lib/gmail/client/base.rb in gmail-0.4.0 vs lib/gmail/client/base.rb in gmail-0.4.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,220 +1,225 @@
-require 'thread'
-module Gmail
- module Client
- class Base
- # GMail IMAP defaults
- # GMail SMTP defaults
- attr_reader :username
- attr_reader :options
- def initialize(username, options={})
- defaults = {}
- @username = fill_username(username)
- @options = defaults.merge(options)
- @mailbox_mutex =
- end
- # Connect to gmail service.
- def connect(raise_errors=false)
- @imap =, GMAIL_IMAP_PORT, true, nil, false)
- rescue SocketError
- raise_errors and raise ConnectionError, "Couldn't establish connection with GMail IMAP service"
- end
- # This version of connect will raise error on failure...
- def connect!
- connect(true)
- end
- # Return current connection. Log in automaticaly to specified account if
- # it is necessary.
- def connection
- login and at_exit { logout } unless logged_in?
- @imap
- end
- alias :conn :connection
- # Login to specified account.
- def login(*args)
- raise NotImplementedError, "The `#{}#login` method is not implemented."
- end
- alias :sign_in :login
- # This version of login will raise error on failure...
- def login!
- login(true)
- end
- alias :sign_in! :login!
- # Returns +true+ when you are logged in to specified account.
- def logged_in?
- !!@logged_in
- end
- alias :signed_in? :logged_in?
- # Logout from GMail service.
- def logout
- @imap && logged_in? and @imap.logout
- ensure
- @logged_in = false
- end
- alias :sign_out :logout
- # Return labels object, which helps you with managing your GMail labels.
- # See <tt>Gmail::Labels</tt> for details.
- def labels
- @labels ||=
- end
- # Compose new e-mail.
- #
- # ==== Examples
- #
- # mail = gmail.compose
- # mail.from ""
- # ""
- #
- # ... or block style:
- #
- # mail = gmail.compose do
- # from ""
- # to ""
- # subject "Hello!"
- # body "Hello my friend! long time..."
- # end
- #
- # Now you can deliver your mail:
- #
- # gmail.deliver(mail)
- def compose(mail=nil, &block)
- if block_given?
- mail =
- elsif !mail
- mail =
- end
- mail.delivery_method(*smtp_settings)
- mail.from = username unless mail.from
- mail
- end
- alias :message :compose
- # Compose (optionaly) and send given email.
- #
- # ==== Examples
- #
- # gmail.deliver do
- # to ""
- # subject "Hello friend!"
- # body "Hi! How are you?"
- # end
- #
- # ... or with already created message:
- #
- # mail = { ... }
- # gmail.deliver(mail)
- #
- # mail = gmail.compose { ... }
- # gmail.deliver(mail)
- def deliver(mail=nil, raise_errors=false, &block)
- mail = compose(mail, &block) if block_given?
- mail.deliver!
- rescue Object => ex
- raise_errors and raise DeliveryError, "Couldn't deliver email: #{ex.to_s}"
- end
- # This version of deliver will raise error on failure...
- def deliver!(mail=nil, &block)
- deliver(mail, true, &block)
- end
- # Do something with given mailbox or within it context.
- #
- # ==== Examples
- #
- # mailbox = gmail.mailbox("INBOX")
- # mailbox.emails(:all)
- # mailbox.count(:unread, :before =>*24*3600))
- #
- # ... or block style:
- #
- # gmail.label("Work") do |mailbox|
- # mailbox.emails(:unread)
- # mailbox.count(:all)
- # ...
- # end
- def mailbox(name, &block)
- @mailbox_mutex.synchronize do
- name = Net::IMAP.encode_utf7(name.to_s)
- mailbox = (mailboxes[name] ||=, name))
- switch_to_mailbox(name) if @current_mailbox != name
- if block_given?
- mailbox_stack << @current_mailbox
- result = block.arity == 1 ? :
- mailbox_stack.pop
- switch_to_mailbox(mailbox_stack.last)
- return result
- end
- return mailbox
- end
- end
- alias :in_mailbox :mailbox
- alias :in_label :mailbox
- alias :label :mailbox
- # Alias for <tt>mailbox("INBOX")</tt>. See <tt>Gmail::Client#mailbox</tt>
- # for details.
- def inbox
- mailbox("INBOX")
- end
- def mailboxes
- @mailboxes ||= {}
- end
- def inspect
- "#<Gmail::Client#{'0x%04x' % (object_id << 1)} (#{username}) #{'dis' if !logged_in?}connected>"
- end
- def fill_username(username)
- username =~ /@/ ? username : "#{username}"
- end
- def mail_domain
- username.split('@')[0]
- end
- private
- def switch_to_mailbox(mailbox)
- if mailbox
- @current_mailbox = mailbox
- end
- def mailbox_stack
- @mailbox_stack ||= []
- end
- def smtp_settings
- [:smtp, {
- :address => GMAIL_SMTP_HOST,
- :port => GMAIL_SMTP_PORT,
- :domain => mail_domain,
- :user_name => username,
- :password => password,
- :authentication => 'plain',
- :enable_starttls_auto => true
- }]
- end
- end # Base
- end # Client
-end # Gmail
+require 'thread'
+module Gmail
+ module Client
+ class Base
+ # GMail IMAP defaults
+ # GMail SMTP defaults
+ attr_reader :username
+ attr_reader :options
+ def initialize(username, options={})
+ defaults = {}
+ @username = fill_username(username)
+ @options = defaults.merge(options)
+ @mailbox_mutex =
+ end
+ # Connect to gmail service.
+ def connect(raise_errors=false)
+ @imap =, GMAIL_IMAP_PORT, true, nil, false)
+ GmailImapExtensions.patch_net_imap_response_parser
+ @imap
+ rescue SocketError
+ raise_errors and raise ConnectionError, "Couldn't establish connection with GMail IMAP service"
+ end
+ # This version of connect will raise error on failure...
+ def connect!
+ connect(true)
+ end
+ # Return current connection. Log in automaticaly to specified account if
+ # it is necessary.
+ def connection
+ login and at_exit { logout } unless logged_in?
+ @imap
+ end
+ alias :conn :connection
+ # Login to specified account.
+ def login(*args)
+ raise NotImplementedError, "The `#{}#login` method is not implemented."
+ end
+ alias :sign_in :login
+ # This version of login will raise error on failure...
+ def login!
+ login(true)
+ end
+ alias :sign_in! :login!
+ # Returns +true+ when you are logged in to specified account.
+ def logged_in?
+ !!@logged_in
+ end
+ alias :signed_in? :logged_in?
+ # Logout from GMail service.
+ def logout
+ @imap && logged_in? and @imap.logout
+ ensure
+ @logged_in = false
+ end
+ alias :sign_out :logout
+ # Return labels object, which helps you with managing your GMail labels.
+ # See <tt>Gmail::Labels</tt> for details.
+ def labels
+ @labels ||=
+ end
+ # Compose new e-mail.
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # mail = gmail.compose
+ # mail.from ""
+ # ""
+ #
+ # ... or block style:
+ #
+ # mail = gmail.compose do
+ # from ""
+ # to ""
+ # subject "Hello!"
+ # body "Hello my friend! long time..."
+ # end
+ #
+ # Now you can deliver your mail:
+ #
+ # gmail.deliver(mail)
+ def compose(mail=nil, &block)
+ if block_given?
+ mail =
+ elsif !mail
+ mail =
+ end
+ mail.delivery_method(*smtp_settings)
+ mail.from = username unless mail.from
+ mail
+ end
+ alias :message :compose
+ # Compose (optionaly) and send given email.
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # gmail.deliver do
+ # to ""
+ # subject "Hello friend!"
+ # body "Hi! How are you?"
+ # end
+ #
+ # ... or with already created message:
+ #
+ # mail = { ... }
+ # gmail.deliver(mail)
+ #
+ # mail = gmail.compose { ... }
+ # gmail.deliver(mail)
+ def deliver(mail=nil, raise_errors=false, &block)
+ mail = compose(mail, &block) if block_given?
+ mail.deliver!
+ rescue Object => ex
+ raise_errors and raise DeliveryError, "Couldn't deliver email: #{ex.to_s}"
+ end
+ # This version of deliver will raise error on failure...
+ def deliver!(mail=nil, &block)
+ deliver(mail, true, &block)
+ end
+ # Do something with given mailbox or within it context.
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # mailbox = gmail.mailbox("INBOX")
+ # mailbox.emails(:all)
+ # mailbox.count(:unread, :before =>*24*3600))
+ #
+ # ... or block style:
+ #
+ # gmail.label("Work") do |mailbox|
+ # mailbox.emails(:unread)
+ # mailbox.count(:all)
+ # ...
+ # end
+ def mailbox(name, &block)
+ @mailbox_mutex.synchronize do
+ name = name.to_s
+ mailbox = (mailboxes[name] ||=, name))
+ switch_to_mailbox(name) if @current_mailbox != name
+ if block_given?
+ mailbox_stack << @current_mailbox
+ result = block.arity == 1 ? :
+ mailbox_stack.pop
+ switch_to_mailbox(mailbox_stack.last)
+ return result
+ end
+ return mailbox
+ end
+ end
+ alias :in_mailbox :mailbox
+ alias :in_label :mailbox
+ alias :label :mailbox
+ # Alias for <tt>mailbox("INBOX")</tt>. See <tt>Gmail::Client#mailbox</tt>
+ # for details.
+ def inbox
+ mailbox("INBOX")
+ end
+ def mailboxes
+ @mailboxes ||= {}
+ end
+ def inspect
+ "#<Gmail::Client#{'0x%04x' % (object_id << 1)} (#{username}) #{'dis' if !logged_in?}connected>"
+ end
+ def fill_username(username)
+ username =~ /@/ ? username : "#{username}"
+ end
+ def mail_domain
+ username.split('@').last
+ end
+ private
+ def switch_to_mailbox(mailbox)
+ if mailbox
+ mailbox = Net::IMAP.encode_utf7(mailbox)
+ end
+ @current_mailbox = mailbox
+ end
+ def mailbox_stack
+ @mailbox_stack ||= []
+ end
+ def smtp_settings
+ [:smtp, {
+ :address => GMAIL_SMTP_HOST,
+ :port => GMAIL_SMTP_PORT,
+ :domain => mail_domain,
+ :user_name => username,
+ :password => password,
+ :authentication => 'plain',
+ :enable_starttls_auto => true
+ }]
+ end
+ end # Base
+ end # Client
+end # Gmail