lib/gowalla/client.rb in gowalla-0.3.0 vs lib/gowalla/client.rb in gowalla-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,194 +1,40 @@
require 'forwardable'
module Gowalla
class Client
extend Forwardable
+ include Spots
+ include Users
+ include Items
+ include Trips
+ include Checkins
+ include Flags
attr_reader :username, :api_key, :api_secret
def_delegators :oauth_client, :web_server, :authorize_url, :access_token_url
def initialize(options={})
@api_key = options[:api_key] || Gowalla.api_key
@api_secret = options[:api_secret] || Gowalla.api_secret
@username = options[:username] || Gowalla.username
@access_token = options[:access_token]
password = options[:password] || Gowalla.password
connection.basic_auth(@username, password) unless @api_secret
connection.token_auth(@access_token) if @access_token
- # Retrieve information about a specific user
- #
- # @param [String] user_id (authenticated basic auth user) User ID (screen name)
- # @return [Hashie::Mash] User info
- def user(user_id=nil)
- user_id ||= username
- connection.get("/users/#{user_id}").body
- end
- # Retrieve information about a specific item
- #
- # @param [Integer] id Item ID
- # @return [Hashie::Mash] item info
- def item(id)
- connection.get("/items/#{id}").body
- end
- # Retrieve a list of the stamps the user has collected
- #
- # @param [String] user_id (authenticated basic auth user) User ID (screen name)
- # @param [Integer] limit (20) limit per page
- # @return [Hashie::Mash] stamps info
- def stamps(user_id=self.username, limit=20)
- response = connection.get do |req|
- req.url "/users/#{user_id}/stamps", :limit => limit
- end
- response.body.stamps
- end
- # Retrieve a list of spots the user has visited most often
- #
- # @param [String] user_id (authenticated basic auth user) User ID (screen name)
- # @return [Hashie::Mash] item info
- def top_spots(user_id=self.username)
- connection.get("/users/#{user_id}/top_spots").body.top_spots
- end
- # Retrieve information about a specific trip
- #
- # @param [Integer] trip_id Trip ID
- # @return [Hashie::Mash] trip info
- def trip(trip_id)
- connection.get("/trips/#{trip_id}").body
- end
- # Retrieve information about a specific spot
- #
- # @param [Integer] spot_id Spot ID
- # @return [Hashie::Mash] Spot info
- def spot(spot_id)
- connection.get("/spots/#{spot_id}").body
- end
- # Retrieve a list of check-ins at a particular spot. Shows only the activity that is visible to a given user.
- #
- # @param [Integer] spot_id Spot ID
- # @return [Hashie::Mash] Spot info
- def spot_events(spot_id)
- connection.get("/spots/#{spot_id}/events").body.activity
- end
- # Retrieve a list of items available at a particular spot
- #
- # @param [Integer] spot_id Spot ID
- # @return [Hashie::Mash] Spot info
- def spot_items(spot_id)
- connection.get("/spots/#{spot_id}/items").body.items
- end
- # Retrieve a list of flags for a particular spot
- #
- # @param [Integer] spot_id Spot ID
- # @return [Hashie::Mash] Array of Flags
- def spot_flags(spot_id)
- connection.get("/spots/#{spot_id}/flags").body.flags
- end
- # Retrieve a list of flags
- #
- # @return [<Hashie::Mash>] Flag info
- def list_flags(options={})
- connection.get("/flags").body.flags
- end
- # Retrieve information about a particular flag
- #
- # @param [Integer] flag_id Flag ID
- # @return [Hashie::Mash] Flag info
- def flag(flag_id)
- connection.get("/flags/#{flag_id}").body
- end
- # Retrieve a list of spots within a specified distance of a location
- #
- # @option options [Float] :latitude Latitude of search location
- # @option options [Float] :longitude Longitude of search location
- # @option options [Integer] :radius Search radius (in meters)
- # @return [Hashie::Mash] spots info
- def list_spots(options={})
- query = format_geo_options(options)
- response = connection.get do |req|
- req.url "/spots", query
- end
- response.body.spots
- end
- # List of trips
- #
- # @return [<Hashie::Mash>] trip info
- def trips(options={})
- if user_id = options.delete(:user_id)
- options[:user_url] = "/users/#{user_id}"
- end
- query = format_geo_options(options)
- response = connection.get do |req|
- req.url "/trips", query
- end
- response.body.trips
- end
- # Lists all spot categories
- #
- # @return [<Hashie::Mash>] category info
- def categories
- connection.get("/categories").body.spot_categories
- end
- # Retrieve information about a specific category
- #
- # @param [Integer] id Category ID
- # @return [Hashie::Mash] category info
- def category(id)
- connection.get("/categories/#{id}").body
- end
- # Fetch info for a checkin
- #
- # @param [Integer] id Checkin ID
- # @return [Hashie::Mash] checkin info
- def checkin_info(id)
- connection.get("/checkins/#{id}").body
- end
- # Check in at a spot
- #
- # @option details [Integer] :spot_id Spot ID
- # @option details [Float] :lat Latitude of spot
- # @option details [Float] :lng Longitude of spot
- # @option details [String] :comment Checkin comment
- # @option details [Boolean] :post_to_twitter Post Checkin to Twitter
- # @option details [Boolean] :post_to_facebook Post Checkin to Facebook
- def checkin(details={})
- checkin_path = "/checkins"
- checkin_path += "/test" if Gowalla.test_mode?
- response = do |req|
- req.url checkin_path
- req.body = details
- end
- response.body
- end
# Check for missing access token
# @return [Boolean] whether or not to redirect to get an access token
def needs_access?
@api_secret and @access_token.to_s == ''
- # Raw HTTP connection, either Faraday::Connection
+ # Raw HTTP connection, either Faraday::Connection
# @return [Faraday::Connection]
def connection
url = @access_token ? "" : ""
params = {}
@@ -196,22 +42,22 @@
@connection ||= => url, :params => params, :headers => default_headers) do |builder|
builder.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
builder.use Faraday::Response::MultiJson
builder.use Faraday::Response::Mashify
# Provides raw access to the OAuth2 Client
- # @return [OAuth2::Client]
+ # @return [OAuth2::Client]
def oauth_client
if @oauth_client
conn ||= \
- :url => "",
+ :url => "",
:headers => default_headers
oauth=, api_secret, oauth_options = {
:site => '',
:authorize_url => '',
@@ -221,29 +67,29 @@
# @private
def format_geo_options(options={})
options[:lat] = "+#{options[:lat]}" if options[:lat].to_i > 0
options[:lng] = "+#{options[:lng]}" if options[:lng].to_i > 0
if options[:sw] && options[:ne]
options[:order] ||= "checkins_count desc"
# @private
def default_headers
headers = {
- :accept => 'application/json',
+ :accept => 'application/json',
:user_agent => 'Ruby gem',
'X-Gowalla-API-Key' => api_key
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