in gm-notepad-0.0.3 vs in gm-notepad-0.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -235,5 +235,8 @@
- [ ] Add auto table expansion for "+"
- [ ] Add auto index expansion for "["
- [ ] Create a configuration object that captures the initial input (reduce passing around parameters and persisting copies of the config)
- [ ] Aspiration: Enable `{{monster}[ac]}` to pick a random monster and then fetch that monster's AC
- [ ] Add concept of "journal entry"; its not a table (perhaps) but something that you could capture notes.
+- [ ] Add column handling `{table[][]}`
+- [X] Support `{{table}-name}` You should be able to do `{{culture}-name}` and first evaluate to `{arabic-name}` and then get a value from the `arabic-name` table
+- [X] Ensure index names are lower-case