lib/good_job/lockable.rb in good_job-1.3.0 vs lib/good_job/lockable.rb in good_job-1.3.1
- old
+ new
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@
# @!scope class
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation]
# @example Get the records that have a session awaiting a lock:
# MyLockableRecord.joins_advisory_locks.where("pg_locks.granted = ?", false)
scope :joins_advisory_locks, (lambda do
- join_sql = <<~SQL
+ join_sql = <<~SQL.squish
LEFT JOIN pg_locks ON pg_locks.locktype = 'advisory'
AND pg_locks.objsubid = 1
AND pg_locks.classid = ('x' || substr(md5(:table_name || #{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_primary_key}::text), 1, 16))::bit(32)::int
AND pg_locks.objid = (('x' || substr(md5(:table_name || #{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_primary_key}::text), 1, 16))::bit(64) << 32)::bit(32)::int
@@ -138,25 +138,25 @@
# another database session. Be careful to ensure you release the lock when
# you are done with {#advisory_unlock} (or {#advisory_unlock!} to release
# all remaining locks).
# @return [Boolean] whether the lock was acquired.
def advisory_lock
- where_sql = <<~SQL
+ where_sql = <<~SQL.squish
pg_try_advisory_lock(('x' || substr(md5(:table_name || :id::text), 1, 16))::bit(64)::bigint)
- self.class.unscoped.where(where_sql, { table_name: self.class.table_name, id: send(self.class.primary_key) }).exists?
+ self.class.unscoped.exists?([where_sql, { table_name: self.class.table_name, id: send(self.class.primary_key) }])
# Releases an advisory lock on this record if it is locked by this database
# session. Note that advisory locks stack, so you must call
# {#advisory_unlock} and {#advisory_lock} the same number of times.
# @return [Boolean] whether the lock was released.
def advisory_unlock
- where_sql = <<~SQL
+ where_sql = <<~SQL.squish
pg_advisory_unlock(('x' || substr(md5(:table_name || :id::text), 1, 16))::bit(64)::bigint)
- self.class.unscoped.where(where_sql, { table_name: self.class.table_name, id: send(self.class.primary_key) }).exists?
+ self.class.unscoped.exists?([where_sql, { table_name: self.class.table_name, id: send(self.class.primary_key) }])
# Acquires an advisory lock on this record or raises
# {RecordAlreadyAdvisoryLockedError} if it is already locked by another
# database session.
@@ -189,16 +189,16 @@
# Tests whether this record has an advisory lock on it.
# @return [Boolean]
def advisory_locked?
- self.class.unscoped.advisory_locked.where(id: send(self.class.primary_key)).exists?
+ self.class.unscoped.advisory_locked.exists?(id: send(self.class.primary_key))
# Tests whether this record is locked by the current database session.
# @return [Boolean]
def owns_advisory_lock?
- self.class.unscoped.owns_advisory_locked.where(id: send(self.class.primary_key)).exists?
+ self.class.unscoped.owns_advisory_locked.exists?(id: send(self.class.primary_key))
# Releases all advisory locks on the record that are held by the current
# database session.
# @return [void]