lib/goffir.rb in goffir-1.0.2pre vs lib/goffir.rb in goffir-1.0.3pre
- old
+ new
@@ -9,19 +9,19 @@
# So that the ffi magic works in our module.
extend FFI::Library
# Sort of hacky for now... but, ok.
- begin
- unless File.exists?('ext/fibanachos/')
- `go build -buildmode=c-shared -o ext/fibanachos/ ext/fibanachos/fibanachos.go`
- end
- rescue
- abort "Unable to build go lang extension."
- end
+ #begin
+ # unless File.exists?('ext/fibanachos/')
+ # `go build -buildmode=c-shared -o ext/fibanachos/ ext/fibanachos/fibanachos.go`
+ # end
+ #rescue
+ # abort "Unable to build go lang extension."
+ #end
# This file is required.
- ffi_lib 'ext/fibanachos/'
+ ffi_lib 'ext/'
# Provide a ruby method to a tiny lil' ruby gopher that
# will eat its way to the desired fibonacci number.
# Or at least that's how I like to imagine it.