test/test_helper.rb in groupdate-2.5.2 vs test/test_helper.rb in groupdate-2.5.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
require "bundler/setup"
require "minitest/autorun"
require "minitest/pride"
require "logger"
+require "active_record"
Minitest::Test = Minitest::Unit::TestCase unless defined?(Minitest::Test)
ENV["TZ"] = "UTC"
@@ -30,34 +31,333 @@
time: {
formats: {special: "%b %e, %Y"}
# migrations
-%w(postgresql mysql2).each do |adapter|
- ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection adapter: adapter, database: "groupdate_test", username: adapter == "mysql2" ? "root" : nil
+def create_tables
+ ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false
ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table :users, force: true do |t|
t.string :name
t.integer :score
t.timestamp :created_at
+ t.date :created_on
ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table :posts, force: true do |t|
t.references :user
t.timestamp :created_at
+module TestDatabase
+ def test_zeros_previous_scope
+ create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ expected = {
+ utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 0
+ }
+ assert_equal expected, User.where("id = 0").group_by_day(:created_at, range: Time.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC")..Time.parse("2013-05-01 23:59:59 UTC")).count
+ end
+ def test_order_hour_of_day
+ assert_equal 23, User.group_by_hour_of_day(:created_at).order("hour_of_day desc").count.keys.first
+ end
+ def test_order_hour_of_day_case
+ assert_equal 23, User.group_by_hour_of_day(:created_at).order("hour_of_day DESC").count.keys.first
+ end
+ def test_order_hour_of_day_reverse
+ skip if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 5
+ assert_equal 23, User.group_by_hour_of_day(:created_at).reverse_order.count.keys.first
+ end
+ def test_order_hour_of_day_order_reverse
+ skip if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 5
+ assert_equal 0, User.group_by_hour_of_day(:created_at).order("hour_of_day desc").reverse_order.count.keys.first
+ end
+ def test_table_name
+ assert_empty User.group_by_day("users.created_at").count
+ end
+ def test_previous_scopes
+ create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ assert_empty User.where("id = 0").group_by_day(:created_at).count
+ end
+ def test_where_after
+ create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ create_user "2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC"
+ expected = {utc.parse("2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC") => 1}
+ assert_equal expected, User.group_by_day(:created_at).where("created_at > ?", "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC").count
+ end
+ def test_group_before
+ create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC", 1
+ create_user "2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC", 2
+ create_user "2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC", 2
+ expected = {
+ [1, utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC")] => 1,
+ [1, utc.parse("2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC")] => 0,
+ [1, utc.parse("2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC")] => 0,
+ [2, utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC")] => 0,
+ [2, utc.parse("2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC")] => 1,
+ [2, utc.parse("2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC")] => 1
+ }
+ assert_equal expected, User.group(:score).group_by_day(:created_at).order(:score).count
+ end
+ def test_group_after
+ create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC", 1
+ create_user "2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC", 2
+ create_user "2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC", 2
+ expected = {
+ [utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"), 1] => 1,
+ [utc.parse("2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC"), 1] => 0,
+ [utc.parse("2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC"), 1] => 0,
+ [utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"), 2] => 0,
+ [utc.parse("2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC"), 2] => 1,
+ [utc.parse("2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC"), 2] => 1
+ }
+ assert_equal expected, User.group_by_day(:created_at).group(:score).order(:score).count
+ end
+ def test_group_day_of_week
+ create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC", 1
+ create_user "2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC", 2
+ create_user "2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC", 2
+ expected = {
+ [1, 0] => 0,
+ [1, 1] => 0,
+ [1, 2] => 0,
+ [1, 3] => 1,
+ [1, 4] => 0,
+ [1, 5] => 0,
+ [1, 6] => 0,
+ [2, 0] => 0,
+ [2, 1] => 0,
+ [2, 2] => 0,
+ [2, 3] => 0,
+ [2, 4] => 1,
+ [2, 5] => 1,
+ [2, 6] => 0
+ }
+ assert_equal expected, User.group(:score).group_by_day_of_week(:created_at).count
+ end
+ def test_groupdate_multiple
+ create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC", 1
+ expected = {
+ [utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"), utc.parse("2013-01-01 00:00:00 UTC")] => 1
+ }
+ assert_equal expected, User.group_by_day(:created_at).group_by_year(:created_at).count
+ end
+ def test_groupdate_multiple_hour_of_day_day_of_week
+ create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC", 1
+ expected = {}
+ 24.times do |i|
+ 7.times do |j|
+ expected[[i, j]] = i == 0 && j == 3 ? 1 : 0
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal expected, User.group_by_hour_of_day(:created_at).group_by_day_of_week(:created_at).count
+ end
+ def test_not_modified
+ create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ expected = {utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 1}
+ relation = User.group_by_day(:created_at)
+ relation.where("created_at > ?", "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC")
+ assert_equal expected, relation.count
+ end
+ def test_bad_method
+ assert_raises(NoMethodError) { User.group_by_day(:created_at).no_such_method }
+ end
+ def test_respond_to_where
+ assert User.group_by_day(:created_at).respond_to?(:order)
+ end
+ def test_respond_to_bad_method
+ assert !User.group_by_day(:created_at).respond_to?(:no_such_method)
+ end
+ def test_last
+ create_user "#{this_year - 3}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ create_user "#{this_year - 1}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ expected = {
+ utc.parse("#{this_year - 2}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 0,
+ utc.parse("#{this_year - 1}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 1,
+ utc.parse("#{this_year}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 0
+ }
+ assert_equal expected, User.group_by_year(:created_at, last: 3).count
+ end
+ def test_current
+ create_user "#{this_year - 3}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ create_user "#{this_year - 1}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ expected = {
+ utc.parse("#{this_year - 2}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 0,
+ utc.parse("#{this_year - 1}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 1
+ }
+ assert_equal expected, User.group_by_year(:created_at, last: 2, current: false).count
+ end
+ def test_format_locale
+ create_user "2014-10-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ assert_equal ({"Okt" => 1}), User.group_by_day(:created_at, format: "%b", locale: :de).count
+ end
+ def test_format_locale_by_symbol
+ create_user "2014-10-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ assert_equal ({"Okt 1, 2014" => 1}), User.group_by_day(:created_at, format: :special, locale: :de).count
+ end
+ def test_format_locale_global
+ create_user "2014-10-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ I18n.locale = :de
+ assert_equal ({"Okt" => 1}), User.group_by_day(:created_at, format: "%b").count
+ ensure
+ I18n.locale = :en
+ end
+ def test_format_multiple_groups
+ create_user "2014-03-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ assert_equal ({["Sun", 1] => 1}), User.group_by_week(:created_at, format: "%a").group(:score).count
+ assert_equal ({[1, "Sun"] => 1}), User.group(:score).group_by_week(:created_at, format: "%a").count
+ end
+ # permit
+ def test_permit
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError, "Unpermitted period") { User.group_by_period(:day, :created_at, permit: %w(week)).count }
+ end
+ def test_permit_bad_period
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError, "Unpermitted period") { User.group_by_period(:bad_period, :created_at).count }
+ end
+ def test_permit_symbol_symbols
+ assert_equal ({}), User.group_by_period(:day, :created_at, permit: [:day]).count
+ end
+ def test_permit_string_symbols
+ assert_equal ({}), User.group_by_period("day", :created_at, permit: [:day]).count
+ end
+ def test_permit_symbol_strings
+ assert_equal ({}), User.group_by_period(:day, :created_at, permit: %w(day)).count
+ end
+ def test_permit_string_strings
+ assert_equal ({}), User.group_by_period("day", :created_at, permit: %w(day)).count
+ end
+ # default value
+ def test_default_value
+ create_user "#{this_year}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ expected = {
+ utc.parse("#{this_year - 1}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") => nil,
+ utc.parse("#{this_year}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 1
+ }
+ assert_equal expected, User.group_by_year(:created_at, last: 2, default_value: nil).count
+ end
+ # associations
+ def test_associations
+ user = create_user("2014-03-01 00:00:00 UTC")
+ user.posts.create!(created_at: "2014-04-01 00:00:00 UTC")
+ expected = {
+ utc.parse("2014-04-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 1
+ }
+ assert_equal expected, user.posts.group_by_day(:created_at).count
+ end
+ # activerecord default_timezone option
+ def test_default_timezone_local
+ User.default_timezone = :local
+ assert_raises(RuntimeError) { User.group_by_day(:created_at).count }
+ ensure
+ User.default_timezone = :utc
+ end
+ # Brasilia Summer Time
+ def test_brasilia_summer_time
+ # must parse and convert to UTC for ActiveRecord 3.1
+ create_user(brasilia.parse("2014-10-19 02:00:00").utc.to_s)
+ create_user(brasilia.parse("2014-10-20 02:00:00").utc.to_s)
+ expected = {
+ brasilia.parse("2014-10-19 01:00:00") => 1,
+ brasilia.parse("2014-10-20 00:00:00") => 1
+ }
+ assert_equal expected, User.group_by_day(:created_at, time_zone: "Brasilia").count
+ end
+ # carry_forward option
+ def test_carry_forward
+ create_user "2014-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ create_user "2014-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ create_user "2014-05-03 00:00:00 UTC"
+ assert_equal 2, User.group_by_day(:created_at, carry_forward: true).count[utc.parse("2014-05-02 00:00:00 UTC")]
+ end
+ # dates
+ def test_dates
+ create_user "2014-03-01 12:00:00 UTC"
+ assert_equal ({Date.parse("2014-03-01") => 1}), User.group_by_day(:created_at, dates: true).count
+ end
+ def test_no_column
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { User.group_by_day.first }
+ end
+ def call_method(method, field, options)
+ User.group_by_period(method, field, options).count
+ end
+ def create_user(created_at, score = 1)
+ user =
+ User.create!(
+ name: "Andrew",
+ score: score,
+ created_at: created_at ? utc.parse(created_at) : nil,
+ created_on: created_at ? Date.parse(created_at) : nil
+ )
+ # hack for MySQL adapter
+ user.update_attributes(created_at: nil, created_on: nil) if created_at.nil?
+ user
+ end
+ def teardown
+ User.delete_all
+ end
+ def enumerable_test?
+ false
+ end
module TestGroupdate
def setup
Groupdate.week_start = :sun
# second
def test_second_end_of_second
- if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name == "Mysql2" && ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING.starts_with?("4.2.")
+ if enumerable_test? || (ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name == "Mysql2" && ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING.starts_with?("4.2."))
skip # no millisecond precision
assert_result_time :second, "2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC", "2013-05-03 00:00:00.999"
@@ -562,29 +862,20 @@
utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 0
assert_equal expected, call_method(:day, :created_at, range: Time.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC")...Time.parse("2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC"))
- def test_zeros_previous_scope
- create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- expected = {
- utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 0
- }
- assert_equal expected, User.where("id = 0").group_by_day(:created_at, range: Time.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC")..Time.parse("2013-05-01 23:59:59 UTC")).count
- end
def test_zeros_datetime
create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
expected = {
utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 1
assert_equal expected, call_method(:day, :created_at, range: DateTime.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC")..DateTime.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"))
def test_zeros_null_value
- user = User.create!(name: "Andrew")
- user.update_column :created_at, nil
+ create_user nil
assert_equal 0, call_method(:hour_of_day, :created_at, range: true)[0]
def test_zeroes_range_true
create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
@@ -609,156 +900,20 @@
assert_result_time :week, "2013-03-16 00:00:00 UTC", "2013-03-22 23:59:59", false, week_start: :sat
# misc
- def test_order_hour_of_day
- assert_equal 23, User.group_by_hour_of_day(:created_at).order("hour_of_day desc").count.keys.first
- end
- def test_order_hour_of_day_case
- assert_equal 23, User.group_by_hour_of_day(:created_at).order("hour_of_day DESC").count.keys.first
- end
- def test_order_hour_of_day_reverse
- skip if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 5
- assert_equal 23, User.group_by_hour_of_day(:created_at).reverse_order.count.keys.first
- end
- def test_order_hour_of_day_order_reverse
- skip if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 5
- assert_equal 0, User.group_by_hour_of_day(:created_at).order("hour_of_day desc").reverse_order.count.keys.first
- end
def test_order_hour_of_day_reverse_option
assert_equal 23, call_method(:hour_of_day, :created_at, reverse: true).keys.first
- def test_table_name
- assert_empty User.group_by_day("users.created_at").count
- end
- def test_previous_scopes
- create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- assert_empty User.where("id = 0").group_by_day(:created_at).count
- end
def test_time_zone
create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
time_zone = "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
assert_equal time_zone, call_method(:day, :created_at, time_zone: time_zone).keys.first.time_zone.name
- def test_where_after
- create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- create_user "2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC"
- expected = {utc.parse("2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC") => 1}
- assert_equal expected, User.group_by_day(:created_at).where("created_at > ?", "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC").count
- end
- def test_group_before
- create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC", 1
- create_user "2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC", 2
- create_user "2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC", 2
- expected = {
- [1, utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC")] => 1,
- [1, utc.parse("2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC")] => 0,
- [1, utc.parse("2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC")] => 0,
- [2, utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC")] => 0,
- [2, utc.parse("2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC")] => 1,
- [2, utc.parse("2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC")] => 1
- }
- assert_equal expected, User.group(:score).group_by_day(:created_at).order(:score).count
- end
- def test_group_after
- create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC", 1
- create_user "2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC", 2
- create_user "2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC", 2
- expected = {
- [utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"), 1] => 1,
- [utc.parse("2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC"), 1] => 0,
- [utc.parse("2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC"), 1] => 0,
- [utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"), 2] => 0,
- [utc.parse("2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC"), 2] => 1,
- [utc.parse("2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC"), 2] => 1
- }
- assert_equal expected, User.group_by_day(:created_at).group(:score).order(:score).count
- end
- def test_group_day_of_week
- create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC", 1
- create_user "2013-05-02 00:00:00 UTC", 2
- create_user "2013-05-03 00:00:00 UTC", 2
- expected = {
- [1, 0] => 0,
- [1, 1] => 0,
- [1, 2] => 0,
- [1, 3] => 1,
- [1, 4] => 0,
- [1, 5] => 0,
- [1, 6] => 0,
- [2, 0] => 0,
- [2, 1] => 0,
- [2, 2] => 0,
- [2, 3] => 0,
- [2, 4] => 1,
- [2, 5] => 1,
- [2, 6] => 0
- }
- assert_equal expected, User.group(:score).group_by_day_of_week(:created_at).count
- end
- def test_groupdate_multiple
- create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC", 1
- expected = {
- [utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"), utc.parse("2013-01-01 00:00:00 UTC")] => 1
- }
- assert_equal expected, User.group_by_day(:created_at).group_by_year(:created_at).count
- end
- def test_not_modified
- create_user "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- expected = {utc.parse("2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 1}
- relation = User.group_by_day(:created_at)
- relation.where("created_at > ?", "2013-05-01 00:00:00 UTC")
- assert_equal expected, relation.count
- end
- def test_bad_method
- assert_raises(NoMethodError) { User.group_by_day(:created_at).no_such_method }
- end
- def test_respond_to_where
- assert User.group_by_day(:created_at).respond_to?(:order)
- end
- def test_respond_to_bad_method
- assert !User.group_by_day(:created_at).respond_to?(:no_such_method)
- end
- def test_last
- create_user "#{this_year - 3}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- create_user "#{this_year - 1}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- expected = {
- utc.parse("#{this_year - 2}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 0,
- utc.parse("#{this_year - 1}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 1,
- utc.parse("#{this_year}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 0
- }
- assert_equal expected, User.group_by_year(:created_at, last: 3).count
- end
- def test_current
- create_user "#{this_year - 3}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- create_user "#{this_year - 1}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- expected = {
- utc.parse("#{this_year - 2}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 0,
- utc.parse("#{this_year - 1}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 1
- }
- assert_equal expected, User.group_by_year(:created_at, last: 2, current: false).count
- end
def test_format_day
create_user "2014-03-01 00:00:00 UTC"
assert_format :day, "March 1, 2014", "%B %-e, %Y"
@@ -805,114 +960,36 @@
def test_format_month_of_year
create_user "2014-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"
assert_format :month_of_year, "Jan", "%b"
- def test_format_locale
- create_user "2014-10-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- assert_equal ({"Okt" => 1}), User.group_by_day(:created_at, format: "%b", locale: :de).count
- end
+ # date column
- def test_format_locale_by_symbol
- create_user "2014-10-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- assert_equal ({"Okt 1, 2014" => 1}), User.group_by_day(:created_at, format: :special, locale: :de).count
- end
- def test_format_locale_global
- create_user "2014-10-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- I18n.locale = :de
- assert_equal ({"Okt" => 1}), User.group_by_day(:created_at, format: "%b").count
- ensure
- I18n.locale = :en
- end
- def test_format_multiple_groups
- create_user "2014-03-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- assert_equal ({["Sun", 1] => 1}), User.group_by_week(:created_at, format: "%a").group(:score).count
- assert_equal ({[1, "Sun"] => 1}), User.group(:score).group_by_week(:created_at, format: "%a").count
- end
- # permit
- def test_permit
- assert_raises(ArgumentError, "Unpermitted period") { User.group_by_period(:day, :created_at, permit: %w(week)).count }
- end
- def test_permit_bad_period
- assert_raises(ArgumentError, "Unpermitted period") { User.group_by_period(:bad_period, :created_at).count }
- end
- def test_permit_symbol_symbols
- assert_equal ({}), User.group_by_period(:day, :created_at, permit: [:day]).count
- end
- def test_permit_string_symbols
- assert_equal ({}), User.group_by_period("day", :created_at, permit: [:day]).count
- end
- def test_permit_symbol_strings
- assert_equal ({}), User.group_by_period(:day, :created_at, permit: %w(day)).count
- end
- def test_permit_string_strings
- assert_equal ({}), User.group_by_period("day", :created_at, permit: %w(day)).count
- end
- # default value
- def test_default_value
- create_user "#{this_year}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"
+ def test_date_column
expected = {
- utc.parse("#{this_year - 1}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") => nil,
- utc.parse("#{this_year}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") => 1
+ Date.parse("2013-05-03") => 1
- assert_equal expected, User.group_by_year(:created_at, last: 2, default_value: nil).count
+ assert_equal expected, result(:day, "2013-05-03", false, dates: true)
- # associations
- def test_associations
- user = create_user("2014-03-01 00:00:00 UTC")
- assert_empty user.posts.group_by_day(:created_at).count
- end
- # activerecord default_timezone option
- def test_default_timezone_local
- User.default_timezone = :local
- assert_raises(RuntimeError) { User.group_by_day(:created_at).count }
- ensure
- User.default_timezone = :utc
- end
- # Brasilia Summer Time
- def test_brasilia_summer_time
- # must parse and convert to UTC for ActiveRecord 3.1
- create_user(brasilia.parse("2014-10-19 02:00:00").utc.to_s)
- create_user(brasilia.parse("2014-10-20 02:00:00").utc.to_s)
+ def test_date_column_with_time_zone
+ # TODO change for Groupdate 3.0
+ skip
expected = {
- brasilia.parse("2014-10-19 01:00:00") => 1,
- brasilia.parse("2014-10-20 00:00:00") => 1
+ Date.parse("2013-05-03") => 1
- assert_equal expected, User.group_by_day(:created_at, time_zone: "Brasilia").count
+ assert_equal expected, result(:day, "2013-05-03", true, dates: true)
- # carry_forward option
+ # day start
- def test_carry_forward
- create_user "2014-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- create_user "2014-05-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- create_user "2014-05-03 00:00:00 UTC"
- assert_equal 2, User.group_by_day(:created_at, carry_forward: true).count[utc.parse("2014-05-02 00:00:00 UTC")]
+ def test_day_start_decimal_end_of_day
+ assert_result_time :day, "2013-05-03 02:30:00 UTC", "2013-05-04 02:29:59", false, day_start: 2.5
- # dates
- def test_dates
- create_user "2014-03-01 12:00:00 UTC"
- assert_equal ({Date.parse("2014-03-01") => 1}), User.group_by_day(:created_at, dates: true).count
+ def test_day_start_decimal_start_of_day
+ assert_result_time :day, "2013-05-03 02:30:00 UTC", "2013-05-03 02:30:00", false, day_start: 2.5
# helpers
def assert_format(method, expected, format, options = {})
@@ -940,29 +1017,17 @@
expected[utc.parse(key).in_time_zone(time_zone ? "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" : utc)] = i == 1 ? 1 : 0
assert_equal expected, call_method(method, :created_at, options.merge(time_zone: time_zone ? "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" : nil, range: Time.parse(range_start)..Time.parse(range_end)))
- def call_method(method, field, options)
- User.group_by_period(method, field, options).count
- end
- def create_user(created_at, score = 1)
- User.create! name: "Andrew", score: score, created_at: utc.parse(created_at)
- end
def this_year
def utc
def brasilia
- end
- def teardown
- User.delete_all