proto_docs/google/cloud/optimization/v1/fleet_routing.rb in google-cloud-optimization-v1-0.2.0 vs proto_docs/google/cloud/optimization/v1/fleet_routing.rb in google-cloud-optimization-v1-0.2.1
- old
+ new
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@
# @!attribute [rw] solving_mode
# @return [::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursRequest::SolvingMode]
# By default, the solving mode is `DEFAULT_SOLVE` (0).
# @!attribute [rw] max_validation_errors
# @return [::Integer]
- # Truncates the number of validation errors returned. Those errors are
+ # Truncates the number of validation errors returned. These errors are
# typically attached to an INVALID_ARGUMENT error payload as a BadRequest
# error detail (,
# unless solving_mode=VALIDATE_ONLY: see the
# {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursResponse#validation_errors OptimizeToursResponse.validation_errors}
# field.
@@ -77,12 +77,13 @@
# a shipment may be performed.
# * for all routes, times are increasing (i.e., `vehicle_start_time
# <= visits[0].start_time <= visits[1].start_time ...
# <= vehicle_end_time`).
# * a shipment may only be performed on a vehicle that is allowed. A
- # vehicle is allowed if {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#allowed_vehicle_indices Shipment.allowed_vehicle_indices} is empty or
- # its `vehicle_index` is included in
+ # vehicle is allowed if
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#allowed_vehicle_indices Shipment.allowed_vehicle_indices}
+ # is empty or its `vehicle_index` is included in
# {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#allowed_vehicle_indices Shipment.allowed_vehicle_indices}.
# If the injected solution is not feasible, a validation error is not
# necessarily returned and an error indicating infeasibility may be returned
# instead.
@@ -116,20 +117,31 @@
# regardless of whether the related shipments or vehicles are ignored.
# @!attribute [rw] interpret_injected_solutions_using_labels
# @return [::Boolean]
# If true:
- # * uses {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_label ShipmentRoute.vehicle_label} instead of `vehicle_index` to
+ # * uses
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_label ShipmentRoute.vehicle_label}
+ # instead of `vehicle_index` to
# match routes in an injected solution with vehicles in the request;
- # reuses the mapping of original {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_index ShipmentRoute.vehicle_index} to new
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_index ShipmentRoute.vehicle_index} to update
+ # reuses the mapping of original
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_index ShipmentRoute.vehicle_index}
+ # to new
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_index ShipmentRoute.vehicle_index}
+ # to update
# {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::InjectedSolutionConstraint::ConstraintRelaxation#vehicle_indices ConstraintRelaxation.vehicle_indices}
# if non-empty, but the mapping must be unambiguous (i.e., multiple
# `ShipmentRoute`s must not share the same original `vehicle_index`).
- # * uses {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Visit#shipment_label ShipmentRoute.Visit.shipment_label} instead of `shipment_index`
+ # * uses
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Visit#shipment_label ShipmentRoute.Visit.shipment_label}
+ # instead of `shipment_index`
# to match visits in an injected solution with shipments in the request;
- # * uses {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::SkippedShipment#label SkippedShipment.label} instead of {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::SkippedShipment#index SkippedShipment.index} to
+ # * uses
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::SkippedShipment#label SkippedShipment.label}
+ # instead of
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::SkippedShipment#index SkippedShipment.index}
+ # to
# match skipped shipments in the injected solution with request
# shipments.
# This interpretation applies to the `injected_first_solution_routes`,
# `injected_solution_constraint`, and `refresh_details_routes` fields.
@@ -138,43 +150,50 @@
# vehicles have been removed from or added to the request.
# If true, labels in the following categories must appear at most once in
# their category:
- # * {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#label Vehicle.label} in the request;
- # * {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#label Shipment.label} in the request;
+ # * {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#label Vehicle.label} in the
+ # request;
+ # * {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#label Shipment.label} in the
+ # request;
# * {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_label ShipmentRoute.vehicle_label} in the injected solution;
# * {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::SkippedShipment#label SkippedShipment.label} and {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Visit#shipment_label ShipmentRoute.Visit.shipment_label} in
# the injected solution (except pickup/delivery visit pairs, whose
# `shipment_label` must appear twice).
# If a `vehicle_label` in the injected solution does not correspond to a
# request vehicle, the corresponding route is removed from the solution
# along with its visits. If a `shipment_label` in the injected solution does
# not correspond to a request shipment, the corresponding visit is removed
- # from the solution. If a {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::SkippedShipment#label SkippedShipment.label} in the injected solution
- # does not correspond to a request shipment, the `SkippedShipment` is removed
- # from the solution.
+ # from the solution. If a
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::SkippedShipment#label SkippedShipment.label}
+ # in the injected solution does not correspond to a request shipment, the
+ # `SkippedShipment` is removed from the solution.
# Removing route visits or entire routes from an injected solution may
# have an effect on the implied constraints, which may lead to change in
# solution, validation errors, or infeasibility.
- # NOTE: The caller must ensure that each {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#label Vehicle.label}
- # (resp. {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#label Shipment.label}) uniquely identifies a vehicle (resp. shipment)
- # entity used across the two relevant requests: the past request that
- # produced the `OptimizeToursResponse` used in the injected solution and the
- # current request that includes the injected solution. The uniqueness checks
- # described above are not enough to guarantee this requirement.
+ # NOTE: The caller must ensure that each
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#label Vehicle.label} (resp.
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#label Shipment.label}) uniquely
+ # identifies a vehicle (resp. shipment) entity used across the two relevant
+ # requests: the past request that produced the `OptimizeToursResponse` used
+ # in the injected solution and the current request that includes the injected
+ # solution. The uniqueness checks described above are not enough to guarantee
+ # this requirement.
# @!attribute [rw] consider_road_traffic
# @return [::Boolean]
# Consider traffic estimation in calculating `ShipmentRoute` fields
# {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Transition#travel_duration Transition.travel_duration},
# {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Visit#start_time Visit.start_time},
# and `vehicle_end_time`; in setting the
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#has_traffic_infeasibilities ShipmentRoute.has_traffic_infeasibilities} field, and in calculating the
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursResponse#total_cost OptimizeToursResponse.total_cost} field.
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#has_traffic_infeasibilities ShipmentRoute.has_traffic_infeasibilities}
+ # field, and in calculating the
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursResponse#total_cost OptimizeToursResponse.total_cost}
+ # field.
# @!attribute [rw] populate_polylines
# @return [::Boolean]
# If true, polylines will be populated in response `ShipmentRoute`s.
# @!attribute [rw] populate_transition_polylines
# @return [::Boolean]
@@ -203,22 +222,25 @@
# @return [::String]
# Label that may be used to identify this request, reported back in the
# {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursResponse#request_label OptimizeToursResponse.request_label}.
# @!attribute [rw] populate_travel_step_polylines
# @return [::Boolean]
- # Deprecated: Use [OptimizeToursRequest.populate_transition_polylines][] instead.
- # If true, polylines will be populated in response
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#transitions ShipmentRoute.transitions}. Note that in this case, the polylines will
- # also be populated in the deprecated `travel_steps`.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursRequest#populate_transition_polylines OptimizeToursRequest.populate_transition_polylines}
+ # instead. If true, polylines will be populated in response
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#transitions ShipmentRoute.transitions}.
+ # Note that in this case, the polylines will also be populated in the
+ # deprecated `travel_steps`.
class OptimizeToursRequest
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
# Defines how the solver should handle the request. In all modes but
# `VALIDATE_ONLY`, if the request is invalid, you will receive an
- # `INVALID_REQUEST` error. See {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursRequest#max_validation_errors max_validation_errors} to cap the number of
- # errors returned.
+ # `INVALID_REQUEST` error. See
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursRequest#max_validation_errors max_validation_errors}
+ # to cap the number of errors returned.
module SolvingMode
# Solve the model.
# Only validates the model without solving it: populates as many
@@ -257,54 +279,61 @@
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute>]
# Routes computed for each vehicle; the i-th route corresponds to the i-th
# vehicle in the model.
# @!attribute [rw] request_label
# @return [::String]
- # Copy of the {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursRequest#label OptimizeToursRequest.label}, if a label was specified in the
- # request.
+ # Copy of the
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursRequest#label OptimizeToursRequest.label},
+ # if a label was specified in the request.
# @!attribute [rw] skipped_shipments
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::SkippedShipment>]
# The list of all shipments skipped.
# @!attribute [rw] validation_errors
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursValidationError>]
# List of all the validation errors that we were able to detect
# independently. See the "MULTIPLE ERRORS" explanation for the
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursValidationError OptimizeToursValidationError} message.
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursValidationError OptimizeToursValidationError}
+ # message.
# @!attribute [rw] metrics
# @return [::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursResponse::Metrics]
# Duration, distance and usage metrics for this solution.
# @!attribute [rw] total_cost
# @return [::Float]
- # Deprecated: Use [Metrics.total_cost][] instead.
- # Total cost of the solution. This takes into account all costs: costs per
- # per hour and travel hour, fixed vehicle costs, unperformed shipment penalty
- # costs, global duration cost, etc.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursResponse::Metrics#total_cost Metrics.total_cost}
+ # instead. Total cost of the solution. This takes into account all costs:
+ # costs per per hour and travel hour, fixed vehicle costs, unperformed
+ # shipment penalty costs, global duration cost, etc.
class OptimizeToursResponse
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
# Overall metrics, aggregated over all routes.
# @!attribute [rw] aggregated_route_metrics
# @return [::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::AggregatedMetrics]
# Aggregated over the routes. Each metric is the sum (or max, for loads)
- # over all {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#metrics ShipmentRoute.metrics} fields of the same name.
+ # over all
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#metrics ShipmentRoute.metrics}
+ # fields of the same name.
# @!attribute [rw] skipped_mandatory_shipment_count
# @return [::Integer]
# Number of mandatory shipments skipped.
# @!attribute [rw] used_vehicle_count
# @return [::Integer]
# Number of vehicles used. Note: if a vehicle route is empty and
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#used_if_route_is_empty Vehicle.used_if_route_is_empty} is true, the vehicle is considered
- # used.
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#used_if_route_is_empty Vehicle.used_if_route_is_empty}
+ # is true, the vehicle is considered used.
# @!attribute [rw] earliest_vehicle_start_time
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp]
# The earliest start time for a used vehicle, computed as the minimum over
- # all used vehicles of {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_start_time ShipmentRoute.vehicle_start_time}.
+ # all used vehicles of
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_start_time ShipmentRoute.vehicle_start_time}.
# @!attribute [rw] latest_vehicle_end_time
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp]
# The latest end time for a used vehicle, computed as the maximum over all
- # used vehicles of {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_end_time ShipmentRoute.vehicle_end_time}.
+ # used vehicles of
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_end_time ShipmentRoute.vehicle_end_time}.
# @!attribute [rw] costs
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Map{::String => ::Float}]
# Cost of the solution, broken down by cost-related request fields.
# The keys are proto paths, relative to the input OptimizeToursRequest,
# e.g. "model.shipments.pickups.cost", and the values are the total cost
@@ -344,12 +373,12 @@
# Format: `projects/{project-id}/locations/{location-id}`.
# If no location is specified, a region will be chosen automatically.
# @!attribute [rw] model_configs
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::BatchOptimizeToursRequest::AsyncModelConfig>]
- # Required. Input/Output information each purchase model, such as file paths and data
- # formats.
+ # Required. Input/Output information each purchase model, such as file paths
+ # and data formats.
class BatchOptimizeToursRequest
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
# Information for solving one optimization model asynchronously.
@@ -428,11 +457,12 @@
# @return [::Float]
# The "global duration" of the overall plan is the difference between the
# earliest effective start time and the latest effective end time of
# all vehicles. Users can assign a cost per hour to that quantity to try
# and optimize for earliest job completion, for example. This cost must be in
- # the same unit as {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#penalty_cost Shipment.penalty_cost}.
+ # the same unit as
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#penalty_cost Shipment.penalty_cost}.
# @!attribute [rw] duration_distance_matrices
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel::DurationDistanceMatrix>]
# Specifies duration and distance matrices used in the model. If this field
# is empty, Google Maps or geodesic distances will be used instead, depending
# on the value of the `use_geodesic_distances` field. If it is not empty,
@@ -567,21 +597,23 @@
# @!attribute [rw] break_rules
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel::BreakRule>]
# Deprecated: No longer used.
# Set of break rules used in the model.
# Each vehicle specifies the `BreakRule` that applies to it via the
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#break_rule_indices Vehicle.break_rule_indices} field (which must be a singleton).
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#break_rule_indices Vehicle.break_rule_indices}
+ # field (which must be a singleton).
class ShipmentModel
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
# Specifies a duration and distance matrix from visit and vehicle start
# locations to visit and vehicle end locations.
# @!attribute [rw] rows
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel::DurationDistanceMatrix::Row>]
# Specifies the rows of the duration and distance matrix. It must have as
- # many elements as {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel#duration_distance_matrix_src_tags ShipmentModel.duration_distance_matrix_src_tags}.
+ # many elements as
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel#duration_distance_matrix_src_tags ShipmentModel.duration_distance_matrix_src_tags}.
# @!attribute [rw] vehicle_start_tag
# @return [::String]
# Tag defining to which vehicles this duration and distance matrix applies.
# If empty, this applies to all vehicles, and there can only be a single
# matrix.
@@ -639,22 +671,23 @@
class PrecedenceRule
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
- # Deprecated: Use top level [BreakRule][] instead.
+ # Deprecated: Use top level
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel::BreakRule BreakRule} instead.
# Rules to generate time breaks for a vehicle (e.g. lunch
# breaks). A break is a contiguous period of time during which the vehicle
# remains idle at its current position and cannot perform any visit. A break
# may occur:
# * during the travel between two visits (which includes the time right
# before or right after a visit, but not in the middle of a visit), in
- # which case it extends the corresponding transit time between the visits,
- # * or before the vehicle start (the vehicle may not start in the middle of
+ # which case it extends the corresponding transit time between the visits
+ # * before the vehicle start (the vehicle may not start in the middle of
# a break), in which case it does not affect the vehicle start time.
- # * or after the vehicle end (ditto, with the vehicle end time).
+ # * after the vehicle end (ditto, with the vehicle end time).
# @!attribute [rw] break_requests
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel::BreakRule::BreakRequest>]
# Sequence of breaks. See the `BreakRequest` message.
# @!attribute [rw] frequency_constraints
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel::BreakRule::FrequencyConstraint>]
@@ -720,12 +753,12 @@
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Duration]
# Required. Minimum break duration for this constraint. Nonnegative.
# See description of `FrequencyConstraint`.
# @!attribute [rw] max_inter_break_duration
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Duration]
- # Required. Maximum allowed span of any interval of time in the route that does not
- # include at least partially a break of `duration >=
+ # Required. Maximum allowed span of any interval of time in the route
+ # that does not include at least partially a break of `duration >=
# min_break_duration`. Must be positive.
class FrequencyConstraint
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
@@ -844,11 +877,12 @@
# pickup/deliveries belonging to the same shipment share the same
# `shipment_type`.
# @!attribute [rw] label
# @return [::String]
# Specifies a label for this shipment. This label is reported in the response
- # in the `shipment_label` of the corresponding {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Visit ShipmentRoute.Visit}.
+ # in the `shipment_label` of the corresponding
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Visit ShipmentRoute.Visit}.
# @!attribute [rw] ignore
# @return [::Boolean]
# If true, skip this shipment, but don't apply a `penalty_cost`.
# Ignoring a shipment results in a validation error when there are any
@@ -858,11 +892,13 @@
# or `injected_solution_constraint` is permitted; the solver removes the
# related pickup/delivery visits from the performing route.
# `precedence_rules` that reference ignored shipments will also be ignored.
# @!attribute [rw] demands
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::CapacityQuantity>]
- # Deprecated: Use [Shipment.load_demands][] instead.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#load_demands Shipment.load_demands}
+ # instead.
class Shipment
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
# Request for a visit which can be done by a vehicle: it has a geo-location
@@ -923,12 +959,14 @@
# shipment. This cost must be in the same unit as `Shipment.penalty_cost`
# and must not be negative.
# @!attribute [rw] load_demands
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Map{::String => ::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment::Load}]
# Load demands of this visit request. This is just like
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#load_demands Shipment.load_demands} field, except that it only applies to this
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment::VisitRequest VisitRequest} instead of the whole {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment Shipment}.
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#load_demands Shipment.load_demands}
+ # field, except that it only applies to this
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment::VisitRequest VisitRequest}
+ # instead of the whole {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment Shipment}.
# The demands listed here are added to the demands listed in
# {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#load_demands Shipment.load_demands}.
# @!attribute [rw] visit_types
# @return [::Array<::String>]
# Specifies the types of the visit. This may be used to allocate additional
@@ -937,14 +975,17 @@
# A type can only appear once.
# @!attribute [rw] label
# @return [::String]
# Specifies a label for this `VisitRequest`. This label is reported in the
- # response as `visit_label` in the corresponding {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Visit ShipmentRoute.Visit}.
+ # response as `visit_label` in the corresponding
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Visit ShipmentRoute.Visit}.
# @!attribute [rw] demands
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::CapacityQuantity>]
- # Deprecated: Use [VisitRequest.load_demands][] instead.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment::VisitRequest#load_demands VisitRequest.load_demands}
+ # instead.
class VisitRequest
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
# @!attribute [rw] key
@@ -957,11 +998,12 @@
# When performing a visit, a predefined amount may be added to the vehicle
# load if it's a pickup, or subtracted if it's a delivery. This message
- # defines such amount. See {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#load_demands load_demands}.
+ # defines such amount. See
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#load_demands load_demands}.
# @!attribute [rw] amount
# @return [::Integer]
# The amount by which the load of the vehicle performing the corresponding
# visit will vary. Since it is an integer, users are advised to choose an
# appropriate unit to avoid loss of precision. Must be ≥ 0.
@@ -1174,17 +1216,19 @@
# in additional latency.
# @!attribute [rw] cost_per_traveled_hour
# @return [::Float]
# Cost per traveled hour of the vehicle route. This cost is applied only to
# travel time taken by the route (i.e., that reported in
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#transitions ShipmentRoute.transitions}), and excludes waiting time and visit time.
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#transitions ShipmentRoute.transitions}),
+ # and excludes waiting time and visit time.
# @!attribute [rw] cost_per_kilometer
# @return [::Float]
# Cost per kilometer of the vehicle route. This cost is applied to the
- # distance reported in the {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#transitions ShipmentRoute.transitions} and does not apply
- # to any distance implicitly traveled from the `arrival_location` to the
- # `departure_location` of a single `VisitRequest`.
+ # distance reported in the
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#transitions ShipmentRoute.transitions}
+ # and does not apply to any distance implicitly traveled from the
+ # `arrival_location` to the `departure_location` of a single `VisitRequest`.
# @!attribute [rw] fixed_cost
# @return [::Float]
# Fixed cost applied if this vehicle is used to handle a shipment.
# @!attribute [rw] used_if_route_is_empty
# @return [::Boolean]
@@ -1231,11 +1275,12 @@
# Describes the break schedule to be enforced on this vehicle.
# If empty, no breaks will be scheduled for this vehicle.
# @!attribute [rw] label
# @return [::String]
# Specifies a label for this vehicle. This label is reported in the response
- # as the `vehicle_label` of the corresponding {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute ShipmentRoute}.
+ # as the `vehicle_label` of the corresponding
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute ShipmentRoute}.
# @!attribute [rw] ignore
# @return [::Boolean]
# If true, `used_if_route_is_empty` must be false, and this vehicle will
# remain unused.
@@ -1251,41 +1296,53 @@
# the allowed vehicles are ignored, it is skipped in the response.
# @!attribute [rw] break_rule_indices
# @return [::Array<::Integer>]
# Deprecated: No longer used.
# Indices in the `break_rule` field in the source
- # [ShipmentModel][]. They correspond to break rules enforced on the vehicle.
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel ShipmentModel}. They
+ # correspond to break rules enforced on the vehicle.
- #
# As of 2018/03, at most one rule index per vehicle can be specified.
# @!attribute [rw] capacities
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::CapacityQuantity>]
- # Deprecated: Use [Vehicle.load_limits][] instead.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#load_limits Vehicle.load_limits}
+ # instead.
# @!attribute [rw] start_load_intervals
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::CapacityQuantityInterval>]
- # Deprecated: Use [Vehicle.LoadLimit.start_load_interval][] instead.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit#start_load_interval Vehicle.LoadLimit.start_load_interval}
+ # instead.
# @!attribute [rw] end_load_intervals
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::CapacityQuantityInterval>]
- # Deprecated: Use [Vehicle.LoadLimit.end_load_interval][] instead.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit#end_load_interval Vehicle.LoadLimit.end_load_interval}
+ # instead.
class Vehicle
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
# Defines a load limit applying to a vehicle, e.g. "this truck may only
- # carry up to 3500 kg". See {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#load_limits load_limits}.
+ # carry up to 3500 kg". See
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#load_limits load_limits}.
# @!attribute [rw] max_load
# @return [::Integer]
# The maximum acceptable amount of load.
# @!attribute [rw] soft_max_load
# @return [::Integer]
- # A soft limit of the load. See {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit#cost_per_unit_above_soft_max cost_per_unit_above_soft_max}.
+ # A soft limit of the load. See
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit#cost_per_unit_above_soft_max cost_per_unit_above_soft_max}.
# @!attribute [rw] cost_per_unit_above_soft_max
# @return [::Float]
- # If the load ever exceeds {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit#soft_max_load soft_max_load} along this vehicle's route,
- # the following cost penalty applies (only once per vehicle):
- # (load - {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit#soft_max_load soft_max_load}) * {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit#cost_per_unit_above_soft_max cost_per_unit_above_soft_max}. All costs
- # add up and must be in the same unit as {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#penalty_cost Shipment.penalty_cost}.
+ # If the load ever exceeds
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit#soft_max_load soft_max_load}
+ # along this vehicle's route, the following cost penalty applies (only once
+ # per vehicle): (load -
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit#soft_max_load soft_max_load})
+ # * {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit#cost_per_unit_above_soft_max cost_per_unit_above_soft_max}. All costs
+ # add up and must be in the same unit as
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#penalty_cost Shipment.penalty_cost}.
# @!attribute [rw] start_load_interval
# @return [::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit::Interval]
# The acceptable load interval of the vehicle at the start of the route.
# @!attribute [rw] end_load_interval
# @return [::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit::Interval]
@@ -1296,16 +1353,22 @@
# Interval of acceptable load amounts.
# @!attribute [rw] min
# @return [::Integer]
# A minimum acceptable load. Must be ≥ 0.
- # If they're both specified, {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit::Interval#min min} must be ≤ {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit::Interval#max max}.
+ # If they're both specified,
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit::Interval#min min} must
+ # be ≤
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit::Interval#max max}.
# @!attribute [rw] max
# @return [::Integer]
# A maximum acceptable load. Must be ≥ 0. If unspecified, the maximum
# load is unrestricted by this message.
- # If they're both specified, {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit::Interval#min min} must be ≤ {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit::Interval#max max}.
+ # If they're both specified,
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit::Interval#min min} must
+ # be ≤
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit::Interval#max max}.
class Interval
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
@@ -1425,12 +1488,15 @@
# a cost proportional to how long before soft_start_time the event occurs. The
# soft time window upper bound, `soft_end_time`, expresses a preference for the
# event to happen at or before `soft_end_time` by incurring a cost proportional
# to how long after `soft_end_time` the event occurs. `start_time`, `end_time`,
# `soft_start_time` and `soft_end_time` should be within the global time limits
- # (see {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel#global_start_time ShipmentModel.global_start_time} and
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel#global_end_time ShipmentModel.global_end_time}) and should respect:
+ # (see
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel#global_start_time ShipmentModel.global_start_time}
+ # and
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel#global_end_time ShipmentModel.global_end_time})
+ # and should respect:
# ```
# 0 <= `start_time` <= `soft_start_time` <= `end_time` and
# 0 <= `start_time` <= `soft_end_time` <= `end_time`.
# ```
# @!attribute [rw] start_time
@@ -1476,21 +1542,25 @@
class TimeWindow
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
- # Deprecated: Use [Shipment.Load][], [Vehicle.LoadLimit][] and [ShipmentRoute.VehicleLoad][] instead.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit::Interval Vehicle.LoadLimit.Interval}
+ # instead.
# @!attribute [rw] type
# @return [::String]
# @!attribute [rw] value
# @return [::Integer]
class CapacityQuantity
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
- # Deprecated: Use [Vehicle.LoadLimit.Interval][] instead.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle::LoadLimit::Interval Vehicle.LoadLimit.Interval}
+ # instead.
# @!attribute [rw] type
# @return [::String]
# @!attribute [rw] min_value
# @return [::Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] max_value
@@ -1517,12 +1587,12 @@
# If defined soft_max_meters must be less than max_meters and must be
# nonnegative.
# @!attribute [rw] cost_per_kilometer_above_soft_max
# @return [::Float]
- # Cost per kilometer incurred if `soft_max_meters` limit is violated. The
- # additional cost is 0 if the distance is under the limit, otherwise the
+ # Cost per kilometer incurred if distance is above `soft_max_meters` limit.
+ # The additional cost is 0 if the distance is under the limit, otherwise the
# formula used to compute the cost is the following:
# ```
# (distance_meters - soft_max_meters) / 1000.0 *
# cost_per_kilometer_above_soft_max.
# ```
@@ -1551,12 +1621,13 @@
# non-empty.
# @!attribute [rw] dst_tag
# @return [::String]
# A destination visit or vehicle end matches iff its
# {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment::VisitRequest#tags VisitRequest.tags}
- # or {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#end_tags Vehicle.end_tags} either contains `dst_tag` or does not contain
- # `excluded_dst_tag` (depending on which of these two fields is non-empty).
+ # or {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#end_tags Vehicle.end_tags} either
+ # contains `dst_tag` or does not contain `excluded_dst_tag` (depending on
+ # which of these two fields is non-empty).
# @!attribute [rw] excluded_dst_tag
# @return [::String]
# See `dst_tag`. Exactly one of `dst_tag` and `excluded_dst_tag` must be
# non-empty.
# @!attribute [rw] cost
@@ -1566,11 +1637,12 @@
# top of all other existing costs.
# @!attribute [rw] cost_per_kilometer
# @return [::Float]
# Specifies a cost per kilometer applied to the distance traveled while
# performing this transition. It adds up to any
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#cost_per_kilometer Vehicle.cost_per_kilometer} specified on vehicles.
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#cost_per_kilometer Vehicle.cost_per_kilometer}
+ # specified on vehicles.
# @!attribute [rw] distance_limit
# @return [::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::DistanceLimit]
# Specifies a limit on the distance traveled while performing this
# transition.
@@ -1700,12 +1772,12 @@
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Duration]
# Required. Minimum break duration for this constraint. Nonnegative.
# See description of `FrequencyConstraint`.
# @!attribute [rw] max_inter_break_duration
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Duration]
- # Required. Maximum allowed span of any interval of time in the route that does not
- # include at least partially a break of `duration >=
+ # Required. Maximum allowed span of any interval of time in the route that
+ # does not include at least partially a break of `duration >=
# min_break_duration`. Must be positive.
class FrequencyConstraint
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
@@ -1825,12 +1897,14 @@
# are predicted using traffic-based travel duration estimates. There may be
# insufficient time to complete traffic-adjusted travel, delays, and breaks
# between visits, before the first visit, or after the last visit, while
# still satisfying the visit and vehicle time windows. For example,
- # ```start_time(previous_visit) + duration(previous_visit) +
- # travel_duration(previous_visit, next_visit) > start_time(next_visit)```
+ # ```
+ # start_time(previous_visit) + duration(previous_visit) +
+ # travel_duration(previous_visit, next_visit) > start_time(next_visit)
+ # ```
# Arrival at next_visit will likely happen later than its current
# time window due the increased estimate of travel time
# `travel_duration(previous_visit, next_visit)` due to traffic. Also, a break
# may be forced to overlap with a visit due to an increase in travel time
@@ -1847,12 +1921,16 @@
# The `breaks` sequence represents time intervals, each starting at the
# corresponding `start_time` and lasting `duration` seconds.
# @!attribute [rw] metrics
# @return [::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::AggregatedMetrics]
# Duration, distance and load metrics for this route. The fields of
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::AggregatedMetrics AggregatedMetrics} are summed over all {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#transitions ShipmentRoute.transitions} or
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#visits ShipmentRoute.visits}, depending on the context.
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::AggregatedMetrics AggregatedMetrics} are
+ # summed over all
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#transitions ShipmentRoute.transitions}
+ # or
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#visits ShipmentRoute.visits},
+ # depending on the context.
# @!attribute [rw] route_costs
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Map{::String => ::Float}]
# Cost of the route, broken down by cost-related request fields.
# The keys are proto paths, relative to the input OptimizeToursRequest, e.g.
# "model.shipments.pickups.cost", and the values are the total cost
@@ -1864,40 +1942,46 @@
# @!attribute [rw] route_total_cost
# @return [::Float]
# Total cost of the route. The sum of all costs in the cost map.
# @!attribute [rw] end_loads
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::CapacityQuantity>]
- # Deprecated: Use [ShipmentRoute.Transition.loads][] instead.
- # Vehicle loads upon arrival at its end location, for each
- # type specified in {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#capacities Vehicle.capacities},
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Transition#vehicle_loads Transition.vehicle_loads}
+ # instead. Vehicle loads upon arrival at its end location, for each type
+ # specified in
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#capacities Vehicle.capacities},
# `start_load_intervals`, `end_load_intervals` or demands. Exception: we omit
# loads for quantity types unconstrained by intervals and that don't have any
# non-zero demand on the route.
# @!attribute [rw] travel_steps
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::TravelStep>]
- # Deprecated: Use [ShipmentRoute.Transition][] instead.
- # Ordered list of travel steps for the route.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#transitions ShipmentRoute.transitions}
+ # instead. Ordered list of travel steps for the route.
# @!attribute [rw] vehicle_detour
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Duration]
# Deprecated: No longer used.
# This field will only be populated at the
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Visit ShipmentRoute.Visit} level.
- # Extra detour time due to the shipments visited on the route.
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Visit ShipmentRoute.Visit}
+ # level.
+ # This field is the extra detour time due to the shipments visited on the
+ # route.
+ #
# It is equal to `vehicle_end_time` - `vehicle_start_time` - travel duration
# from the vehicle's start_location to its `end_location`.
# @!attribute [rw] delay_before_vehicle_end
# @return [::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Delay]
- # Deprecated: Use [ShipmentRoute.Transition.delay_duration][] instead.
- # Delay occurring before the vehicle end. See
+ # Deprecated: Delay occurring before the vehicle end. See
# {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::TransitionAttributes#delay TransitionAttributes.delay}.
class ShipmentRoute
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
- # Deprecated: Use [ShipmentRoute.Transition.delay_duration][] instead.
- # Time interval spent on the route resulting from a
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Transition#delay_duration ShipmentRoute.Transition.delay_duration}
+ # instead. Time interval spent on the route resulting from a
# {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::TransitionAttributes#delay TransitionAttributes.delay}.
# @!attribute [rw] start_time
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp]
# Start of the delay.
# @!attribute [rw] duration
@@ -1910,11 +1994,12 @@
# A visit performed during a route. This visit corresponds to a pickup or a
# delivery of a `Shipment`.
# @!attribute [rw] shipment_index
# @return [::Integer]
- # Index of the `shipments` field in the source {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel ShipmentModel}.
+ # Index of the `shipments` field in the source
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentModel ShipmentModel}.
# @!attribute [rw] is_pickup
# @return [::Boolean]
# If true the visit corresponds to a pickup of a `Shipment`. Otherwise, it
# corresponds to a delivery.
# @!attribute [rw] visit_request_index
@@ -1959,23 +2044,29 @@
# Copy of the corresponding
# {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment::VisitRequest#label VisitRequest.label},
# if specified in the `VisitRequest`.
# @!attribute [rw] arrival_loads
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::CapacityQuantity>]
- # Deprecated: Use [ShipmentRoute.Transition.loads][] instead.
- # Vehicle loads upon arrival at the visit location, for each
- # type specified in {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#capacities Vehicle.capacities}, `start_load_intervals`,
- # `end_load_intervals` or `demands`.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Transition#vehicle_loads Transition.vehicle_loads}
+ # instead. Vehicle loads upon arrival at the visit location, for each type
+ # specified in
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#capacities Vehicle.capacities},
+ # `start_load_intervals`, `end_load_intervals` or `demands`.
# Exception: we omit loads for quantity types unconstrained by intervals
# and that don't have any non-zero demand on the route.
# @!attribute [rw] delay_before_start
# @return [::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Delay]
- # Deprecated: Use [ShipmentRoute.Transition.delay_duration][] instead.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Transition#delay_duration ShipmentRoute.Transition.delay_duration}
+ # instead. Delay occurring before the visit starts.
# @!attribute [rw] demands
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::CapacityQuantity>]
- # Deprecated: Use [Visit.load_demands][] instead.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Visit#load_demands Visit.load_demands}
+ # instead.
class Visit
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
# @!attribute [rw] key
@@ -2044,20 +2135,25 @@
# []
# is set to true.
# @!attribute [rw] vehicle_loads
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Map{::String => ::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::VehicleLoad}]
# Vehicle loads during this transition, for each type that either appears
- # in this vehicle's {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#load_limits Vehicle.load_limits}, or that have non-zero
- # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#load_demands Shipment.load_demands} on some shipment performed on this route.
+ # in this vehicle's
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Vehicle#load_limits Vehicle.load_limits},
+ # or that have non-zero
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#load_demands Shipment.load_demands}
+ # on some shipment performed on this route.
# The loads during the first transition are the starting loads of the
# vehicle route. Then, after each visit, the visit's `load_demands` are
# either added or subtracted to get the next transition's loads, depending
# on whether the visit was a pickup or a delivery.
# @!attribute [rw] loads
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::CapacityQuantity>]
- # Deprecated: Use [Transition.vehicle_loads][] instead.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Transition#vehicle_loads Transition.vehicle_loads}
+ # instead.
class Transition
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
# @!attribute [rw] key
@@ -2069,15 +2165,17 @@
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
# Reports the actual load of the vehicle at some point along the route,
- # for a given type (see {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Transition#vehicle_loads Transition.vehicle_loads}).
+ # for a given type (see
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Transition#vehicle_loads Transition.vehicle_loads}).
# @!attribute [rw] amount
# @return [::Integer]
# The amount of load on the vehicle, for the given type. The unit of load
- # is usually indicated by the type. See {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Transition#vehicle_loads Transition.vehicle_loads}.
+ # is usually indicated by the type. See
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Transition#vehicle_loads Transition.vehicle_loads}.
class VehicleLoad
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
@@ -2103,14 +2201,15 @@
class Break
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
- # Deprecated: Use [ShipmentRoute.transitions][] instead.
- # Travel between each visit, along the route: from the
- # vehicle's `start_location` to the first visit's `arrival_location`, then
- # from the first visit's `departure_location` to the second visit's
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Transition ShipmentRoute.Transition}
+ # instead. Travel between each visit along the route: from the vehicle's
+ # `start_location` to the first visit's `arrival_location`, then from the
+ # first visit's `departure_location` to the second visit's
# `arrival_location`, and so on until the vehicle's `end_location`. This
# accounts only for the actual travel between visits, not counting the
# waiting time, the time spent performing a visit, nor the distance covered
# during a visit.
@@ -2161,12 +2260,13 @@
# @return [::Integer]
# The index corresponds to the index of the shipment in the source
# `ShipmentModel`.
# @!attribute [rw] label
# @return [::String]
- # Copy of the corresponding {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#label Shipment.label}, if specified in the
- # `Shipment`.
+ # Copy of the corresponding
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::Shipment#label Shipment.label}, if specified
+ # in the `Shipment`.
# @!attribute [rw] reasons
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::SkippedShipment::Reason>]
# A list of reasons that explain why the shipment was skipped. See comment
# above `Reason`.
class SkippedShipment
@@ -2260,11 +2360,13 @@
- # Aggregated metrics for {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute ShipmentRoute} (resp. for {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursResponse OptimizeToursResponse}
+ # Aggregated metrics for
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute ShipmentRoute} (resp. for
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursResponse OptimizeToursResponse}
# over all {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Transition Transition}
# and/or {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Visit Visit} (resp. over
# all {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute ShipmentRoute}) elements.
# @!attribute [rw] performed_shipment_count
# @return [::Integer]
@@ -2286,11 +2388,13 @@
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Duration]
# Total visit duration for a route or a solution.
# @!attribute [rw] total_duration
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Duration]
# The total duration should be equal to the sum of all durations above.
- # For routes, it also corresponds to {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_end_time ShipmentRoute.vehicle_end_time} -
+ # For routes, it also corresponds to
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_end_time ShipmentRoute.vehicle_end_time}
+ # -
# {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_start_time ShipmentRoute.vehicle_start_time}.
# @!attribute [rw] travel_distance_meters
# @return [::Float]
# Total travel distance for a route or a solution.
# @!attribute [rw] max_loads
@@ -2301,14 +2405,22 @@
# {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute::Transition#vehicle_loads Transition.vehicle_loads}
# (resp.
# {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::AggregatedMetrics#max_loads ShipmentRoute.metrics.max_loads}.
# @!attribute [rw] costs
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Map{::String => ::Float}]
- # Deprecated: Use [ShipmentRoute.route_costs][] and [OptimizeToursResponse.Metrics.costs][] instead.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#route_costs ShipmentRoute.route_costs}
+ # and
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursResponse::Metrics#costs OptimizeToursResponse.Metrics.costs}
+ # instead.
# @!attribute [rw] total_cost
# @return [::Float]
- # Deprecated: Use [ShipmentRoute.route_total_cost][] and [OptimizeToursResponse.Metrics.total_cost][] instead.
+ # Deprecated: Use
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#route_total_cost ShipmentRoute.route_total_cost}
+ # and
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursResponse::Metrics#total_cost OptimizeToursResponse.Metrics.total_cost}
+ # instead.
class AggregatedMetrics
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
# @!attribute [rw] key
@@ -2366,12 +2478,13 @@
# `constraint_relaxations`. There can be at most one default, i.e., at
# most one constraint relaxation field is allowed empty
# `vehicle_indices`. A vehicle index can only be listed once, even within
# several `constraint_relaxations`.
- # A vehicle index is mapped the same as {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_index ShipmentRoute.vehicle_index}, if
- # `interpret_injected_solutions_using_labels` is true (see `fields`
+ # A vehicle index is mapped the same as
+ # {::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::ShipmentRoute#vehicle_index ShipmentRoute.vehicle_index},
+ # if `interpret_injected_solutions_using_labels` is true (see `fields`
# comment).
class ConstraintRelaxation
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
@@ -2412,11 +2525,11 @@
# relaxation the time is fixed, unless the vehicle is empty.
# @!attribute [rw] level
# @return [::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::InjectedSolutionConstraint::ConstraintRelaxation::Relaxation::Level]
# The constraint relaxation level that applies when the conditions
# at or after `threshold_time` AND at least `threshold_visit_count` are
- # satified.
+ # satisfied.
# @!attribute [rw] threshold_time
# @return [::Google::Protobuf::Timestamp]
# The time at or after which the relaxation `level` may be applied.
# @!attribute [rw] threshold_visit_count
# @return [::Integer]
@@ -2430,19 +2543,19 @@
class Relaxation
include ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts
extend ::Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods
# Expresses the different constraint relaxation levels, which are
- # applied for a visit and those that follow when it satifies the
+ # applied for a visit and those that follow when it satisfies the
# threshold conditions.
# The enumeration below is in order of increasing relaxation.
module Level
# Implicit default relaxation level: no constraints are relaxed,
# i.e., all visits are fully constrained.
- # This value must not be explicly used in `level`.
+ # This value must not be explicitly used in `level`.
# Visit start times and vehicle start/end times will be relaxed, but
# each visit remains bound to the same vehicle and the visit sequence
# must be observed: no visit can be inserted between them or before
@@ -2508,17 +2621,24 @@
# * INDEX_ERROR = 24;
# * TAG_ERROR = 26;
@@ -2596,13 +2716,16 @@
# = 3815;
# = 4001;
@@ -2611,11 +2734,10 @@
@@ -2635,10 +2757,13 @@
+ # = 4223;
@@ -2687,12 +2812,9 @@
- # * GRAPH_ARC_ERROR = 58;
# @!attribute [rw] display_name
# @return [::String]
# The error display name.
# @!attribute [rw] fields
# @return [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Optimization::V1::OptimizeToursValidationError::FieldReference>]