lib/glue/template.rb in glue-0.25.0 vs lib/glue/template.rb in glue-0.26.0
- old
+ new
@@ -57,17 +57,13 @@
# xform render/inject instructions <render href="xxx" />
# must be transformed before the processinc instructions.
- text.gsub!(/<inject href=["|'](.*?)["|'](.*)(.?)\/>/) do |match|
- "<?r render '#$1' ?>"
+ text.gsub!(/<(render|inject) href=["|'](.*?)["|'](.*)(.?)\/>/) do |match|
+ "<?r render '#$2' ?>"
- text.gsub!(/<render href=["|'](.*?)["|'](.*)(.?)\/>/) do |match|
- "<?r render '#$1' ?>"
- end
# Remove <root> elements. typically removed by xslt but lets
# play it safe. The <root> element is typically added to
# template files to make them XHTML valid.
@@ -152,9 +148,13 @@
setting :default, :default => 'index', :doc => 'The default template name'
# The default template file extension.
setting :extension, :default => 'xhtml', :doc => 'The default template file extension'
+ # Strip xml comments from templates?
+ setting :strip_xml_comments, :default => false, :doc => 'Strip xml comments from templates?'
class << self
include TemplateMixin
alias_method :compile, :compile_template
alias_method :transform, :compile_template