lib/google/cloud/storage/bucket.rb in google-cloud-storage-1.6.0 vs lib/google/cloud/storage/bucket.rb in google-cloud-storage-1.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -46,28 +46,25 @@
# @private The Google API Client object.
attr_accessor :gapi
- # A boolean value or a project ID string for a requester pays
- # bucket and its files. If this attribute is set to `true`, transit
- # costs for operations on the bucket will be billed to the current
- # project for this client. (See {Project#project} for the ID of the
- # current project.) If this attribute is set to a project ID, and that
- # project is authorized for the currently authenticated service account,
- # transit costs will be billed to the that project. The default is
- # `nil`.
+ # A boolean value or a project ID string to indicate the project to
+ # be billed for operations on the bucket and its files. If this
+ # attribute is set to `true`, transit costs for operations on the bucket
+ # will be billed to the current project for this client. (See
+ # {Project#project} for the ID of the current project.) If this
+ # attribute is set to a project ID, and that project is authorized for
+ # the currently authenticated service account, transit costs will be
+ # billed to that project. This attribute is required with requester
+ # pays-enabled buckets. The default is `nil`.
# In general, this attribute should be set when first retrieving the
# bucket by providing the `user_project` option to {Project#bucket}.
- # The requester pays feature is currently available only to whitelisted
- # projects.
+ # See also {#requester_pays=} and {#requester_pays}.
- # See also {#requester_pays=} and {#requester_pays} to enable requester
- # pays for a bucket.
- #
# @example Setting a non-default project:
# require "google/cloud/storage"
# storage =
@@ -344,12 +341,10 @@
# must assume the transit costs related to the access. The requester
# must pass the `user_project` option to {Project#bucket} and
# {Project#buckets} to indicate the project to which the access costs
# should be billed.
- # This feature is currently available only to whitelisted projects.
- #
# @return [Boolean, nil] Returns `true` if requester pays is enabled for
# the bucket.
def requester_pays
@gapi.billing.requester_pays if @gapi.billing
@@ -361,12 +356,10 @@
# the bucket or a file it contains must assume the transit costs related
# to the access. The requester must pass the `user_project` option to
# {Project#bucket} and {Project#buckets} to indicate the project to
# which the access costs should be billed.
- # This feature is currently available only to whitelisted projects.
- #
# @param [Boolean] new_requester_pays When set to `true`, requester pays
# is enabled for the bucket.
# @example Enable requester pays for a bucket:
# require "google/cloud/storage"
@@ -710,9 +703,119 @@
gapi = service.insert_file name, file, path, options
File.from_gapi gapi, service
alias_method :upload_file, :create_file
alias_method :new_file, :create_file
+ ##
+ # Concatenates a list of existing files in the bucket into a new file in
+ # the bucket. There is a limit (currently 32) to the number of files
+ # that can be composed in a single operation.
+ #
+ # To compose files encrypted with a customer-supplied encryption key,
+ # use the `encryption_key` option. All source files must have been
+ # encrypted with the same key, and the resulting destination file will
+ # also be encrypted with the same key.
+ #
+ # @param [Array<String, Google::Cloud::Storage::File>] sources The list
+ # of source file names or objects that will be concatenated into a
+ # single file.
+ # @param [String] destination The name of the new file.
+ # @param [String] acl A predefined set of access controls to apply to
+ # this file.
+ #
+ # Acceptable values are:
+ #
+ # * `auth`, `auth_read`, `authenticated`, `authenticated_read`,
+ # `authenticatedRead` - File owner gets OWNER access, and
+ # allAuthenticatedUsers get READER access.
+ # * `owner_full`, `bucketOwnerFullControl` - File owner gets OWNER
+ # access, and project team owners get OWNER access.
+ # * `owner_read`, `bucketOwnerRead` - File owner gets OWNER access,
+ # and project team owners get READER access.
+ # * `private` - File owner gets OWNER access.
+ # * `project_private`, `projectPrivate` - File owner gets OWNER
+ # access, and project team members get access according to their
+ # roles.
+ # * `public`, `public_read`, `publicRead` - File owner gets OWNER
+ # access, and allUsers get READER access.
+ #
+ # @param [String, nil] encryption_key Optional. The customer-supplied,
+ # AES-256 encryption key used to encrypt the source files, if one was
+ # used. All source files must have been encrypted with the same key,
+ # and the resulting destination file will also be encrypted with the
+ # key.
+ #
+ # @yield [file] A block yielding a delegate file object for setting the
+ # properties of the destination file.
+ #
+ # @return [Google::Cloud::Storage::File] The new file.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # require "google/cloud/storage"
+ #
+ # storage =
+ #
+ # bucket = storage.bucket "my-bucket"
+ #
+ # sources = ["path/to/my-file-1.ext", "path/to/my-file-2.ext"]
+ #
+ # new_file = bucket.compose sources, "path/to/new-file.ext"
+ #
+ # @example Set the properties of the new file in a block:
+ # require "google/cloud/storage"
+ #
+ # storage =
+ #
+ # bucket = storage.bucket "my-bucket"
+ #
+ # sources = ["path/to/my-file-1.ext", "path/to/my-file-2.ext"]
+ #
+ # new_file = bucket.compose sources, "path/to/new-file.ext" do |f|
+ # f.cache_control = "private, max-age=0, no-cache"
+ # f.content_disposition = "inline; filename=filename.ext"
+ # f.content_encoding = "deflate"
+ # f.content_language = "de"
+ # f.content_type = "application/json"
+ # end
+ #
+ # @example Specify the generation of source files (but skip retrieval):
+ # require "google/cloud/storage"
+ #
+ # storage =
+ #
+ # bucket = storage.bucket "my-bucket"
+ #
+ # file_1 = bucket.file "path/to/my-file-1.ext",
+ # generation: 1490390259479000, skip_lookup: true
+ # file_2 = bucket.file "path/to/my-file-2.ext",
+ # generation: 1490310974144000, skip_lookup: true
+ #
+ # new_file = bucket.compose [file_1, file_2], "path/to/new-file.ext"
+ #
+ def compose sources, destination, acl: nil, encryption_key: nil
+ ensure_service!
+ sources = Array sources
+ if sources.size < 2
+ fail ArgumentError, "must provide at least two source files"
+ end
+ options = { acl: File::Acl.predefined_rule_for(acl),
+ key: encryption_key,
+ user_project: user_project }
+ destination_gapi = nil
+ if block_given?
+ destination_gapi =
+ updater = destination_gapi
+ yield updater
+ updater.check_for_changed_metadata!
+ end
+ gapi = service.compose_file name, sources, destination,
+ destination_gapi, options
+ File.from_gapi gapi, service
+ end
+ alias_method :compose_file, :compose
+ alias_method :combine, :compose
# Access without authentication can be granted to a File for a specified
# period of time. This URL uses a cryptographic signature of your
# credentials to access the file identified by `path`. A URL can be