spec/grape/dsl/routing_spec.rb in grape-0.11.0 vs spec/grape/dsl/routing_spec.rb in grape-0.12.0
- old
+ new
@@ -57,17 +57,57 @@
subject.mount app1 => '/app1'
app1.mount app2 => '/app2'
expect(subject.inheritable_setting.to_hash[:namespace]).to eq({})
expect(subject.inheritable_setting.to_hash[:namespace_inheritable]).to eq({})
- expect(app1.inheritable_setting.to_hash[:namespace_stackable]).to eq(:mount_path => ['/app1'])
+ expect(app1.inheritable_setting.to_hash[:namespace_stackable]).to eq(mount_path: ['/app1'])
- expect(app2.inheritable_setting.to_hash[:namespace_stackable]).to eq(:mount_path => ['/app1', '/app2'])
+ expect(app2.inheritable_setting.to_hash[:namespace_stackable]).to eq(mount_path: ['/app1', '/app2'])
- xdescribe '.route' do
- it 'does some thing'
+ describe '.route' do
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:endpoints).and_return([])
+ allow(subject).to receive(:route_end)
+ allow(subject).to receive(:reset_validations!)
+ end
+ it 'marks end of the route' do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:route_end)
+ subject.route(:any)
+ end
+ it 'resets validations' do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:reset_validations!)
+ subject.route(:any)
+ end
+ it 'defines a new endpoint' do
+ expect { subject.route(:any) }
+ .to change { subject.endpoints.count }.from(0).to(1)
+ end
+ it 'does not duplicate identical endpoints' do
+ subject.route(:any)
+ expect { subject.route(:any) }
+ .to_not change(subject.endpoints, :count)
+ end
+ it 'generates correct endpoint options' do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:route_setting).with(:description).and_return(fiz: 'baz')
+ allow(Grape::DSL::Configuration).to receive(:stacked_hash_to_hash).and_return(nuz: 'naz')
+ expect(Grape::Endpoint).to receive(:new) do |_inheritable_setting, endpoint_options|
+ expect(endpoint_options[:method]).to eq :get
+ expect(endpoint_options[:path]).to eq '/foo'
+ expect(endpoint_options[:for]).to eq subject
+ expect(endpoint_options[:route_options]).to eq(foo: 'bar', fiz: 'baz', params: { nuz: 'naz' })
+ end.and_yield
+ subject.route(:get, '/foo', { foo: 'bar' }, &proc {})
+ end
describe '.get' do
it 'delegates to .route' do
expect(subject).to receive(:route).with('GET', path, options)
@@ -115,35 +155,93 @@
expect(subject).to receive(:route).with('PATCH', path, options)
subject.patch path, options, &proc
- xdescribe '.namespace' do
- it 'does some thing'
+ describe '.namespace' do
+ let(:new_namespace) { Object.new }
+ it 'creates a new namespace with given name and options' do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:within_namespace).and_yield
+ expect(subject).to receive(:nest).and_yield
+ expect(Namespace).to receive(:new).with(:foo, foo: 'bar').and_return(new_namespace)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:namespace_stackable).with(:namespace, new_namespace)
+ subject.namespace :foo, foo: 'bar', &proc {}
+ end
+ it 'calls #joined_space_path on Namespace' do
+ result_of_namspace_stackable = Object.new
+ allow(subject).to receive(:namespace_stackable).and_return(result_of_namspace_stackable)
+ expect(Namespace).to receive(:joined_space_path).with(result_of_namspace_stackable)
+ subject.namespace
+ end
- xdescribe '.group' do
- it 'does some thing'
+ describe '.group' do
+ it 'is alias to #namespace' do
+ expect(subject.method(:group)).to eq subject.method(:namespace)
+ end
- xdescribe '.resource' do
- it 'does some thing'
+ describe '.resource' do
+ it 'is alias to #namespace' do
+ expect(subject.method(:resource)).to eq subject.method(:namespace)
+ end
- xdescribe '.resources' do
- it 'does some thing'
+ describe '.resources' do
+ it 'is alias to #namespace' do
+ expect(subject.method(:resources)).to eq subject.method(:namespace)
+ end
- xdescribe '.segment' do
- it 'does some thing'
+ describe '.segment' do
+ it 'is alias to #namespace' do
+ expect(subject.method(:segment)).to eq subject.method(:namespace)
+ end
- xdescribe '.routes' do
- it 'does some thing'
+ describe '.routes' do
+ let(:routes) { Object.new }
+ it 'returns value received from #prepare_routes' do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:prepare_routes).and_return(routes)
+ expect(subject.routes).to eq routes
+ end
+ context 'when #routes was already called once' do
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:prepare_routes).and_return(routes)
+ subject.routes
+ end
+ it 'it does not call prepare_routes again' do
+ expect(subject).to_not receive(:prepare_routes)
+ expect(subject.routes).to eq routes
+ end
+ end
- xdescribe '.route_param' do
- it 'does some thing'
+ describe '.route_param' do
+ it 'calls #namespace with given params' do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:namespace).with(':foo', {}).and_yield
+ subject.route_param('foo', {}, &proc {})
+ end
+ let(:regex) { /(.*)/ }
+ let!(:options) { { requirements: regex } }
+ it 'nests requirements option under param name' do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:namespace) do |_param, options|
+ expect(options[:requirements][:foo]).to eq regex
+ end
+ subject.route_param('foo', options, &proc {})
+ end
+ it 'does not modify options parameter' do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:namespace)
+ expect { subject.route_param('foo', options, &proc {}) }
+ .to_not change { options }
+ end
describe '.versions' do
it 'returns last defined version' do
subject.version 'v1'