lib/good_job/execution.rb in good_job-2.6.0 vs lib/good_job/execution.rb in good_job-2.6.1
- old
+ new
@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@
# Parent class can be configured with +GoodJob.active_record_parent_class+.
# @!parse
# class Execution < ActiveRecord::Base; end
class Execution < Object.const_get(GoodJob.active_record_parent_class)
include Lockable
+ include Filterable
# Raised if something attempts to execute a previously completed Execution again.
PreviouslyPerformedError =
# String separating Error Class from Error Message
@@ -152,27 +153,9 @@
elsif parsed[:exclude]
where.not(queue_name: parsed[:exclude]).or where(queue_name: nil)
elsif parsed[:include]
where(queue_name: parsed[:include])
- end)
- # Get Jobs in display order with optional keyset pagination.
- # @!method display_all(after_scheduled_at: nil, after_id: nil)
- # @!scope class
- # @param after_scheduled_at [DateTime, String, nil]
- # Display records scheduled after this time for keyset pagination
- # @param after_id [Numeric, String, nil]
- # Display records after this ID for keyset pagination
- # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation]
- scope :display_all, (lambda do |after_scheduled_at: nil, after_id: nil|
- query = order(Arel.sql('COALESCE(scheduled_at, created_at) DESC, id DESC'))
- if after_scheduled_at.present? && after_id.present?
- query = query.where(Arel.sql('(COALESCE(scheduled_at, created_at), id) < (:after_scheduled_at, :after_id)'), after_scheduled_at: after_scheduled_at, after_id: after_id)
- elsif after_scheduled_at.present?
- query = query.where(Arel.sql('(COALESCE(scheduled_at, created_at)) < (:after_scheduled_at)'), after_scheduled_at: after_scheduled_at)
- end
- query
# Finds the next eligible Execution, acquire an advisory lock related to it, and
# executes the job.
# @return [ExecutionResult, nil]