lib/gollum/frontend/public/javascript/MathJax/MathJax.js in gollum-1.1.1 vs lib/gollum/frontend/public/javascript/MathJax/MathJax.js in gollum-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
* MathJax.js
- * The main support code for the MathJax Hub, including the
- * Ajax, CallBack, Messaging, and Object-Oriented Programming
- * libraries, as well as the base Jax classes, and startup
- * processing code.
+ * The main code for the MathJax math-typesetting library. See
+ * for details.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Design Science, Inc.
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Design Science, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
@@ -22,1683 +20,24 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
-if (document.getElementById && document.childNodes && document.createElement) {
+if (!window.MathJax) {window.MathJax = {}}
-if (!window.MathJax) {window.MathJax= {}}
-MathJax.version = "0.9.8";
-(function (BASENAME) {
- var BASE = window[BASENAME];
- if (!BASE) {BASE = window[BASENAME] = {}}
- var PROTO = []; // a static object used to indicate when a prototype is being created
- var OBJECT = function (def) {
- var obj = def.constructor; if (!obj) {obj = new Function("")}
- for (var id in def) {if (id !== 'constructor' && def.hasOwnProperty(id)) {obj[id] = def[id]}}
- return obj;
- };
- var CONSTRUCTOR = function () {
- return new Function ("return,arguments)");
- };
- //
- // Test for Safari 2.x bug (can't replace prototype for result of new Function()).
- // (We don't use this version for everyone since it is a closure and we don't need that).
- //
- var BUGTEST = CONSTRUCTOR(); BUGTEST.prototype = {bug_test: 1};
- if (!BUGTEST.prototype.bug_test) {
- CONSTRUCTOR = function () {
- return function () {return,arguments)};
- };
- };
- BASE.Object = OBJECT({
- constructor: CONSTRUCTOR(),
- Subclass: function (def,classdef) {
- var obj = CONSTRUCTOR();
- obj.SUPER = this; obj.Init = this.Init;
- obj.Subclass = this.Subclass; obj.Augment = this.Augment;
- obj.protoFunction = this.protoFunction;
- obj.can = this.can; obj.has = this.has; obj.isa = this.isa;
- obj.prototype = new this(PROTO);
- obj.prototype.constructor = obj; // the real constructor
- obj.Augment(def,classdef);
- return obj;
- },
- Init: function (args) {
- var obj = this;
- if (args.length !== 1 || args[0] !== PROTO) {
- if (!(obj instanceof args.callee)) {obj = new args.callee(PROTO)}
- obj.Init.apply(obj,args);
- }
- return obj;
- },
- Augment: function (def,classdef) {
- var id;
- if (def != null) {
- for (id in def) {if (def.hasOwnProperty(id)) {this.protoFunction(id,def[id])}}
- // MSIE doesn't list toString even if it is not native so handle it separately
- if (def.toString !== this.prototype.toString && def.toString !== {}.toString)
- {this.protoFunction('toString',def.toString)}
- }
- if (classdef != null) {
- for (id in classdef) {if (classdef.hasOwnProperty(id)) {this[id] = classdef[id]}}
- }
- },
- protoFunction: function (id,def) {
- this.prototype[id] = def;
- if (def instanceof Function) {def.SUPER = this.SUPER.prototype}
- },
- prototype: {
- Init: function () {},
- SUPER: function (fn) {return fn.callee.SUPER},
- can: function (method) {return typeof(this[method]) === "function"},
- has: function (property) {return typeof(this[property]) !== "undefined"},
- isa: function (obj) {return (obj instanceof Object) && (this instanceof obj)}
- },
- can: function (method) {return,method)},
- has: function (property) {return,property)},
- isa: function (obj) {
- var constructor = this;
- while (constructor) {
- if (constructor === obj) {return true} else {constructor = constructor.SUPER}
- }
- return false;
- },
- constructor: function (def) {return this.SimpleSUPER.define(def)},
- define: function (src) {
- var dst = {};
- if (src != null) {
- for (var id in def) {if (def.hasOwnProperty(id)) {this.protoFunction(id,def[id])}}
- // MSIE doesn't list toString even if it is not native so handle it separately
- if (def.toString !== this.prototype.toString && def.toString !== {}.toString)
- {this.protoFunction('toString',def.toString)}
- }
- return dst;
- },
- wrap: function (id,f) {
- if (typeof(f) === 'function' && f.toString().match(/\.\s*SUPER\s*\(/)) {
- var fn = new Function(this.wrapper);
- fn.label = id; fn.original = f; f = fn;
- fn.toString = this.stringify;
- }
- return f;
- },
- wrapper: function () {
- var fn = arguments.callee;
- this.SUPER = fn.SUPER[fn.label];
- try {var result = fn.original.apply(this,arguments)}
- catch (err) {delete this.SUPER; throw err}
- delete this.SUPER;
- return result;
- }.toString().replace(/^\s*function \(\)\s*\{\s*/i,"").replace(/\s*\}\s*$/i,""),
- toString: function () {
- return this.original.toString.apply(this.original,arguments);
- }
- })
- });
- * Create a callback function from various forms of data:
- *
- * MathJax.CallBack(fn) -- callback to a function
- *
- * MathJax.CallBack([fn]) -- callback to function
- * MathJax.CallBack([fn,data...])
- * -- callback to function with given data as arguments
- * MathJax.CallBack([object,fn])
- * -- call fn with object as "this"
- * MathJax.CallBack([object,fn,data...])
- * -- call fn with object as "this" and data as arguments
- * MathJax.CallBack(["method",object])
- * -- call method of object wth object as "this"
- * MathJax.CallBack(["method",object,data...])
- * -- as above, but with data as arguments to method
- *
- * MathJax.CallBack({hook: fn, data: [...], object: this})
- * -- give function, data, and object to act as "this" explicitly
- *
- * MathJax.CallBack("code") -- callback that compiles and executes a string
- *
- * MathJax.CallBack([...],i)
- * -- use slice of array starting at i and interpret
- * result as above. (Used for passing "arguments" array
- * and trimming initial arguments, if any.)
- */
- * MathJax.CallBack.After([...],cb1,cb2,...)
- * -- make a callback that isn't called until all the other
- * ones are called first. I.e., wait for a union of
- * callbacks to occur before making the given callback.
- */
- * MathJax.CallBack.Queue([callback,...])
- * -- make a synchronized queue of commands that process
- * sequentially, waiting for those that return uncalled
- * callbacks.
- */
- * MathJax.CallBack.Signal(name)
- * -- finds or creates a names signal, to which listeners
- * can be attached and are signaled by messages posted
- * to the signal. Responses can be asynchronous.
- */
-(function (BASENAME) {
- var BASE = window[BASENAME];
- if (!BASE) {BASE = window[BASENAME] = {}}
- //
- // Create a callback from an associative array
- //
- var CALLBACK = function (data) {
- var cb = new Function("return arguments.callee.execute.apply(arguments.callee,arguments)");
- for (var id in CALLBACK.prototype) {
- if (CALLBACK.prototype.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
- if (typeof(data[id]) !== 'undefined') {cb[id] = data[id]}
- else {cb[id] = CALLBACK.prototype[id]}
- }
- }
- cb.toString = CALLBACK.prototype.toString;
- return cb;
- };
- CALLBACK.prototype = {
- isCallback: true,
- hook: function () {},
- data: [],
- object: window,
- execute: function () {
- if (!this.called || this.autoReset) {
- this.called = !this.autoReset;
- return this.hook.apply(this.object,[],0)));
- }
- },
- reset: function () {delete this.called},
- toString: function () {return this.hook.toString.apply(this.hook,arguments)}
- };
- var ISCALLBACK = function (f) {
- return (f instanceof Function && f.isCallback);
+MathJax.Unpack = function (data) {
+ var k, d, n, m, i;
+ for (k = 0, m = data.length; k < m; k++) {
+ d = data[k];
+ for (i = 0, n = d.length; i < n; i++)
+ {if (typeof(d[i]) == 'number') {d[i] = d[d[i]]}}
+ data[k] = d.join('');
- //
- // Evaluate a string in global context
- //
- var EVAL = function (code) {return,code)}
- EVAL("var __TeSt_VaR__ = 1"); // check if it works in global context
- if (window.__TeSt_VaR__) {delete window.__TeSt_VaR__} else {
- if (window.execScript) {
- // IE
- EVAL = function (code) {
- BASE.__code = code;
- code = "try {"+BASENAME+".__result = eval("+BASENAME+".__code)} catch(err) {"+BASENAME+".__result = err}";
- window.execScript(code);
- var result = BASE.__result; delete BASE.__result; delete BASE.__code;
- if (result instanceof Error) {throw result}
- return result;
- }
- } else {
- // Safari2
- EVAL = function (code) {
- BASE.__code = code;
- code = "try {"+BASENAME+".__result = eval("+BASENAME+".__code)} catch(err) {"+BASENAME+".__result = err}";
- var head = (document.getElementsByTagName("head"))[0]; if (!head) {head = document.body}
- var script = document.createElement("script");
- script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(code));
- head.appendChild(script); head.removeChild(script);
- var result = BASE.__result; delete BASE.__result; delete BASE.__code;
- if (result instanceof Error) {throw result}
- return result;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // Create a callback from various types of data
- //
- var USING = function (args,i) {
- if (arguments.length > 1) {
- if (arguments.length === 2 && !(arguments[0] instanceof Function) &&
- arguments[0] instanceof Object && typeof arguments[1] === 'number')
- {args = [],i)}
- else {args = [],0)}
- }
- if (args instanceof Array && args.length === 1) {args = args[0]}
- if (args instanceof Function) {
- if (args.execute === CALLBACK.prototype.execute) {return args}
- return CALLBACK({hook: args});
- } else if (args instanceof Array) {
- if (typeof(args[0]) === 'string' && args[1] instanceof Object &&
- args[1][args[0]] instanceof Function) {
- return CALLBACK({hook: args[1][args[0]], object: args[1], data: args.slice(2)});
- } else if (args[0] instanceof Function) {
- return CALLBACK({hook: args[0], data: args.slice(1)});
- } else if (args[1] instanceof Function) {
- return CALLBACK({hook: args[1], object: args[0], data: args.slice(2)});
- }
- } else if (typeof(args) === 'string') {
- return CALLBACK({hook: EVAL, data: [args]});
- } else if (args instanceof Object) {
- return CALLBACK(args);
- } else if (typeof(args) === 'undefined') {
- return CALLBACK({});
- }
- throw Error("Can't make callback from given data");
- };
- //
- // Wait for a given time to elapse and then perform the callback
- //
- var DELAY = function (time,callback) {
- callback = USING(callback);
- callback.timeout = setTimeout(callback,time);
- return callback;
- };
- //
- // Callback used by AFTER, QUEUE, and SIGNAL to check if calls have completed
- //
- var WAITFOR = function (callback,signal) {
- callback = USING(callback);
- if (!callback.called) {WAITSIGNAL(callback,signal); signal.pending++}
- };
- var WAITEXECUTE = function () {
- var signals = this.signal; delete this.signal;
- this.execute = this.oldExecute; delete this.oldExecute;
- var result = this.execute.apply(this,arguments);
- if (ISCALLBACK(result) && !result.called) {WAITSIGNAL(result,signals)} else {
- for (var i = 0, m = signals.length; i < m; i++) {
- signals[i].pending--;
- if (signals[i].pending <= 0) {var result = signals[i].call()}
- }
- }
- };
- var WAITSIGNAL = function (callback,signals) {
- if (!(signals instanceof Array)) {signals = [signals]}
- if (!callback.signal) {
- callback.oldExecute = callback.execute;
- callback.execute = WAITEXECUTE;
- callback.signal = signals;
- } else if (signals.length === 1) {callback.signal.push(signals[0])}
- else {callback.signal = callback.signal.concat(signals)}
- };
- //
- // Create a callback that is called when a collection of other callbacks have
- // all been executed. If the callback gets calledimmediately (i.e., the
- // others are all already called), check if it returns another callback
- // and return that instead.
- //
- var AFTER = function (callback) {
- callback = USING(callback);
- callback.pending = 0;
- for (var i = 1, m = arguments.length; i < m; i++)
- {if (arguments[i]) {WAITFOR(arguments[i],callback)}}
- if (callback.pending === 0) {
- var result = callback();
- if (ISCALLBACK(result)) {callback = result}
- }
- return callback;
- };
- //
- // Run an array of callbacks passing them the given data.
- // If any return callbacks, return a callback that will be
- // executed when they all have completed.
- //
- var HOOKS = function (hooks,data,reset) {
- if (!hooks) {return null}
- if (!(hooks instanceof Array)) {hooks = [hooks]}
- if (!(data instanceof Array)) {data = (data == null ? [] : [data])}
- var callbacks = [{}];
- for (var i = 0, m = hooks.length; i < m; i++) {
- if (reset) {hooks[i].reset()}
- var result = hooks[i].apply(window,data);
- if (ISCALLBACK(result) && !result.called) {callbacks.push(result)}
- }
- if (callbacks.length === 1) {return null}
- if (callbacks.length === 2) {return callbacks[1]}
- return AFTER.apply({},callbacks);
- };
- //
- // Command queue that performs commands in order, waiting when
- // necessary for commands to complete asynchronousely
- //
- var QUEUE = BASE.Object.Subclass({
- //
- // Create the queue and push any commands that are specified
- //
- Init: function () {
- this.pending = 0; this.running = 0;
- this.queue = [];
- this.Push.apply(this,arguments);
- },
- //
- // Add commands to the queue and run them. Adding a callback object
- // (rather than a callback specification) queues a wait for that callback.
- // Return the final callback for synchronization purposes.
- //
- Push: function () {
- var callback;
- for (var i = 0, m = arguments.length; i < m; i++) {
- callback = USING(arguments[i]);
- if (callback === arguments[i] && !callback.called)
- {callback = USING(["wait",this,callback])}
- this.queue.push(callback);
- }
- if (!this.running && !this.pending) {this.Process()}
- return callback;
- },
- //
- // Process the command queue if we aren't waiting on another command
- //
- Process: function (queue) {
- while (!this.running && !this.pending && this.queue.length) {
- var callback = this.queue[0];
- queue = this.queue.slice(1); this.queue = [];
- this.Suspend(); var result = callback(); this.Resume();
- if (queue.length) {this.queue = queue.concat(this.queue)}
- if (ISCALLBACK(result) && !result.called) {WAITFOR(result,this)}
- }
- },
- //
- // Suspend/Resume command processing on this queue
- //
- Suspend: function () {this.running++},
- Resume: function () {if (this.running) {this.running--}},
- //
- // Used by WAITFOR to restart the queue when an action completes
- //
- call: function () {this.Process.apply(this,arguments)},
- wait: function (callback) {return callback}
- });
- //
- // Create a named signal that listeners can attach to, to be signaled by
- // postings made to the signal. Posts are queued if they occur while one
- // is already in process.
- //
- var SIGNAL = QUEUE.Subclass({
- Init: function (name) {
- = name;
- this.posted = []; // the messages posted so far
- this.listeners = []; // those with interest in this signal
- },
- //
- // Post a message to the signal listeners, with callback for when complete
- //
- Post: function (message,callback,forget) {
- callback = USING(callback);
- if (this.posting || this.pending) {
- this.Push(["Post",this,message,callback,forget]);
- } else {
- this.callback = callback; callback.reset();
- if (!forget) {this.posted.push(message)}
- this.Suspend(); this.posting = 1;
- for (var i = 0, m = this.listeners.length; i < m; i++) {
- this.listeners[i].reset();
- var result = (this.listeners[i])(message);
- if (ISCALLBACK(result) && !result.called) {WAITFOR(result,this)}
- }
- this.Resume(); delete this.posting;
- if (!this.pending) {}
- }
- return callback;
- },
- //
- // Clear the post history (so new listeners won't get old messages)
- //
- Clear: function (callback) {
- callback = USING(callback);
- if (this.posting || this.pending) {
- callback = this.Push(["Clear",this,callback]);
- } else {
- this.posted = [];
- callback();
- }
- return callback;
- },
- //
- // Call the callback (all replies are in) and process the command queue
- //
- call: function () {this.callback(this); this.Process()},
- //
- // A listener calls this to register intrest in the signal (so it will be called
- // when posts occur). If ignorePast is 1, it will not be sent the post history.
- //
- Interest: function (callback,ignorePast) {
- callback = USING(callback);
- this.listeners[this.listeners.length] = callback;
- if (!ignorePast) {
- for (var i = 0, m = this.posted.length; i < m; i++) {
- callback.reset();
- var result = callback(this.posted[i]);
- if (ISCALLBACK(result) && i === this.posted.length-1) {WAITFOR(result,this)}
- }
- }
- return callback;
- },
- //
- // A listener calls this to remove itself from a signal
- //
- NoInterest: function (callback) {
- for (var i = 0, m = this.listeners.length; i < m; i++) {
- if (this.listeners[i] === callback) {this.listeners.splice(i,1); return}
- }
- },
- //
- // Hook a callback to a particular message on this signal
- //
- MessageHook: function (msg,callback) {
- callback = USING(callback);
- if (!this.hooks) {this.hooks = {}; this.Interest(["ExecuteHooks",this])}
- if (!this.hooks[msg]) {this.hooks[msg] = []}
- this.hooks[msg].push(callback);
- for (var i = 0, m = this.posted.length; i < m; i++)
- {if (this.posted[i] == msg) {callback.reset(); callback(this.posted[i])}}
- return callback;
- },
- //
- // Execute the message hooks for the given message
- //
- ExecuteHooks: function (msg,more) {
- var type = ((msg instanceof Array) ? msg[0] : msg);
- return HOOKS(this.hooks[type],[msg],true);
- }
- },{
- signals: {}, // the named signals
- find: function (name) {
- if (!SIGNAL.signals[name]) {SIGNAL.signals[name] = new SIGNAL(name)}
- return SIGNAL.signals[name];
- }
- });
- //
- // The main entry-points
- //
- BASE.CallBack = USING;
- BASE.CallBack.Delay = DELAY;
- BASE.CallBack.After = AFTER;
- BASE.CallBack.Queue = QUEUE;
- BASE.CallBack.Signal = SIGNAL.find;
- BASE.CallBack.ExecuteHooks = HOOKS;
-(function (BASENAME) {
- var BASE = window[BASENAME];
- if (!BASE) {BASE = window[BASENAME] = {}}
- var isSafari2 = (navigator.vendor === "Apple Computer, Inc." &&
- typeof navigator.vendorSub === "undefined");
- var sheets = 0; // used by Safari2
- //
- // Update sheets count and look up the head object
- //
- var HEAD = function (head) {
- if (document.styleSheets && document.styleSheets.length > sheets)
- {sheets = document.styleSheets.length}
- if (!head) {
- head = (document.getElementsByTagName("head"))[0];
- if (!head) {head = document.body}
- }
- return head;
- };
- //
- // Remove scripts that are completed so they don't clutter up the HEAD.
- // This runs via setTimeout since IE7 can't remove the script while it is running.
- //
- var SCRIPTS = []; // stores scripts to be removed after a delay
- var REMOVESCRIPTS = function () {
- for (var i = 0, m = SCRIPTS.length; i < m; i++) {BASE.Ajax.head.removeChild(SCRIPTS[i])}
- SCRIPTS = [];
- };
- BASE.Ajax = {
- loaded: {}, // files already loaded
- loading: {}, // files currently in process of loading
- loadHooks: {}, // hooks to call when files are loaded
- timeout: 15*1000, // timeout for loading of files (15 seconds)
- styleDelay: 1, // delay to use before styles are available
- config: {root: ""}, // URL of root directory to load from
- OK: 1, // file is loading or did load OK
- ERROR: -1 // file timed out during load
- },
- rootPattern: new RegExp("^\\["+BASENAME+"\\]"),
- //
- // Return a complete URL to a file (replacing the root pattern)
- //
- fileURL: function (file) {return file.replace(this.rootPattern,this.config.root)},
- //
- // Load a file if it hasn't been already.
- // Make sure the file URL is "safe"?
- //
- Require: function (file,callback) {
- callback = BASE.CallBack(callback); var type;
- if (file instanceof Object) {for (var i in file) {}; type = i.toUpperCase(); file = file[i]}
- else {type = file.split(/\./).pop().toUpperCase()}
- file = this.fileURL(file);
- // FIXME: check that URL is OK
- if (this.loaded[file]) {
- callback(this.loaded[file]);
- } else {
- var FILE = {}; FILE[type] = file;
- this.Load(FILE,callback);
- }
- return callback;
- },
- //
- // Load a file regardless of where it is and whether it has
- // already been loaded.
- //
- Load: function (file,callback) {
- callback = BASE.CallBack(callback); var type;
- if (file instanceof Object) {for (var i in file) {}; type = i.toUpperCase(); file = file[i]}
- else {type = file.split(/\./).pop().toUpperCase()}
- file = this.fileURL(file);
- if (this.loading[file]) {
- this.loading[file].callbacks.push(callback);
- } else {
- this.head = HEAD(this.head);
- if (this.loader[type]) {this.loader[type].call(this,file,callback)}
- else {throw Error("Can't load files of type "+type)}
- }
- return callback;
- },
- //
- // Register a load hook for a particular file (it will be called when
- // loadComplete() is called for that file)
- //
- LoadHook: function (file,callback) {
- callback = BASE.CallBack(callback);
- if (file instanceof Object) {for (var i in file) {file = file[i]}}
- file = this.fileURL(file);
- if (this.loaded[file]) {
- callback(this.loaded[file]);
- } else {
- if (!this.loadHooks[file]) {this.loadHooks[file] = []}
- this.loadHooks[file].push(callback);
- }
- return callback;
- },
- //
- // Code used to load the various types of files
- // (JS for JavaScript, CSS for style sheets)
- //
- loader: {
- //
- // Create a SCRIPT tag to load the file
- //
- JS: function (file,callback) {
- var script = document.createElement("script");
- var timeout = BASE.CallBack(["loadTimeout",this,file]);
- this.loading[file] = {
- callbacks: [callback],
- message: BASE.Message.File(file),
- timeout: setTimeout(timeout,this.timeout),
- status: this.STATUS.OK,
- script: script
- };
- script.onerror = timeout; // doesn't work in IE and no apparent substitute
- script.type = "text/javascript";
- script.src = file;
- this.head.appendChild(script);
- },
- //
- // Create a LINK tag to load the style sheet
- //
- CSS: function (file,callback) {
- var link = document.createElement("link");
- link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.type = "text/css"; link.href = file;
- this.loading[file] = {
- callbacks: [callback],
- message: BASE.Message.File(file),
- status: this.STATUS.OK
- };
- this.head.appendChild(link);
- }
- },
- //
- // Timing code for checking when style sheets are available.
- //
- timer: {
- //
- // Create the timing callback and start the timing loop.
- // We use a delay because some browsers need it to allow the styles
- // to be processed.
- //
- create: function (callback,node) {
- var check; callback = BASE.CallBack(callback);
- if (node.nodeName === "STYLE" && node.styleSheet &&
- typeof(node.styleSheet.cssText) !== 'undefined') {
- callback(this.STATUS.OK); // MSIE processes style immediately, but doesn't set its styleSheet!
- } else if ( && typeof(window.sessionStorage) !== "undefined" &&
- node.nodeName === "STYLE") {
- callback(this.STATUS.OK); // Same for Chrome 5 (beta), Grrr.
- } else if (isSafari2) {
- this.timer.start(this,[this.timer.checkSafari2,sheets++,callback],this.styleDelay);
- } else {
- this.timer.start(this,[this.timer.checkLength,node,callback],this.styleDelay);
- }
- return callback;
- },
- //
- // Start the timer for the given callback checker
- //
- start: function (AJAX,check,delay) {
- check = BASE.CallBack(check);
- check.execute = this.execute; check.time = this.time;
- check.STATUS = AJAX.STATUS; check.timeout = AJAX.timeout;
- check.delay = = 0;
- setTimeout(check,delay);
- },
- //
- // Increment the time total, increase the delay
- // and test if we are past the timeout time.
- //
- time: function (callback) {
- += this.delay;
- this.delay = Math.floor(this.delay * 1.05 + 5);
- if ( >= this.timeout) {callback(this.STATUS.ERROR); return 1}
- return 0;
- },
- //
- // For JS file loads, call the proper routine according to status
- //
- file: function (file,status) {
- if (status < 0) {BASE.Ajax.loadTimeout(file)} else {BASE.Ajax.loadComplete(file)}
- },
- //
- // Call the hook with the required data
- //
- execute: function () {,this,[0],[1])},
- //
- // Safari2 doesn't set the link's stylesheet, so we need to look in the
- // document.styleSheets array for the new sheet when it is created
- //
- checkSafari2: function (check,length,callback) {
- if (check.time(callback)) return;
- if (document.styleSheets.length > length &&
- document.styleSheets[length].cssRules &&
- document.styleSheets[length].cssRules.length)
- {callback(check.STATUS.OK)} else {setTimeout(check,check.delay)}
- },
- //
- // Look for the stylesheets rules and check when they are defined
- // and no longer of length zero. (This assumes there actually ARE
- // some rules in the stylesheet.)
- //
- checkLength: function (check,node,callback) {
- if (check.time(callback)) return;
- var isStyle = 0; var sheet = (node.sheet || node.styleSheet);
- try {if ((sheet.cssRules||sheet.rules||[]).length > 0) {isStyle = 1}} catch(err) {
- if (err.message.match(/protected variable|restricted URI/)) {isStyle = 1}
- else if (err.message.match(/Security error/)) {
- // Firefox3 gives "Security error" for missing files, so
- // can't distinguish that from OK files on remote servers.
- // or OK files in different directory from local files.
- isStyle = 1; // just say it is OK (can't really tell)
- }
- }
- if (isStyle) {
- // Opera 9.6 requires this setTimeout
- setTimeout(BASE.CallBack([callback,check.STATUS.OK]),0);
- } else {
- setTimeout(check,check.delay);
- }
- }
- },
- //
- // JavaScript code must call this when they are completely initialized
- // (this allows them to perform asynchronous actions before indicating
- // that they are complete).
- //
- loadComplete: function (file) {
- file = this.fileURL(file);
- var loading = this.loading[file];
- if (loading) {
- BASE.Message.Clear(loading.message);
- clearTimeout(loading.timeout);
- if (loading.script) {
- if (SCRIPTS.length === 0) {setTimeout(REMOVESCRIPTS,0)}
- SCRIPTS.push(loading.script);
- }
- this.loaded[file] = loading.status; delete this.loading[file];
- if (this.loadHooks[file]) {
- BASE.CallBack.Queue(
- [BASE.CallBack.ExecuteHooks,this.loadHooks[file],loading.status],
- [BASE.CallBack.ExecuteHooks,loading.callbacks,loading.status]
- );
- } else {
- BASE.CallBack.ExecuteHooks(loading.callbacks,loading.status);
- }
- }
- },
- //
- // If a file fails to load within the timeout period (or the onerror handler
- // is called), this routine runs to signal the error condition.
- //
- loadTimeout: function (file) {
- if (this.loading[file].timeout) {clearTimeout(this.loading[file].timeout)}
- this.loading[file].status = this.STATUS.ERROR;
- this.loadError(file);
- this.loadComplete(file);
- },
- //
- // The default error hook for file load failures
- //
- loadError: function (file) {BASE.Message.Set("File failed to load: "+file,null,2000)},
- //
- // Defines a style sheet from a hash of style declarations (key:value pairs
- // where the key is the style selector and the value is a hash of CSS attributes
- // and values).
- //
- Styles: function (styles,callback) {
- var styleString = this.StyleString(styles);
- if (styleString === "") {
- callback = BASE.CallBack(callback);
- callback();
- } else {
- var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css";
- this.head = HEAD(this.head);
- this.head.appendChild(style);
- if (style.styleSheet && typeof(style.styleSheet.cssText) !== 'undefined') {
- style.styleSheet.cssText = styleString;
- } else {
- style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(styleString));
- }
- callback =,callback,style);
- }
- return callback;
- },
- //
- // Create a stylesheet string from a style declaration object
- //
- StyleString: function (styles) {
- if (typeof(styles) === 'string') {return styles}
- var string = "", id;
- for (id in styles) {if (styles.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
- if (typeof styles[id] === 'string') {
- string += id + " {"+styles[id]+"}\n";
- } else if (styles[id] instanceof Array) {
- for (var i = 0; i < styles[id].length; i++) {
- var style = {}; style[id] = styles[id][i];
- string += this.StyleString(style);
- }
- } else if (id.substr(0,6) === '@media') {
- string += id + " {"+this.StyleString(styles[id])+"}\n";
- } else if (styles[id] != null) {
- var style = [];
- for (var name in styles[id]) {
- if (styles[id][name] != null)
- {style[style.length] = name + ': ' + styles[id][name]}
- }
- string += id +" {"+style.join('; ')+"}\n";
- }
- }}
- return string;
- }
- };
-MathJax.Message = {
- log: [{}], current: null,
- textNodeBug: (navigator.vendor === "Apple Computer, Inc." &&
- typeof navigator.vendorSub === "undefined") ||
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- MSIE: function (browser) {
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- Chrome: function (browser) {
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- Init: function() {
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- if (!this.div) {
- var frame = document.body;
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- window.attachEvent("onresize",this.MoveFrame);
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- this.text = this.div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));
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- return true;
- },
- addDiv: function (parent) {
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- if (parent.firstChild) {parent.insertBefore(div,parent.firstChild)}
- else {parent.appendChild(div)}
- return div;
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- = body.scrollLeft + 'px';
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- },
- Set: function (text,n,clearDelay) {
- if (this.timer) {clearTimeout(this.timer); delete this.timeout}
- if (n == null) {n = this.log.length; this.log[n] = {}}
- this.log[n].text = text;
- if (typeof(this.log[n].next) === "undefined") {
- this.log[n].next = this.current;
- if (this.current != null) {this.log[this.current].prev = n}
- this.current = n;
- }
- if (this.current === n) {
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- = "";
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- } else {
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- }
- if (clearDelay) {setTimeout(MathJax.CallBack(["Clear",this,n]),clearDelay)}
- return n;
- },
- Clear: function (n,delay) {
- if (this.log[n].prev != null) {this.log[this.log[n].prev].next = this.log[n].next}
- if (this.log[n].next != null) {this.log[this.log[n].next].prev = this.log[n].prev}
- if (this.current === n) {
- this.current = this.log[n].next;
- if (this.text) {
- if (this.current == null) {
- if (this.timer) {clearTimeout(this.timer)}
- this.timer = setTimeout(MathJax.CallBack(["Remove",this]),(delay||600));
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- else {this.text.nodeValue = this.log[this.current].text}
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- window.status = (this.current == null ? "" : this.log[this.current].text);
- }
- }
- delete this.log[n].next; delete this.log[n].prev;
- },
- Remove: function () {
- // FIXME: do a fade out or something else interesting?
- this.text.nodeValue = "";
- = "none";
- },
- File: function (file) {
- var root = MathJax.Ajax.config.root;
- if (file.substr(0,root.length) === root) {file = "[MathJax]"+file.substr(root.length)}
- return this.Set("Loading "+file);
- },
- Log: function () {
- var strings = [];
- for (var i = 1, m = this.log.length; i < m; i++) {strings[i] = this.log[i].text}
- return strings.join("\n");
- }
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',705,')){k=[k]}',168,'l=0,h=k',14,';l<h;l++){j.Push(',1062,'k[l]))}',1099,839,'",',257,',',224,'require,"config"])}',1096,779,'"]);',1099,779,'",this]);',1096,'Ready"]);',1,1099,1093,'",a,',1063,'+"/"+n])}else{',1,'a.',1093,'(',1063,'+"/"+n)}}},{name:"unknown",version:"1.0",directory:e+"/jax",extensionDir:e+"/',188,'"});b.InputJax=g',1011,'({',232,3,'(h){if(!','b.Hub',154,205,'){c',154,205,'={}}c',154,205,'[h]=this}},{','version:"1.0","/','input','",extensionDir:g.extensionDir','});b.OutputJax=g',1011,'({',232,3,1149,'c.config.outputJax','){',1169,'={}}if(!',1169,'[h]){',1169,'[h]=[];if(!c',154,209,861,'){c',154,209,861,12,'.name}}',1169,'[h].push(this)},Remove',3,'(h){}},{',1160,'output',1162,',fontDir:e+(b.isPacked?"":"/..")+"/fonts"});','b.ElementJax','=g',1011,'({Init',3,1016,1,1023,1011,'(i,h)},',205,191,207,191,'inputID',191,454,':"",mimeType:"",Text',3,'(j,k){','var h=this.SourceElement();','if(','h.firstChild','){if(',1216,'.nodeName!=="#text"){h.text=j',52,1216,54,'=j}}else{try{h.innerHTML=j}catch(i){h.text=j}}h',324,12,465,';',1,'c.',404,'(h,k)},',411,3,'(i){',1214,'h',324,12,465,';',1,'c.',411,'(h,i)},Remove',3,'(){this',461,'this);c',247,'Post(["Remove Math",this.inputID]);this.Detach()},SourceElement',3,'(){',1,709,'getElementById(this.inputID)},Attach',3,'(i,j){var h=i.',280,34,'i',324,'===this',465,'){h.Clone(this)}else{h=i.',280,12,34,'',103,'inputID=',1268,52,1268,12,'.',1270,1194,'.GetID();this.newID=1}}h.',454,'=(i.text==""?i.innerHTML:i.text);h.',205,'=j},Detach',3,'(){',1214,'if(!h){return}try{',8,'h.MathJax}catch(i){h.MathJax=null}',48,'newID){""}},Clone',3,'(h){var i;for(i in this){if(!this',734,'(i)){continue}if(typeof(','h','[i])==="undefined','"&&i!=="newID"){',8,'this[i]}}for(i in h){if(!this',734,1294,'this',1296,'"||(this[i]!==h[i]&&i!=="inputID")){this[i]=h[i]}}}},{',1160,'element',1162,',ID:0,STATE:{PENDING:1,PROCESSED:2,UPDATE:3},GetID',3,'(){this.ID++;return"MathJax-Element-"+this.ID},Subclass',3,'(){var h=g',1011,249,'this,',273,');h.',1093,12,1043,1093,';',1,'h}});',1194,1043,'STATE=b.',327,'})("MathJax");(',707,'(l',1005,'l];if(!b){b=window[l]={}}var d=b.Hub;var n=d.',779,';var m=d.config;var k=',709,728,'head")[0];if(!k){k=',709,'childNodes[0]}var f=(',709,'documentElement||document).',728,'script");var e',526,'("(^|/)"+l+"\\\\.js$");',168,'g=f',14,'-1;g>=0;g--){if(f[g].src.match(e)){n.script=f[g].innerHTML;m.root=f[g].src',552,'(/(^|\\/)[^\\/]*$/,"");break}}b.Ajax.config=m;var j={isMac',':(navigator.platform.substr(0,3)==="','Mac"),isPC',1353,'Win"),isMSIE:(',709,'all!=null&&!','window.opera','),isFirefox:(',709,'ATTRIBUTE_NODE!=null&&window.directories!=null),isSafari',':(navigator.vendor!=null&&navigator.vendor.match(/','Apple/)!=null&&!navigator.omniWebString),isOpera:(',1359,'!=null&&',1359,'.version!=null),isChrome',1363,'Google/)!=null),isKonqueror:(window',734,'&&window',734,'("konqueror")),versionAtLeast',3,'(r){var q=(this','.version).split','(".");r=(','new String','(r)).split(".");',168,'s=0,p=r',14,';s<p;s++){if(q[s]!=r[s]){',1,'parseInt(q[s]||"0")>=parseInt(r[s])}}',1,'true},Select',3,'(p',1029,'p[d.Browser];if(i){',1,'i(d.Browser)}',1,'null}};var a=navigator.userAgent',552,'(/^Mozilla\\/(\\d+\\.)+\\d+ /,"").replace(/[a-z][-a-z0-9._: ]+\\/\\d+[^ ]*-[^ ]*\\.([a-z][a-z])?\\d+ /i,"").replace(/Gentoo |Ubuntu\\/(\\d+\\.)*\\d+ (\\([^)]*\\) )?/,"");d.Browser=d',221,'d',221,1379,'("Unknown"),{version:"0.0"}),j);',168,'h in j){if(j',734,'(h)){if(j[h]&&h',158,'2)==="is"){h=h.slice(2);if(h==="Mac"||h==="PC"){continue}d.Browser=d',221,1379,'(h),j);var o',526,'(".*(Version',')/((?:\\\\d+\\\\.)+\\\\d','+)|.*("+h+")"+(h=="MSIE"?" ":"/")+"((?:\\\\d+\\\\.)*\\\\d+)|(?:^|\\\\(| )([a-z][-a-z0-9._: ]+|WebKit',1415,'+)");var c=o.exec(a)||["","","","unknown","0.0"];[1]=="Version"?h:(c[3]||c[5]));d.Browser.version=c[2]||c[4]||c[6];break}}}','d.Browser.Select','({Safari',3,'(p',1029,'parseInt((String(p',1377,'("."))[0]);if(i>=526){','p.version="','4.0','"}else{if(i','>=525){',1427,'3.1',1429,'>500){',1427,'3.0',1429,'>400){',1427,'2.0',1429,'>85){',1427,'1.0"}}}}}},Firefox',3,'(p){if(p.version==="0.0"&&navigator.product==="Gecko"&&','navigator.productSub',1029,1447,158,'8);if(i>="20090630"){',1427,'3.5',1429,'>="20080617"){',1427,'3.0',1429,'>="20061024"){',1427,'2.0"}}}}},Opera',3,'(i){i.version=opera.version()}});',1419,'(',152,678,'browsers);d.queue=b.Callback.Queue();d.queue.Push(["','Post",n.signal,"','Begin',382,218,'",n],["',846,1473,877,1473,'Jax',1473,913,'",n],n.onLoad(),',938,152,'isReady=true},["',347,1473,1469,'End"])})("MathJax")}};']
-MathJax.Hub = {
- config: {
- root: "",
- config: [], // list of configuration files to load
- styleSheets: [], // list of CSS files to load
- styles: MathJax.Message.styles, // styles to generate in-line
- jax: [], // list of input and output jax to load
- extensions: [], // list of extensions to load
- browser: {}, // browser-specific files to load (by browser name)
- preJax: null, // pattern to remove from before math script tag
- postJax: null, // pattern to remove from after math script tag
- preRemoveClass: 'MathJax_Preview', // class of objects to remove preceeding math script
- showProcessingMessages: true, // display "Processing math: nn%" messages or not
- delayStartupUntil: "none", // set to "onload" to delay setup until the onload handler runs
- // or to a CallBack to wait for before continuing with the startup
- skipStartupTypeset: false, // set to true to skip PreProcess and Process during startup
- preProcessors: [], // list of callbacks for preprocessing (initialized by extensions)
- inputJax: {}, // mime-type mapped to input jax (by registration)
- outputJax: {} // mime-type mapped to output jax list (by registration)
- },
- processUpdateTime: 500, // time between screen updates when processing math (milliseconds)
- signal: MathJax.CallBack.Signal("Hub"), // Signal used for Hub events
- Config: function (def) {
- this.Insert(this.config,def);
- if (this.config.Augment) {this.Augment(this.config.Augment)}
- },
- Register: {
- PreProcessor: function (callback) {MathJax.Hub.config.preProcessors.push(MathJax.CallBack(callback))},
- BrowserHook: function (browser,callback) {
- var browsers = MathJax.Hub.Startup.browsers;
- if (!browsers[browser]) {browsers[browser] = []}
- if (!(browsers[browser] instanceof Array)) {browsers[browser] = [browsers[browser]]}
- browsers[browser].push(callback);
- },
- MessageHook: function () {return MathJax.Hub.signal.MessageHook.apply(MathJax.Hub.signal,arguments)},
- StartupHook: function () {return MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.MessageHook.apply(MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal,arguments)},
- LoadHook: function () {return MathJax.Ajax.LoadHook.apply(MathJax.Ajax,arguments)}
- },
- getAllJax: function (element) {
- var jax = [], scripts = this.elementScripts(element);
- for (var i = 0, m = scripts.length; i < m; i++) {
- if (scripts[i].MathJax && scripts[i].MathJax.elementJax)
- {jax.push(scripts[i].MathJax.elementJax)}
- }
- return jax;
- },
- getJaxByType: function (type,element) {
- var jax = [], scripts = this.elementScripts(element);
- for (var i = 0, m = scripts.length; i < m; i++) {
- if (scripts[i].MathJax && scripts[i].MathJax.elementJax &&
- scripts[i].MathJax.elementJax.mimeType === type)
- {jax.push(scripts[i].MathJax.elementJax)}
- }
- return jax;
- },
- getJaxByInputType: function (type,element) {
- var jax = [], scripts = this.elementScripts(element);
- for (var i = 0, m = scripts.length; i < m; i++) {
- if (scripts[i].MathJax && scripts[i].MathJax.elementJax &&
- scripts[i].type && scripts[i].type.replace(/ *;(.|\s)*/,"") === type)
- {jax.push(scripts[i].MathJax.elementJax)}
- }
- return jax;
- },
- getJaxFor: function (element) {
- if (typeof(element) === 'string') {element = document.getElementById(element)}
- if (element.MathJax) {return element.MathJax.elementJax}
- // FIXME: also check for results of outputJax
- return null;
- },
- isJax: function (element) {
- if (typeof(element) === 'string') {element = document.getElementById(element)}
- if (element.tagName != null && element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'script') {
- if (element.MathJax)
- {return (element.MathJax.state === MathJax.ElementJax.STATE.PROCESSED ? 1 : -1)}
- if (element.type && this.config.inputJax[element.type.replace(/ *;(.|\s)*/,"")]) {return -1}
- }
- // FIXME: check for results of outputJax
- return 0;
- },
- Typeset: function (element,callback) {
- if (!MathJax.isReady) return null;
- var ec = this.elementCallBack(element,callback);
- return MathJax.CallBack.Queue(
- ["PreProcess",this,ec.element],
- ["Process",this,ec.element]
- ).Push(ec.callback);
- },
- PreProcess: function (element,callback) {
- var ec = this.elementCallBack(element,callback);
- return MathJax.CallBack.Queue(
- ["Post",this.signal,"Begin PreProcess"],
- ["ExecuteHooks",MathJax.CallBack,
- (arguments.callee.disabled ? [] : this.config.preProcessors), ec.element, true],
- ["Post",this.signal,"End PreProcess"]
- ).Push(ec.callback);
- },
- Process: function (element,callback) {return this.takeAction("Process",element,callback)},
- Update: function (element,callback) {return this.takeAction("Update",element,callback)},
- Reprocess: function (element,callback) {return this.takeAction("Reprocess",element,callback)},
- takeAction: function (action,element,callback) {
- var ec = this.elementCallBack(element,callback);
- var scripts = []; // filled in by prepareScripts
- return MathJax.CallBack.Queue(
- ["Clear",this.signal],
- ["Post",this.signal,["Begin "+action,ec.element]],
- ["prepareScripts",this,action,ec.element,scripts],
- ["processScripts",this,scripts],
- ["Post",this.signal,["End "+action,ec.element]]
- ).Push(ec.callback);
- },
- scriptAction: {
- Process: function (script) {},
- Update: function (script) {
- var jax = script.MathJax.elementJax;
- if (jax && jax.originalText !==
- (script.text == ""? script.innerHTML : script.text)) {jax.Remove()}
- },
- Reprocess: function (script) {
- if (script.MathJax.elementJax) {script.MathJax.elementJax.Remove()}
- }
- },
- prepareScripts: function (action,element,math) {
- if (arguments.callee.disabled) return;
- var scripts = this.elementScripts(element);
- var STATE = MathJax.ElementJax.STATE;
- for (var i = 0, m = scripts.length; i < m; i++) {
- var script = scripts[i];
- if (script.type && this.config.inputJax[script.type.replace(/ *;(.|\n)*/,"")]) {
- if (script.MathJax && script.MathJax.state === STATE.PROCESSED)
- {this.scriptAction[action](script)}
- if (!script.MathJax) {script.MathJax = {state: STATE.PENDING}}
- if (script.MathJax.state !== STATE.PROCESSED) {math.push(script)}
- }
- }
- },
- checkScriptSiblings: function (script) {
- if (script.MathJax && script.MathJax.checked) return;
- var config = this.config;
- var pre = script.previousSibling;
- if (pre && pre.nodeName == "#text") {
- var preJax,postJax;
- var post = script.nextSibling;
- if (post && post.nodeName != "#text") {post = null}
- if (config.preJax) {preJax = pre.nodeValue.match(config.preJax+"$")}
- if (config.postJax && post) {postJax = post.nodeValue.match("^"+config.postJax)}
- if (preJax && (!config.postJax || postJax)) {
- pre.nodeValue = pre.nodeValue.replace
- (config.preJax+"$",(preJax.length > 1? preJax[1] : ""));
- pre = null;
- }
- if (postJax && (!config.preJax || preJax)) {
- post.nodeValue = post.nodeValue.replace
- ("^"+config.postJax,(postJax.length > 1? postJax[1] : ""));
- }
- if (pre && !pre.nodeValue.match(/\S/)) {pre = pre.previousSibling}
- }
- if (config.preRemoveClass && pre && pre.className == config.preRemoveClass) {
- try {pre.innerHTML = ""} catch (err) {}
- = "none";
- }
- if (script.MathJax) {script.MathJax.checked = 1}
- },
- processScripts: function (scripts,start,n) {
- if (arguments.callee.disabled) {return null}
- var result, STATE = MathJax.ElementJax.STATE;
- var inputJax = this.config.inputJax, outputJax = this.config.outputJax;
- try {
- if (!start) {start = new Date().getTime()}
- var i = 0, script;
- while (i < scripts.length) {
- script = scripts[i]; if (!script) continue;
- var type = script.type.replace(/ *;(.|\s)*/,"");
- if (!script.MathJax || script.MathJax.state === STATE.PROCESSED) continue;
- if (!script.MathJax.elementJax || script.MathJax.state === STATE.UPDATE) {
- this.checkScriptSiblings(script);
- result = inputJax[type].Translate(script);
- if (result instanceof Function) {
- if (result.called) continue; // go back and call Translate() again
- this.RestartAfter(result);
- }
- result.Attach(script,inputJax[type]);
- }
- var jax = script.MathJax.elementJax;
- if (!outputJax[jax.mimeType]) {
- script.MathJax.state = STATE.UPDATE;
- throw Error("No output jax registered for "+jax.mimeType);
- }
- jax.outputJax = outputJax[jax.mimeType][0];
- result = jax.outputJax.Translate(script);
- if (result instanceof Function) {
- script.MathJax.state = STATE.UPDATE;
- if (result.called) continue; // go back and call Translate() again
- this.RestartAfter(result);
- }
- script.MathJax.state = STATE.PROCESSED;
- this.signal.Post(["New Math",jax.inputID]); // FIXME: wait for this? (i.e., restart if returns uncalled callback)
- i++;
- if (new Date().getTime() - start > this.processUpdateTime && i < scripts.length)
- {start = 0; this.RestartAfter(MathJax.CallBack.Delay(1))}
- }
- } catch (err) {
- if (!err.restart) {throw err}
- if (!n) {n = 0}; var m = Math.floor((n+i)/(n+scripts.length)*100); n += i;
- if (this.config.showProcessingMessages) {MathJax.Message.Set("Processing math: "+m+"%",0)}
- return MathJax.CallBack.After(["processScripts",this,scripts.slice(i),start,n],err.restart);
- }
- if ((n || scripts.length) && this.config.showProcessingMessages) {
- MathJax.Message.Set("Processing Math: 100%",0);
- MathJax.Message.Clear(0);
- }
- return null;
- },
- RestartAfter: function (callback) {
- throw this.Insert(Error("restart"),{restart: MathJax.CallBack(callback)});
- },
- elementCallBack: function (element,callback) {
- if (callback == null && (element instanceof Array || element instanceof Function))
- {callback = element; element = document.body}
- else if (element == null) {element = document.body}
- else if (typeof(element) === 'string') {element = document.getElementById(element)}
- if (!element) {throw Error("No such element")}
- if (!callback) {callback = {}}
- return {element: element, callback: callback};
- },
- elementScripts: function (element) {
- if (typeof(element) === 'string') {element = document.getElementById(element)}
- if (element == null) {element = document.body}
- if (element.tagName != null && element.tagName.toLowerCase() === "script") {return [element]}
- return element.getElementsByTagName("script");
- },
- Insert: function (dst,src) {
- for (var id in src) {if (src.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
- // allow for concatenation of arrays?
- if (typeof src[id] === 'object' && !(src[id] instanceof Array) &&
- (typeof dst[id] === 'object' || typeof dst[id] === 'function')) {
- this.Insert(dst[id],src[id]);
- } else {
- dst[id] = src[id];
- }
- }}
- return dst;
- }
-// Storage area for preprocessors and extensions
-// (should these be classes?)
-MathJax.PreProcessor = {};
-MathJax.Extension = {};
-// Hub Startup code
-MathJax.Hub.Startup = {
- script: "", // the startup script from the SCRIPT call that loads MathJax.js
- queue: MathJax.CallBack.Queue(), // Queue used for startup actions
- signal: MathJax.CallBack.Signal("Startup"), // Signal used for startup events
- //
- // Load the configuration files
- //
- Config: function () {
- this.queue.Push(["Post",this.signal,"Begin Config"]);
- if (this.script.match(/\S/)) {this.queue.Push(this.script+';1')}
- else {this.queue.Push(["Require",MathJax.Ajax,this.URL("config","MathJax.js")])}
- if (MathJax.userConfig)
- {this.queue.Push(function () {try {MathJax.userConfig()} catch(e) {}})}
- return this.queue.Push(
- [function (config,onload) {
- if (config.delayStartupUntil.isCallback) {return config.delayStartupUntil}
- if (config.delayStartupUntil === "onload") {return onload}
- return function () {};
- }, MathJax.Hub.config, this.onload],
- ["loadArray",this,MathJax.Hub.config.config,"config"],
- ["Post",this.signal,"End Config"]
- );
- },
- //
- // Setup stylesheets and extra styles
- //
- Styles: function () {
- return this.queue.Push(
- ["Post",this.signal,"Begin Styles"],
- ["loadArray",this,MathJax.Hub.config.styleSheets,"config"],
- ["Styles",MathJax.Ajax,MathJax.Hub.config.styles],
- ["Post",this.signal,"End Styles"]
- );
- },
- //
- // Load the input and output jax
- //
- Jax: function () {
- return this.queue.Push(
- ["Post",this.signal,"Begin Jax"],
- ["loadArray",this,MathJax.Hub.config.jax,"jax","config.js"],
- ["Post",this.signal,"End Jax"]
- );
- },
- //
- // Load the extensions
- //
- Extensions: function () {
- return this.queue.Push(
- ["Post",this.signal,"Begin Extensions"],
- ["loadArray",this,MathJax.Hub.config.extensions,"extensions"],
- ["Post",this.signal,"End Extensions"]
- );
- },
- //
- // Setup the onload callback
- //
- onLoad: function (when) {
- var onload = this.onload =
- MathJax.CallBack(function () {MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("onLoad")});
- if (window.addEventListener) {window.addEventListener("load",onload,false)}
- else if (window.attachEvent) {window.attachEvent("onload",onload)}
- else {window.onload = onload}
- return onload;
- },
- //
- // Load any browser-specific config files
- // then call any registered browser hooks
- //
- Browser: function () {
- this.queue.Push(["Post",this.signal,"Begin Browser"]);
- var browser = MathJax.Hub.config.browser[MathJax.Hub.Browser];
- this.queue.Push(["loadArray",this,browser,"config/browsers"]);
- var hooks = this.browsers[MathJax.Hub.Browser];
- if (!(hooks instanceof Array)) {hooks = [hooks]}
- this.queue.Push.apply(this.queue,hooks);
- return this.queue.Push(["Post",this.signal,"End Browser"]);
- },
- //
- // Code to initialize browsers
- //
- browsers: {
- MSIE: function (browser) {},
- Firefox: function (browser) {},
- Safari: function (browser) {},
- Opera: function (browser) {},
- Chrome: function (browser) {}
- },
- //
- // Perform the initial typesetting (or skip if configuration says to)
- //
- Typeset: function (element,callback) {
- if (MathJax.Hub.config.skipStartupTypeset) {return function () {}}
- return this.queue.Push(
- ["Post",this.signal,"Begin Typeset"],
- ["Typeset",MathJax.Hub,element,callback],
- ["Post",this.signal,"End Typeset"]
- );
- },
- //
- // Create a URL in the MathJax hierarchy
- //
- URL: function (dir,name) {
- if (!name.match(/^([a-z]+:\/\/|\[|\/)/)) {name = "[MathJax]/"+dir+"/"+name}
- return name;
- },
- //
- // Load an array of files, waiting for all of them
- // to be loaded before going on
- //
- loadArray: function (files,dir,name) {
- if (files) {
- if (!(files instanceof Array)) {files = [files]}
- if (files.length) {
- var queue = MathJax.CallBack.Queue(), callback = {}, file;
- for (var i = 0, m = files.length; i < m; i++) {
- file = this.URL(dir,files[i]);
- if (name) {file += "/" + name}
- queue.Push(MathJax.Ajax.Require(file,callback));
-// queue.Push(["Require",MathJax.Ajax,file,callback]);
- }
- return queue.Push({}); // wait for everything to finish
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
-(function (BASENAME) {
- var BASE = window[BASENAME];
- var HUB = BASE.Hub, AJAX = BASE.Ajax, CALLBACK = BASE.CallBack;
- var JAX = MathJax.Object.Subclass({
- require: null, // array of files to load before jax.js is complete
- Init: function (def) {this.config = {}; HUB.Insert(this,def)},
- Augment: function (def) {HUB.Insert(this,def)},
- Translate: function (element) {
- this.Translate = this.noTranslate;
- return AJAX.Require("/jax.js");
- },
- noTranslate: function (element) {
- throw Error("/jax.js failed to redefine the Translate() method");
- },
- Register: function (mimetype) {},
- Config: function () {
- HUB.Insert(this.config,(HUB.config[]||{}));
- if (this.config.Augment) {this.Augment(this.config.Augment)}
- },
- Startup: function () {},
- loadComplete: function (file) {
- if (file === "jax.js") {
- var queue = CALLBACK.Queue();
- queue.Push(["Post",HUB.Startup.signal," Jax Config"]);
- queue.Push(["Config",this]);
- queue.Push(["Post",HUB.Startup.signal," Jax Require"]);
- if (this.require) {
- var require = this.require; if (!(require instanceof Array)) {require = [require]}
- for (var i = 0, m = require.length; i < m; i++) {queue.Push(AJAX.Require(require[i]))}
- queue.Push(["loadArray",MathJax.Hub.Startup,this.config.require,"config"]);
- }
- queue.Push(["Post",HUB.Startup.signal," Jax Startup"]);
- queue.Push(["Startup",this]);
- queue.Push(["Post",HUB.Startup.signal," Jax Ready"]);
- return queue.Push(["loadComplete",AJAX,"/"+file]);
- } else {
- return AJAX.loadComplete("/"+file);
- }
- }
- },{
- name: "unknown",
- version: 1.0,
- directory: "["+BASENAME+"]/jax",
- extensionDir: "["+BASENAME+"]/extensions"
- });
- /***********************************/
- BASE.InputJax = JAX.Subclass({
- Register: function (mimetype) {
- if (!BASE.Hub.config.inputJax) {HUB.config.inputJax = {}}
- HUB.config.inputJax[mimetype] = this;
- }
- },{
- version: 1.0,
- directory:"/input",
- extensionDir: JAX.extensionDir
- });
- /***********************************/
- BASE.OutputJax = JAX.Subclass({
- Register: function (mimetype) {
- if (!HUB.config.outputJax) {HUB.config.outputJax = {}}
- if (!HUB.config.outputJax[mimetype]) {HUB.config.outputJax[mimetype] = []}
- HUB.config.outputJax[mimetype].push(this);
- },
- Remove: function (jax) {}
- },{
- version: 1.0,
- directory:"/output",
- extensionDir: JAX.extensionDir,
- fontDir: "["+BASENAME+"]/fonts"
- });
- /***********************************/
- BASE.ElementJax = JAX.Subclass({
- inputJax: null,
- outputJax: null,
- inputID: null,
- originalText: "",
- mimeType: "",
- Text: function (text,callback) {
- this.outputJax.Remove(this);
- var script = this.SourceElement();
- if (script.firstChild) {
- if (script.firstChild.nodeName !== "#text") {script.text = text}
- else {script.firstChild.nodeValue = text}
- } else {try {script.innerHTML = text} catch(err) {script.text = text}}
- script.MathJax.state = this.STATE.UPDATE;
- HUB.Update(script,callback);
- },
- Reprocess: function (callback) {
- var script = this.SourceElement();
- script.MathJax.state = this.STATE.UPDATE;
- HUB.Reprocess(script,callback);
- },
- Remove: function () {
- this.outputJax.Remove(this);
- HUB.signal.Post(["Remove Math",this.inputID]); // wait for this to finish?
- this.Detach();
- },
- SourceElement: function () {return document.getElementById(this.inputID)},
- Attach: function (script,inputJax) {
- var jax = script.MathJax.elementJax;
- if (script.MathJax.state === this.STATE.UPDATE) {
- jax.Clone(this);
- } else {
- jax = script.MathJax.elementJax = this;
- if ( {this.inputID =}
- else { = this.inputID = BASE.ElementJax.GetID(); this.newID = 1}
- }
- jax.originalText = (script.text == "" ? script.innerHTML : script.text);
- jax.inputJax = inputJax;
- },
- Detach: function () {
- var script = this.SourceElement(); if (!script) return;
- try {delete script.MathJax} catch(err) {script.MathJax = null}
- if (this.newID) { = ""}
- },
- Clone: function (jax) {
- for (var id in this) {
- if (!this.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue;
- if (typeof(jax[id]) === 'undefined' && id !== 'newID') {delete this[id]}
- }
- for (var id in jax) {
- if (!this.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue;
- if (typeof(this[id]) === 'undefined' || (this[id] !== jax[id] && id !== 'inputID'))
- {this[id] = jax[id]}
- }
- }
- },{
- version: 1.0,
- directory:"/element",
- extensionDir: JAX.extensionDir,
- ID: 0, // jax counter (for IDs)
- STATE: {
- PENDING: 1, // script is identified as math but not yet processed
- PROCESSED: 2, // script has been processed
- UPDATE: 3 // elementJax should be updated
- },
- GetID: function () {this.ID++; return "MathJax-Element-"+this.ID},
- Subclass: function () {
- var obj = JAX.Subclass.apply(this,arguments);
- obj.loadComplete = this.prototype.loadComplete;
- return obj;
- }
- });
- BASE.ElementJax.prototype.STATE = BASE.ElementJax.STATE;
-(function (BASENAME) {
- var BASE = window[BASENAME];
- if (!BASE) {BASE = window[BASENAME] = {}}
- var HUB = BASE.Hub; var STARTUP = HUB.Startup; var CONFIG = HUB.config;
- var HEAD = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- if (!HEAD) {HEAD = document.childNodes[0]};
- var scripts = (document.documentElement || document).getElementsByTagName("script");
- var namePattern = new RegExp("(^|/)"+BASENAME+"\\.js$");
- for (var i = scripts.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (scripts[i].src.match(namePattern)) {
- STARTUP.script = scripts[i].innerHTML;
- CONFIG.root = scripts[i].src.replace(/(^|\/)[^\/]*$/,'');
- break;
- }
- }
- BASE.Ajax.config = CONFIG;
- var BROWSERS = {
- isMac: (navigator.platform.substr(0,3) === "Mac"),
- isPC: (navigator.platform.substr(0,3) === "Win"),
- isMSIE: (document.all != null && !window.opera),
- isFirefox: (document.ATTRIBUTE_NODE != null && window.directories != null),
- isSafari: (navigator.vendor != null && navigator.vendor.match(/Apple/) != null && !navigator.omniWebString),
- isOpera: (window.opera != null && window.opera.version != null),
- isChrome: (navigator.vendor != null && navigator.vendor.match(/Google/) != null),
- isKonqueror: (window.hasOwnProperty && window.hasOwnProperty("konqueror")),
- versionAtLeast: function (v) {
- var bv = (this.version).split('.'); v = (new String(v)).split('.');
- for (var i = 0, m = v.length; i < m; i++)
- {if (bv[i] != v[i]) {return parseInt(bv[i]||"0") >= parseInt(v[i])}}
- return true;
- },
- Select: function (choices) {
- var browser = choices[HUB.Browser];
- if (browser) {return browser(HUB.Browser)}
- return null;
- }
- };
- var AGENT = navigator.userAgent
- .replace(/^Mozilla\/(\d+\.)+\d+ /,"") // remove initial Mozilla, which is never right
- .replace(/[a-z][-a-z0-9._: ]+\/\d+[^ ]*-[^ ]*\.([a-z][a-z])?\d+ /i,"") // remove linux version
- .replace(/Gentoo |Ubuntu\/(\d+\.)*\d+ (\([^)]*\) )?/,""); // special case for these
- HUB.Browser = HUB.Insert(HUB.Insert(new String("Unknown"),{version: "0.0"}),BROWSERS);
- for (var browser in BROWSERS) {if (BROWSERS.hasOwnProperty(browser)) {
- if (BROWSERS[browser] && browser.substr(0,2) === "is") {
- browser = browser.slice(2);
- if (browser === "Mac" || browser === "PC") continue;
- HUB.Browser = HUB.Insert(new String(browser),BROWSERS);
- var VERSION = new RegExp(
- ".*(Version)/((?:\\d+\\.)+\\d+)|" + // for Safari and Opera10
- ".*("+browser+")"+(browser == "MSIE" ? " " : "/")+"((?:\\d+\\.)*\\d+)|"+ // for one of the main browser
- "(?:^|\\(| )([a-z][-a-z0-9._: ]+)/((?:\\d+\\.)+\\d+)"); // for unrecognized browser
- var MATCH = VERSION.exec(AGENT) || ["","","","unknown","0.0"];
- = (MATCH[1] == "Version" ? browser : (MATCH[3] || MATCH[5]));
- HUB.Browser.version = MATCH[2] || MATCH[4] || MATCH[6];
- break;
- }
- }};
- //
- // Initial browser-specific info (e.g., touch up version or name)
- //
- HUB.Browser.Select({
- Safari: function (browser) {
- var v = parseInt((String(browser.version).split("."))[0]);
- if (v >= 526) {browser.version = "4.0"}
- else if (v >= 525) {browser.version = "3.1"}
- else if (v > 500) {browser.version = "3.0"}
- else if (v > 400) {browser.version = "2.0"}
- else if (v > 85) {browser.version = "1.0"}
- },
- Firefox: function (browser) {
- if (browser.version === "0.0" && navigator.product === "Gecko" && navigator.productSub) {
- var date = navigator.productSub.substr(0,8);
- if (date >= "20090630") {browser.version = "3.5"}
- else if (date >= "20080617") {browser.version = "3.0"}
- else if (date >= "20061024") {browser.version = "2.0"}
- }
- },
- Opera: function (browser) {browser.verion = opera.version()}
- });
- HUB.Browser.Select(MathJax.Message.browsers);
- BASE.CallBack.Queue(
- ["Post",STARTUP.signal,"Begin"],
- ["Config",STARTUP],
- ["Styles",STARTUP],
- ["Jax",STARTUP],
- ["Extensions",STARTUP],
- STARTUP.onLoad(),
- ["Browser",STARTUP],
- function () {MathJax.isReady = true}, // indicates that MathJax is ready to process math
- ["Typeset",STARTUP],
- ["Post",STARTUP.signal,"End"]
- );