lib/glyph/node.rb in glyph-0.1.0 vs lib/glyph/node.rb in glyph-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -53,17 +53,29 @@
ht = hash.to_node
ht.parent = self
@children << ht
+ # Removes a child node from self
+ # @param [node] node the child node to remove
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] unless an existing child node is passed as parameter
+ def >>(node)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Unknown child node" unless @children.include? node
+ node.parent = nil
+ @children.delete node
+ end
# Returns a child by its index
# @return [Node] the child node or nil
# @param [Integer] index the child index
def child(index)
- alias >> child
+ # See Node#child.
+ def &(index)
+ @children[index]
+ end
# Iterates through children
# @yieldparam [Node] c the child node
def each_child
@children.each {|c| yield c }