [Int] penColor
+ attr_accessor :penColor
+ #@attr [Int] penWidth
+ attr_accessor :penWidth
+ #@attr [Int] penStyle
+ attr_accessor :penStyle
+ #@attr [Int] creatorName
+ attr_accessor :creatorName
+ #@attr [Int] creatorEmail
+ attr_accessor :creatorEmail
+ #@attr [Long] penColor
+ attr_accessor :layerId
+ #@attr [Int] penWidth
+ attr_accessor :backgroundColor
+ #added in release 2.0.0
+ #@attr [String] text
+ attr_accessor :text
+ # Compatibility with response JSON
+ alias_method :annotationGuid=, :guid=
+ # Human-readable accessors
+ alias_accessor :session_guid, :sessionGuid
+ alias_accessor :document_guid, :documentGuid
+ alias_accessor :creator_guid, :creatorGuid
+ alias_accessor :reply_guid, :replyGuid
+ alias_accessor :created_on, :createdOn
+ alias_accessor :annotation_position, :annotationPosition
+ #added in release 1.5.8
+ alias_accessor :page_number, :pageNumber
+ alias_accessor :server_time, :serverTime
+ #added in release 1.7.0
+ alias_accessor :pen_color, :penColor
+ alias_accessor :pen_width, :penWidth
+ alias_accessor :pen_style, :penStyle
+ alias_accessor :creator_name, :creatorName
+ alias_accessor :creator_email, :creatorEmail
+ alias_accessor :layer_id, :layerId
+ alias_accessor :background_color, :backgroundColor
+ #
+ # Creates new GroupDocs::Document::Annotation.
+ #
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] If document is not passed or is not an instance of GroupDocs::Document
+ #
+ def initialize(options = {}, &blk)
+ super(options, &blk)
+ document.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "You have to pass GroupDocs::Document object: #{document.inspect}."
+ end
+ #
+ # Updates type with machine-readable format.
+ #
+ # @param [Symbol] type
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if type is unknown
+ #
+ def type=(type)
+ if type.is_a?(Symbol)
+ type = type.to_s.camelize
+ TYPES.include?(type) or raise ArgumentError, "Unknown type: #{type.inspect}"
+ end
+ @type = type
+ end
+ #
+ # Returns type in human-readable format.
+ #
+ # @return [Symbol]
+ #
+ def type
+ @type.underscore.to_sym
+ end
+ #
+ # Converts access mode to machine-readable format.
+ #
+ # @param [Symbol] mode
+ #
+ def access=(mode)
+ @access = (mode.is_a?(Symbol) ? parse_access_mode(mode) : mode)
+ end
+ #
+ # Converts access mode to human-readable format.
+ #
+ # @return [Symbol]
+ #
+ def access
+ parse_access_mode(@access)
+ end
+ #
+ # Converts timestamp which is return by API server to Time object.
+ #
+ # @return [Time]
+ #
+ def created_on
+ / 1000)
+ end
+ #
+ # Coverts passed hash to GroupDocs::Document::Rectangle object.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] options
+ # @return [GroupDocs::Document::Rectangle]
+ #
+ def box=(options)
+ @box =
+ end
+ #
+ # Converts each reply to GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply object.
+ #
+ # @param [Array<GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply, Hash>] replies
+ #
+ def replies=(replies)
+ if replies
+ @replies = do |reply|
+ if reply.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply)
+ reply
+ else
+ reply.merge!(:annotation => self)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Adds reply to annotation.
+ #
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply] reply
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if reply is not GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply object
+ #
+ def add_reply(reply)
+ reply.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Reply should be GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply object, received: #{reply.inspect}"
+ @replies ||=
+ @replies << reply
+ end
+ #
+ # Creates new annotation.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # document = GroupDocs::Storage::Folder.list!.first.to_document
+ # annotation = document)
+ # annotation.create!
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] info Annotation info
+ # @option info [Array] :box
+ # @option info [Array] :annotationPosition
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def create!(info, access = {})
+ json = do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :POST
+ request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/files/#{document.file.guid}/annotations"
+ request[:request_body] = info
+ end.execute!
+ json.each do |field, value|
+ send(:"#{field}=", value) if respond_to?(:"#{field}=")
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Removes annotation.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def remove!(access = {})
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :DELETE
+ request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/annotations/#{guid}"
+ end.execute!
+ end
+ #
+ # added in release 1.6.0
+ #
+ # @example
+ # document = GroupDocs::Storage::Folder.list!.first.to_document
+ # annotation = document)
+ # annotation.remove_annotations!
+ #
+ # Removes all annotations from document.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def remove_annotations!(access = {})
+ json = do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :DELETE
+ request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/files/#{document.file.guid}/annotations"
+ end.execute!
+ json[:delete_annotation_results]
+ end
+ #
+ # Return an array of replies..
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] options
+ # @option options [Time] :after
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ # @return [Array<GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::Reply>]
+ #
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] If :after option is passed but it's not an instance of Time
+ #
+ def replies!(options = {}, access = {})
+ Document::Annotation::Reply.get!(self, options, access)
+ end
+ #
+ # Moves annotation to given coordinates.
+ #
+ # @param [Integer, Float] x
+ # @param [Integer, Float] y
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def move!(x, y, access = {})
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :PUT
+ request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/annotations/#{guid}/position"
+ request[:request_body] = { :x => x, :y => y }
+ end.execute!
+ self.annotation_position = { :x => x, :y => y }
+ end
+ #
+ # Changed in release 1.5.8
+ #
+ # Moves annotation marker to given coordinates.
+ #
+ # @param [GroupDocs::Annotation::Marker] marker Marker position
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def move_marker!(marker, access = {})
+ marker.is_a?(GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::MarkerPosition) or raise ArgumentError,
+ "Marker should be GroupDocs::Document::Annotation::MarkerPosition object, received: #{marker.inspect}"
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :PUT
+ request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/annotations/#{guid}/markerPosition"
+ request[:request_body] = marker
+ end.execute!
+ if box && page_number
+ box.x = marker.position[:x]
+ box.y = marker.position[:y]
+ page_number =
+ else
+ = { :x => marker.position[:x], :y => marker.position[:y] }
+ self.page_number =
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Sets access mode.
+ #
+ # @param [Symbol] mode
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def set_access!(mode, access = {})
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :PUT
+ request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/annotations/#{guid}/annotationAccess"
+ request[:request_body] = %w(public private).index(mode.to_s)
+ end.execute!
+ self.access = mode
+ end
+ #
+ # Resize annotation.
+ #
+ # @param [Integer, Float] x
+ # @param [Integer, Float] y
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def resize!(x, y, access = {})
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :PUT
+ request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/annotations/#{guid}/size"
+ request[:request_body] = { :width => x, :height => y }
+ end.execute!
+ = { :width => x, :height => y }
+ end
+ #
+ # Save Text Of Text Field.
+ #
+ # @param [String] fieldText
+ # @param [String] fontFamily
+ # @param [Integer, Float] fontSize
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def text_info!(fieldText, fontFamily, fontSize, access = {})
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :PUT
+ request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/annotations/#{guid}/size"
+ request[:request_body] = { :fieldText => fieldText, :fontFamily => fontFamily, :fontSize => fontSize }
+ end.execute!
+ self.fieldText = fieldText
+ self.fontFamily = fontFamily
+ self.fontSize = fontSize
+ end
+ #
+ # Save Text Of Text Color.
+ #
+ # @param [Integer, Float] fontColor
+ # @param [Hash] access Access credentials
+ # @option access [String] :client_id
+ # @option access [String] :private_key
+ #
+ def text_color!(font_color, access = {})
+ do |request|
+ request[:access] = access
+ request[:method] = :PUT
+ request[:path] = "/ant/{{client_id}}/annotations/#{guid}/size"
+ request[:request_body] = { :fontColor => font_color }
+ end.execute!
+ self.fontColor = font_color
+ end
+ end # Document::Annotation
+end # GroupDocs