lib/good_job/job.rb in good_job-1.2.4 vs lib/good_job/job.rb in good_job-1.2.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,16 +1,34 @@
module GoodJob
+ #
+ # Represents a request to perform an +ActiveJob+ job.
+ #
class Job < ActiveRecord::Base
include Lockable
+ # Raised if something attempts to execute a previously completed Job again.
PreviouslyPerformedError =
+ # ActiveJob jobs without a +queue_name+ attribute are placed on this queue.
DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME = 'default'.freeze
+ # ActiveJob jobs without a +priority+ attribute are given this priority.
self.table_name = 'good_jobs'.freeze
+ # Parse a string representing a group of queues into a more readable data
+ # structure.
+ # @return [Hash]
+ # How to match a given queue. It can have the following keys and values:
+ # - +{ all: true }+ indicates that all queues match.
+ # - +{ exclude: Array<String> }+ indicates the listed queue names should
+ # not match.
+ # - +{ include: Array<String> }+ indicates the listed queue names should
+ # match.
+ # @example
+ # GoodJob::Job.queue_parser('-queue1,queue2')
+ # => { exclude: [ 'queue1', 'queue2' ] }
def self.queue_parser(string)
string = string.presence || '*'
if string.first == '-'
exclude_queues = true
@@ -26,21 +44,58 @@
{ include: queues }
+ # Get Jobs that have not yet been completed.
+ # @!method unfinished
+ # @!scope class
+ # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation]
scope :unfinished, (lambda do
if column_names.include?('finished_at')
where(finished_at: nil)
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('GoodJob expects a good_jobs.finished_at column to exist. Please see the GoodJob for migration instructions.')
+ # Get Jobs that are not scheduled for a later time than now (i.e. jobs that
+ # are not scheduled or scheduled for earlier than the current time).
+ # @!method only_scheduled
+ # @!scope class
+ # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation]
scope :only_scheduled, -> { where(arel_table['scheduled_at'].lteq(Time.current)).or(where(scheduled_at: nil)) }
+ # Order jobs by priority (highest priority first).
+ # @!method priority_ordered
+ # @!scope class
+ # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation]
scope :priority_ordered, -> { order('priority DESC NULLS LAST') }
+ # Get Jobs were completed before the given timestamp. If no timestamp is
+ # provided, get all jobs that have been completed. By default, GoodJob
+ # deletes jobs after they are completed and this will find no jobs.
+ # However, if you have changed {GoodJob.preserve_job_records}, this may
+ # find completed Jobs.
+ # @!method finished(timestamp = nil)
+ # @!scope class
+ # @param timestamp (Float)
+ # Get jobs that finished before this time (in epoch time).
+ # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation]
scope :finished, ->(timestamp = nil) { timestamp ? where(arel_table['finished_at'].lteq(timestamp)) : where.not(finished_at: nil) }
+ # Get Jobs on queues that match the given queue string.
+ # @!method queue_string(string)
+ # @!scope class
+ # @param string [String]
+ # A string expression describing what queues to select. See
+ # {Job.queue_parser} or
+ # {} for more details
+ # on the format of the string. Note this only handles individual
+ # semicolon-separated segments of that string format.
+ # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation]
scope :queue_string, (lambda do |string|
parsed = queue_parser(string)
if parsed[:all]
@@ -49,10 +104,35 @@
elsif parsed[:include]
where(queue_name: parsed[:include])
+ # Get Jobs in display order with optional keyset pagination.
+ # @!method display_all(after_scheduled_at: nil, after_id: nil)
+ # @!scope class
+ # @param after_scheduled_at [DateTime, String, nil]
+ # Display records scheduled after this time for keyset pagination
+ # @param after_id [Numeric, String, nil]
+ # Display records after this ID for keyset pagination
+ # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation]
+ scope :display_all, (lambda do |after_scheduled_at: nil, after_id: nil|
+ query = order(Arel.sql('COALESCE(scheduled_at, created_at) DESC, id DESC'))
+ if after_scheduled_at.present? && after_id.present?
+ query = query.where(Arel.sql('(COALESCE(scheduled_at, created_at), id) < (:after_scheduled_at, :after_id)'), after_scheduled_at: after_scheduled_at, after_id: after_id)
+ elsif after_scheduled_at.present?
+ query = query.where(Arel.sql('(COALESCE(scheduled_at, created_at)) < (:after_scheduled_at)'), after_scheduled_at: after_scheduled_at)
+ end
+ query
+ end)
+ # Finds the next eligible Job, acquire an advisory lock related to it, and
+ # executes the job.
+ # @return [Array<(GoodJob::Job, Object, Exception)>, nil]
+ # If a job was executed, returns an array with the {Job} record, the
+ # return value for the job's +#perform+ method, and the exception the job
+ # raised, if any (if the job raised, then the second array entry will be
+ # +nil+). If there were no jobs to execute, returns +nil+.
def self.perform_with_advisory_lock
good_job = nil
result = nil
error = nil
@@ -65,10 +145,19 @@
[good_job, result, error] if good_job
+ # Places an ActiveJob job on a queue by creating a new {Job} record.
+ # @param active_job [ActiveJob::Base]
+ # The job to enqueue.
+ # @param scheduled_at [Float]
+ # Epoch timestamp when the job should be executed.
+ # @param create_with_advisory_lock [Boolean]
+ # Whether to establish a lock on the {Job} record after it is created.
+ # @return [Job]
+ # The new {Job} instance representing the queued ActiveJob job.
def self.enqueue(active_job, scheduled_at: nil, create_with_advisory_lock: false)
good_job = nil
ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("enqueue_job.good_job", { active_job: active_job, scheduled_at: scheduled_at, create_with_advisory_lock: create_with_advisory_lock }) do |instrument_payload|
good_job =
queue_name: active_job.queue_name.presence || DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME,
@@ -85,36 +174,29 @@
- def perform(destroy_after: !GoodJob.preserve_job_records, reperform_on_standard_error: GoodJob.reperform_jobs_on_standard_error)
+ # Execute the ActiveJob job this {Job} represents.
+ # @return [Array<(Object, Exception)>]
+ # An array of the return value of the job's +#perform+ method and the
+ # exception raised by the job, if any. If the job completed successfully,
+ # the second array entry (the exception) will be +nil+ and vice versa.
+ def perform
raise PreviouslyPerformedError, 'Cannot perform a job that has already been performed' if finished_at
- result = nil
- rescued_error = nil
- error = nil
self.performed_at = Time.current
- save! unless destroy_after
+ save! if GoodJob.preserve_job_records
- params = serialized_params.merge(
- "provider_job_id" => id
- )
+ result, rescued_error = execute
- begin
- ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("perform_job.good_job", { good_job: self, process_id: GoodJob::CurrentExecution.process_id, thread_name: GoodJob::CurrentExecution.thread_name }) do
- result = ActiveJob::Base.execute(params)
- end
- rescue StandardError => e
- rescued_error = e
- end
retry_or_discard_error = GoodJob::CurrentExecution.error_on_retry ||
+ error = nil
if rescued_error
error = rescued_error
elsif result.is_a?(Exception)
error = result
result = nil
@@ -123,21 +205,35 @@
error_message = "#{error.class}: #{error.message}" if error
self.error = error_message
- if rescued_error && reperform_on_standard_error
+ if rescued_error && GoodJob.reperform_jobs_on_standard_error
self.finished_at = Time.current
- if destroy_after
- destroy!
- else
+ if GoodJob.preserve_job_records
+ else
+ destroy!
[result, error]
+ end
+ private
+ def execute
+ params = serialized_params.merge(
+ "provider_job_id" => id
+ )
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("perform_job.good_job", { good_job: self, process_id: GoodJob::CurrentExecution.process_id, thread_name: GoodJob::CurrentExecution.thread_name }) do
+ [ActiveJob::Base.execute(params), nil]
+ end
+ rescue StandardError => e
+ [nil, e]