lib/gitscape/base.rb in gitscape-1.3.8 vs lib/gitscape/base.rb in gitscape-1.3.9
- old
+ new
@@ -133,13 +133,12 @@
`git checkout #{previous_branch}`
def release_start
# Switch to master branch
- # puts"About to checkout master"
- `git checkout master`
- # puts"Checkout of master branch successful"
+ puts `git checkout master`
+ puts `git pull origin master`
# Check that the working copy is clean
exit 1 unless git_working_copy_is_clean
# Figure out the previous and new version numbers
@@ -149,26 +148,28 @@
# Get the new release_branch_name
release_branch_name = "i#{new_version_number}"
# Cut the branch
- `git checkout -b "release/#{release_branch_name}" master`
+ puts `git checkout -b "release/#{release_branch_name}" master`
exit 1 unless $?.exitstatus == 0
# Bump the version number
`echo "#{release_branch_name}" > ./version`
exit 1 unless $?.exitstatus == 0
# Commit the bump
- `git commit -a -m "Begin #{release_branch_name} release candidate"`
+ puts `git commit -a -m "Begin #{release_branch_name} release candidate"`
exit 1 unless $?.exitstatus == 0
+ # Update qa to the new commit
+ puts `git push origin "release/#{release_branch_name}:qa"`
+ exit 1 unless $?.exitstatus == 0
# Push to origin
- `git push origin -u "release/#{release_branch_name}"`
+ puts `git push origin -u "release/#{release_branch_name}"`
exit 1 unless $?.exitstatus == 0
- `git push origin "release/#{release_branch_name}:qa"`
- exit 1 unless $?.exitstatus == 0
def release_finish new_version_number=0
# Check if the working copy is clean, if not, exit
exit 1 unless git_working_copy_is_clean
@@ -180,17 +181,19 @@
new_version_number = current_version_number + 1
release_branch_name = "release/i#{new_version_number}"
release_branch = @repo.branch release_branch_name
+ # Fetch in order to have the latest branch revisions
# Get branch information for checks
branch_keys = ["name", "revision", "message"]
branch_values = `git branch -av`.scan(/^[ \*]*([^ \*]+) +([^ ]+) +(.*)$/)
branches = {|components| Hash[ components ] }
branch_revisions = Hash[ {|branch| [branch["name"], branch["revision"]] } ]
# Check if the required branches in sync
- required_synced_branches = [ [release_branch_name, "remotes/origin/qa"], ["master", "remotes/origin/master"], ["live", "remotes/origin/live"] ]
+ required_synced_branches = [[release_branch_name, "remotes/origin/qa"]]
required_synced_branches.each do |branch_pair|
if branch_revisions[ branch_pair[0] ] != branch_revisions[ branch_pair[0] ]
puts "*** ERROR: The #{branch_pair[0]} branch is not the same as the #{branch_pair[1]} branch.
\tPlease resolve this and try again."
exit 3