in graphql-streaming-0.2.0 vs in graphql-streaming-0.3.0

- old
+ new

@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ class GraphqlChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel include GraphQL::Streaming::ActionCableChannel def fetch(data) query_string = data["query"] - variables = ensure_hash(data["variables"] || {}) + variables = JSON.parse(data["variables"] || "{}") context = { # ... } # Get the query ID, which is added by the GraphQLChannel client @@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ # the block provides a subscriber and collector, # merge them into your context: merged_ctx = context.merge(stream_ctx) # don't forget to prevent stale data merged_ctx[:current_user].reload - GraphQL.execute(query_string, variables: variables, context: merged_ctx) + MySchema.execute(query_string, variables: variables, context: merged_ctx) end end end ``` @@ -189,11 +189,11 @@ Post.find(args[:id]) } end end -MySchema = SubscriptionType ...) +MySchema = GraphQL::Schema.define(subscription: SubscriptionType ...) ``` #### Triggers From your application, you can trigger events on subscription fields. For example, to tell clients that a Post with a given ID changed: @@ -242,9 +242,10 @@ ## TODO - What happens to subscriptions when you redeploy or ActionCable loses its connection? Need to handle reconnecting in some way. - Handle errors in subscriber block +- For a streamed / defered query, we need a way to know when it's done - Tests for JS? - Other platforms (Pusher, HTTP/2)? - Request features from ActionCable - Public alternative to `@channel.send(:transmit, payload)`? - Some way to stop certain streams (see monkey patches in action_cable_channel.rb)