lib/google/cloud/talent/v4beta1/doc/google/cloud/talent/v4beta1/job_service.rb in google-cloud-talent-0.5.0 vs lib/google/cloud/talent/v4beta1/doc/google/cloud/talent/v4beta1/job_service.rb in google-cloud-talent-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -15,89 +15,74 @@
module Google
module Cloud
module Talent
module V4beta1
- # Input only.
- #
# Create job request.
# @!attribute [rw] parent
# @return [String]
# Required. The resource name of the tenant under which the job is created.
- # The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}", for example,
- # "projects/api-test-project/tenant/foo".
- #
- # Tenant id is optional and a default tenant is created if unspecified, for
- # example, "projects/api-test-project".
+ # The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example,
+ # "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified a default tenant
+ # is created. For example, "projects/foo".
# @!attribute [rw] job
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job]
# Required. The Job to be created.
class CreateJobRequest; end
- # Input only.
- #
# Get job request.
# @!attribute [rw] name
# @return [String]
# Required. The resource name of the job to retrieve.
# The format is
- # "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/jobs/{job_id}", for
- # example, "projects/api-test-project/tenants/foo/jobs/1234".
+ # "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/jobs/{job_id}". For
+ # example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/jobs/baz".
- # Tenant id is optional and the default tenant is used if unspecified, for
- # example, "projects/api-test-project/jobs/1234".
+ # If tenant id is unspecified, the default tenant is used. For
+ # example, "projects/foo/jobs/bar".
class GetJobRequest; end
- # Input only.
- #
# Update job request.
# @!attribute [rw] job
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job]
# Required. The Job to be updated.
# @!attribute [rw] update_mask
# @return [Google::Protobuf::FieldMask]
- # Optional but strongly recommended to be provided for the best service
- # experience.
+ # Strongly recommended for the best service experience.
# If {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::UpdateJobRequest#update_mask update_mask}
# is provided, only the specified fields in
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::UpdateJobRequest#job job} are updated.
# Otherwise all the fields are updated.
# A field mask to restrict the fields that are updated. Only
# top level fields of {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job Job} are supported.
class UpdateJobRequest; end
- # Input only.
- #
# Delete job request.
# @!attribute [rw] name
# @return [String]
# Required. The resource name of the job to be deleted.
# The format is
- # "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/jobs/{job_id}", for
- # example, "projects/api-test-project/tenants/foo/jobs/1234".
+ # "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/jobs/{job_id}". For
+ # example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/jobs/baz".
- # Tenant id is optional and the default tenant is used if unspecified, for
- # example, "projects/api-test-project/jobs/1234".
+ # If tenant id is unspecified, the default tenant is used. For
+ # example, "projects/foo/jobs/bar".
class DeleteJobRequest; end
- # Input only.
- #
# Batch delete jobs request.
# @!attribute [rw] parent
# @return [String]
# Required. The resource name of the tenant under which the job is created.
- # The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}", for example,
- # "projects/api-test-project/tenant/foo".
- #
- # Tenant id is optional and the default tenant is used if unspecified, for
- # example, "projects/api-test-project".
+ # The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example,
+ # "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, a default tenant
+ # is created. For example, "projects/foo".
# @!attribute [rw] filter
# @return [String]
# Required. The filter string specifies the jobs to be deleted.
# Supported operator: =, AND
@@ -105,70 +90,64 @@
# The fields eligible for filtering are:
# * `companyName` (Required)
# * `requisitionId` (Required)
- # Sample Query: companyName = "projects/api-test-project/companies/123" AND
+ # Sample Query: companyName = "projects/foo/companies/bar" AND
# requisitionId = "req-1"
class BatchDeleteJobsRequest; end
- # Input only.
- #
# List jobs request.
# @!attribute [rw] parent
# @return [String]
# Required. The resource name of the tenant under which the job is created.
- # The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}", for example,
- # "projects/api-test-project/tenant/foo".
- #
- # Tenant id is optional and the default tenant is used if unspecified, for
- # example, "projects/api-test-project".
+ # The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example,
+ # "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, a default tenant
+ # is created. For example, "projects/foo".
# @!attribute [rw] filter
# @return [String]
# Required. The filter string specifies the jobs to be enumerated.
# Supported operator: =, AND
# The fields eligible for filtering are:
# * `companyName` (Required)
- # * `requisitionId` (Optional)
- # * `status` (Optional) Available values: OPEN, EXPIRED, ALL. Defaults to
+ # * `requisitionId`
+ # * `status` Available values: OPEN, EXPIRED, ALL. Defaults to
# OPEN if no value is specified.
# Sample Query:
- # * companyName = "projects/api-test-project/tenants/foo/companies/bar"
- # * companyName = "projects/api-test-project/tenants/foo/companies/bar" AND
+ # * companyName = "projects/foo/tenants/bar/companies/baz"
+ # * companyName = "projects/foo/tenants/bar/companies/baz" AND
# requisitionId = "req-1"
- # * companyName = "projects/api-test-project/tenants/foo/companies/bar" AND
+ # * companyName = "projects/foo/tenants/bar/companies/baz" AND
# status = "EXPIRED"
# @!attribute [rw] page_token
# @return [String]
- # Optional. The starting point of a query result.
+ # The starting point of a query result.
# @!attribute [rw] page_size
# @return [Integer]
- # Optional. The maximum number of jobs to be returned per page of results.
+ # The maximum number of jobs to be returned per page of results.
# If {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::ListJobsRequest#job_view job_view} is set
# to
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobView::JOB_VIEW_ID_ONLY JobView::JOB_VIEW_ID_ONLY},
# the maximum allowed page size is 1000. Otherwise, the maximum allowed page
# size is 100.
# Default is 100 if empty or a number < 1 is specified.
# @!attribute [rw] job_view
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobView]
- # Optional. The desired job attributes returned for jobs in the
+ # The desired job attributes returned for jobs in the
# search response. Defaults to
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobView::JOB_VIEW_FULL JobView::JOB_VIEW_FULL}
# if no value is specified.
class ListJobsRequest; end
- # Output only.
- #
# List jobs response.
# @!attribute [rw] jobs
# @return [Array<Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job>]
# The Jobs for a given company.
@@ -181,59 +160,53 @@
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::ResponseMetadata]
# Additional information for the API invocation, such as the request
# tracking id.
class ListJobsResponse; end
- # Input only.
- #
# The Request body of the `SearchJobs` call.
# @!attribute [rw] parent
# @return [String]
# Required. The resource name of the tenant to search within.
- # The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}", for example,
- # "projects/api-test-project/tenant/foo".
- #
- # Tenant id is optional and the default tenant is used if unspecified, for
- # example, "projects/api-test-project".
+ # The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example,
+ # "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, a default tenant
+ # is created. For example, "projects/foo".
# @!attribute [rw] search_mode
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsRequest::SearchMode]
- # Optional. Mode of a search.
+ # Mode of a search.
# Defaults to
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsRequest::SearchMode::JOB_SEARCH SearchMode::JOB_SEARCH}.
# @!attribute [rw] request_metadata
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::RequestMetadata]
# Required. The meta information collected about the job searcher, used to
# improve the search quality of the service. The identifiers (such as
# `user_id`) are provided by users, and must be unique and consistent.
# @!attribute [rw] job_query
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobQuery]
- # Optional. Query used to search against jobs, such as keyword, location
- # filters, etc.
+ # Query used to search against jobs, such as keyword, location filters, etc.
# @!attribute [rw] enable_broadening
# @return [true, false]
- # Optional. Controls whether to broaden the search when it produces sparse
- # results. Broadened queries append results to the end of the matching
- # results list.
+ # Controls whether to broaden the search when it produces sparse results.
+ # Broadened queries append results to the end of the matching results
+ # list.
# Defaults to false.
# @!attribute [rw] require_precise_result_size
# @return [true, false]
- # Optional. Controls if the search job request requires the return of a
- # precise count of the first 300 results. Setting this to `true` ensures
+ # Controls if the search job request requires the return of a precise
+ # count of the first 300 results. Setting this to `true` ensures
# consistency in the number of results per page. Best practice is to set this
# value to true if a client allows users to jump directly to a
# non-sequential search results page.
# Enabling this flag may adversely impact performance.
# Defaults to false.
# @!attribute [rw] histogram_queries
# @return [Array<Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::HistogramQuery>]
- # Optional. An expression specifies a histogram request against matching
- # jobs.
+ # An expression specifies a histogram request against matching jobs.
# Expression syntax is an aggregation function call with histogram facets and
# other options.
# Available aggregation function calls are:
@@ -338,41 +311,40 @@
# * `count(string_custom_attribute["some-string-custom-attribute"])`
# * `count(numeric_custom_attribute["some-numeric-custom-attribute"],
# [bucket(MIN, 0, "negative"), bucket(0, MAX, "non-negative"])`
# @!attribute [rw] job_view
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobView]
- # Optional. The desired job attributes returned for jobs in the search
- # response. Defaults to
+ # The desired job attributes returned for jobs in the search response.
+ # Defaults to
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobView::JOB_VIEW_SMALL JobView::JOB_VIEW_SMALL}
# if no value is specified.
# @!attribute [rw] offset
# @return [Integer]
- # Optional. An integer that specifies the current offset (that is, starting
- # result location, amongst the jobs deemed by the API as relevant) in search
+ # An integer that specifies the current offset (that is, starting result
+ # location, amongst the jobs deemed by the API as relevant) in search
# results. This field is only considered if
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsRequest#page_token page_token} is
# unset.
# For example, 0 means to return results starting from the first matching
# job, and 10 means to return from the 11th job. This can be used for
# pagination, (for example, pageSize = 10 and offset = 10 means to return
# from the second page).
# @!attribute [rw] page_size
# @return [Integer]
- # Optional. A limit on the number of jobs returned in the search results.
+ # A limit on the number of jobs returned in the search results.
# Increasing this value above the default value of 10 can increase search
# response time. The value can be between 1 and 100.
# @!attribute [rw] page_token
# @return [String]
- # Optional. The token specifying the current offset within
+ # The token specifying the current offset within
# search results. See
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsResponse#next_page_token SearchJobsResponse#next_page_token}
# for an explanation of how to obtain the next set of query results.
# @!attribute [rw] order_by
# @return [String]
- # Optional. The criteria determining how search results are sorted. Default
- # is
+ # The criteria determining how search results are sorted. Default is
# `"relevance desc"`.
# Supported options are:
# * `"relevance desc"`: By relevance descending, as determined by the API
@@ -424,27 +396,27 @@
# with a precision of 11.3 meters (37.4 feet). Diversification strategy is
# still applied unless explicitly disabled in
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsRequest#diversification_level diversification_level}.
# @!attribute [rw] diversification_level
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsRequest::DiversificationLevel]
- # Optional. Controls whether highly similar jobs are returned next to each
- # other in the search results. Jobs are identified as highly similar based on
+ # Controls whether highly similar jobs are returned next to each other in
+ # the search results. Jobs are identified as highly similar based on
# their titles, job categories, and locations. Highly similar results are
# clustered so that only one representative job of the cluster is
# displayed to the job seeker higher up in the results, with the other jobs
# being displayed lower down in the results.
# Defaults to
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsRequest::DiversificationLevel::SIMPLE DiversificationLevel::SIMPLE}
# if no value is specified.
# @!attribute [rw] custom_ranking_info
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsRequest::CustomRankingInfo]
- # Optional. Controls over how job documents get ranked on top of existing
- # relevance score (determined by API algorithm).
+ # Controls over how job documents get ranked on top of existing relevance
+ # score (determined by API algorithm).
# @!attribute [rw] disable_keyword_match
# @return [true, false]
- # Optional. Controls whether to disable exact keyword match on
+ # Controls whether to disable exact keyword match on
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#title Job#title},
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#description Job#description},
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#company_display_name Job#company_display_name},
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#addresses Job#addresses},
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#qualifications Job#qualifications}. When
@@ -465,12 +437,10 @@
# are needed. Enabling keyword match improves recall of subsequent search
# requests.
# Defaults to false.
class SearchJobsRequest
- # Input only.
- #
# Custom ranking information for
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsRequest SearchJobsRequest}.
# @!attribute [rw] importance_level
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsRequest::CustomRankingInfo::ImportanceLevel]
# Required. Controls over how important the score of
@@ -559,11 +529,12 @@
# A string-represented enumeration of the job search mode. The service
# operate differently for different modes of service.
module SearchMode
- # The mode of the search method isn't specified.
+ # The mode of the search method isn't specified. The default search
+ # behavior is identical to JOB_SEARCH search behavior.
# The job search matches against all jobs, and featured jobs
# (jobs with promotionValue > 0) are not specially handled.
@@ -575,12 +546,10 @@
# in the search results), with relevance being used as a tiebreaker.
- # Output only.
- #
# Response for SearchJob method.
# @!attribute [rw] matching_jobs
# @return [Array<Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsResponse::MatchingJob>]
# The Job entities that match the specified
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsRequest SearchJobsRequest}.
@@ -627,12 +596,10 @@
# with offset after this result set should contain all broadened results.
# @!attribute [rw] spell_correction
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SpellingCorrection]
# The spell checking result, and correction.
class SearchJobsResponse
- # Output only.
- #
# Job entry with metadata inside
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsResponse SearchJobsResponse}.
# @!attribute [rw] job
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job]
# Job resource that matches the specified
@@ -659,12 +626,10 @@
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsResponse::CommuteInfo]
# Commute information which is generated based on specified
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::CommuteFilter CommuteFilter}.
class MatchingJob; end
- # Output only.
- #
# Commute details related to this job.
# @!attribute [rw] job_location
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Location]
# Location used as the destination in the commute calculation.
# @!attribute [rw] travel_duration
@@ -679,37 +644,33 @@
# Request to create a batch of jobs.
# @!attribute [rw] parent
# @return [String]
# Required. The resource name of the tenant under which the job is created.
- # The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}", for example,
- # "projects/api-test-project/tenant/foo".
- #
- # Tenant id is optional and a default tenant is created if unspecified, for
- # example, "projects/api-test-project".
+ # The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example,
+ # "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, a default tenant
+ # is created. For example, "projects/foo".
# @!attribute [rw] jobs
# @return [Array<Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job>]
# Required. The jobs to be created.
class BatchCreateJobsRequest; end
# Request to update a batch of jobs.
# @!attribute [rw] parent
# @return [String]
# Required. The resource name of the tenant under which the job is created.
- # The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}", for example,
- # "projects/api-test-project/tenant/foo".
- #
- # Tenant id is optional and the default tenant is used if unspecified, for
- # example, "projects/api-test-project".
+ # The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example,
+ # "projects/foo/tenant/bar". If tenant id is unspecified, a default tenant
+ # is created. For example, "projects/foo".
# @!attribute [rw] jobs
# @return [Array<Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job>]
- # Required. The jobs to be updated.
+ # The jobs to be updated.
# @!attribute [rw] update_mask
# @return [Google::Protobuf::FieldMask]
- # Optional but strongly recommended to be provided for the best service
- # experience, also increase latency when checking status of batch operation.
+ # Strongly recommended for the best service experience. Be aware that it will
+ # also increase latency when checking the status of a batch operation.
# If
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::BatchUpdateJobsRequest#update_mask update_mask}
# is provided, only the specified fields in
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job Job} are updated. Otherwise all the
@@ -724,9 +685,40 @@
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobOperationResult::JobResult JobResult}
# will only contains fields that is updated, plus the Id of the Job.
# Otherwise, {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job Job} will include all fields,
# which can yield a very large response.
class BatchUpdateJobsRequest; end
+ # The result of
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobService::BatchCreateJobs JobService::BatchCreateJobs}
+ # or
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobService::BatchUpdateJobs JobService::BatchUpdateJobs}
+ # APIs. It's used to replace
+ # {Google::Longrunning::Operation#response}
+ # in case of success.
+ # @!attribute [rw] job_results
+ # @return [Array<Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobOperationResult::JobResult>]
+ # List of job mutation results from a batch mutate operation. It can change
+ # until operation status is FINISHED, FAILED or CANCELLED.
+ class JobOperationResult
+ # Mutation result of a job.
+ # @!attribute [rw] job
+ # @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job]
+ # Here {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job Job} only contains basic
+ # information including {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#name name},
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#company company},
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#language_code language_code} and
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#requisition_id requisition_id}, use
+ # getJob method to retrieve detailed information of the created/updated
+ # job.
+ # @!attribute [rw] status
+ # @return [Google::Rpc::Status]
+ # The status of the job processed. This field is populated if the
+ # processing of the
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobOperationResult::JobResult#job job}
+ # fails.
+ class JobResult; end
+ end
# An enum that specifies the job attributes that are returned in the
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::SearchJobsResponse::MatchingJob#job MatchingJob#job}
# or {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::ListJobsResponse#jobs ListJobsResponse#jobs}
# fields.
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