in govuk_elements_rails-0.2.1 vs in govuk_elements_rails-0.2.2

- old
+ new

@@ -13,10 +13,23 @@ If you are installing from git, ensure you enable submodules like so: gem 'govuk_elements_rails', :git => "", :submodules => true +If you are working on the gem itself, clone and download submodules like this: + + git clone + cd govuk_elements_rails + git submodule init + git submodule update + +To add a javascript file to gem, create new symlink to govuk_elements file like this: + + cd vendor/assets/javascripts/ + ln -s ../../../govuk_elements/public/javascripts/application.js + ls -l + ## Usage At the top of a Sass file in your Rails project you should use an `@import` rule to include the file for the mixins you require. For example here are all the imports possible: @@ -40,16 +53,9 @@ // from govuk_elements gem //= require details.polyfill //= require bind //= require selection-buttons - -## Usage of GovukElementsFormBuilder - -To replace the default form builder with a version that generates GOV.UK Elements classed markup, set the following in -config/application.rb: - - config.use_govuk_elements_form_builder = true ## Alternate ways to reuse GOV.UK Elements There are other alternate ways to include GOV.UK Elements files in a Rails project, for example via `Bower`. Feel free to use an alternate approach if it