README.textile in grimen-dry_scaffold-0.3.4 vs README.textile in grimen-dry_scaffold-0.3.5

- old
+ new

@@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ Install dependencies to release the full power of dry_scaffold. Only HAML is really required of these, but how could anyone resist candy? =) h4. Automatic/Express -For us lazy ones... =) +For us lazy ones... =) *Note:* Probably won't work without require the rake tasks first in the project @Rakefile@: @require 'dry_scaffold/tasks'@ <pre>rake dry_scaffold:setup</pre> Will install the dependencies, initialize HAML within current Rails project if not already done, and automatically referencing the dependency gems within the current Rails project environment config if they are not already in there (note: nothing will be overwritten). @@ -221,17 +221,27 @@ <pre>config.gem 'haml' config.gem 'will_paginate' config.gem 'justinfrench-formtastic', :lib => 'formtastic', :source => '' config.gem 'josevalim-inherited_resources', :lib => 'inherited_resources', :source => ''</pre> -Also configure @config/environments/test.rb@ with the Rspec library if you want to +Also configure @config/environments/test.rb@ with the RSpec library if you want to <pre>config.gem 'rspec' config.gem 'rspec-rails'</pre> And don't forget to initialize it as well: <pre>./script/generate rspec</pre> + +To access Rake tasks in Rails from the gem version of DryScaffold you need to do this: + +In your project @Rakefile@: + +<pre> + require 'dry_scaffold/tasks' +</pre> + +Don't ask me why me why this is the only way with gems...Ask the Rails core team, because this is not conventions over configuration. Raur... h2. Usage <pre>./script/generate dry_scaffold ModelName [attribute:type attribute:type] [_actions:new,create,...] [_formats:html,json,...] [_indexes:attribute,...] [--skip-pagination] [--skip-resourceful] [--skip-formtastic] [--skip-views] [--skip-helpers] [--skip-migration] [--skip-timestamps] [--skip-tests] [--layout] [--tunit] [--shoulda] [--rspec] [--fixtures] [--fgirl] [--machinist] [--odaddy]</pre> \ No newline at end of file