lib/graphiti_graphql/federation.rb in graphiti_graphql-0.1.1 vs lib/graphiti_graphql/federation.rb in graphiti_graphql-0.1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -10,31 +10,32 @@
raise "You must add the 'graphql-batch' gem to use GraphitiGraphQL federation"
# We don't want to add these as dependencies,
# but do need to check things don't break
-if >='2.0.0')
+if >="2.0.0")
raise "graphiti_graphql federation is incompatible with apollo-federation >= 2"
-if >='1.0.0')
+if >="1.0.0")
raise "graphiti_graphql federation is incompatible with graphql-batch >= 1"
require "graphiti_graphql"
+require "graphiti_graphql/federation/loaders/has_many"
+require "graphiti_graphql/federation/loaders/belongs_to"
+require "graphiti_graphql/federation/federated_resource"
+require "graphiti_graphql/federation/federated_relationship"
+require "graphiti_graphql/federation/resource_dsl"
+require "graphiti_graphql/federation/apollo_federation_override"
+require "graphiti_graphql/federation/schema_decorator"
module GraphitiGraphQL
module Federation
- def self.external_resources
- @external_resources ||= {}
- end
- def self.clear!
- @external_resources = {}
- end
+ # * Extend Graphiti::Resource with federated_* macros
+ # * Add apollo-federation modules to graphql-ruby base types
+ # * Mark federation = true for checks down the line
def self.setup!
Graphiti::Resource.send(:include, ResourceDSL)
schema = GraphitiGraphQL::Schema
schema.base_field = do
include ApolloFederation::Field
@@ -48,216 +49,7 @@
include ApolloFederation::Interface
GraphitiGraphQL::Schema.federation = true
- class HasManyLoader < GraphQL::Batch::Loader
- def initialize(resource_class, params, foreign_key)
- @resource_class = resource_class
- @params = params
- @foreign_key = foreign_key
- end
- def perform(ids)
- @params[:filter] ||= {}
- @params[:filter].merge!(@foreign_key => { eq: ids.join(",") })
- if ids.length > 1 && @params[:page]
- raise Graphiti::Errors::UnsupportedPagination
- elsif !@params[:page]
- @params[:page] = { size: 999 }
- end
- Util.with_gql_context do
- records = @resource_class.all(@params).as_json[:data]
- fk = ->(record) { record[@foreign_key].to_s }
- map = records.group_by(&fk)
- ids.each do |id|
- fulfill(id, (map[id] || []))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class BelongsToLoader < GraphQL::Batch::Loader
- def initialize(resource_class, fields)
- @resource_class = resource_class
- @fields = fields
- end
- def perform(ids)
- Util.with_gql_context do
- params = { filter: { id: { eq: ids.join(",") } } }
- params[:fields] = { @resource_class.type => @fields.join(",") }
- records = @resource_class.all(params).as_json[:data]
- pk = ->(record) { record[:id].to_s }
- map = records.index_by(&pk)
- ids.each { |id| fulfill(id, map[id]) }
- end
- end
- end
- class ExternalRelationship
- attr_reader :name, :local_resource_class, :foreign_key
- def initialize(kind, name, local_resource_class, foreign_key)
- @kind = kind
- @name = name
- @local_resource_class = local_resource_class
- @foreign_key = foreign_key
- end
- def has_many?
- @kind == :has_many
- end
- def belongs_to?
- @kind == :belongs_to
- end
- end
- class ExternalResource
- attr_reader :type_name, :relationships
- def initialize(type_name)
- @type_name = type_name
- @relationships = {}
- end
- def add_relationship(
- kind,
- name,
- local_resource_class,
- foreign_key
- )
- @relationships[name] = ExternalRelationship
- .new(kind, name, local_resource_class, foreign_key)
- end
- end
- class TypeProxy
- def initialize(caller, type_name)
- @caller = caller
- @type_name = type_name
- end
- def has_many(relationship_name, foreign_key: nil)
- @caller.federated_has_many relationship_name,
- type: @type_name,
- foreign_key: foreign_key
- end
- end
- module ResourceDSL
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- class_methods do
- def federated_type(type_name)
-, type_name)
- end
- # TODO: raise error if belongs_to doesn't have corresponding filter (on schema gen)
- # TODO: hang these on the resource classes themselves
- def federated_has_many(name, type:, foreign_key: nil)
- foreign_key ||= :"#{type.underscore}_id"
- resource = GraphitiGraphQL::Federation.external_resources[type] ||=
- resource.add_relationship(:has_many, name, self, foreign_key)
- attribute = attributes.find do |name, config|
- name.to_sym == foreign_key && !!config[:readable] && !!config[:filterable]
- end
- has_filter = filters.key?(foreign_key)
- if !attribute && !has_filter
- attribute foreign_key, :integer,
- only: [:readable, :filterable],
- schema: false,
- readable: :gql?,
- filterable: :gql?
- elsif has_filter && !attribute
- prior = filters[foreign_key]
- attribute foreign_key, prior[:type],
- only: [:readable, :filterable],
- schema: false,
- readable: :gql?
- filters[foreign_key] = prior
- elsif attribute && !has_filter
- filter foreign_key, attribute[:type]
- end
- end
- def federated_belongs_to(name, type: nil, foreign_key: nil)
- type ||= name.to_s.camelize
- foreign_key ||= :"#{name.to_s.underscore}_id"
- resource = GraphitiGraphQL::Federation.external_resources[type] ||=
- resource.add_relationship(:belongs_to, name, self, foreign_key)
- attribute name, :hash, readable: :gql?, only: [:readable], schema: false do
- fk = if prc = self.class.attribute_blocks[foreign_key]
- instance_eval(&prc)
- else
- @object.send(foreign_key)
- end
- {
- __typename: type,
- id: fk.to_s
- }
- end
- end
- end
- def gql?
- Graphiti.context[:graphql]
- end
- end
-# Hacky sack!
-# All we're doing here is adding extras: [:lookahead] to the _entities field
-# And passing to to the .resolve_reference method when arity is 3
-# This way we can request only fields the user wants when resolving the reference
-# Important because we blow up when a field is guarded, and the guard fails
-ApolloFederation::EntitiesField::ClassMethods.module_eval do
- alias_method :define_entities_field_without_override, :define_entities_field
- def define_entities_field(*args)
- result = define_entities_field_without_override(*args)
- extras = fields["_entities"].extras
- extras |= [:lookahead]
- fields["_entities"].instance_variable_set(:@extras, extras)
- result
- end
-module EntitiesFieldOverride
- def _entities(representations:, lookahead:) # accept the lookahead as argument
- do |reference|
- typename = reference[:__typename]
- type = context.warden.get_type(typename)
- if type.nil? || type.kind != GraphQL::TypeKinds::OBJECT
- raise "The _entities resolver tried to load an entity for type \"#{typename}\"," \
- ' but no object type of that name was found in the schema'
- end
- type_class = type.is_a?(GraphQL::ObjectType) ? type.metadata[:type_class] : type
- if type_class.respond_to?(:resolve_reference)
- meth = type_class.method(:resolve_reference)
- # ** THIS IS OUR EDIT **
- result = if meth.arity == 3
- type_class.resolve_reference(reference, context, lookahead)
- else
- type_class.resolve_reference(reference, context)
- end
- else
- result = reference
- end
- context.schema.after_lazy(result) do |resolved_value|
- context[resolved_value] = type
- resolved_value
- end
- end
- end
-ApolloFederation::EntitiesField.send :prepend, EntitiesFieldOverride
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