lib/google/cloud/talent/v4beta1/doc/google/cloud/talent/v4beta1/job.rb in google-cloud-talent-0.3.0 vs lib/google/cloud/talent/v4beta1/doc/google/cloud/talent/v4beta1/job.rb in google-cloud-talent-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -16,12 +16,13 @@
module Google
module Cloud
module Talent
module V4beta1
# A Job resource represents a job posting (also referred to as a "job listing"
- # or "job requisition"). A job belongs to a {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Company Company}, which is the hiring
- # entity responsible for the job.
+ # or "job requisition"). A job belongs to a
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Company Company}, which is the hiring entity
+ # responsible for the job.
# @!attribute [rw] name
# @return [String]
# Required during job update.
# The resource name for the job. This is generated by the service when a
@@ -33,51 +34,47 @@
# Tenant id is optional and the default tenant is used if unspecified, for
# example, "projects/api-test-project/jobs/1234".
# Use of this field in job queries and API calls is preferred over the use of
- # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#requisition_id requisition_id} since this value is unique.
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#requisition_id requisition_id} since this
+ # value is unique.
# @!attribute [rw] company
# @return [String]
- # Required.
+ # Required. The resource name of the company listing the job.
- # The resource name of the company listing the job.
- #
# The format is
# "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/companies/{company_id}", for
# example, "projects/api-test-project/tenants/foo/companies/bar".
# Tenant id is optional and the default tenant is used if unspecified, for
# example, "projects/api-test-project/companies/bar".
# @!attribute [rw] requisition_id
# @return [String]
- # Required.
+ # Required. The requisition ID, also referred to as the posting ID, is
+ # assigned by the client to identify a job. This field is intended to be used
+ # by clients for client identification and tracking of postings. A job isn't
+ # allowed to be created if there is another job with the same
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#name company},
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#language_code language_code} and
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#requisition_id requisition_id}.
- # The requisition ID, also referred to as the posting ID, is assigned by the
- # client to identify a job. This field is intended to be used by clients
- # for client identification and tracking of postings. A job isn't allowed
- # to be created if there is another job with the same {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#name company},
- # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#language_code language_code} and {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#requisition_id requisition_id}.
- #
# The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.
# @!attribute [rw] title
# @return [String]
- # Required.
+ # Required. The title of the job, such as "Software Engineer"
- # The title of the job, such as "Software Engineer"
- #
# The maximum number of allowed characters is 500.
# @!attribute [rw] description
# @return [String]
- # Required.
+ # Required. The description of the job, which typically includes a
+ # multi-paragraph description of the company and related information.
+ # Separate fields are provided on the job object for
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#responsibilities responsibilities},
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#qualifications qualifications}, and other
+ # job characteristics. Use of these separate job fields is recommended.
- # The description of the job, which typically includes a multi-paragraph
- # description of the company and related information. Separate fields are
- # provided on the job object for {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#responsibilities responsibilities},
- # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#qualifications qualifications}, and other job characteristics. Use of
- # these separate job fields is recommended.
- #
# This field accepts and sanitizes HTML input, and also accepts
# bold, italic, ordered list, and unordered list markup tags.
# The maximum number of allowed characters is 100,000.
# @!attribute [rw] addresses
@@ -89,41 +86,37 @@
# Specifying the full street address(es) of the hiring location enables
# better API results, especially job searches by commute time.
# At most 50 locations are allowed for best search performance. If a job has
# more locations, it is suggested to split it into multiple jobs with unique
- # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#requisition_id requisition_id}s (e.g. 'ReqA' becomes 'ReqA-1', 'ReqA-2', and so on.) as
- # multiple jobs with the same {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#name company}[], {Language_code} and
- # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#requisition_id requisition_id} are not allowed. If the original {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#requisition_id requisition_id} must
- # be preserved, a custom field should be used for storage. It is also
- # suggested to group the locations that close to each other in the same job
- # for better search experience.
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#requisition_id requisition_id}s (e.g.
+ # 'ReqA' becomes 'ReqA-1', 'ReqA-2', and so on.) as multiple jobs with the
+ # same {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#company company},
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#language_code language_code} and
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#requisition_id requisition_id} are not
+ # allowed. If the original
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#requisition_id requisition_id} must be
+ # preserved, a custom field should be used for storage. It is also suggested
+ # to group the locations that close to each other in the same job for better
+ # search experience.
# The maximum number of allowed characters is 500.
# @!attribute [rw] application_info
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job::ApplicationInfo]
- # Optional.
- #
- # Job application information.
+ # Optional. Job application information.
# @!attribute [rw] job_benefits
# @return [Array<Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobBenefit>]
- # Optional.
- #
- # The benefits included with the job.
+ # Optional. The benefits included with the job.
# @!attribute [rw] compensation_info
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::CompensationInfo]
- # Optional.
- #
- # Job compensation information (a.k.a. "pay rate") i.e., the compensation
- # that will paid to the employee.
+ # Optional. Job compensation information (a.k.a. "pay rate") i.e., the
+ # compensation that will paid to the employee.
# @!attribute [rw] custom_attributes
# @return [Hash{String => Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::CustomAttribute}]
- # Optional.
+ # Optional. A map of fields to hold both filterable and non-filterable custom
+ # job attributes that are not covered by the provided structured fields.
- # A map of fields to hold both filterable and non-filterable custom job
- # attributes that are not covered by the provided structured fields.
- #
# The keys of the map are strings up to 64 bytes and must match the
# pattern: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*. For example, key0LikeThis or
# At most 100 filterable and at most 100 unfilterable keys are supported.
@@ -131,163 +124,163 @@
# allowed, with each string no more than 255 characters. For unfilterable
# `string_values`, the maximum total size of `string_values` across all keys
# is 50KB.
# @!attribute [rw] degree_types
# @return [Array<Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::DegreeType>]
- # Optional.
- #
- # The desired education degrees for the job, such as Bachelors, Masters.
+ # Optional. The desired education degrees for the job, such as Bachelors,
+ # Masters.
# @!attribute [rw] department
# @return [String]
- # Optional.
+ # Optional. The department or functional area within the company with the
+ # open position.
- # The department or functional area within the company with the open
- # position.
- #
# The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.
# @!attribute [rw] employment_types
# @return [Array<Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::EmploymentType>]
- # Optional.
- #
- # The employment type(s) of a job, for example,
+ # Optional. The employment type(s) of a job, for example,
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::EmploymentType::FULL_TIME full time} or
# {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::EmploymentType::PART_TIME part time}.
# @!attribute [rw] incentives
# @return [String]
- # Optional.
- #
- # A description of bonus, commission, and other compensation
+ # Optional. A description of bonus, commission, and other compensation
# incentives associated with the job not including salary or pay.
# The maximum number of allowed characters is 10,000.
# @!attribute [rw] language_code
# @return [String]
- # Optional.
- #
- # The language of the posting. This field is distinct from
+ # Optional. The language of the posting. This field is distinct from
# any requirements for fluency that are associated with the job.
# Language codes must be in BCP-47 format, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn".
# For more information, see
# [Tags for Identifying Languages]({:
# class="external" target="_blank" }.
- # If this field is unspecified and {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#description Job#description} is present, detected
- # language code based on {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#description Job#description} is assigned, otherwise
- # defaults to 'en_US'.
+ # If this field is unspecified and
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#description Job#description} is present,
+ # detected language code based on
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#description Job#description} is assigned,
+ # otherwise defaults to 'en_US'.
# @!attribute [rw] job_level
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobLevel]
- # Optional.
- #
- # The experience level associated with the job, such as "Entry Level".
+ # Optional. The experience level associated with the job, such as "Entry
+ # Level".
# @!attribute [rw] promotion_value
# @return [Integer]
- # Optional.
- #
- # A promotion value of the job, as determined by the client.
+ # Optional. A promotion value of the job, as determined by the client.
# The value determines the sort order of the jobs returned when searching for
# jobs using the featured jobs search call, with higher promotional values
# being returned first and ties being resolved by relevance sort. Only the
# jobs with a promotionValue >0 are returned in a FEATURED_JOB_SEARCH.
# Default value is 0, and negative values are treated as 0.
# @!attribute [rw] qualifications
# @return [String]
- # Optional.
- #
- # A description of the qualifications required to perform the
+ # Optional. A description of the qualifications required to perform the
# job. The use of this field is recommended
- # as an alternative to using the more general {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#description description} field.
+ # as an alternative to using the more general
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#description description} field.
# This field accepts and sanitizes HTML input, and also accepts
# bold, italic, ordered list, and unordered list markup tags.
# The maximum number of allowed characters is 10,000.
# @!attribute [rw] responsibilities
# @return [String]
- # Optional.
+ # Optional. A description of job responsibilities. The use of this field is
+ # recommended as an alternative to using the more general
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#description description} field.
- # A description of job responsibilities. The use of this field is
- # recommended as an alternative to using the more general {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#description description}
- # field.
- #
# This field accepts and sanitizes HTML input, and also accepts
# bold, italic, ordered list, and unordered list markup tags.
# The maximum number of allowed characters is 10,000.
# @!attribute [rw] posting_region
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::PostingRegion]
- # Optional.
- #
- # The job {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::PostingRegion PostingRegion} (for example, state, country) throughout
- # which the job is available. If this field is set, a {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::LocationFilter LocationFilter}
- # in a search query within the job region finds this job posting if an
- # exact location match isn't specified. If this field is set to
- # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::PostingRegion::NATION PostingRegion::NATION} or {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::PostingRegion::ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA PostingRegion::ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA},
- # setting job {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#addresses Job#addresses} to the same location level as this field
- # is strongly recommended.
+ # Optional. The job
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::PostingRegion PostingRegion} (for example,
+ # state, country) throughout which the job is available. If this field is
+ # set, a {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::LocationFilter LocationFilter} in a
+ # search query within the job region finds this job posting if an exact
+ # location match isn't specified. If this field is set to
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::PostingRegion::NATION PostingRegion::NATION} or
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::PostingRegion::ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA PostingRegion::ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA},
+ # setting job {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#addresses Job#addresses} to
+ # the same location level as this field is strongly recommended.
# @!attribute [rw] visibility
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Visibility]
- # Optional.
+ # Optional. The visibility of the job.
- # The visibility of the job.
- #
- # Defaults to {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Visibility::ACCOUNT_ONLY Visibility::ACCOUNT_ONLY} if not specified.
+ # Defaults to
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Visibility::ACCOUNT_ONLY Visibility::ACCOUNT_ONLY}
+ # if not specified.
# @!attribute [rw] job_start_time
# @return [Google::Protobuf::Timestamp]
- # Optional.
- #
- # The start timestamp of the job in UTC time zone. Typically this field
- # is used for contracting engagements. Invalid timestamps are ignored.
+ # Optional. The start timestamp of the job in UTC time zone. Typically this
+ # field is used for contracting engagements. Invalid timestamps are ignored.
# @!attribute [rw] job_end_time
# @return [Google::Protobuf::Timestamp]
- # Optional.
- #
- # The end timestamp of the job. Typically this field is used for contracting
- # engagements. Invalid timestamps are ignored.
+ # Optional. The end timestamp of the job. Typically this field is used for
+ # contracting engagements. Invalid timestamps are ignored.
# @!attribute [rw] posting_publish_time
# @return [Google::Protobuf::Timestamp]
- # Optional.
- #
- # The timestamp this job posting was most recently published. The default
- # value is the time the request arrives at the server. Invalid timestamps are
- # ignored.
+ # Optional. The timestamp this job posting was most recently published. The
+ # default value is the time the request arrives at the server. Invalid
+ # timestamps are ignored.
# @!attribute [rw] posting_expire_time
# @return [Google::Protobuf::Timestamp]
# Optional but strongly recommended for the best service
# experience.
# The expiration timestamp of the job. After this timestamp, the
# job is marked as expired, and it no longer appears in search results. The
- # expired job can't be deleted or listed by the {DeleteJob} and
- # {ListJobs} APIs, but it can be retrieved with the {GetJob} API or
- # updated with the {UpdateJob} API. An expired job can be updated and
- # opened again by using a future expiration timestamp. Updating an expired
- # job fails if there is another existing open job with same
- # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#name company}[], {Language_code} and {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#requisition_id requisition_id}.
+ # expired job can't be listed by the
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobService::ListJobs ListJobs} API, but it can
+ # be retrieved with the
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobService::GetJob GetJob} API or updated with
+ # the {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobService::UpdateJob UpdateJob} API or
+ # deleted with the
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobService::DeleteJob DeleteJob} API. An
+ # expired job can be updated and opened again by using a future expiration
+ # timestamp. Updating an expired job fails if there is another existing open
+ # job with same {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#company company},
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#language_code language_code} and
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#requisition_id requisition_id}.
# The expired jobs are retained in our system for 90 days. However, the
- # overall expired job count cannot exceed 3 times the maximum of open jobs
- # count over the past week, otherwise jobs with earlier expire time are
- # cleaned first. Expired jobs are no longer accessible after they are cleaned
+ # overall expired job count cannot exceed 3 times the maximum number of
+ # open jobs over previous 7 days. If this threshold is exceeded,
+ # expired jobs are cleaned out in order of earliest expire time.
+ # Expired jobs are no longer accessible after they are cleaned
# out.
# Invalid timestamps are ignored, and treated as expire time not provided.
- # Timestamp before the instant request is made is considered valid, the job
- # will be treated as expired immediately.
+ # If the timestamp is before the instant request is made, the job
+ # is treated as expired immediately on creation. This kind of job can
+ # not be updated. And when creating a job with past timestamp, the
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#posting_publish_time posting_publish_time}
+ # must be set before
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#posting_expire_time posting_expire_time}.
+ # The purpose of this feature is to allow other objects, such as
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Application Application}, to refer a job that
+ # didn't exist in the system prior to becoming expired. If you want to modify
+ # a job that was expired on creation, delete it and create a new one.
# If this value isn't provided at the time of job creation or is invalid,
# the job posting expires after 30 days from the job's creation time. For
# example, if the job was created on 2017/01/01 13:00AM UTC with an
# unspecified expiration date, the job expires after 2017/01/31 13:00AM UTC.
# If this value isn't provided on job update, it depends on the field masks
- # set by {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::UpdateJobRequest#update_mask UpdateJobRequest#update_mask}. If the field masks include
- # {Expiry_time}, or the masks are empty meaning that every field is
- # updated, the job posting expires after 30 days from the job's last
- # update time. Otherwise the expiration date isn't updated.
+ # set by
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::UpdateJobRequest#update_mask UpdateJobRequest#update_mask}.
+ # If the field masks include
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#job_end_time job_end_time}, or the masks
+ # are empty meaning that every field is updated, the job posting expires
+ # after 30 days from the job's last update time. Otherwise the expiration
+ # date isn't updated.
# @!attribute [rw] posting_create_time
# @return [Google::Protobuf::Timestamp]
# Output only. The timestamp when this job posting was created.
# @!attribute [rw] posting_update_time
# @return [Google::Protobuf::Timestamp]
@@ -298,82 +291,76 @@
# @!attribute [rw] derived_info
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job::DerivedInfo]
# Output only. Derived details about the job posting.
# @!attribute [rw] processing_options
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job::ProcessingOptions]
- # Optional.
- #
- # Options for job processing.
+ # Optional. Options for job processing.
class Job
# Application related details of a job posting.
# @!attribute [rw] emails
# @return [Array<String>]
- # Optional.
- #
- # Use this field to specify email address(es) to which resumes or
+ # Optional. Use this field to specify email address(es) to which resumes or
# applications can be sent.
# The maximum number of allowed characters for each entry is 255.
# @!attribute [rw] instruction
# @return [String]
- # Optional.
+ # Optional. Use this field to provide instructions, such as "Mail your
+ # application to ...", that a candidate can follow to apply for the job.
- # Use this field to provide instructions, such as "Mail your application
- # to ...", that a candidate can follow to apply for the job.
- #
# This field accepts and sanitizes HTML input, and also accepts
# bold, italic, ordered list, and unordered list markup tags.
# The maximum number of allowed characters is 3,000.
# @!attribute [rw] uris
# @return [Array<String>]
- # Optional.
+ # Optional. Use this URI field to direct an applicant to a website, for
+ # example to link to an online application form.
- # Use this URI field to direct an applicant to a website, for example to
- # link to an online application form.
- #
# The maximum number of allowed characters for each entry is 2,000.
class ApplicationInfo; end
# Output only.
# Derived details about the job posting.
# @!attribute [rw] locations
# @return [Array<Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Location>]
- # Structured locations of the job, resolved from {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#addresses Job#addresses}.
+ # Structured locations of the job, resolved from
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#addresses Job#addresses}.
- # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job::DerivedInfo#locations locations} are exactly matched to {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#addresses Job#addresses} in the same
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job::DerivedInfo#locations locations} are
+ # exactly matched to
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#addresses Job#addresses} in the same
# order.
# @!attribute [rw] job_categories
# @return [Array<Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::JobCategory>]
- # Job categories derived from {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#title Job#title} and {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#description Job#description}.
+ # Job categories derived from
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#title Job#title} and
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::Job#description Job#description}.
class DerivedInfo; end
# Input only.
# Options for job processing.
# @!attribute [rw] disable_street_address_resolution
# @return [true, false]
- # Optional.
- #
- # If set to `true`, the service does not attempt to resolve a
+ # Optional. If set to `true`, the service does not attempt to resolve a
# more precise address for the job.
# @!attribute [rw] html_sanitization
# @return [Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::HtmlSanitization]
- # Optional.
+ # Optional. Option for job HTML content sanitization. Applied fields are:
- # Option for job HTML content sanitization. Applied fields are:
- #
# * description
# * applicationInfo.instruction
# * incentives
# * qualifications
# * responsibilities
# HTML tags in these fields may be stripped if sanitiazation isn't
# disabled.
- # Defaults to {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::HtmlSanitization::SIMPLE_FORMATTING_ONLY HtmlSanitization::SIMPLE_FORMATTING_ONLY}.
+ # Defaults to
+ # {Google::Cloud::Talent::V4beta1::HtmlSanitization::SIMPLE_FORMATTING_ONLY HtmlSanitization::SIMPLE_FORMATTING_ONLY}.
class ProcessingOptions; end
\ No newline at end of file