in gitmoji-regex-1.0.1 vs in gitmoji-regex-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -15,17 +15,35 @@
5. Implement your feature or bug fix.
6. Run `bundle exec rake`. If your specs fail, return to step 5.
7. Run `open coverage/index.html`. If your changes are not completely covered
by your tests, return to step 3.
8. Add documentation for your feature or bug fix.
-9. Run `bundle exec rake verify_measurements`. If your changes are not 100%
- documented, go back to step 8.
-10. Commit and push your changes.
-11. [Submit a pull request.][pr]
+9. Commit and push your changes.
+10. [Submit a pull request.][pr]
+## Release
+To release a new version:
+1. run `bin/refresh`, or `rake regenerate`, to update the regex to current gitmoji set
+ - Test `gitmoji/regex/reference_spec.rb` may fail showing new gitmojis
+ - These will need to be added to the test, and noted in the CHANGELOG
+2. update the version number in `version.rb`
+3. run `bin/setup && bin/rake` to update `Gemfile.lock`
+4. run `bundle exec rake build:checksum`
+5. move the built gem to project root
+6. run `bin/checksum` to create the missing SHA256 checksum
+7. move the built gem back to `pkg/`
+8. commit the changes
+9. run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [][rubygems].
+NOTE: You will need to have a public key in `certs/`, and list your cert in the
+`gemspec`, in order to sign the new release.
+See: [RubyGems Security Guide][rubygems-security-guide]
## Contributors