app/assets/javascripts/gmaps4rails/ in gmaps4rails-1.5.2 vs app/assets/javascripts/gmaps4rails/ in gmaps4rails-1.5.3
- old
+ new
@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@
@mergeWithDefault "markers_conf"
@openMarkers = null
@markersLayer = null
@markersControl = null
+ @polylinesLayer = null
#/////////////// Basic Objects ////////////////////
@@ -108,10 +109,11 @@
clearMarkersLayerIfExists: ->
@serviceObject.removeLayer(@markersLayer) if @markersLayer != null and @serviceObject.getLayer( != null
extendBoundsWithMarkers: ->
+ console.log "here"
for marker in @markers
#/////////////////// Clusterer //////////////////////
@@ -185,25 +187,75 @@
new OpenLayers.Size(300,200),
null, true, @onPopupClose)
feature.popup = popup
popup.feature = feature
- @serviceObject.addPopup popup
+ @map.addPopup popup
onFeatureUnselect: (evt) ->
feature = evt.feature
if feature.popup
#//popup.feature = null;
- @serviceObject.removePopup feature.popup
+ @map.removePopup feature.popup
feature.popup = null
+ #////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ #/////////////////// POLYLINES //////////////////////
+ #////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ create_polyline : (polyline) ->
+ if(@polylinesLayer == null)
+ @polylinesLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Polylines", null)
+ @serviceObject.addLayer(@polylinesLayer)
+"featureselected", @polylinesLayer, @onFeatureSelect)
+"featureunselected", @polylinesLayer, @onFeatureUnselect)
+ @polylinesControl = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(@polylinesLayer, OpenLayers.Handler.Path)
+ @serviceObject.addControl(@polylinesControl)
+ polyline_coordinates = []
+ for element in polyline
+ #by convention, a single polyline could be customized in the first array or it uses default values
+ if element == polyline[0]
+ strokeColor = element.strokeColor || @polylines_conf.strokeColor
+ strokeOpacity = element.strokeOpacity || @polylines_conf.strokeOpacity
+ strokeWeight = element.strokeWeight || @polylines_conf.strokeWeight
+ clickable = element.clickable || @polylines_conf.clickable
+ zIndex = element.zIndex || @polylines_conf.zIndex
+ #add latlng if positions provided
+ if && element.lng?
+ latlng = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(element.lng,
+ polyline_coordinates.push(latlng)
+ line_points = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(polyline_coordinates);
+ line_style = { strokeColor: strokeColor, strokeOpacity: strokeOpacity, strokeWidth: strokeWeight };
+ polyline = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(line_points, null, line_style);
+ polyline.geometry.transform(new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"))
+ @polylinesLayer.addFeatures([polyline])
+ return polyline
+ updateBoundsWithPolylines: ()->
+ updateBoundsWithPolygons: ()->
+ updateBoundsWithCircles: ()->
# #////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# #/////////////////// Other methods //////////////////
# #////////////////////////////////////////////////////
fitBounds: ->
@serviceObject.zoomToExtent(@boundsObject, true)
centerMapOnUser: ->
@serviceObject.setCenter @userLocation
+ extendMapBounds :->
+ adaptMapToBounds: ->
+ @fitBounds()