in glitch3d- vs in glitch3d-
- old
+ new
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This gem uses the Blender Python API to produces renders headlessly and leverages the raytracing engine Cycles to get optimal renders. Calls made to the Blender API have been tested with versions 2.78 and 2.79.
Cycles rendering engine does not support GLSL shaders so the shader library is using a node-based system but could be extended to serialize materials in the Open Shading Language.
+## Overview of the process
+1) the subject model (main argument of the cli call) is altered by one of the available 'glitching' strategies
+2) the base Blender scene is loaded and the subject is loaded and ajusted
+3) random canvas objects are picked up and drawn across the scene
+4) actual render begins and the scene is animated in each frame
## :warning: Warning
Setting `BLENDER_EXECUTABLE_PATH` in your environment is required. In general this gem relies on the presence of Python and Blender on the host machine. I am very aware this is not standard practice and plan to split components later down the road but this proves convenient for now.
## Installation
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## Usage
- `glitch3d file.obj`
CLI Options:
-- `mode` : (localized|default|none) => glitching strategy
-- `shots-number` : integer representing the number of - images desired (with animate: false)
-- `quality` : (high: 2000 x 2000|low 200 x 200) default: low => size of the render
-- `animate` : (true) default: false => Render .avi file
-- `frames` : (default: 200) => number of frames for simulation
+- `mode`: (localized|default|none) default: randomized => glitching strategy (how the subject model is altered)
+- `shots-number`: default: 4 => the number of images desired (only taken into account if `animate` is false)
+- `quality`: (high|low) default: low => size of the render (low is 200x200 pixels and high is 2000x2000 pixels)
+- `animate`: (true|false) default: false => enables render of .avi file
+- `frames`: default: 200 => number of frames for the simulation
+- `assets`: default: nil => URI to an asset folder that has the following subfolders: `/osl_shaders` `/fonts` `/texts` `/textures` `/height_maps` `/models`
+- `debug`: (true|false) default: false => allows to re-raise errors from canvas specific code (otherwise the program just exits with status code 1)
+- `webhook`: default: nil => url of endpoint to post potential error data to (useful for debugging)
+- `seed`: default: rand(1000) => randomness seed that you can pass to the generator to reproduce a specific render result (useful for debugging and refining a canvas result)
Renders (wether it is video or an image) will be output to `./renders` along with an export of the `.scene` file so that you can potentially fiddle with the resulting scene setup and adjust lights for instance.
## Examples
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To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [](
## Roadmap
-- extract fixtures management from gem
-- allow fixtures to be scraped from online resources such as [Thingiverse](
-- use Blender Compositor feature to streamline post-processing
-- use realtime Eevee engine to visualize intermediate renders
+- [x] extract fixtures management from gem
+- [x] allow fixtures to be scraped from online resources such as [Thingiverse](
+- [ ] use Blender Compositor feature to streamline post-processing
+- [ ] use realtime Eevee engine to visualize intermediate renders
+- [ ] support more 3D file formats (fbx, etc)
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant]( code of conduct.