Rakefile in gps_pvt-0.5.1 vs Rakefile in gps_pvt-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -10,46 +10,65 @@
Rake::ExtensionTask.new("gps_pvt") do |ext|
ext.lib_dir = "lib/gps_pvt"
namespace :git do
+ task :version do
+ @git_version ||= proc{
+ res = Gem::Version::new(`git --version`.match(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)[0])
+ res.instance_eval{
+ cmp_orig = self.method(:<=>)
+ define_singleton_method(:<=>){|arg|
+ cmp_orig.call(arg.kind_of?(String) ? Gem::Version::new(arg) : arg)
+ }
+ }
+ res
+ }.call
+ end
namespace :submodules do
desc "Initialize git submodules"
- task :init do
+ task :init => ["git:version"] do
sh "git submodule init"
# for sparse-checkout; @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/59521050/15992898
`git config --file .gitmodules --name-only --get-regexp path`.lines.each{|str|
# list submodule; @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/23490756/15992898
next unless str =~ /submodule\.(.+)\.path/
repo_dir = $1
sh "git clone -n #{`git config submodule.#{repo_dir}.url`.chomp} #{repo_dir}"
'ext/ninja-scan-light' => [
- "sparse-checkout init", # same as "git -C #{repo} config core.sparseCheckout true"
+ # From git 2.37.0, cone mode, which denies part of pattern like .ignore, is its default.
+ # @see https://git-scm.com/docs/git-sparse-checkout/2.37.0#_internalscone_mode_handling
+ (@git_version < "2.37.0") ? "sparse-checkout init" : nil, # same as "git -C #{repo} config core.sparseCheckout true"
# same as #{repo}/.git/info/sparse-checkout
- "sparse-checkout set" + (<<-__SPARSE_PATTERNS__).lines.collect{|str| str.chomp.gsub(/^ */, ' ')}.join,
- /tool/param/
- /tool/algorithm/integral.h
- /tool/navigation/GPS*
- /tool/navigation/SBAS*
- /tool/navigation/QZSS*
- /tool/navigation/GLONASS*
- /tool/navigation/coordinate.h
- /tool/navigation/EGM.h
- /tool/navigation/MagneticField.h
- /tool/navigation/NTCM.h
- /tool/navigation/RINEX.h
- /tool/navigation/WGS84.h
- /tool/swig/SylphideMath.i
- /tool/swig/GPS.i
- /tool/swig/Coordinate.i
- /tool/swig/makefile
- /tool/swig/extconf.rb
- /tool/swig/spec/GPS_spec.rb
- /tool/swig/spec/SylphideMath_spec.rb
+ "sparse-checkout set #{'--no-cone' if @git_version >= "2.37.0"}" \
+ + (<<-__SPARSE_PATTERNS__).lines.collect{|str| str.chomp.gsub(/^ */, ' ')}.join,
+ tool/param/
+ tool/util/text_helper.h
+ tool/algorithm/integral.h
+ tool/algorithm/interpolate.h
+ tool/navigation/GPS*
+ tool/navigation/SBAS*
+ tool/navigation/QZSS*
+ tool/navigation/GLONASS*
+ tool/navigation/coordinate.h
+ tool/navigation/EGM.h
+ tool/navigation/MagneticField.h
+ tool/navigation/NTCM.h
+ tool/navigation/RINEX.h
+ tool/navigation/WGS84.h
+ tool/navigation/SP3.h
+ tool/navigation/ANTEX.h
+ tool/swig/SylphideMath.i
+ tool/swig/GPS.i
+ tool/swig/Coordinate.i
+ tool/swig/makefile
+ tool/swig/extconf.rb
+ tool/swig/spec/GPS_spec.rb
+ tool/swig/spec/SylphideMath_spec.rb
- ]
+ ].compact
}.each{|repo, commands|
commands.each{|str| sh "git -C #{repo} #{str}"}
sh "git submodule absorbgitdirs" # Move #{repo}/.git to .git/modules/#{repo}/.git
sh "git submodule update"
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