lib/google/cloud/translate/service.rb in google-cloud-translate-0.21.0 vs lib/google/cloud/translate/service.rb in google-cloud-translate-0.22.0
- old
+ new
@@ -12,76 +12,183 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
require "google/cloud/errors"
+require "google/cloud/translate/credentials"
require "google/cloud/translate/version"
-require "google/apis/translate_v2"
+require "faraday" # comes from googleauth, comes from google-cloud-core
module Google
module Cloud
module Translate
# @private
- # Represents the service to Translate, exposing the API calls.
- class Service
- ##
- # Alias to the Google Client API module
- API = Google::Apis::TranslateV2
+ # Represents the Translate REST service, exposing the API calls.
+ class Service #:nodoc:
+ API_VERSION = "v2"
+ API_URL = ""
- attr_accessor :credentials
+ # @private
+ attr_accessor :project, :credentials, :retries, :timeout, :key
# Creates a new Service instance.
- def initialize key, retries: nil, timeout: nil
- @service =
- @service.client_options.application_name = "gcloud-ruby"
- @service.client_options.application_version = \
- Google::Cloud::Translate::VERSION
- @service.request_options.retries = retries || 3
- @service.request_options.timeout_sec = timeout
- @service.request_options.open_timeout_sec = timeout
- @service.authorization = nil
- @service.key = key
+ def initialize project, credentials, retries: nil, timeout: nil,
+ key: nil
+ @project = project
+ @credentials = credentials
+ @retries = retries
+ @timeout = timeout
+ @key = key
- def service
- return mocked_service if mocked_service
- @service
- end
- attr_accessor :mocked_service
- # Returns API::ListTranslationsResponse
- def translate text, to: nil, from: nil, format: nil, cid: nil
- execute do
- service.list_translations Array(text), to, cid: cid, format: format,
- source: from
- end
+ # Returns Hash of ListTranslationsResponse JSON
+ def translate text, to: nil, from: nil, format: nil, model: nil,
+ cid: nil
+ body = {
+ q: Array(text), target: to, source: from, format: format,
+ model: model, cid: cid
+ }.delete_if { |_k, v| v.nil? }.to_json
+ post "/language/translate/v2", body
# Returns API::ListDetectionsResponse
def detect text
- execute { service.list_detections Array(text) }
+ body = { q: Array(text) }.to_json
+ post "language/translate/v2/detect", body
# Returns API::ListLanguagesResponse
def languages language = nil
- execute { service.list_languages target: language }
+ body = { target: language }.to_json
+ post "language/translate/v2/languages", body
def inspect
+ def post path, body = nil
+ response = execute do
+ path do |req|
+ req.headers.merge! default_http_headers
+ req.body = body unless body.nil?
+ if @key
+ req.params = { key: @key }
+ else
+ @credentials.sign_http_request req
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return JSON.parse(response.body)["data"] if response.success?
+ fail Google::Cloud::Error.gapi_error_class_for(response.status)
+ rescue Faraday::ConnectionFailed
+ raise Google::Cloud::ResourceExhaustedError
+ end
+ ##
+ # The HTTP object that makes calls to API.
+ # This must be a Faraday object.
+ def http
+ @http ||= url: API_URL, request: {
+ open_timeout: @timeout, timeout: @timeout
+ }.delete_if { |_k, v| v.nil? }
+ end
+ ##
+ # The default HTTP headers to be sent on all API calls.
+ def default_http_headers
+ @default_http_headers ||= {
+ "User-Agent" => "gcloud-ruby/#{Google::Cloud::Translate::VERSION}",
+ "google-cloud-resource-prefix" => "projects/#{@project}",
+ "Content-Type" => "application/json"
+ }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Make a request and apply incremental backoff
def execute
- yield
- rescue Google::Apis::Error => e
- raise Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)
+ backoff = retries: retries
+ backoff.execute do
+ yield
+ end
+ rescue Faraday::ConnectionFailed
+ raise Google::Cloud::ResourceExhaustedError
+ end
+ ##
+ # @private Backoff
+ class Backoff
+ class << self
+ attr_accessor :retries
+ attr_accessor :http_codes
+ attr_accessor :reasons
+ attr_accessor :backoff # :nodoc:
+ end
+ # Set the default values
+ self.retries = 3
+ self.http_codes = [500, 503]
+ self.reasons = %w(rateLimitExceeded userRateLimitExceeded)
+ self.backoff = ->(retries) { sleep retries.to_i }
+ def initialize options = {} #:nodoc:
+ @max_retries = (options[:retries] || Backoff.retries).to_i
+ @http_codes = (options[:http_codes] || Backoff.http_codes).to_a
+ @reasons = (options[:reasons] || Backoff.reasons).to_a
+ @backoff = options[:backoff] || Backoff.backoff
+ end
+ def execute #:nodoc:
+ current_retries = 0
+ loop do
+ response = yield # Expecting Faraday::Response
+ return response if response.success?
+ break response unless retry? response, current_retries
+ current_retries += 1
+ current_retries
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ def retry? result, current_retries #:nodoc:
+ if current_retries < @max_retries
+ return true if retry_http_code? result
+ return true if retry_error_reason? result
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ def retry_http_code? response #:nodoc:
+ @http_codes.include? response.status
+ end
+ def retry_error_reason? response #:nodoc:
+ result = JSON.parse(response.body)["data"]
+ if result &&
+ result["error"] &&
+ result["error"]["errors"]
+ Array(result["error"]["errors"]).each do |error|
+ if error["reason"] && @reasons.include?(error["reason"])
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ false
+ end