lib/graphql/execution/interpreter.rb in graphql-2.2.5 vs lib/graphql/execution/interpreter.rb in graphql-2.2.6
- old
+ new
@@ -35,176 +35,116 @@
multiplex = schema, queries: queries, context: context, max_complexity: max_complexity)
multiplex.current_trace.execute_multiplex(multiplex: multiplex) do
schema = multiplex.schema
queries = multiplex.queries
- query_instrumenters = schema.instrumenters[:query]
- multiplex_instrumenters = schema.instrumenters[:multiplex]
lazies_at_depth = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
+ multiplex_analyzers = schema.multiplex_analyzers
+ if multiplex.max_complexity
+ multiplex_analyzers += [GraphQL::Analysis::AST::MaxQueryComplexity]
+ end
- # First, run multiplex instrumentation, then query instrumentation for each query
- call_hooks(multiplex_instrumenters, multiplex, :before_multiplex, :after_multiplex) do
- each_query_call_hooks(query_instrumenters, queries) do
- schema = multiplex.schema
- multiplex_analyzers = schema.multiplex_analyzers
- queries = multiplex.queries
- if multiplex.max_complexity
- multiplex_analyzers += [GraphQL::Analysis::AST::MaxQueryComplexity]
+ schema.analysis_engine.analyze_multiplex(multiplex, multiplex_analyzers)
+ begin
+ # Since this is basically the batching context,
+ # share it for a whole multiplex
+ multiplex.context[:interpreter_instance] ||=
+ # Do as much eager evaluation of the query as possible
+ results = []
+ queries.each_with_index do |query, idx|
+ if query.subscription? && !query.subscription_update?
+ query.context.namespace(:subscriptions)[:events] = []
+ multiplex.dataloader.append_job {
+ operation = query.selected_operation
+ result = if operation.nil? || !query.valid? || query.context.errors.any?
+ else
+ begin
+ # Although queries in a multiplex _share_ an Interpreter instance,
+ # they also have another item of state, which is private to that query
+ # in particular, assign it here:
+ runtime = query, lazies_at_depth: lazies_at_depth)
+ query.context.namespace(:interpreter_runtime)[:runtime] = runtime
- schema.analysis_engine.analyze_multiplex(multiplex, multiplex_analyzers)
- begin
- # Since this is basically the batching context,
- # share it for a whole multiplex
- multiplex.context[:interpreter_instance] ||=
- # Do as much eager evaluation of the query as possible
- results = []
- queries.each_with_index do |query, idx|
- multiplex.dataloader.append_job {
- operation = query.selected_operation
- result = if operation.nil? || !query.valid? || query.context.errors.any?
- else
- begin
- # Although queries in a multiplex _share_ an Interpreter instance,
- # they also have another item of state, which is private to that query
- # in particular, assign it here:
- runtime = query, lazies_at_depth: lazies_at_depth)
- query.context.namespace(:interpreter_runtime)[:runtime] = runtime
- query.current_trace.execute_query(query: query) do
- runtime.run_eager
- end
- rescue GraphQL::ExecutionError => err
- query.context.errors << err
- end
+ query.current_trace.execute_query(query: query) do
+ runtime.run_eager
- results[idx] = result
- }
+ rescue GraphQL::ExecutionError => err
+ query.context.errors << err
+ end
+ results[idx] = result
+ }
+ end
- # Then, work through lazy results in a breadth-first way
- multiplex.dataloader.append_job {
- query = multiplex.queries.length == 1 ? multiplex.queries[0] : nil
- queries = multiplex ? multiplex.queries : [query]
- final_values = do |query|
- runtime = query.context.namespace(:interpreter_runtime)[:runtime]
- # it might not be present if the query has an error
- runtime ? runtime.final_result : nil
- end
- final_values.compact!
- multiplex.current_trace.execute_query_lazy(multiplex: multiplex, query: query) do
- Interpreter::Resolve.resolve_each_depth(lazies_at_depth, multiplex.dataloader)
- end
+ # Then, work through lazy results in a breadth-first way
+ multiplex.dataloader.append_job {
+ query = multiplex.queries.length == 1 ? multiplex.queries[0] : nil
+ queries = multiplex ? multiplex.queries : [query]
+ final_values = do |query|
+ runtime = query.context.namespace(:interpreter_runtime)[:runtime]
+ # it might not be present if the query has an error
+ runtime ? runtime.final_result : nil
+ end
+ final_values.compact!
+ multiplex.current_trace.execute_query_lazy(multiplex: multiplex, query: query) do
+ Interpreter::Resolve.resolve_each_depth(lazies_at_depth, multiplex.dataloader)
+ end
+ }
+ # Then, find all errors and assign the result to the query object
+ results.each_with_index do |data_result, idx|
+ query = queries[idx]
+ if (events = query.context.namespace(:subscriptions)[:events]) && events.any?
+ schema.subscriptions.write_subscription(query, events)
+ end
+ # Assign the result so that it can be accessed in instrumentation
+ query.result_values = if data_result.equal?(NO_OPERATION)
+ if !query.valid? || query.context.errors.any?
+ # A bit weird, but `Query#static_errors` _includes_ `query.context.errors`
+ { "errors" => }
+ else
+ data_result
+ end
+ else
+ result = {
+ "data" => query.context.namespace(:interpreter_runtime)[:runtime].final_result
- # Then, find all errors and assign the result to the query object
- results.each_with_index do |data_result, idx|
- query = queries[idx]
- # Assign the result so that it can be accessed in instrumentation
- query.result_values = if data_result.equal?(NO_OPERATION)
- if !query.valid? || query.context.errors.any?
- # A bit weird, but `Query#static_errors` _includes_ `query.context.errors`
- { "errors" => }
- else
- data_result
- end
- else
- result = {
- "data" => query.context.namespace(:interpreter_runtime)[:runtime].final_result
- }
- if query.context.errors.any?
- error_result =
- result["errors"] = error_result
- end
- result
- end
- if query.context.namespace?(:__query_result_extensions__)
- query.result_values["extensions"] = query.context.namespace(:__query_result_extensions__)
- end
- # Get the Query::Result, not the Hash
- results[idx] = query.result
+ if query.context.errors.any?
+ error_result =
+ result["errors"] = error_result
- results
- rescue Exception
- # TODO rescue at a higher level so it will catch errors in analysis, too
- # Assign values here so that the query's `@executed` becomes true
- { |q| q.result_values ||= {} }
- raise
- ensure
- { |query|
- runtime = query.context.namespace(:interpreter_runtime)[:runtime]
- if runtime
- runtime.delete_all_interpreter_context
- end
- }
+ result
+ if query.context.namespace?(:__query_result_extensions__)
+ query.result_values["extensions"] = query.context.namespace(:__query_result_extensions__)
+ end
+ # Get the Query::Result, not the Hash
+ results[idx] = query.result
- end
- end
- end
- private
- # Call the before_ hooks of each query,
- # Then yield if no errors.
- # `call_hooks` takes care of appropriate cleanup.
- def each_query_call_hooks(instrumenters, queries, i = 0)
- if i >= queries.length
- yield
- else
- query = queries[i]
- call_hooks(instrumenters, query, :before_query, :after_query) {
- each_query_call_hooks(instrumenters, queries, i + 1) {
- yield
+ results
+ rescue Exception
+ # TODO rescue at a higher level so it will catch errors in analysis, too
+ # Assign values here so that the query's `@executed` becomes true
+ { |q| q.result_values ||= {} }
+ raise
+ ensure
+ { |query|
+ runtime = query.context.namespace(:interpreter_runtime)[:runtime]
+ if runtime
+ runtime.delete_all_interpreter_context
+ end
- }
- end
- end
- # Call each before hook, and if they all succeed, yield.
- # If they don't all succeed, call after_ for each one that succeeded.
- def call_hooks(instrumenters, object, before_hook_name, after_hook_name)
- begin
- successful = []
- instrumenters.each do |instrumenter|
- instrumenter.public_send(before_hook_name, object)
- successful << instrumenter
- # if any before hooks raise an exception, quit calling before hooks,
- # but call the after hooks on anything that succeeded but also
- # raise the exception that came from the before hook.
- rescue GraphQL::ExecutionError => err
- object.context.errors << err
- rescue => e
- raise call_after_hooks(successful, object, after_hook_name, e)
- begin
- yield # Call the user code
- ensure
- ex = call_after_hooks(successful, object, after_hook_name, nil)
- raise ex if ex
- end
- end
- def call_after_hooks(instrumenters, object, after_hook_name, ex)
- instrumenters.reverse_each do |instrumenter|
- begin
- instrumenter.public_send(after_hook_name, object)
- rescue => e
- ex = e
- end
- end
- ex
class ListResultFailedError < GraphQL::Error
def initialize(value:, path:, field:)